Barbarian Antics


My brother played a half-orc barbarian, CE, Erythnul, named Urgar The Horrible. FIRST DAY he punched in the face of a baby gnome tha t was LAYING DOWN in BED. Later, he made a gnome bard, and I gave it a twist, the baby was the bard's son.

He also coupe de grace'd Lidda, Eberk, and Aramil.

After our party was set free from the clutches of a boneclaw by an old man, he killed the old, impotent fingerless man. (billy nubbins) then got totally owned by the Paladin and good Fighter (both rolled critical hits!)

Hehehehehe... Maybe...

Mr. Vader is my brother...

I was gaming with a friend of mine that played a CN half ogre Barbarian named Thagg. He came up to me in the game and told me I needed to check for traps. I started to protest that I was a Fighter/Sorcerer, not a Rogue when he picked me up (he made his grapple check) and tossed me down the hallway. Luckily there were no traps down the corridor and only my ego was hurt. I cast daze on him and told him that if he ever did that again I would castrate him. Later he also threw me into a room full of yeti's for casting a spell on him. Luckily I was a relatively good fighter too and killed them all. Ever since then it has been a love/hate relationship.

Dark Archive


I was in game where we ran into a gnomish tinker that had information we needed. The gnome started dropping hints that a bribe was a required. Instead the figher took this gnome's clock off the wall and started showing it to the barbarian. He said the clock was a gnomish game. When the little bird comes out you have to hit it before anyone else. The barbarian asked if he could use his great axe to smash it open instead of waiting around. The party said no but while he was waiting there were some other gnomish games he could try.

The gnome decided that he would give us the information.

dragonlvr wrote:
I was gaming with a friend of mine that played a CN half ogre Barbarian named Thagg. He came up to me in the game and told me I needed to check for traps. I started to protest that I was a Fighter/Sorcerer, not a Rogue when he picked me up (he made his grapple check) and tossed me down the hallway. Luckily there were no traps down the corridor and only my ego was hurt. I cast daze on him and told him that if he ever did that again I would castrate him. Later he also threw me into a room full of yeti's for casting a spell on him. Luckily I was a relatively good fighter too and killed them all. Ever since then it has been a love/hate relationship.

I've dealt with this kind of player and charecter before. As a wizard or in your case a sorcerer just remember that subtle is better when dealing with those guys.

Tie his shoes together useing the prestidigitation cantrip or just remember that cantrips can be used to remove color,flavor and odor from poisions as well as to enhance them in foods. I don't even want to mention all the goodies an unseen servant can do, all the while the mage is totally visable and so is his beloved familiar.

If you rideing and his cinch strap on his mount happens to untie itself, well you get the point. I ended up killing a players charecter 6 times before he left my wizard alone.

The player was a jerk that thought since he was the fighter he was the defacto leader and the rest of us were there to help/serve him on his noble quests.
The guy had read way too much conan and other stuff where the big jock fighters were always the heroes.

You don't HAVE to kill him but the guy I dealt with was rather dense.

good luck.

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