Backdrop: Denizens of Diamond Lake

Age of Worms Adventure Path

From the Next Month in Dungeon section of the latest mag under Backdrop: Denizens of Diamond Lake:

"Need to convert the Age of Worms to Forgotten Realms or Eberron?... This article has all the crunch you'll need to run adventures based in Diamond Lake."

Does this mean we WON'T be seeing the online conversion notes and that instead they are being moved to next months backdrop?

Sean Mahoney

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

I wish it were that simple.

In fact, ALL of the overflow stuff will be going into a Web Enhancement that should hit either late this week or early next. That will include the Denizens material (which didn't fit in 125, either), encounter tables, Diamond Lake hinterlands, the campaign outline, and some concept sketches for upcoming installments.

The Age of Worms Adventure Path is out of control! :)

--Erik Mona

That makes me laugh, but I consider that a good thing. I would much rather have this kind of thing as a web enhancement and more adventure in the magazine itself.

Sure there are people who don't have access to computers on a regular basis, I know you mention convicts and soldiers fairly often (of course, soldiers are claiming they have greater and greater online access and, well, I just can't see convicts as a huge portion of your subscribing audience), but if they had to make the choice I would bet they would vote for more adventure as opposed to conversion notes.

So really you are not short sticking those guys, you are making a call about what you think they would like most and yet making sure that the 90% of your audience that does have internet access gets their cake and eats it too.

So thanks...

Sean Mahoney

Erik Mona wrote:
The Age of Worms Adventure Path is out of control! :)

No complaints here!! (Except for those aimed towards the US Postal Service :P) To me it means that you've packed the magazines full to the brim, and have created extra content for us that you're offering us for free online. That's great :D

Erik Mona wrote:
In fact, ALL of the overflow stuff will be going into a Web Enhancement that should hit either late this week or early next. That will include the Denizens material (which didn't fit in 125, either), encounter tables, Diamond Lake hinterlands, the campaign outline, and some concept sketches for upcoming installments.

I was kind of expecting that you meant this stuff was going to be in the 124 online supplement (like the conversion notes and scaling sidebar were). Will it come out in a separate web enhancement soon, or will it come out in the 125 online supplement?

Thanks for keeping us informed.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

As a seperate web enhancement. My guess? It'll be more than 30 pages long. We'll see. I still have a couple things to finish writing for it. Rest assured, everyone, Young Jeremy Walker stares daggers at me every morning for not having it done, so I'm pretty much buried in shame. I hope to have it finished by Friday, for posting midweek next.

I realize that's later than I said upthread, but I figure an honest update is the best policy.


Erik Mona wrote:
I realize that's later than I said upthread, but I figure an honest update is the best policy.

No rush at all. I'm REALLY enjoying what I've read so far. If a little bit more time means more great content, I'll have the patience of Job.

Erik Mona wrote:

As a seperate web enhancement. My guess? It'll be more than 30 pages long. We'll see. I still have a couple things to finish writing for it. Rest assured, everyone, Young Jeremy Walker stares daggers at me every morning for not having it done, so I'm pretty much buried in shame. I hope to have it finished by Friday, for posting midweek next.

I realize that's later than I said upthread, but I figure an honest update is the best policy.


Any news on the status of this 30-page-web-enhancement-of-crunchy-goodness? :)

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

It's slipped from pole-position because literally every waking moment of my life for the last month has been focused on either getting the magazines out the door or working on the Shackled City hardcover, which (knock on wood) goes to print on Wednesday.

You are all buying the Shackled City hardcover, right?

Anyway, the huge supplement, which we're currently calling "Age of Worms Overload," should appear within the next two weeks, about the time Dungeon #125 comes out.

I'd like to get it done faster, but there's only so much one guy can do! :)


Erik Mona wrote:

I'd like to get it done faster, but there's only so much one guy can do! :)


You should get some trained helper-monkeys, they always do the trick.

Seriously though, thanks for all the hard work preparing these free goodies to make the Age of Worms the best campaign it can be. It seems like I just got 124 and now I can't wait for 125. And the 5 days until my group plays again seem like an eternity!

Erik Mona wrote:

It's slipped from pole-position because literally every waking moment of my life for the last month has been focused on either getting the magazines out the door or working on the Shackled City hardcover, which (knock on wood) goes to print on Wednesday.

You are all buying the Shackled City hardcover, right?

Anyway, the huge supplement, which we're currently calling "Age of Worms Overload," should appear within the next two weeks, about the time Dungeon #125 comes out.

I'd like to get it done faster, but there's only so much one guy can do! :)


Uh, eagerly (yet patiently) awaiting it and even more eagerly (and slightly less patiently) awaiting it.

Scarab Sages

I have been waiting all week for tomorrow night to come along, and get back to running it...Thanks E, you da man

Does Dungeon #125 detail teh hinterlands (encounter tables, etc) or is that stuff mostly going to be in teh "Overload" supplement?

Is there going to be a local map in either #125 or the Overload supplement? (by local map I mean, a subregional map showing location markers for all the important little hotspots in the area; like teh Whispering Cairn, teh abandoned mineshack, Bronzewood Lodge, Green Lady's cairn, roads/trails/tracks, etc)

LeapingShark wrote:

Is there going to be a local map in either #125 or the Overload supplement? (by local map I mean, a subregional map showing location markers for all the important little hotspots in the area; like teh Whispering Cairn, teh abandoned mineshack, Bronzewood Lodge, Green Lady's cairn, roads/trails/tracks, etc)

That would be very useful. I'm sure by the time it sees hardback (as I'm sure will happen similar to AP1) we'll see one. The question is when will they find time/money to fit it in before then.

Forgive me -- I'm a bit slow :)

Was Denizens of Diamond Lake completely displaced from Dungeon 125? (Wow, a lot of alliteration!)

Perhaps more to the point, will the online pdf contain that material in its entirety?



Tatterdemalion wrote:

Forgive me -- I'm a bit slow :)

Was Denizens of Diamond Lake completely displaced from Dungeon 125? (Wow, a lot of alliteration!)

Yup. There wasn't room for it. There's no mention of it in the website blurb for #125:

But no worries, it will all be released in the next couple of weeks (as a pdf).

The Three Faces of Evil
A D&D adventure for 1st-level characters.

1st or 3rd?

LeapingShark wrote:

The Three Faces of Evil

A D&D adventure for 1st-level characters.

1st or 3rd?

Typo, I'm sure.

Scarab Sages

Hopefully it will be released before or at the same time as 125. 1 more session and my players are through with 124. They should hit level 3 next week, and I don't want to do much side stuff, untill I see the level requirements for the rest of the series.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

LeapingShark wrote:

The Three Faces of Evil

A D&D adventure for 1st-level characters.

1st or 3rd?


Patman wrote:
Hopefully it will be released before or at the same time as 125. 1 more session and my players are through with 124. They should hit level 3 next week, and I don't want to do much side stuff, untill I see the level requirements for the rest of the series.

I'm amazed how fast people are zooming through this module. It's only been in our hands three weeks and two people have posted that they are near finished or finished!

Do you guys game like 3 days a week? Small group of players? Long sessions? Very focussed group? I'm curious how you finished this long adventure so fast. My group has played one 4-hr session and we've only got as far as area 7 in the Cairn.

Personally myself Ive played with the same group of players for the last 5 years and between us all there must be 30+ years worth of DnD in the group. So "cheezie" tricks rarly work on them and there very methodical now, ie. figured out the rotating crypt and went one click at a time, usually sending the monk to explore becuse he can dash quickly and get out of most jams and back to the party. Oh not to mention were a four man party and yes on Wednesdays we play for approx. 6 hrs, is that long though? Sure dosnt seem like it.

Scarab Sages

4 person group, we have had 2 5 hour sessions. I suspect that we will go through 1 more full session next Sunday. All very veteran gamers. After 1 try with the face, they want back to look for clues, found the mural with the lit lanterns, and figured it out.

The Laborers lair took them no time, except for the underwater stuff. Then the Land stuff took a while, see my previous post here, now they are off to the Observatory. I did not want to Role-Play with the adventuring party too much, because it was said that they would play a part later. That is why I am anticipating the Denizens update.

Scarab Sages

ahhh..that post is in another thread...sorry

I'll buy the Shackled City hardcover. There's something masochistically blissful about spending sixty bucks on a book. As simple minded as it is, I'm figuring anything that expensive simply HAS to be amazing.


Hey, I subscribe to both Dungeon and Dragon. Wonder why it doesn't say (subscriber) next to my name?

Scarab Sages

I know you have been swamped with Shackled City, but any update on the Web Enhancement? I am jonesing here...

Scarab Sages

Here is the thread I was talking about...I am looking forward to this....alot

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