Thanks Paizo!

Customer Service

I just wanted to publically state that I changed my address with you guys right before I moved, and I didn't miss an issue. Great job and many thanks! :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Khur wrote:
I just wanted to publically state that I changed my address with you guys right before I moved, and I didn't miss an issue. Great job and many thanks! :)

You're welcome. And for anybody peeking in, the best time to submit an address change is *right after* we ship the last issue you want to arrive at the old address. That will ensure that the next one gets shipped to the new address.

However, the US Postal Service will forward periodicals for 60 days after your new address is in their system, so if you're a bit late, you should still get your issues - it just may take a bit longer.


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