Help with ideas for placing the Aow in Forgotten Realms in Moonsea region.

Age of Worms Adventure Path

I'm in the process of adapting the Age of Worms to the Realms, and while I really appreciate the fact that Eric and Pazio went to the trouble of creating the Overload supliment, I just didn't feel it fit "my Realms."

My players would have a lot of trouble believing the AoW as described in the FR portion of the Overload - especially in the changes to Daggerford. Unfortunatly, this is an area in the Realms that my players have adventured around in ever since the N4 module days. They are very familiar with the 'canon' descriptions of the region, and have actually helped shape the region in my version of the Realms. Changing Daggerford so significantly just won't "feel right."

What I decided to do was follow Eric's advise to another poster over on the WotC boards vice and stick the module "somewhere in the middle of nowhere" in the Realms. I chose the Moonsea. It has the hard-edge, down-on-your-luck, everyone's out for themselves attitude needed for running Diamond Lake just as it's described in the Dungeon magazine adventurers.

For those of you familiar with the Realms, I placed Diamond Lake northeast from Phlan - about ten mile northeast of the far eastern edge of the Dragonspine Mountains. Neither the town, lake or the river draining from the lake appear on any FR maps, which is fine for me. The place is really just a small backwater place. This way, I can still even call the place Diamond Lake (it's a reasonable Damarain translation of the original dwarven name for the place).

The cairns are located SE of Diamond Lake, in the western edge of the Thar. The various cairns & tombs were built by a number of earlier civilizations, including the Eldar Ogers of Thar, the dwarves of several kingdoms, Giants and even some of the early humans of ancient Phlan. Obviously, the Vaati tombs predate them all, but since many of the lesser races copied (as best the could) the architecure of the Vaati, the tomb from the first module won't stand out until the players get into the adventure.

Rather than use the Vaati as part of the Djinn who founded Calisham (as Eric suggests), I've decided to say that they were followers of Akadi (Godess of Elemental Air) and say that they have struggled against the evil forces of Auril (Godess of Winter) for centuries in the windswept plains of the Tortured Lands to the north.

Thus, I won't use the AoW hooks for the Rod of Seven Parts. Instead, I'll make the segment of the rod a Legacy Weapon for Akadi's faithful. It can grow in power as they progress through the AP.

Blackwall Keep is a castle on the northern border of the lizardman infested Glumpen Swamp, which is northeast of Phlan. It's manned by soldiers from Phlan, and basicaly serves as a rest stop for ore caravans from Glister and the western Dragonspine mountains heading south.

The "Free City" will be Phlan. All I had to do is adjust my map of Phlan to include an arena, which I'm actually thinking about putting in the ruined ward formerly occupied by Castle Velajio. That will also allow me to tie in Moander and the Pools of Radiance to the plot, which I intended to do anyway.

I've also changed the three Gods that Eric recommended using in the Overload. I did this mostly because I wanted to use Moander (the God of Rot and Decay) in the AP. He's an old favorite of mine, and I haven't used him in a long time. He should be an unpleasant surprise for my players.

To go along with Moander (as Nerull), I'm using Gargos (as Hexor) and Bhaal (as Erythnul). All three of these gods are either dead or waning in the modern Realms, so this joint venture represents a gamble of the three faiths to re-establish themselves as movers and shakers.

The only changes I forsee making in the Kyuss-related material is that the worms from the Kyuss Zombies are green, rotting earthworms rather than segmented flatworms. This is a outward sign that Moander is involved in the plot.

That's about as far as I've gotten with the conversion, but I thought I'd see if you folks had any comments or saw any problems with what I've done so far. Let me know what you folks think of these ideas and feel free to poke holes in what I've said here. I want to make this adapttation as tight as possible,and I'd welcome your help.

Sovereign Court

Then you probably heard that The Moonsea Sourcebook from WOTC is coming out around the next spring.
As a interesting change of pace,Diamond Lake could be An Zhentarim-controlled mining town like the town of Whitehorn further north.
As Gargauth the god of betrayal and political corruption is seeking to take Moander's portfolio from Finder(rot), he could the sponser behind the Ebon Triad.

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I use the Moonsea area and it works nicely. I set it south of the moonsea. The important areas to have are a Free city and a Diamond lake size mining town, and a swamp. If you look on the map:

Hillsfar makes a perfect free city and has gladiator events already.

South of that is a town call Haptooth that is built around a big hill with mines in it. To the east of that is a frozen swamp that is perfect for the encounter at blackwall keep.

Haptooth is a nice location because it should be a bit rundown from recent events. About 15 years ago they were enslaved by a red wizard and his drow followers. It could easily have the run down feel of Diamond lake.

The location is just about perfect for a journey to the Freecity of Hillsfar, and having an outpost on the northern shores of the swamp directly south of it. Its also rather undeveloped in the source books so leaves room for DM customization. The only thing its missing is a jungle, which most of the forgotten realms is missing anyways. This may not matter though as we haven't yet had the adventure featuring jungles.

bshugg wrote:
The only thing its missing is a jungle, which most of the forgotten realms is missing anyways. This may not matter though as we haven't yet had the adventure featuring jungles.

I get the feeling that even in AoWAP the jungles will be accessed through portals or other forms of magic travel. That will mean that the Jungles far in the south (ie Chult) will work just fine.

Sean Mahoney

ColdSteel wrote:
Then you probably heard that The Moonsea Sourcebook from WOTC is coming out around the next spring.

Yea - I've only been waiting for another Moonsea book since WotC released the concept cover for Volo's Guide to the Moonsea back in 2E. I can still remmebr the picture of Volo fighting with what looked like a loaf of French bread.

ColdSteel wrote:
As a interesting change of pace,Diamond Lake could be An Zhentarim-controlled mining town like the town of Whitehorn further north.

Actually, I'd rather keep the town independent. I think it makes for a tougher attitude and a more interesting situation for the PC's. There will be Zhentarim agents in town, but the Zhents are still trying to find a way to gain power.

One of the things I am going to do is to have Smenk be a former Zhentilar. He retired from the Zhentish army and headed east to make his fortune. No one in town knows about his brutal history as a knee-breaker for Fazoul & co.

This explains how the forces of Kyuss got into his mine. About a year ago, Smenk got a visit from an old "friend" of his (the Bhall priest who controls 1/3 of the secret temple in Smenk's mine). He brought an offer that Smenk couldn't refuse "Allow the temples to be build in your mine or I'll expose your entire past to the Council of Phlan. Since this would quickly end his ownership/control fo the mine, Smenk agreed. Smenk's in a tough place, and looks to use the PC's as a secret weapon.

ColdSteel wrote:
As Gargauth the god of betrayal and political corruption is seeking to take Moander's portfolio from Finder(rot), he could the sponser behind the Ebon Triad.

I hadn't really thought about that - it's an excellent idea. Thanks. I think that I'll play that up in the materials the PC's find in the various temples. It can also explain why the three temples don't aid each other better. A little infighting among evil never hurts.

bshugg wrote:
Hillsfar makes a perfect free city and has gladiator events already.

Correct, Hillsfar is one of the only cities in the Eastern Heartlands that currently has an arena with gladitorial combats on a regular basis. I thought about using Hillsfar as the Free City, but I've got a problem with the fact that they bar non-humans from entering the city.

Given the xenophobic nature of Maalthiir (the mage who rules Hillsfar), the fact that demi-humans banned from the city, and add onto that the fact that even human adventurers are "strongly suggested" to stay outside of the city walls near the docks, and I just couldn't make it work for me. My campaign is still a couple of months away, but my players are likely to have at least 3 or 4 elven and dwarven PC's. It just felt too conveluted to have the games in Hillsfar.

Just curious bshugg, How are you working around HIllsfar laws that prevent non-humans from entering the city? Or won't it be a problem with your PC's?

bshugg wrote:
South of that is a town call Haptooth that is built around a big hill with mines in it.

Actually, the village is called Hap. Only the hill itself is called Haptooth. But you're correct, given it's proximity to the Dun Hills, Hap will make an excellent location for Diamond Lake and the cairns.

What background will you give the Vaati? Will they tie in with the elves of Cormanthor or predate them?

bshugg wrote:
To the east of that is a frozen swamp that is perfect for the encounter at blackwall keep.

I'm assuming you mean The Cold Fields, correct? I've never heard them described as a swamp. I've always heard them described as a heather or a desolate moor. On the other hand, there is no reason that you couldn't use the Cold Fields for a swamp. Either way, they are a desolate place and should work reasonably well.

Sovereign Court

As an additional resource, i recommend the adventure Sons of Gruumsh(?)for those adventuring in the moonsea area.
Just my two cents.

Sovereign Court

Halidan wrote:
ColdSteel wrote:
Then you probably heard that The Moonsea Sourcebook from WOTC is coming out around the next spring.

Yea - I've only been waiting for another Moonsea book since WotC released the concept cover for Volo's Guide to the Moonsea back in 2E. I can still remmebr the picture of Volo fighting with what looked like a loaf of French bread.

ColdSteel wrote:
As a interesting change of pace,Diamond Lake could be An Zhentarim-controlled mining town like the town of Whitehorn further north.

Actually, I'd rather keep the town independent. I think it makes for a tougher attitude and a more interesting situation for the PC's. There will be Zhentarim agents in town, but the Zhents are still trying to find a way to gain power.

One of the things I am going to do is to have Smenk be a former Zhentilar. He retired from the Zhentish army and headed east to make his fortune. No one in town knows about his brutal history as a knee-breaker for Fazoul & co.

This explains how the forces of Kyuss got into his mine. About a year ago, Smenk got a visit from an old "friend" of his (the Bhall priest who controls 1/3 of the secret temple in Smenk's mine). He brought an offer that Smenk couldn't refuse "Allow the temples to be build in your mine or I'll expose your entire past to the Council of Phlan. Since this would quickly end his ownership/control fo the mine, Smenk agreed. Smenk's in a tough place, and looks to use the PC's as a secret weapon.

ColdSteel wrote:
As Gargauth the god of betrayal and political corruption is seeking to take Moander's portfolio from Finder(rot), he could the sponser behind the Ebon Triad.

I hadn't really thought about that - it's an excellent idea. Thanks. I think that I'll play that up in the materials the PC's find in the various temples. It can also explain why the three temples don't aid each other better. A little infighting among evil never hurts.

I only thought of using Gargauth because i was tired of Bane,Cyric and Shar taking the lion's share of the evil across Faerun. Let the other evil gods have their turn.

Cold Steel wrote:
As an additional resource, i recommend the adventure Sons of Gruumsh(?)for those adventuring in the moonsea area.

I've got the adventure would like to include it in the campaign, but since it's written for for 4th level characters, I'll probably have to scale up the adventure. Fortunatly, it's an easy module to tinker with and increasing the opponets shouldn't be much trouble.

At this point, I think the logical place to insert the adventure is after the first two adventures and before the encounters with the lizardmen at the Keep.

Since heading to the Keep is motivated by an NPC discovering additional information about te worms, it's easy enough to delay that adventure trigger until they finish with the orcs.

Son's of Grummsh wouldn't be unrelated to the main AoW plot, but that's OK by me - I don't feel that every adventure has to advance the main AP.

Does this seem logical? Any advice?

Sovereign Court

Halidan wrote:
Cold Steel wrote:
As an additional resource, i recommend the adventure Sons of Gruumsh(?)for those adventuring in the moonsea area.

I've got the adventure would like to include it in the campaign, but since it's written for for 4th level characters, I'll probably have to scale up the adventure. Fortunatly, it's an easy module to tinker with and increasing the opponets shouldn't be much trouble.

At this point, I think the logical place to insert the adventure is after the first two adventures and before the encounters with the lizardmen at the Keep.

Since heading to the Keep is motivated by an NPC discovering additional information about te worms, it's easy enough to delay that adventure trigger until they finish with the orcs.

Son's of Grummsh wouldn't be unrelated to the main AoW plot, but that's OK by me - I don't feel that every adventure has to advance the main AP.

Does this seem logical? Any advice?

One way of linking Sons with Aow is to replace the lizardfolk with the grey orcs. The black dragon could infecting the orcish children with the worms and the Orogs are taking advantage of this and rallying an army by claiming that the humans are responible and sacrificing humans would please Yurtus(orc god of disease,another contender for Kyuss?). They may or may not serve the dragon. The half elven wizard(one of the missing scions) can be Allustan'former apprentice instead of his old colleague.

The trick is in the lesser evil-helping the orcs who might someday begin massing another horde or ignoring their plight and having swarms of Kyuss zombies marching to Melvaunt.

Cold Steel wrote:
One way of linking Sons with Aow is to replace the lizardfolk with the grey orcs. The black dragon could infecting the orcish children with the worms and the Orogs are taking advantage of this and rallying an army by claiming that the humans are responible and sacrificing humans would please Yurtus(orc god of disease,another contender for Kyuss?). They may or may not serve the dragon.

That's an interesting possibility, but I really like the idea of the party having to infiltrate/quietly enter the lizardman lair in the swamp. I think it's probably one of the better written scenes in the AP, and one of the few where the PC's can use diplomacy and turn enemies into allies against the Kyuss threat.

Let's face it, most of the cultists and other opponents in te AP are firmly in the Kyuss camp, and cannot be reasoned with or convinced of the error of their ways. The lizardmen can be reasoned with, and aren't inherently evil - orcs would be.

I think that replacing the lizardmen with orcs would just allow/cause my players to slaughter them at both he keep and in the swamp - there would be no diplomacy attempt at all.

Cold Steel wrote:
The half elven wizard(one of the missing scions) can be Allustan'former apprentice instead of his old colleague.

That's an excellent idea and another thread that I can use with the Sons of Grumish adventure. Even if the Sons is a sidetrek that is unrelated to the main AP, it's always a good idea to have NPC's from the area know each other - it makes the game world seem more realistic. Thanks for the idea.

Cold Steel wrote:
The trick is in the lesser evil-helping the orcs who might someday begin massing another horde or ignoring their plight and having swarms of Kyuss zombies marching to Melvaunt.

That's a possibility, but I have my doubts that my players would recognise the opportunity. I thik they'd just slaughter the orcs in both adventurers instead.

Sovereign Court

Depending how far you can with this adventure path and if you read the age of worms overload, i recommend you should Manzorian with Manshoon(the faceless one in FOE can just as effective without his mask to avoid confusion) and the town of magepoint can replaced the city of Thentia with their own large community of wizards/sorcerors.


Halidan wrote:

That's an interesting possibility, but I really like the idea of the party having to infiltrate/quietly enter the lizardman lair in the swamp. I think it's probably one of the better written scenes in the AP, and one of the few where the PC's can use diplomacy and turn enemies into allies against the Kyuss threat.

Gaming Rule #63: Killing all the lizardmen is always a mistake. [U2 - Danger at Dunwater]



Sovereign Court

Gaming Rule#64: Leave no witnesses to lizardfolk massacre.

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