Which Issues have articles on Flaws?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I have some of the issues listing character flaws but I'm looking for the rest so I don't favor some classes over others (I'll skip the April flaws for Commoners article).

Which issues had Flaws based on Class or Race?

Check out the Dragon Article index at: http://www.aeolia.net/dragondex/

Specifically at the Feats & Flaws sub-section:

Dark Archive Contributor

Jody Johnson wrote:

I have some of the issues listing character flaws but I'm looking for the rest so I don't favor some classes over others (I'll skip the April flaws for Commoners article).

Which issues had Flaws based on Class or Race?

But the commoner article was so fun! ;D

The answer to your question:
#324: Bard, druid, paladin
#325: Barbarian
#326: Cleric
#327: Sorcerer
#328: Racial
#329: Ranger
#330: Commoner
#333: Ah! I can't tell you that yet

To put it another way:
Barbarian: #325
Bard: #324
Cleric: #326
Druid: #324
Paladin: #324
Ranger: #329
Sorcerer: #327
By race: #328

While it's not an absolute, #333's flaws article will probably be the last one. Yes, I know that means three classes will go flawless, but between all those articles and Unearthed Arcana there should be enough flaws for most of your needs. :)

I'm looking for an old article from Dragon magazine entitled

Good Hits & Bad Misses

Probably from the late 80's or early 90's (guessing there)

Is there any way to get this article (download)?

For those interested in creative criticals and fumbles...


Jester wrote:

Check out the Dragon Article index at: http://www.aeolia.net/dragondex/

Specifically at the Feats & Flaws sub-section:

Wow! Thanks for the link, I'd never seen this site...it has EVERYTHING! And I was just looking through my back issues for flaws, too, for my new character: a goblin battle sorcerer (using Unearthed Arcana class variant.) For flaws I gave him "Phantom Sparks" & "Hot-Blooded", going with the backstory that he has some fire elemental in him (the group needed a spellcaster with offensive spells so I'm picking fire-based spells to continue the fire-elemental theme.) I'm anxious to see the next flaws though I'm bummed it'll be the last...maybe someone'll write more later.

- Chris Shadowens

Thanks Mike and Jester.

Looks like I'm only missing 3 (plus #333 is a must buy.)

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