Last minute quesion - game tomorrow

Age of Worms Adventure Path

I have a player that is playing a Soulknife. He asked me if soulknife mind blades shed light. My first instinct would be to say yes, but have I missed something somewhere that says they don't?

Scarab Sages

DMPugLW wrote:
I have a player that is playing a Soulknife. He asked me if soulknife mind blades shed light. My first instinct would be to say yes, but have I missed something somewhere that says they don't?

I can't find anything that says whether it sheds light or not. However, that being said, I would treat it the same as when someone creates a magic weapon.

DMG page 286 wrote:
At the time of creation, the creator must decide if the weapon glows or not as a side-effect of the magic imbued within it...

In my games I give soulknives the option of whether their mindblades glow or not. And the option to change that with every manifestation of the mindblade. However, instead of shedding light like a torch, I make the glow stronger as the soulknife gets more powerful. I have a glowing mindblade shed shadowy light in a 5-ft radius before it gains its first enhancement bonus, and then at every odd enhancement, the bright light radius increases by 5 feet. 5 feet of bright illumination at 4th level, 10 feet at 8th level, 15 feet at 12th level, 20 feet at 16th level, and 25 feet at 20th level. Of course, it also sheds shadowy illumination at an equal distance past the bright illumination. Also, the soulknife can choose to have their blade shed less light

DMPugLW wrote:
I have a player that is playing a Soulknife. He asked me if soulknife mind blades shed light. My first instinct would be to say yes, but have I missed something somewhere that says they don't?

Go with your gut on these things. It feels better.

Here's what I did with a similar prestige class: It glows. It glows brighter as you go up. You do not get a choice on if it glows. You can, however, stop manifesting it, which will put a stop to the glowing, but you can't make attacks with the weapon till you manifest it again (which btw aint that difficult to do).

Your milage may, as always, vary from mine, but the player in question liked it just fine and my game felt no negative impact.

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