jylan |
I know that a while back i said on a thread somewhere that i thought it would be almost impossible to run this in IK. Well i have had a change of heart and would really apreciate some help from anyone who has attempted it so far. What have you changed or substituted and where have you set it in the IK? Thanks .
Arcesilaus |
I know that a while back i said on a thread somewhere that i thought it would be almost impossible to run this in IK. Well i have had a change of heart and would really apreciate some help from anyone who has attempted it so far. What have you changed or substituted and where have you set it in the IK? Thanks .
Well, I am in the middle of converting (we start this weekend), and it's been a doozie of a project.
[By the way, if you are one of my players, milking me for DM-knowlegde, I'll know and feed you to a dragon, post haste.]
Anyway, I initially began thinking about how to replace the major antagonists (Dragotha, etc.) with IK-appropriate baddies, but didn't get far before I realized that I needed to begin with the simpler elements of Diamond Lake and work my way up to the meta-plot. I am keeping most of Diamond Lake the way it is, replacing the Free City with Corvis (it took me a long time to decide between Caspia and Corvis, though, and I'm still not 100% sure I made the right decision). Obviously, all gnomes have been replaced with gobbers. Also, I changed the elven mine manager to a Rynnish human, which seemed to fit. I made the St. Cuthbert chapel into a Temple to Menoth, which fits the whole "edge of legality and reason" approach that the writer seemed to be going for. I made the Heironean temple a temple to Morrow, specifically the Asc. Markus. I changed the Ebon Triad gods to 3 scions of Thamar that are supposedly attempting to overthrow Thamar and become truly divine (I have suddenly forgotten which 3 scions, but they correlate roughly to Hextor, Vecna, and Eryhtnul).
Obviously, there are many other changes that need to be made, but that's the beginning. I am very interested to hear what you have thought of and will continue to post my ideas.
jylan |
Thanks for the reply. I think we're really going to have to put our heads together on this one. As of yet i havent decided on a location for Diamond Lake but i was tending to think of somewhere to the north of Corvis. Not to sure if i will use it as a replacement for the free city or not. I have just ordered the World Guide and Lieber Mechanicus so i am waiting on them. I think it might be a problem with Dragotha and Kyuss. Dragotha i could see being possibly a child of Lord Toruk, maybe even giving it a mechanical 'twist'. Kyuss though i'm not to sure of yet. I will keep you posted as i think of new ideas and on the state of play. Thanks.
Patrick Barrett |
I'm a fan of the IK, myself, and agree that, in tone at least, the Age of Worms AP fits nicely with that setting. However, I'm particularly interested in hearing how you guys plan on reconciling elements like the Air Lords (due to the IK being effectively cut off from the planes) and the various dragons (due to their unique nature and limited number in the IK) that play such a large role in events. There were a few other elements mentioned in the campaign overview in AoW Overload (Kyuus' pact with demons would seem to indicate some sort of Infernalism or dragon-taint) that also did not quite seem to fit. Perhaps one of you would be so kind as to post your conversion here when it is complete? I'm not sure yet that I would use the IK or not, but I'd certainly like to see what you come up with.
Arcesilaus |
Thanks for the reply. I think we're really going to have to put our heads together on this one. As of yet i havent decided on a location for Diamond Lake but i was tending to think of somewhere to the north of Corvis. Not to sure if i will use it as a replacement for the free city or not. I have just ordered the World Guide and Lieber Mechanicus so i am waiting on them. I think it might be a problem with Dragotha and Kyuss. Dragotha i could see being possibly a child of Lord Toruk, maybe even giving it a mechanical 'twist'. Kyuss though i'm not to sure of yet. I will keep you posted as i think of new ideas and on the state of play. Thanks.
Unfortunately, in my case, the World Guide has not provided very much in the way of inspiration or conversion help. Hopefully, it will be more useful to you. As for Dragotha, my initial thought was to use an Iron Lich (perhaps one of Toruk's 12 Lich Lords?). Obviously, to match Dragotha for sheer CR, it would have to be a very high level character (archmage, perhaps?).
As for the Wind Dukes, I decided to replace them with the Elven gods. Since no one knows what happened to them on their trip back to the Veld, I imagined that they were betrayed by Nyss, ambushed, and destroyed (?) by a group of powerful Infernals that had been set loose by or caused the destruction of the elven bridge. The gods and their loyal minions (including Isoziel et al.) battled the Infernals and managed to banish them by using a powerful artifact (in place of the Rod of 7 Parts), but many were killed and buried in hills near modern-day Corvis. To reflect this, I changed much of the elemental imagery of the Whispering Cairn to elven style. I also changed the lanterns so that each was the symbolic color of one of the gods (except Nyss, of course). I also changed the earth elemental prisoner to a minor infernal (with the stats of an imp).