Chris Wissel - WerePlatypus |

What are you planning to use this for? If it's to help people swim a great distance underwater in no time, I might consider going with a personal range, and making it a second or third level spell, with a DC of 10 + spell level + modifier.
If you are using this to sink galleys and warships (the overall distance covered by the spell if the center is at the surface is 120', so this is very possible), I'd definitely make this a ninth level spell.
In either case, you may want to consider a variable range, like close (25' + 5'/2 caster levels)or medium (100'+ 10'/caster level).
Also duration is an issue. I'm assuming it only last one round? Or is it an effect that created a "hole" for ships to get sunk into?
Sounds like a pretty cool spell. You may be in luck. . . as Stormwrack will be coming out soon. They may have something similar to help you determine the various factors. Good luck!

Hal Maclean Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 |

I once made up a cloak that did something like that. Sort of like a magical raincoat, kept water 1 ft. away from the wearer at all times. Things went fine, the PC got some kicks out of running through water elementals and the like. And then, one session, he got knocked off the prow of a ship...
Loooogn fall, and then a splat at the bottom of the ocean.
(I said there was lots of mud to break his fall and let him teleport out... after I stopped laughing)

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Well, to determine the saving throw, we should start by determining a school for the spell.
It seems that it should be trasmutation spell because it changes the physical effects of water. Since the effect would be an object, I don't think any saving throw is required. Still, if we're talking about a 100' fall, you're looking at 10d6 damage, except, since you'd be falling into water, it would be a lot less. I'm not sure what the rules would be, but I think falling into water should reduce the damage to 1/4 what it would normally be. 10d6/4 is effectively 2.5d6.
4th level spell seems appropriate.
You could also conceivably treat it as a conjuration spell. Perhaps it replaces the water with air for a fixed duration. As water rushes back in, floating object might rise back to the surface. That would prevent it from being used to sink ships.
Hope these thoughts help a bit.

wraith_bones |

ya those r all good ideas thanks guys and your right i was planning to use it as a "trap" for ships as the water doesnt look diffrent but has the consistancy of air. falling into water from 100 feet would do 1/2 reg and 1/2 nonlethal damage at least thats my house rule and splinter any ship that couldnt fly or prevent pursuit from waterborne enemies

BigBen |

Resistance and Buyancy are 2 different things ...
No Water Resistance (the fact that water impedes movement): consider that "creatures" have to be able to "fly" or be helpless ... so an underwater dragon would be fine but most fishes and humanoids would simply "trash around"
No Water Buyancy (the fact that water negates some of the effect of gravity by displacement of water volume): all objects/creatures must "fight" to overcome gravity, therefore they sink unless they take a move action to maintain themselves (water resistance can still be used to propel oneself)
Both: now that's nasty, consider the volume of water affected as if it was air (or even vacuum) where movement is considered, in the first case, a dragon could fly out of it, in the second case, unless you have a levitate effect or are naturally buyant (i.e. Beholder) ... then you sink ...
If you're affecting the water itself, I do not why anyone would be allowed a save (maybe a Reflex if the creature is at the edge of the effect so that it can "move" to the closest unaffected square) and maybe Magid Resistance to "ignore" the effect.
If you're affecting the creatures in the area, then I would allow for a Fortitude and Magic Resistance. But you have to consider if you want "objects" to be affected (such as a ship).

wraith_bones |

thats a good point, maybe critters caught in it wouldnt get a save just fall unless they can fly, levitate, or teleport
hmmm ..... anyway, thanx for your input.
what about a spell that increases gravity by 2-4 times normal normal to pull flying critters outa the sky (or climbing) to slow or paralyze earth bound critters.and do u think falling damage would b increased?