Demonicon: A Family Reunion??

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

So let me get this straight..I did some research and dug up some info. After visisting a couple of sites and reading the original Temple of Elemental Evil module I came up with this.
So, Iggwilv was Graz'zt's wife Iuz was their son. After that Iuz got mixed up with ToEE, Zugttmoy and the "Orb of Golden Death" And then his darling mother wrote a great book on Demon Lords and Queens after she betrayed both her husband and son. Later Iggwilv frees Zugttmoy from some prison and takes control of a Thoerpart which can release Tharzidun from his own prison. Am I correct?
He-he spelt Demonomicon wrong.

Karusa wrote:

So, Iggwilv was Graz'zt's wife Iuz was their son. After that Iuz got mixed up with ToEE, Zugttmoy and the "Orb of Golden Death" And then his darling mother wrote a great book on Demon Lords and Queens after she betrayed both her husband and son. Later Iggwilv frees Zugttmoy from some prison and takes control of a Thoerpart which can release Tharzidun from his own prison. Am I correct?

if i understand it correctly, Iggwilv has been working on the Demonomicon(s) since she was Zagyg's apprentice way in the way-back... the fact that Iuz and Eclavdra survived infancy is a testament to how tough they should be; Iggwilv doesn't really seem to care about anything but gathering power.

other than the authoring of the Demonomicon, the order of events you've described sounds about right to me.

yup - she's Evil!

Karusa wrote:
Later Iggwilv frees Zugttmoy from some prison and takes control of a Thoerpart which can release Tharzidun from his own prison. Am I correct?

Not sure about this last part. Where did you read that?

neat stuff, eh? :)

I do not believe that Iggy and Grazzt were ever actually married.. wasn't he more like her love slave...

i'm sure that "marriage" is a rather foreign concept to most fiends. :) just about as foreign as "love".

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