Theldrick's Monologue

Age of Worms Adventure Path

All good bad guys need a Monologue when they face the heroes. I had a great opportunity for the villain to show some personality with the Room 11 Kung-Fu show-down.

Also, note that Theldrick explains that the heroes were prophesized to arrive; that explains the cults apparent readiness.

Neophytes of war, the lord of all that matters most
has bestowed upon us a most pleasing gift. As
prophesized, heretics have come to violate our beloved
and sacred school.

And our faith has been rewarded; before us are filth
whose lives have been harvested for the sole purpose
of death at our hands in honor of the one…Hextor.

If you have any parting thought or last words, save
them. We care not, and they will go unheard in this
sanctuary. Do die honorably, and Hextor might accept
you into his fields of perpetual pain in the after-life.

I’ve Got Reach wrote:
Do die honorably, and Hextor might accept you into his fields of perpetual pain in the after-life.

Hextor is not real big on honor in battle. He is more of a "kick them again when they are down" type of deity.

Nice monologue. :)

Great idea and good work! Unfortunately my players never give the villains time to monologue, ever.

Dark Archive

Craig Clark wrote:

He is more of a "kick them again when they are down" type of deity.


This is great.
I'll definitly remember this line for the next time a players has questions about the gods...:)

Will be using this in my game on Saturday.

Sovereign Court

I using this the next priest of Bane the party encounters.

MetalBard wrote:
Great idea and good work! Unfortunately my players never give the villains time to monologue, ever.

I just don't get that; I understand that they want to kick the bad guys butt, but if I've gone throught the trouble of scripting, I'm sure as hell gonna get it off. Thats too bad.....

Rock! That is seriously awesome. Made my day.

Aw man! I'd like to have had this when I ran this battle just last Wednesday. This archive setup stinks.

Of course, the PC paladin laid Theldrick low in three rounds, so he might not have even gotten to the 'die honorably' part.

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