FR Question for Adventure 4 for Mr. Boyd

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Are you planning on linking the dopplegangers from adventure 4 to the Unseen from Waterdeep? If so are you planning on substituting Hlaavin for the ilithid?

Now that GenCon is over any chance of an answer on this?

Liberty's Edge

Even if he's not planning that - The Unseen are really cool! So cool in fact, that I use them in my Eberron campaign.
I would go ahead, and do it! Nice idea!


DMPugLW wrote:
Are you planning on linking the dopplegangers from adventure 4 to the Unseen from Waterdeep? If so are you planning on substituting Hlaavin for the ilithid?

Sorry, I missed this the first time around.

There will be a link, most assuredly. I have not yet decided on whether to subsitute Hlaavin for the illithid. There's a problem with the CR gap between the stats for Hlaavin (CR 15) and the illithid (CR 11). In other words, I'm working through the conversion this week.


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