Farewell2kings Campaign (Greyhawk CY 576)

Campaign Journals

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Mother! A dragon!! Evil or not a dragon is a beautiful creature and I hold the highest respect for it's fearsome beauty and strength but........ it had to die. My companions handled it in a most efficient fashion. I, however, had my hands full with a couple of elite trolls! Yeah, I know it sounds strange, Mom, elite trolls,but I guess dragons don't just hire anybody! Those guys were tough!! I feel now that I have the strength and experience in battle to conquer all the enemies before me and avenge my father's death! On to the next battle! Do not worry about me as I am in good company. I will send word as soon as I can.

Much love and respect,


Reaping 21-23 CY576 The Oathbound travel east, slowly emerging from the Vast Swamp into the southern stark ridges of the Hestmark Highlands about 120 miles southwest of Dullstrand. They locate the cleft leading into the valley that supposedly shelters the unknown undead entity that has imprisoned Lord Morrow. The party finds a spire natural rock formation beset with ancient Flan cliff dwellings. Under cover of fog, the Oathbound fly on to the ridgeline overlooking the rock spire and spend several days spying upon the occupants, a tribe of ogres. The party identifies a large dinosaur and gargantuan scorpion-creature in the valley below.
Reaping 25 CY 576 Attack upon the ogre dwellings. Using up several fly spells and potions, the party hits the ogre camp just below the rock spire dwelling of the hill giant Mulgorob. Within a minute, every ogre warrior and the hillgiant engage the Oathbound in battle. Silver nearly falls and the party is badly injured by the fight, but they manage to vanquish the entire ogre tribe. The lesser ogres and women flee downhill into the Swamps. The hill giant’s cave had Lord Morrow’s crest on an embroidered tapestry and the use of a speak with dead spell reveals that Lord Morrow is being held in the valley to the southeast.

Reaping 26 CY 576

Dear Io,

We are getting nearer to the completion of this great quest. Although I am growing restless in the belief that something bad has befallen Lord Morrow in the long weeks since the beginning of our trek to the south.

Several days ago, we finally emerged from the southeastern edge of the Vast Swamp to once again look upon the Hestmark Highlands. Though this portion of the Hestmark is infested with bad folk and terrible creatures, the bones of this land are the same as our home farther north and thus the sight of these hills after so long struggling through the muck are like the Light of Pelor punching through the thick clouds after a terrible storm.

On a spur of the hills that guard the way to the valley that is our ultimate destination, we found some of the ancient Flan dwellings carved into the rock beneath an enormous spire that has been worked into a chimney of some sort.

As we are now close (if not in) the lands of those keeping Lord Morrow hostage, we have decided to do everything with extreme tactical caution. We approached this ruin under the cover of the thick fog that rambles through this valley and observed a number of ogres encamped in the ruins. Their women were carting food stuffs to and from the spire which we assumed to be a kitchen of some sort. We flew up the back of the ridge overlooking this encampment in order to observe their habits and attempt to discern their numbers. There did not seem to be more than a single tribe of ogres (perhaps even a single extended family) and we saw no others. Then, at night, we heard and saw a sight that confounded even the sternest of us. Below in the valley floor highlighted and revealed periodically by the wild lightning of a mild thunderstorm, was the largest scorpion any of us had ever imagined! It was longer and taller than your mother’s house! It was roaring and thundered off into the valley with an attitude like those dwarf traders who used to lose games of Caba to Uncle Earnur.

The next day, we saw yet another awesome sight. A huge lizard like creature with an enormous sail on its back. It head and jaws alone were longer than a funeral travois and its tail looked capable of knocking down stone buildings with but a light swipe!

The next night, it seems as if the huge scorpion and this lizard had a battle. I am glad to only have heard rumor of it through the night rather than to have witnessed it first hand. I was glad indeed for the shelter of Silver’s Portable Hole (as she names it). It provides a large space to carry much of our extra gear and even ourselves! In this way, we escaped detection from the ogres below as only Aria and Silver remained in the open and they both possess an amazing skill at remaining unseen in the wilderness. During the great battle of the beasts, I was glad also of Silver’s company. That is something that I find more reassuring as time passes. I cannot imagine now what it would be like without her by my side.

Afterward, we planned our strike against the ogres. It would be a silent approach with an assault on what we believed to be the kitchen and hopefully we would be able to take out the females first and then “work our way down” as Wulfhere said. Wulfhere had left us at one point to just find us again and join forces once more. I suppose that being this far from home with nowhere else to go has brought him to desire the company of fellow warriors more than he at first thought. Whatever the reasons behind his change of heart, I am glad to have him here once again.

As we were sneaking down the slope to begin our assault, Terranza slipped and let loose some rocks that betrayed our presence. Shouts went up and we were caught by the entire lot of ogres on our way toward the steps to the “kitchen”. The ogres were somewhat surprised by our approach, and we all know how ogres hate surprises. So, we had a dozen or so angry ogres to fight. As we did so, their women and several children made good their escape into the swamps.

Well, after vanquishing a few of their number, an angry giant came down the steps from its lair (what we formerly thought to be the kitchen…). He came down far faster than it seems someone of his height and bulk could and hit Silver severely. You should have seen it, cousin. She stood there face to face with this slobbering giant who began to hit her to terrible effect! Yet, she stood her ground, set her jaw, and unleashed a tremendous wrath upon the beast. It was truly glorious to behold. Seeing her so brutally injured and yet fighting on stirred within me my own beast as for the first time ever in combat, I did not hear the chastising tones of Uncle Earnur to “enhance my focus” and to “retain my stance and keep up my guard”. My vision blurred as I allowed myself to be swept away in my lust for his blood. For the first time ever, I allowed myself to enjoy the experience. Leaping up to interpose myself between this salivating behemoth and this warrior maiden that has stolen my heart for good was like coming home to family and friends. Each swing of my blade biting deeply into his sinews was as refreshing and as exciting as the taste of carefully aged honey wine! I haven’t felt more alive in my life. Fighting side by side with her is what I was born to do. I am now convinced of it. If it should be the will of Pelor that I should fall in battle beside her tomorrow, then I know now that it will be a death with honor and that will be a worthy fulfillment of destiny. I vow now before the World and the Holy presence of Pelor that should this occur and she survive me, my spirit will not rest for the remainder of her days so as to provide wisdom and guidance (in whatever way it can) to her for all her remaining days in this World! Where she once again locked into mortal combat and dropped by the ravenous blows of some foul beast of evil, I would gladly expend all remaining energy of my soul’s spirit to come back to fight at her side once more. I have prayed to Pelor to allow this should I prove worthy enough of such labor once sent to the spirit world. I am dedicated to prove myself so worthy.

After we destroyed the ogre warriors and their giant leader, we found some evidence of Lord Morrow’s having been present here (or at least in the presence of this group of ruffians). The Oathbound are not discussing it; but, I feel that the chances of finding Lord Morrow unscathed physically and mentally are fairly low. I wonder at this point what role he has to play in all of this and I am beginning to wonder about his abduction and the circumstances surrounding it. I will keep these thoughts between Silver, you, and I for now. However, I have been reading the omens and signs and I am growing fearful of a pleasant outcome to this business in which we have become embroiled.

I hope that this letter reaches you in good health. If it reaches you before I do, then please extend my greetings and love to everyone (and especially to my father).

El ‘Rohir

Reaping 21-23 CY576 The Oathbound travel east, slowly emerging from the Vast Swamp into the southern stark ridges of the Hestmark Highlands about 120 miles southwest of Dullstrand. They locate the cleft leading into the valley that supposedly shelters the unknown undead entity that has imprisoned Lord Morrow. The party finds a spire natural rock formation beset with ancient Flan cliff dwellings. Under cover of fog, the Oathbound fly on to the ridgeline overlooking the rock spire and spend several days spying upon the occupants, a tribe of ogres. The party identifies a large dinosaur and gargantuan scorpion-creature in the valley below.
Reaping 25 CY 576 Attack upon the ogre dwellings. Using up several fly spells and potions, the party hits the ogre camp just below the rock spire dwelling of the hill giant Mulgorob. Within a minute, every ogre warrior and the hillgiant engage the Oathbound in battle. Silver nearly falls and the party is badly injured by the fight, but they manage to vanquish the entire ogre tribe. The lesser ogres and women flee downhill into the Swamps. The hill giant’s cave had Lord Morrow’s crest on an embroidered tapestry and the use of a speak with dead spell reveals that Lord Morrow is being held in the valley to the southeast.

Since I last placed my thoughts upon parchment, I have acquired new and wondrous spells, one of which enhances my defenses greatly! Luckily we killed a dragon recently, (a component of the spell is the scale of a dragon). This stood me well, when we encountered a bow wielding monkey and its pet frogs!

Nah, not you’re run of the mill frogs, but the size of ponies! As I was about the turn the giant fly eaters into a flambé I was hit by the big monkey’s well aimed shot. Luckily my own inherent resistance and the spell kept most of the damage, away, although my spell was ruined. Aria was able to place a few arrows in return, but was soon grappled by a frog’s great tongue. I could see its acidic spittle etching her armor. I soon slay the creature with my Art, and see that the monkey was dispatched by our wandering Ice Barbarian. The others slay the other frogs and we continue through the rain to a spot to camp and regroup.

The rain lets up enough for us to see a spire type fortress with cliff dwellings at its base guarding the pass we need to get through.

Through the use of my Art we gain flight and alight to the ridge top overlooking the fortress. After a few days of misery, we gain enough intelligence to determine that we can take the fortress and its Ogre inhabitants. Why the misery? Well let’s just say that staying in a inter-dimensional hole with two barbarians, a dwarf and a two humans overwhelms ones olfactory senses! Although seeing that gargantuan lizard was very inspiring… to stay the hell away from it! I could fit my warhorse inside its mouth! If I could charm it….hmmmm what a pet it would make.

We set off with a silence spell and soon Teranza makes the whole silence idea moot by tumbling ass over elbows down the ridge and outside the silenced area. Of course this brings notice to out nocturnal foes, like a rooster crowing the farmer out of bed.

Luckily we were close enough to get set up and slay all of the vermin. No one was dropped, and their pitiful ogre magi’s grasp of the Art was pitifully weak. His spell just washed over me with no effect! Of course the others didn’t fare so well, but hey we’re not all perfect.

As the Hill Giant fell to Silver and El’s blades I detected the flight of more enemy. A fire ball killed some more and made sure the rest kept on running! I wish Silver would stop trying to put her morale code to me. Remember I am not a Paladin looking to bring justice to all. I am here for the fun and loot!

Such wondrous and terrifying things I have seen since I set out on my own. Last night, as we sat watch upon an ogre keep, I saw what appeared to be a huge scorpion. It seemed as large as the largest sea vessel I have ever seen! What gods allow such a horrid variation of this creature to walk this land? And, if that sight wasn’t frightening enough, what followed in the later hours was such a noise that I can only compare it to the sound of the destruction of all the land and creatures around. It sounded like a mighty battle with unoerthly opponents screeching and roaring and pounding. It sounded and felt as if the land below us had been rent apart by some otherworld monster! Then with first light my unbelieving eyes saw the likes of which I have never seen nor could even imagine! A giant lizard! A lizard as big if not bigger than the scorpion that I had seen in the night! This “lizard”, I believe, must have made a meal of that scorpion and the scorpion must have put up quite a fight for we have not seen the scorpion again and I can naught imagine anything else that might have made the noises that I heard! In the morning the lizard was headed to a place under the keep that we were planning to overtake. My abundant thanks to Obad Hai for allowing me to know what dangers there are here for I could never have imagined.

We moved on the keep on the morning after we sighted the great lizard. It was a well-planned attack but we were not completely prepared for what lay before us. For two days we watched the keep and surrounding lands and saw no one or nothing but the ogres and the giant lizard. Terranza even scouted invisibly and brought back invaluable information about the layout of the place but there was no warning of a giant! We moved in and were met by several ogres. They were, easily enough, dispatched by our stalwart group. El’Rohir and I were fighting side by side when the giant appeared. I felt the giant, smelled him, heard him and, the moment I laid eyes upon him, I wanted nothing more than to kill him. It was overpowering this urge to rid the Oerth of his foul presence and I charged up to tear him apart. I can only liken this feeling I had to what El must feel when he is in a rage. The blood lust I felt, I have seen in his eyes in battle. My charge was very nearly my last as I could not reach the giant to fully attack but he had no difficulty in reaching me and with three pounding attacks with his axe he nearly spilled the whole of my life-blood upon the ground. I could feel my life slipping away and yet I could not back away. I wanted so much to cut the giant into pieces! If not for Hanor and El’Rohir, I would be dead. They moved in to attack the giant and it wasn’t so much the reprieve from the fight that brought me to my senses but more the sight of the man that I now know that I cannot live without! I knew that if I died, I would never see El’Rohir again until we met beyond death. My heart could not bear it and I broke away to take some healing.

I know that everything that happens on Oerth happens for a reason and the Gods have a way of making sure things happen. Since that moment, when my life was slipping away, my place in this world has been made clear. I am to be nowhere that El’Rohir isn’t. My life with Ethen was but for me to know this feeling in my heart when it came again. I will always love Ethen dearly and I know that he, in spirit, is helping to guide the hand of fate so that I would know my rightful place. If there will ever again be a time that El’Rohir and I will be apart; that is the time that I will remember what it felt like to be on the threshold of death. It is all so clear to me now. If only I could go to my mother! When I left (to become a druid!) the sadness in her eyes was devastating. But I could not see the depth of her pain nor could I feel it. My heart was left numb and dead when Ethen was murdered. My life as I knew it was over. Now I can see that it was just beginning. If only my poor mother and father could know that all is well with me in spirit, heart and mind! I could write, I know but it would not be the same. El has to be with me. They have to see. Then, they will know. I could never praise Obad Hai enough for guiding my footsteps down this path. I’ve been following with my heart all along and never knew it…until now. My life…our lives are just beginning and there is nothing that we can’t do if we’re together.

Reaping 26 CY 576 Aria and Silver went scouting by flying up the misty valley early in the morning. They saw some dire bears and encountered distant harpy song and retreated back to the Rock Spire. By midmorning the spinosaurus returned to its little valley by the Rock Spire and the party started feeding it the ogre bodies by throwing them down the staircase into the valley. Silver cast “speak with animals” to try to establish a rapport with the creature. Drak and his guard Thane were scouting the lower levels of the former ogre cliff dwellings when they noticed four ogres nearby. The ogres hurled large rocks into the noxious ponds below the stronghold, causing a caustic gas to rise up towards the cliff dwellings. The gas killed Thane and Drak killed three of the ogres with a fireball spell before he retreated up into the safety of the higher levels of the rock spire.
Reaping 27 CY 576 The party noticed that the dinosaur didn’t go into the valley to hunt since it had all the ogre bodies to feast on, so the Oathbound left to try to find Lord Morrow in the misty valley beyond. Aria and Silver’s scouting had identified a relatively safe path that avoided most of the geysers and pools of caustic water. Still early in the morning, their curiosity was piqued by a site of an old battle, bones and an overturned wagon near a small lake. They were attacked by an angel of decay. Its puddles of decay and massive blows killed Wulfhere, the barbarian and nearly killed Terranza. Aria was killed and dropped into the muck, but faithful Hanor was able to cast revivify and pull her out of the decay and pull her back from death just in time. The angel was finally destroyed and the party retreated back to the rock spire, where an inventory of diamonds was done. Hanor was given 2000gp more in diamond dust for future revivify spells, but the party found they had no way to grind their other diamonds into dust, so Wulfhere was drained of blood and body liquids and put into a store an item vial via spell for eventual raising. Silver continued to work her mojo on the spinosaurus, bribing him with the last of the ogre bodies and more speak with animal spells. Using her wild empathy, she finally sensed that the spinosaur wouldn’t attack the party, but her request to let the party ride him into the valley fell on uncomprehending ears.
Reaping 28 CY 576 Last day of the 9th month of the year, however the misty, warm and humid weather continues this far south. The party set off into the valley when the dinosaur went out to hunt, hoping its presence would discourage most nuisance predators. However, the dinosaur soon went off to pursue some prey and the party pressed on, fighting a gargantuan scorpion in the deep, sulphurous smelling fog of the pre-dawn darkness. They killed the scorpion when Drak managed to successfully get a burning blood spell off, causing the scorpion to break off its attacks and allowing the whole group to fight it with all their weapons, chopping the huge beast to pieces.

Dear Mother, My abilities as a fighter are failing me. I need to refocus and start my daily worships again. I have never seen a more vile being; its skin was dripping off its body like water. I gave him all I had and was saved by only a rock. It seems surreal, the act of dying and I now have new respect for Drak. If not for El’rohir and Drak, this might have been my last battle. On a sadder note, we have lost two members of our party. Drak’s bodyguard and the fighter I had written about in latter letters. We have saved the body of Wulfhere and will hopefully be able to raise him. Thane on the other hand will not be as lucky. How people choose to pick one life over another is troublesome to me. Please say a prayer for Thane’s family so that he may rest in peace.

We have also killed a huge bug like creature. It had pincers and a stinger that would have killed us all if not for the magic of Drak and all our fighting abilities.

Hanor has come upon some troubling news, it seems that an item that is dear to his heritage has been taken and an infamous blacksmith killed. I will do all I can to help Hanor revive this icon and find this item that is so important to him. He has done so much for me and I so little for him.

Please say a prayer for the Oathbound and now that I love you and will continue to do all I can to revenge your pain.


Reaping 29 CY 576

Our grand adventure to rescue Lord Morrow has finally brought us out of the Vast Swamp. These southern lands are hot and miserable, but much more to our tolerance than the swamp lands. We have spent several days rooting around the Ogre stronghold and have found little of more of value.

Silver decided that our answer to dealing with the giant reptile which hunts in the valley which is our final destination is to attempt to befriend it. With my lack of knowledge of such things, I was quite skeptical that such a feat was possible; however, if Silver says that it can be done, then it can be done. I found myself wrapped in fear for her as she spoke to the beast in its own language. I was amazed that she was able to vocalize such deep and tremulous sounds. Watching her do this sent shivers down my spine!

To aid her in this endeavor, we gave the beast the bodies of the giant and the ogres as a token of our good intentions (which it lapped up like our cousin Halfan’s dog used to attack bones from the board). To watch something of such size gobble down the body of a giant standing 14 hands above me was a sight I will not soon forget! As the bulk of our group were doing this, Drak and Thane were off doing whatever it is they do when away from the rest of us when we heard the distinctive sound of one of Drak’s fire explosions! Instantly aware that something was wrong, we noticed a yellowish gas rising around us! The smell was noxious and Hanor and I acted instantly. He cast a wind wall around our group and I cast one around Silver’s new found friend, the giant lizard. Though the lizard retreated from my spell, Hanor’s protected us from the gas.

Later, we found that this gas had been some sort of trap set off by some of the surviving female ogres (whom Drak slayed with his spell) and that this trap had killed Thane.

I am concerned deeply about Drak’s disregard for his guard. We are of a power now that death is not always as final as it used to be. We have been keen on pleasing the Gods; and, they have blessed us with the knowledge that such resurrections are possible and have granted us the ability to perform them as well. Although Thane was a quiet man and a devoted servant of his master, he had in some measure become a vital part of the Oathbound. After we learned of his demise, Drak brought to us the details of his contract of service and the expenditure of the wealth required to perform the service of raising him from the dead was apparently expressly excluded.

The act of recalling one’s soul back to this plane is one that must never be performed lightly for death is as much a part of the balance of life as the sunrise and sunset. We all must make that final walk into the failing light of day… Thus, I performed the funeral rights for our departed companion and committed his ashes to the eternal light and asked Pelor’s blessing for Thane as well his forgiveness for Drak. I know now that what has happened to our companion will end in some nasty bit of evil. It is my wish and in my prayers that that day is postponed as long as the Great Light will delay it. Deep inside, cousin, I feel that there is still hope for Drak and I pray daily that Pelor will allow me the honor of being the vehicle of Drak’s return to the World of good men.

After dealing with the poisonous gas and the pyre of Thane, We decided to venture into the valley where Lord Morrow is. The great lizard seemed quite satisfied to devour the remaining ogre corpses, so we began our journey again. As usual, Aria and Silver walked ahead of the group so as to scout a safe path for those of us less savvy in the wilderness. As they navigated through the land around caustic pools and geysers, they found the site of an old battle. There were bones upon the ground and the remains of an overturned wagon long since broken by both the battle and long years of decay. As we all approached this old battle scene, we were set upon by a bizarre creature. Obviously an undead creature, it was the most vile thing I have ever laid eyes upon!

Looking at us all with hollow eyes, this villainous aberration was surrounded by a pool of filth and decay that when stepped into tried to steal the life from us. It was a powerful warrior as it killed Wulfhere and dropped Terranza with but little effort. Aria was killed and dropped into the pool and would have been lost forever if Hanor had not leaped into action to revivify her. Spells meant little to this horror and it took a combined effort of brute force to finally destroy it for good. Terranza was revived and healed; but, Wulfhere was lost. As we did with Aria several months ago, we drained his body of fluids and magically stored his remains so that once we obtain the proper sacrificial gems, we can bring him back should that be the will of the Gods. AS before, the work was grisly and we all spent some time in prayer afterwards with please for hope and forgiveness.

We repaired back to the stronghold of the ogres to heal wounds of heart and heath and to re-group for another assault on the valley. Silver amazed us again as she spoke with the great lizard once more and convinced the mighty beast to walk with us into the valley again the next day. However, it was not long before the lizard’s vast appetite took control and sent it away from our travels in search for more food.

Soon after he left us we found ourselves face to face in the dense fog with the enormous scorpion we had seen from our hiding place before our assault on the ogres. Despite its monstrous appearance, it could not withstand the magic prowess of Drak and the strokes of our blades. It fell in less than 30 seconds to our efforts leaving us glad and somewhat surprised in our easy victory.

After this battle, we decided to rest a bit and take some food. Drak took some of the giant bug as a trophy (and perhaps to help his spell work). The mood of our group is pensive. If more of these large beasts and undead horrors are ahead of this is guaranteed to be an unhappy mission. I have pleaded with Pelor for signs of what might be ahead. In this unholy valley, the fog is ever present and squats down onto us as if the fog itself wishes to extinguish all light from above! I shall be glad to feel the Sun on my face again and long to see it sifting through Silver’s hair.

You are in my prayers,

El ‘Rohir

Well things haven’t gone as well as I might have wished. Ah I get ahead of myself. It was the day after we won the battle of the Ogre Spire. Silver stated that she would speak with the big ass lizard, and I could see doubt in everyone’s eyes, but Aria and Hanor (I don’t know why as she has accomplished this feat in the past with lesser creatures).

Terranza gave a laugh and I believe it was her idea to feed the beast the dead foe, or was it mine? Either way, through food and Silver’s nature spells, the creature became tolerant of our presence.

I quickly tired of hearing the grunts of lizard speak, and moved to the lower levels with Thane by stalwart bodyguard. I say, these Ogres were truly vile beasties. Their bedrooms doubled as their privy! Casting Detect Magic didn’t help the search for any hidden treasures, but luckily I was in a spot to observe some returning ogres. I quickly cast a defensive spell, and waited to see what they were up to. Four females I believe had great slings and soon launched large egg like missiles into the sulphuric pools below the cliff dwellings. The vapors soon overwhelmed Thane, and caused me some discomfort, although not enough for me to blast those overgrown vermin with a fireball. I had the satisfaction of seeing three melted down, before I had to withdraw. I attempted to get Thane to safer ground, but he was dead! I was able to gain the upper levels without further mishap.

After the vapors departed, I was able to reclaim my property from Thane’s corpse. The rest of the Oathbound were very upset with me and that I wasn’t going to have Thane brought back from the realms of the dead!

That’s it; they can take their respective nosey opinions and stick them up the lizard’s scaly butt! This is a private matter between me and MY guard. We had the understanding of what to do and not do in cases like this and I don’t need to explain myself to anyone. Do I tell El on how to woo Silver? NO! Do I tell Terranza on how to spend her money or pick a lock! May the powers that be grant me some forbearance! At least Wulfhere, Aria and Hanor have common sense in this matter, or at least decent manners.

The matter is laid to rest with no hard feelings, and El gave a really nice sermon for Thane. I do believe that was his best to date. It almost brought a tear to my eye!

Through Silver’s and Aria’s Ranger skills, the big lizard is willing to walk ahead of us, and not eat us… BONUS! The big galoot will cause all lesser creatures to flee away as we troop up the valley, giving us free reign!

Damn the walking luggage, it ran off either to procreate, or eat something. Either way we’re on our own. As we trek up, Wulfhere opens up a monetary discussion of replacing Thane and earning pay as my guard. We quickly come to an agreement; which is rudely interrupted by the others as they push their unwanted opinions upon myself and Wulfhere. Our combined refusal to become embroiled in their insipid arguments soon quiet their outbursts. Wulfhere is my new guard. I give him additional equipment to facilitate his abilities and we move on.

We move up the valley and soon come across a small lake. Apparently a large battle was fought her ages past. The bleached bones of many dot the shores of the lake. Half buried in the mud, there is a rotting wagon with a skeleton tied to one of the wheels. I stop at what I thought was a safe distance, when the creature animates. It shatters the wheel as is arises and spreads its decaying wings. Not only are its wings decaying, but its entire body is one big running pustule sore of putrefying flesh that replenishes as is runs off.

I observe that it has a fell aura that affects my companions who try to close with it. I instruct Wulfhere not to close, but to fire his bow. I fire off a fireball that fizzles against the creature’s magical resistance. The creature closes on Aria and she is hard pressed. I launch a different spell that gets past it’s magic barrier causing flesh to burn off not to reform. The party scrambles about, but the nasty thing is able to close on Wulfhere slaying him through wings, and weapon. Terranza soon follows as does Aria.

I continue through the use of my art to pummel the creature, but the effects are not as great as I would like. El invokes a rain of pain on the creature and me! Damn it by the hells that hurt! I quickly step out of the holy rain, and continue by barrage. The creature is soon slain and Hanor was able to save my beloved Aria. Miraculously Terranza survived the creature’s assault. As she fell from its vile blows she landed upon a small granite outcropping that kept her out of the vicious fluids and saving her life! Alas I lose another body guard! We soon realize that we do not have the means to bring Wulfhere back, so he is drained and I preserve his remains in a flask. We find the fresh bones of a dwarf near the wagon and some other treasures. Having been thoroughly thrashed we tactically withdraw back to the spire.

Hanor speaks with the dwarf corpse and we learn that he was Lord Morrow’s blacksmith and they were in this valley to recover a dwarven artifact. Although how he escaped the clutches of the vampires and their evil plan to go adventuring into this vile valley for a dwarven artifact is beyond my cognitive abilities.

After recovering we move north into the Valley of Stink! Once again Silver and Aria’s use of their combined Rangernessesseseseness, oh whatever! They convince the big lizard to keep from eating us and run interference up the valley. Once again the dumb beast runs off to fornicate or masticate, leaving us alone.

We progress past the vile lake where so much was lost, and come into the presence of a gargantuan bug! Is this the same scorpion we saw days ago, or another? AHA! My burning blood spell takes effect! The creature screeches in agony as its blood turns into acidic fire! Damn that spell kicks ass! The insect can only hobble away in pain as my stalwart companions chop it into so much goo! Wow! Silver took two legs, El a pincher, Tarranza buried her double ax betwixt its eyes! I lost count of Aria’s arrows, but the damn thing died quick!

Damn I love this job!

The things I experience while we travel this land will never cease to amaze me. Much to the chuckles of some of my fellow adventurers I managed to befriend the giant lizard. She isn't the smartest of the creatures I've ever spoken to but wondrous nonetheless. At first El was just humoring me as he stood by and watched as I called upon the animal spirits through Obad Hai to allow me to speak with this creature. More than anything he was ready to grab me and run if the thing attacked but when he could see that I was actually conversing with the creature, I could tell that he was impressed! I enjoyed that. He does try to impress me. I like it when I can turn the tables now and then. When Aria lent her skill with the animal, we were able to convince it to..... well...not to eat us. I talked with the thing as long as I could before we were attacked by some of the ogre women that we chased out of the keep. The dreadful beings managed to kill Thane! As quiet as he was and as little as we knew about him, I will still miss him and I pray that Obad Hai will guard his journey and strew his path with soft leaves and cover him with shade as he makes his way to the great wild lands beyond life. I was surprised and somewhat taken aback when Drak announced that he would not try to bring Thane back to the world of the living but after much ponderance I believe that Drak and Thane worked out those details and everyone is entitled to his own belief. If it was Thane's time then far be it from me to stand in the way of Fate! I do wish that Drak would stop attacking us for not agreeing with him though. It makes it very difficult to have a conversation. Ah well, my feet have taken me down the path I'm on safely and will carry me to wherever we are supposed to end up and somehow I believe that Drak is supposed to be a part of the bigger picture. If it is to be, it is to be and I will guard his back as I have done before and we will do what needs to be done, all of us together, to set the order of things straight again. I must make Drak know that I believe in him deep down beneath my doubt. Even if Drak does keep saying that he's only in it for the treasure!

The giant lizard was a wonderful guard to have as we ventured away from the keep. That is until she hungrily bounded away at the first scent of fresh meat. I don't even understand how she could be hungry! She rapaciously gulped down every bit of the ogre and giant bodies that we threw down to her! I admit it was nice to be rid of the stench of the decaying bodies but what a voracious appetite. Even I'm not too sure that I'd trust her not to eat us after of day or two without a meal!

I had spoken with her about the dangers that surrounded us and might face us as we left the keep and ventured into the valley. All I could get from her was that there was something about dead humans. Well, much to our detriment, we soon found out what she meant! I thought the lich that we fought was horrid. This creature that attacked us near the lake! There is nothing I can compare it to! It felled three of our brave companions and I feared the worst for them! One could not even approach the foul being for its "aura" readily turned everything it touched into putrid, dead muck! And this muck surrounded it for the best of twenty feet and followed it everywhere. I could nary approach it and my crossbow bolts seemed to avoid the creature of their own volition! If not for my brave El'Rohir and what magic Drak could damage the being with, we would have lost our companions forever. With luck Hanor was there to save Aria as she fell! What would we do without him? Pelor must have been watching our stonghearted warrior, Terranza, for when she fell she was saved by nothing more than rocks that kept her up and away from the evil muck! Wulfhere was the only one that did not make it through the fight. He is stout and hearty, though, and we have preserved him in order to bring him back at the first opportunity but what does this say about the path we've chosen? Three killed and one so near death I thought she might have heard the distant winds of the ever after before she came back to us! All in two days! We must proceed with much caution! Our fight will have been for naught if we die here so far from home. I know what we must do and I know that we will probably face dangers unimaginable but I do long for some peace. If only I could find a temple to Obad Hai! To be able to kneel and meditate and breathe in the musky smell of cedar and oak! To be able to walk with El in the scattered sunlight beneath the canopies of the forest trees and do nothing but listen. Listen to the whisper of the wind through the leaves, hear the birds singing, feel the warmth of the sun on our faces! To feel each other's presence and the presence of nature. To see my family again! That is something to fight for. And I won't quit. I vow to all I love and have ever loved that I will not quit and I pray that Obad Hai will allow me the strength to continue.

The party continued up the valley, the mists clearing slightly. After dodging some giant elk and repelling an archery ambush by some flying harpy archers, the party closed in on the final lake, only to find the "Wheel of Pain" that their divinations had told them about.

Lord Blair Morrow was bound in a foul, boiling lake, tied to a partially submerged windmill. The blades slowly dipped his body into the boiling water every minute or so, but he still appeared to be alive.

Disgusted, the party used magic to fly to Lord Morrow's aid. As they tried to untie him, a mud-caked undead creature rose from the nearby shoreline and blasted them with a flame strike spell.

Elrohir flew to close with the foul creature, drawing his greatsword. However, the creature managed to turn him into a toad with a magical incantation and Elrohir, mighty barbarian/cleric, was suddenly a flying toad. He retained his wits and enraged, trying to bull rush into the creature by flying into him and hopefully causing him to be unable to concentrate on more spells. The little toad gained speed and closed with the evil Kazgorva. Colliding with the undead's anti-life shell, the toad fell unceremoniously into the mud at the creature's feet.

Terranza managed to catch Drak before he fell into the lake, for the flame strike had nearly killed the sorceror. Hanor flew over and cast a cure critcal wounds on Drak, bringing him back up. Aria rained arrow fire on Kazgorva, the undead druid, and Silver continued to try to untie Lord Morrow before he was dipped into the boiling water again.

Drak fired lucent light after lucent light spell at Kazgorva, blinding him and blistering his skin with the power of sunlight. Elrohir flew back towards Hanor and found his toad form removed by a successful dispel magic spell. Just in time, for Elrohir was needed in his original form to counter a new threat, another undead, a half-orc with writhing intestines that shot bolts of dark evil energy from its hands.

Silver freed Lord Morrow and forced a cure serious wounds potion down his lips, stabilizing the elderly noble. The undead were overcome and the party looted the area for the next few hours, occasionally stopping to make toad jokes at Elrohir's expense.

After thoroughly searching the area, the party climbed out of the valley and headed deeper into the Highlands. That night, Lord Morrow awoke from his coma and the party filled him in on the vampires at his hometown, how they had destroyed them and how his wife had engaged the party to track him down and free him from the clutches of evil. Elrohir sent a "message" to his cousin Io about events, and received a reply...the party should head to Dullstrand and meet up with a certain elven ship captain---the same one that Aria's parents had arranged for Aria to marry.

Uh oh! This should be interesting!

I know, it's turning into "As the Oerth Turns" with lots of melodramatic organ music in the background, LOL....

Peruhain--I can't read your campaign log on the AoW yet, because it'll have too many spoilers in it :(

The guy currently running our "Raiders of Myth Drannor" campaign is going to run us through it next, while my next campaign will be AP3 after this one wraps up. All the players from this campaign are in the Raiders of Myth Drannor campaign as well (we run the games back to back every other Saturday, or at least try to), but HE doesn't offer 100 XP bonus for writing a post after each game.....of course, only "I" am dedicated enough to post one anyway ;)

Well, I'd do a log no matter what, as I always have kept campaign logs, so obviously I'm only kidding about the dedication part. I offered a bit of bonus XP because motivating each player to post a personal account helps generate good role-playing as well as helping keep track of what happened.

No worries--you'll probably pass me up in no time. I'm on hiatus again until June at least, and it may take until summer 2007 to finish.

Drak’s Thoughts

Well since I last placed my meandering thoughts to paper, things went from pretty sucky to really sucks. Let me start off that we were trooping along up the valley and were able to avoid a Dire Elk due to Aria’s rangering about, and El’s strategic use of a silence spell foiled the beastie.

The others did get a little parboiled by some geysers we stumbled across, but my tainted condition kept me from harm.

But we were not so fortunate with three bow wielding harpies that really put a bite into my hide. They were spread out enough that I could could only engulf one at a time with my fiery magic. Aria’s bow once again strummed out it’s angelic music and El actually used his bow! Since I was too busy dodging and knocking arrows away and rolling behind rocks I couldn’t tell if he hit anything with it. Silver and Terranza were too far away scouting that they didn’t get back in time before we killed one and drove the other two off.

After healing up through the prayers of El’s Sun God, and the Dwarven God of Secrets we moved on. This time Silver and Terranza stayed closer to the rest of us.

We moved up to a boiling lake that had a giant windmill in the middle that had a body tied to it… could this be Lord Morrow? Nah this is too obvious, Wheel of Pain! Yes we found the hapless lord and he was being systematically dipped into a boiling lake. Was he still alive, I think not!

I enchanted the Oathbound with the wand of flying we recovered from some creature we killed in the past. We were about halfway to the wheel, when nothing.

I wake up in the arms of Terranza with Hanor finishing his healing magic. I am about 30 feet above the boiling lake and smell oddly of bar-b-que? I notice that my staff of fire is missing. Terranza spits out that I got hit with a fire spell! Damn, that must have been one hell of a powerful spell to drop me like that! Without a second thought I fly back towards shore and see some reaaaaaallly ugly undead thing being attacked by a flying toad! Not wishing to waist time about the aerodynamics of toads and the effectiveness of being assailants of the undead, I launch my newest spell. Lucent’s Lance causing the undead creature to become blind and searing the crap out of him. I noticed that the toad had splattered against an invisible barrier about 2 feet in front of the undead creature. Apparently that barrier did not affect my spell. By the way where in the nine hells is El and Silver? Aria is firing her bow, ah there’s Silver flying towards Lord Morrow, but where is El? Maybe he was slain after all.

Terranza launched herself at the creature, but her humongous axe bounded away from the same barrier as the toad encountered. No sooner had I observed this when Hanor caste some more healing upon me, when another creature even more vile than the first pops out of a sulfuric pool bordering the lake. He has an open torso revealing intestines that look like writhing snakes! He launches a cone of seething darkness that makes my head throb in annoyance! His feeble attempt melts away at my spell resistant nature. (Another benefit of the taint I am cursed with. Oh me, Oh my, what a burden to bear) although I think Hanor did not fare so well according to his painful outburst.

I launch another lance of light that misses! Damn updrafts! Hard to aim when you are above a cauldron of boiling water the size of a small town!

What’s this? Another flying toad, no I believe it is the same one as before; unless there is a plague of the creatures in this strange valley. No it is the same one as before, I can see it has a bloody nose from its initial impact. It is acting very strange, wait…. Yes, this is El magically transformed into a toad by the Baleful Polymorph spell! Aha, poor sod, must get that spell as soon as I can.

Damn, another black emanation of vile energy hit me, washes off from the undead creature with writhing snake guts. Hanor, Aria and the toad, I mean El grunt, shriek and squeal respectively behind me. My third lance of light fries the first undead thing allowing Terranza to close on the gut monster. I hear Hanor casting another spell and wow, El is back… really pissed off. Or is he raging again, can never tell with those barbarian types. He and Terranza soon hack the monster down.

Too bad Hanor removed the curse on El. The fun to have been had at Silver's expense, as she "KISSED THE FROG" to return him to his princely status would have been exquisite!

Well, she and her snake have lost interest in skewering me for their goody kill all bad and not so bad people pot!

My dear Cousin,

After a night of fitful rest, we awoke to a brightening day and the road so long traveled. Very soon after breaking camp, we came near to encountering what Silver described to me as several (perhaps a whole herd) giant elk. She explained how these creatures were not the sort of thing evil usually controls and were most likely just normal denizens of these valleys in the extreme southern reaches of the Highlands. Of course all of that came later after we avoided encountering them.

The Oathbound as a group were not looking for another early morning fight like the last one! Besides, as I spend more time listening to the musical thoughts and verse of my dear Silver, I have come to appreciate the important role the local flora and fauna play in the great balance of the World. As these things are all fed and born of Pelor’s Holy Light, so must they be defended and respected. Drak made a comment yesterday that Silver was beginning to rub off on me… ‘next thing we’ll know, El ‘Rohir will be licking mistletoe and frolicking about the forest like a wood fairy…’ were his words. Well, I can do without the mistletoe and I can’t ever remember frolicking anywhere; but, the concept of becoming more like Silver (and presumedly her more like me) brings me great comfort.

After a bit of contemplation over the elk, we encountered 3 old ‘friends’. The three Harpys that have been following us around for a while (and who tricked the girls into following them right into the dragon a couple weeks ago) showed up and tried to ambush us. They fired some arrows at us. Through a combined assault from Aria and Drak’s magic ministrations, one of these disgusting devil women fell and the other two chose the ‘better part of valor’.

As we continued southward into the valley, the air became fetid and it seemed that the further into this accursed valley we trod, the colder and less hopeful we all were. Even our whispered conversation began to die down; and, eventually we found ourselves creeping forward somehow having sensed that we had reached the end of our long trek.

Through the broken and decayed tree line, we beheld a small lake (about the size of Bourham’s hole where we used to swim as boys…). Yet, this lake had been befouled by the taint of something foul that hates the World. In the midst of the putrid water, we saw a windmill. Very much like the kind that those Gnomish tinkers use to grind meal with the power of the wind in the northern edges of the Highlands… The broad wheel was turning without wind with Blair Morrow strapped to the edge of one of the expansive arms of this diabolical mechanism. Lo, we had discovered the “Wheel of Pain”. This device was slowly drowning Lord Morrow in an attempt to painfully and over time change Lord Morrow into a malleable subject for conversion to the enemy’s plan and ranks. However, Lord Morrow is built from strong dependable stock and though his body was broken, his will stood fast as a mountain stands tall!

We each received a magical jolt from the wand that allows us to fly at need and I called upon the Holy power of Pelor to protect my friends through help of one of the Recitations. As we approached Lord Morrow, the great evil that held him here captive rose behind us from the fetid pool in which it had been hiding. With total surprise on its side, this hideous spell caster lanced out at us with a Flame Strike! The pain of this insult instantly galvanized our group and we reacted in good form…

Silver continued to aid and free Lord Morrow, Drak spun and began his own spell craft. As for me, Aria, and Terranza… It was time to loose blade and arrow! Still under the influence of the flying magic, I pulled my weapon and dove for the creature. It looked up at me and met my eyes. It is difficult to describe what happened next. It pointed a rotting finger at me and I felt an impact in my chest. Immediately, the World around me seemed to rush away as if I was being drawn into a great vacuum! I felt an inward pulling of my chest and felt my gear tightening about me. I did not experience pain so much as shock and frustration at me inability to control what soon felt like a fall inward. When one uses magic to increase one’s size (as I have done many times), there is an exhilarating rush and one feels a growth of power and strength! This effect was just the opposite. It felt as if I was being pulled inward and that my great strength was being stripped away… A most unpleasant sensation.

In any case, my consciousness winked out for a very short moment and I awoke still flying at full bore toward the creature. I could not feel the weight of my sword in my hands and I could not look down and see myself at all! However, I could suddenly see all around me. Even while barreling through the air at my target, I could plainly see Silver behind me working the ropes to free Lord Morrow and I could see Aria go down. I immediately realized that the creature had changed me with its vile magic into something that was no doubt harmless. I had no weapon or other gear, I was still flying, and my hands felt very sticky when I touched my naked chest. Everything seemed huge around me as if I were very small now. All I could think of was attacking this beast. He is a spell caster and the very least I could do was to attempt to provide a distraction to afford my friends a better chance to destroy this thing. So, I continued my flight and aimed for his face with all the speed I could muster! I tried to emit a great battle yell and the resulting sound was something like a loud croak! Just before I ran into the target, I found that as I ‘croaked’ my tongue flashed out and that is when I realized that I was now a frog or toad of some sort! My last thought as I smacked ingloriously into a magical protective ward surrounding the beast was how embarrassing this was and that I hoped that Silver was too preoccupied to have seen me like this.

I awoke a moment later slowly falling to the ground at the feet of my target. Anger welled up from the depths of my being and I couldn’t think clearly for a moment as I still attempted to cause a distraction. It totally ignored me, which I must say is the first I have ever experienced THAT! Well, I soon figured out that there was nothing I could do in this state and flew over to Hanor. I prayed to Pelor on the way that Hanor would wisely see me for what I was and restore me to my previous state rather than see me as some new bizarre threat! I can only imagine what the sight of a flying frog must have been for those able to see me during the intense few moments when I was like that! I am certain that even Silver will join in with the jibes and jokes over the next few months!

That is good. As Pelor teaches us in the First Scroll of Light… “Be not the bringer of sorrow, but the bringer of mirth and love… For those are the guide posts to the Path of Light…” And also in the second half of the 14th that speaks of how ‘only those who can laugh at themselves are worthy to laugh at others’…

Good Hanor brought me back into full fit and trim and I set out again to vanquish our foe. By the time I was able to reenter the fray, Drak has disposed of the first enemy; but, a new threat had emerged close to the first. This was another undead beast with its guts exposed that seemed to have a multitude of mouths writhing in its exposed belly! I have never seen anything more disgusting than this creature.

I soon last control of my senses in my rage to defeat this disgusting mass of evil and it was gone soon after our laying blades to it.

We recovered Lord Morrow, healed him of his considerable wounds, and filled him in on events since his capture. That is when I sent my message to you. I did receive your message about heading to Dullstrand and that is indeed our next destination. I will push for the Oathbound to rejoin the Redleafs and the fight against the Medigians and the Over King soon. I hope to see you and all there within the year.

El ‘Rohir

Success at last!! It's most satisfying to have been able to start out on a quest and actually finish it. We were able to find and save Lord Morrow. I was beginning to wonder whether we would find him at all much less alive or...unchanged. The events unfolded so quickly that at first I thought my memory was playing tricks but after all was said and done and we sat around going over what had happened during the day I found out that my memory was fine. My handsome El'Rohir had been turned into a toad! This is what I remember:

We were making our way through the valley, looking for the Wheel of Pain or some kind of hint as to the whereabouts of this "wheel" or Lord Morrow when we came upon a lake. The water in the lake appeared to be boiling. Far into the lake some sort of armed wheel that seemed to be half submerged was turning seemingly of it's own volition. As the wheel turned, the body of a man that had been strapped to the wheel emerged from the water! I was shocked. It looked as though this man were dead so limply was he hanging from his bindings. Drak cast the magic upon our group that would allow us to fly and off we went towards the poor soul. I was determined to save him from such a horrible death or, if he was already dead, to get him off the torturous contraption that bound him and continued to boil his poor body. As we approached the man, who was going under yet again, there sounded an explosion so close that I could feel the force even as I sped toward the wheel. I turned around only briefly enough to know that I was not being attacked and to see a fiendish creature on the banks we'd just flown over had emerged and had sent flames flying to Drak. Drak was down but my mind was on the man on the wheel. I knew that I could count on my companions to handle that business and handle it they did as I found out later. I was determined to free the man on the wheel! I flew to him as emerged from the water again and straddled the wheel. All I knew was that I wanted him free before he suffered another dunking. By the time I had undone all the ropes and had him in my arms I knew that a fierce battle was being fought behind me. I could hear the rapid and deadly twang of Aria's bow. I could hear Terranza's battle cry. I could hear Drak's spells. "Good," I thought to myself as I struggled with the ropes. "Someone saved Drak!" It was relayed to me later that the creature had nearly killed Drak with some sort of fire magic and Terranza swooped down and saved him from a boiling death in the lake by catching him in her arms as he fell! What an impressive sight that must have been! Anyway, I could hear Hanors chants as he called for his God to assist him but I heard not a sound from El'Rohir! Where was he? What could have happened? I tried not to dwell so that I could finish the task at hand but I was beginning to worry. His fierce cries as he raged and called upon Pelor while battling even the strongest of foes was something that I'd grown quite accustomed to. Yet I heard nothing from him. Dread filled my heart as I fought with the ropes that bound this poor soul and it was all I could do not to just quit what I was doing and seek out El'Rohir to find what had happened. I just knew, though, that I had to free this man. His next emergence in the torrid lake water might be his last. He was barely clinging to life! "El'Rohir!" I shouted, as I was able to cut the last piece of rope and take the man into my arms. "Where are...” I was unable to finish my question for as I wheeled around in the air to carry the poor man to safety I saw Hanor casting a spell on a...well, a flying toad! That toad suddenly began to stretch and grow in midair while changing shape. It's grayish, green and rubbery legs stretched and changed into muscular, tanned flesh. Its bulbous eyes shrank back into a frog shaped head that was quickly growing and becoming more human looking and familiar looking. At once I realized that it was El'Rohir! The flying toad was El'Rohir!! I nearly dropped the poor man I just spent so much time saving! I could not believe my eyes and had to keep checking back to see that it really was El'Rohir there in the air as I flew the man, who, of course turned out to beach Lord Morrow, to the safety of the beach. Safety! The horrid creature that I saw Terranza and Drak fighting was beyond any disgusting thing I have ever seen! This creature was born from the pit of the hells themselves! However Drak, Terranza, Aria and El'Rohir finally put an end to that vile creature as I did what I could to heal Lord Morrow. It all happened so quickly but as long as I shall live, I will never forge that sight! Thanks to Obad'hai that we have Hanor and he was able to cancel the magic that the first creature had cast upon my fair El that turned him into a toad. It would have been difficult to have to endure this change if Hanor's counter spell had not succeeded but I would have done anything that I could to make things easier for El while he was not "himself". At least I would have still been able to talk with him. I am a ranger after all!

Goodmonth 9 CY 576 After fending off some troll raiders and avoiding most other trouble, the party arrived in Dullstrand with a great sense of relief at being able to finally obtain a clean bed, baths and much needed rest and recreation. Lord Morrow went straight to the Wizards’ Guild tower, stating that the guild master was a friend and an ally of the Hestmark Republic movement. Morrow took Terranza with him and gave her more background information about her parents and her role in the future Hestmark Republic, should it come to pass.
That night, near midnight, as the party was about to finish off their night with a drink and a late dinner at the luxurious “Gondola Inn” some enemies from the Oathbound’s past ambushed them, demanding return of the “Fiend’s Embrace” cloak that Grazz’t had fashioned for Iggwilv long ago. The “Fingers of Iuz” had planned their ambush based on information they had divined about the Oathbound, but they had not divined that the fiendish cloak was in the custody of Boss Fromm, as artifacts cannot be magically detected.
The details of the combat shall be left to the individual party members to recount, but it was very close. Aria was struck down, Silver was gravely injured and Drak’s spellcasting ability was magically suppressed, but in the end, Valen, Grinag and Baklunag lay dead, but Matyara escaped via a planeshift and Roon the bard made his getaway the old-fashioned way.
Goodmonth 10 CY 576 The elvish clipper “Elietha Neveru” put into Dullstrand, captained by the handsome elvish merchant captain “Corridan Ferrisall.” Corridan and his sister Annaria and his human sword-brother Kennad Skimmersafe walked into the “Gondola” and sat down for dinner. Corridan approached Aria and Drak wrapped his arms around her, determined not to give up his bedrollmate just because Aria’s father had arranged a marriage for her. Corridan seemed unconcerned, even though his sister gave Aria an inquisitive look. Corridan delivered a message for Drak. Aria pulled Corridan’s sister aside and asked her about how Corridan felt about the fact that she didn’t want to marry someone her father had picked. Annaria revealed that Corridan was much more than what Aria’s father knew of him—he was actually a Lendore Island privateer who preyed upon the enemies of the Sehanine ruling council. However, he was not necessarily a devout and fanatical follower of the cult, but a profit-seeking pragmatist whose extreme skill at sea gave him much leeway with the council. Annaria told Aria that Corridan was unconcerned about her feelings, as he was aware that her path of destiny was much different than what her father knew and that if she wanted to seek Corridan out decades later, that was up to her. Corridan extended a dinner invitation to the party and made a special point to let Hanor know that he too, was welcome. Terranza was quite struck by the handsome human traveling with Corridan, Kennad Skimmersafe.
Goodmonth 11 CY 576 Two full days of rest in a civilized town did much to restore the spirits of the Oathbound. Dinner that night on the graceful elven clipper ship of Corridan Ferrisall brought back many fond memories for the elves in the party as they feasted on elven delicacies and seafood creations that Corridan’s ship cook had created himself. Corridan offered passage for the Oathbound north, offering to put them on shore just south of Pontylver so they could escort Lord Morrow back to Briarwood and avoid all the dangers and enemy patrols north of Dullstrand.
Goodmonth 12 CY 576 After the Oathbound’s shopping and selling depleted the local economy cash reserves, the Oathbound delivered a significant amount of magical weapons, treasure, gems, jewelry, objects of art and other valuables to the Wizards’ Guild, donating them for the cause of the Hestmark republic’s army. Zephyr Cartstone, a kindly gnomish wizard and friend of Lord Morrow, gratefully accepted the donation and said he would use it to help equip the Hestmark Republic’s southern brigades.

Goodmonth 11 CY 576
Dear Cousin,

As you suggested, we traveled to Dullstrand . What a relief to feel the salt air once again! We did have to tangle with a hunting party of mountain trolls; but, they were no match for our combination of magic and blade.

Over the course of the last few months, we have accumulated a great wealth of magical warcraft and money. It has been my intention all along to purchase away the shares of my fellows in order to provide these arms to the future army of the Republic. I had feared that some of my companions would not feel as obligated as I toward the future of our beloved Highlands… In the end though, all but Drak gave whole measure of their share for our cause. Do not pass judgement on Drak for this, cousin! He has more than earned his share of this material and has received his measure of gold so that all of the gear might benefit our budding state. It is the evil that is infesting his soul that holds him back from doing what is right for all. Despite this, as I have said before, there is hope for him and I continue to offer myself up to Pelor as a vessel through which this man may come to see the light! As it is written in the 4th Scroll…

“Hold aloft the torch of good so that it might draw the faithful hitherto from the depths of the dark places of the World…For those who scar their hands on the wick of the Righteous Light will be healed of soul and be high among the chosen few!”

We spent several days here in Dullstrand. Although we saw numerous Medigians on the way into town (no doubt, our presence was noted and passed on), we spent those nights in the Gondola Inn. This is one of my favorite inns in the southern Hestmark and bathing here in their fine tubs with steamy water, eating of the rich food on their polished board, and finding a soft bed to dream in has made the months on the Vast Swamp fade a bit into memory.

Silver and I had opportunity to spend a little time alone. It is beyond doubt now that our desire to spend time together is not just born of a need found in comrades in the field. But rather, this is the beginning of something much deeper. Our night together was spent talking about things apart from warfare, plans of action, and the aches and pains of long weeks of overland travel. We spoke of flowers, the stars, and the sea. We spoke of family, our love for our fellow Oathbound, and the mysteries of the future. I cannot claim to have experienced a brighter more mirth filled evening in all my life.

I know that Uncle Earnur will say that I am allowing my Mother’s influence get the better of me and claim all of these feelings as ‘mere Human haste…’. I think he is right. Yet, the Human is part of me. It comes through in my war craft, it comes through in my spiritual life and is a part of me. I will no longer deny it or its say in the decisions made in the directions in my life. I am not a pure blood like my father. I am something more…

In any case, as we stayed at the Gondola, Lord Morrow and Terranza went to the Wizard Guild’s tower near the middle of town. The Wizards of Dullstrand (as you well know) are allies to our cause. Zephyr Cartstone accepted a great deal of accumulated materiel to bolster the Hestmark’s southern forces. I had originally intended to bring it with me to Briarwood (along with Lord Morrow) to give to you and my Father; but, I have seen what the men of the south are preparing and those weapons will find good use here.

So, as Silver and I entered the tavern room of the Gondola at the end of our wonderful evening together, we encountered “The Fingers of Iuz” again. I thought that we had taken care of these folks when we last encountered them. However, that was not the case and they were back with a great deal more power this time! They, of course were here for the cloak (Fiend’s Embrace) that I wrote to you about long months ago. They actually thought that we would be dragging that thing around with us through trail and fen! More powerful, yes; but, not much wiser are they. The fight was a tough one. Drak’s magic was neutralized immediately and Matyara had a protective spell that repels living creatures preventing me from simply gutting her like the pig she is. Backlunag was casting harmful spells left and right (as was Matyara), and Grinag (their orcish dog) Dropped Aria with little effort. Although his war craft was crude, it was devastating! I called upon the might of Pelor as Valen attacked Silver wounding her terribly. I splattered him across three sections of the room. And turned my attentions (in vain) on the protected Matyara.

After several wasted attempts to hit her, I abandoned her after a few attempts to penetrate her shielding and turned my wrath upon Grinag. He had become quite powerful; but, he could not withstand my blade wielded in fury. When I turned to begin a bit of spell work on Matyara, I found her and Roon gone. No doubt, they left through her magic as I did not hear them run away. Cowards.

We took greater care this time in rendering the corpses nearly impossible to bring back through divine magic. We paid the tavern owner for the damages and dealt briefly with the locals, healing one of the two injuries (the other was fatal I’m afraid) and the local constabulary who quickly agreed that we had not violated their law as it was we who were attacked.

The next evening at dinner in the Gondola main dinning room, Corridan Ferrisall accompanied by his sister Annaria and Kennad Skimmersafe walked in and sat down for dinner. After a few moments, Captain Corridan and Annaria approached our table. The good Captain and our cousin Aria were betrothed to each other some time ago (as a good political marriage opportunity) by Aria’s father. For some time, Aria has resisted meeting this fellow and her current relationship with Drak certainly precludes her wedding this dashing sea captain. So, we met them with some trepidation not knowing what to expect as they sat at our board with grim smiles upon their lean elven features.

Personally, I was expecting an awkward moment or two. This turned prophetic as the women of our groupnoticed that Kennad was masquerading as an Elf! He had fake ears and on closer inspection by us all, he turned out to be quite Human instead! This was explained away by Corridan that in their business, they dealt with a number of Elven people who would not act the same with a Human lurking about. He had grown so comfortable with his disquise (and his elvish was nearly perfect) that he had neglected to take it off for Corridan’s meeting with us. Their appearance at the Gondola was no chance event.

In fact, Corridan delivered a message to Drak from his people and seemed quite impassive toward Aria. We learned later that they both have other interests right now and have mutually decided to leave the issue of marriage for another decade so that they can both follow the paths that are before them now. I aided aria with a sending spell so that she cold inform her Father about her intentions not to immediately marry Corridan. He responded with his disappointment and his understanding.

Annaria spoke with Aria privately for a time and all seemed cordial and well. I was delighted to be in the company of Captain Corridan as his manner is as good as is his nature. He offered to serve us the evening meal the next night aboard his ship, and our group happily accepted. I was especially pleased with the manner in which he and his compatriots treated Hanor. Even if only a select few Dwarves are like this good soul, I cannot imagine any justification for the prejudice that still runs rampant among the Elves in my family. Hanor has proven beyond all possible doubt that the Dwarves are a true natured goodly race deserving of high honor from all who behold them. And I will defend his honor (and that of his race) till my dying day as if it were my very own. True to their word, I could not have been a better host to our Dwarven friend. In this, my estimation of the good Captain and his crew is quite high. Yet, there is something I feel that we are missing here. Something not quite right. Perhaps it is nothing more than a well tailored sense of paranoia nurtured by months of constant battle readiness. I like these people and their Captain. Do I fully trust them as yet?

Captain Corridan’s vessel is like nothing I have ever seen. I have seen a clipper only once before when I was with the Brotherhood in my youth and it was not as appointed as this! The good Captain obviously keeps a very tight ship as evidenced by the spectacular condition of everything aboard. Below deck, it is a marvel of ingenious layout to maximize every inch of space while still allowing a bit of comfort for crew and guests. The promised meal was wonderful and Captain Corridan offered to take us by sea to the coast just south of Pontylver to lessen our journey to Briarwood by several weeks. I am wary of being so close to the Medigians and within range of their fleet. However, this will allow us to bypass the numerous enemy patrols in the mountains as well as the reported increased dragon activity to be found there. It is my hope that I will be able to meet you and my father there in a week’s time. Of course, when we journey abroad, things have a tendency to happen…

I hope to see you then.

El’ Rohir
Glory to the Republic!

Drak’s Thoughts

Well we trudged out way north to another pirate smuggler’s town on the coast, the name escapes me. Any way we check into the nicest inn, the Gondola’s something or other and I took a long soak in the hottest water possible. Afterward I go to the main room, order a drink and wait for Aria to come down so that we may go about the town and enjoy some of the sights.

Well that wasn’t meant to be. I notice that the bard entertaining the crowd finished up and he came and sat at my table! I barely recognized him as the bard of the Iuz adventurers that we killed when we recovered the fiend’s cloak.

Curious I let him speak his mind. He was sent by his master, Iuz to recover the cloak. He offered me great power and riches and 72 gnomish virgins to give him the cloak, but I really wasn’t interested. Oh yeah I had to swear allegiance to Iuz and be part of his army. Well, I really hate authority (at least over me) and told him to sit on his lute and spin and pay my bar tab. His parting words were “You’ll be sorry”, but in the end he paid my tab.

I knew I had to warn the other, but wasn’t able to catch anyone other than Aria. I informed her of gnome and we geared out for full battle. We camped in the main room and waited for the others to return. Just as El and Silver returned to the Inn I felt my connection to my sorcerous powers cut off! By the nine hells that did not feel good! I see the cause of my predicament, a wizard of the Iuz scum. I try my staff of evocation to launch chain lightning against him, and the other scum as they were popping into sight. Damn! I can’t even use my staff!

Well there’s more than one way to skin an owlbear! I charge into the fool, and soon my blows have him staggering. El, comes up from behind him and lays him out, and I crush his wind pipe ending his chants forever!

Looking up I see that Aria is down and there is a huge halforc slicing into Silver and Terranza is throwing her double ax at the cleric near the door. Realizing the shouts from El and Terranza meant I quickly string my longbow, and pull out the sleep poison that I have been keeping just for an event as this. I dip an arrow into the poison, notch my arrow and….where’d that wench go? Ah well there’s that nice big half orc. Damn, missed him. Oh well El soon has him in pieces and the gnome has fled as well. Three dead, I didn’t even see the third get wasted. I cut their thumbs off, so if they get raised they will have to have them regrown…hehehehe I’m such an inventive elf! We come away with some interesting loot and settle down for the night.

The next few days we sell off a portion of the loot we have as El wanted to turn all of it over to the rebellion to boost their fighting ability. Well that’s all and good, but they had to buy me out first, and the sale of a few items all for me brought me enough money to further my personal needs quit nicely.

We are settled down in the main room enjoying a fine meal when Aria’s betrothed and party arrive. After some banal talk we get invited to their boat for dinner.

Getting dressed up in new clothing I purchased with my appropriate weaponry I escort Aria to the boat. It’s a nice enough thing, seems to be roomy enough for travel. Although I have to say the dinner was finely done, and rivaled that of my family’s chef.

Ah, good elven wine, beautiful elven women and a full belly…..

Dear Mother,

We saved Lord Morrow and took him to Dullstrand. While we were there I went with Lord Morrow to the wizard's tower. I learned some interesting news about my father and about me. I would have liked to have known this information sooner but now is as good a time as any. Now revenge is not my driving force any more. I know I will be able to convince Hanor, El'Rohir and Silver to aid me in my new found task though Drak and Aria might be a harder sell. Now we're off to return Lord Morrow to his home. Please continue to pray to Pelor for our strength and safety. Let our enemies beware!

With all my love,


We have entered the world of civilized people once again. Well, somewhat civilized anyway. I love nature and everything that entails but a long, warm bath and a soft bed do wonders for my attitude! We have arrived in Dullstrand with Lord Morrow. I believe there is more to this man than we may ever come to know. He is good, though, and stout of heart and body. I am glad to add his rescue to our list of successful quests. He and Terranza seem to have spent a good amount of time together since we arrived and Terranza seems different now. It's difficult to say how. She seems to stand a little straighter and present herself with a bit more confidence. Not that confidence was something that she lacked!! She also seems a little sad but at the same time there's a gleam in her eye that denotes satisfaction or something similar. When she's ready she will say what, if anything, has prompted this change. Maybe it's nothing more than fresh, hot meals and good sleep in a comfortable bed.

I believe I will always remember Dullstrand in a very special way. It is here that I've realized that El'Rohir cares for me as deeply as I care for him. I thought (hoped!) that he did have feelings for me. It's hard to tell when you're traipsing about the wilderness with the possibility of danger at every turn. All of us are pretty much right on top of each other all the time. Let's just say we're all rather close. I always thought, though, that when El looked at me there was something different about his look. Something soft and caring. Sometimes his eyes seemed to hold a fire that seemed so passionate that I'd have to look away only to look back and he would be working hard at whatever task was at hand. Now, though, we've spent the most wonderful night together. Just he and I. I believe we must have walked the entire city, talking, reveling in each other's thoughts and feelings. It was wonderful. I have never felt so close and so right with anyone before. If there wasn't such important work ahead of us I would be more than happy to remain here with El - walking the harbor, watching the sun rise over the ocean and set behind the hills of the Hestmark Highlands. It will be El'Rohir's birthday soon. I have had something fashioned for him out of stone in the russet color of Obad'Hai. I hope that he will be able to look upon this and always know how deeply I care for him.

While here we met Corridan, Aria's betrothed, as El'Rohir's cousin, Io, asked us to do. He seems.....sure of himself. I'm not really sure what my feelings tell me about him. He was with his sister and a companion that was very obviously a human dressed as an elf. He looked as if he had left half his disguise off. It was quite ridiculous until he actually got his diguise off and then I saw the most beautiful man I believe that I have ever seen. Almost as if someone created him as a work of art. Too beautiful. I don't know why but I get a strange feeling from these people. They say and do all the right things. Everyone appears to trust them. We have dined on their very elaborate elven clipper ship and they've offered to take us to a point just south of Pontylver. It all seems, I don't know, too convenient! It could be that I'm just paranoid. I don't know how that could happen!! Even here we've been attacked by old foes. Most of them were brought back from the death that we wrought upon them!!! I just feel that we needn't go any closer to Pontylver than necessary. If that tawdry group of ruffians could find us then so can the Medegians. I just think that we need to be careful.

As always I pray to Obad'Hai to guide us safely to our destination and hope that I may come across another temple. It was such a pleasant surprise when I happened upon the one as we left the swamps. Only El could see the signs when I pointed them out. I felt so refreshed and renewed after leaving the temple. It was there I found the stone to shape into El's gift. The Shalm does make his presence known. May he bless us and grant us safety on our travels.

Goodmonth 14 CY 576 Leery about traveling with Corridan, even though a naval voyage would cut many days of their journey back to Briarwood to take Lord Morrow home, the party did leave with him by ship, keeping careful watch.
Goodmonth 15 CY 576 The party helps Corridan intercept and defeat a Scarlet Brotherhood fast frigate that was trying to run treasures and tribute to the barbarian tribes to the north. The party is allowed to keep the treasure in return for Corridan keeping the fine human vessel.
Goodmonth 18 CY 576 Arrive in Ballen’s port. To preserve secrecy, the party drops overboard a few miles away and walks along the sea bottom to the shore a few miles away from the town to avoid Medegian spies. Lord Morrow was given a potion of water breathing to accomplish this task. Lord Morrow agrees to accompany the party to the Sharpaxe clan dwarven mines, Hanor’s home, near Dorr, so that Hanor could drop off the Anvil of the Lortmil Mountains with his clan. Corridan sends a magical message to Aria, telling her to look up his agent Portos Skar in Ballen’s Port whenever they need to contact Corridan.
Goodmonth 20 Arrival at the Sharpaxe copper mines. Feasting and much hero worship bestowed upon Hanor by his clan, especially when he gives them the anvil as a gift on behalf of the party. Lord Morrow and Elder Sharpaxe retire to start plotting the future of the Hestmark republic.
Goodmonth 21 CY 576 Lord Morrow and Elder Sharpaxe approach the party and ask them if they would be willing to strike a blow against the Medegians by taking out Dedermont’s Keep, regional base for the Overking’s hated Royal Pathwardens. Morrow explains this blow would help turn many citizens of the nearby town of Dorr into supporters of the rebellion.

Goodmonth 22 CY 576

My Dear cousin Io,

We left Dullstrand with Corridan on the 14th and set out to sea. His clipper is a remarkable piece of craftsmanship and his crew is quite proficient in its use. Before sailing, Corridan asked us if we would be a part of small raid he was planning. We asked for details; but, with security in mind, he could tell us nothing until after we sailed. We pledged to defend the ship until we knew more.

On our second day at sea, Corridan informs us that we are to intercept and take a fast frigate serving the Scarlet Brotherhood. Naturally enough, we offered him our swords and began to prepare for the coming battle. We pursued the enemy all through the night and Corridan’s skill at navigation and bringing us into a favorable fighting position were remarkable. His Sea Elven crew members went ahead of our ship beneath the waves and disabled the larger human vessel by fouling its rudder as we were nearing it. With no way to steer, the great vessel eventually angled out of the wind and slowed so that we could engage them.

As we approached, they began to fire their main armament in the form of ballista mounted in the sides of the ship below the scuppers (just as they were outfitted on our vessel). The fire back and forth was murderous and from below our feet we could hear the screams of the wounded and dying as the powerful darts crashed into our vessel. As we drew nearer to the enemy, we could hear an equal or greater slaughter from our own missiles and some crafty spell work of Corridan’s Men.

Of course, Drak, Hanor, and I began our own spell work while at some distance to great effect. With Drak spouting fire, Hanor with some spells and his trusty crossbow, and the Holy Power of Pelor’s light we set out to great advantage. Once we were close enough, our ballista crews fired their grappling lines and brought us up tight along side the enemy and we were able to board in force.

I brought down the Holy light upon them as I cast Righteous Might and leaped onto their deck among a fair number of barbarians who seemed delighted to see me coming (so sure they were of their own skill). Silver crossed over as did Terranza and Aria peppered them with a withering barrage of arrows. Once the fight was reduced to blade work, their fate was sealed and we dispatched the above deck force rapidly.

All the while, below the enemy’s decks, Corridan’s crack assault team was hard at work among the 40 or so sailors and what appeared to be a Barbed Devil! As we handled the above deck, so they handled all below. The evil outsider did flee to the above deck just to encounter our wrath at his appearance. He was sent back to his plane of origin in a painful way banishing this foul beast from our existence for at least the lifetime of a healthy man. Afterwards, I blessed the decking where this evil thing vomited its innards so as to rid the ship completely of any lingering influence of its foul presence.

After the Scarlet Brotherhood and their company were put down, Corridan offered us the entire treasure aboard the frigate if we would consent to his keeping the ship. We readily agreed since the only one of us with true knowledge of the sea and its ways is Silver and we do not have a crew. Besides, we are once again loaded down with treasures and weapons that can aid the budding Hestmark Republic! Corridan gave a contact in Ballin’s Port who could be trusted to get messages to him should we need his services in the future. His name is Portos Skar.

On the 18th, we were nearing Ballin’s Port. We have experienced Medigian spies there before and decided to try the waters again to make it to shore without being seen. Upon making the mainland without incident, Hanor asked the Oathbound to accompany him to the home mines of the Sharpaxe Clan so that he could present his elders with the Anvil of the Lortmil Mountains (which we liberated during our mission south of the Hestmark). Of course, we agreed and Lord Morrow did not begrudge us the detour.

After a couple days of keeping low and enjoying the milder weather here in the middle stretches of the Highlands, we arrivds at the clan holdings on the 20th. Here we enjoyed a great feast and much comraderie with the good dwarves of Hanor’s family. We held the elders in rapt fascination as we told the incredible tales of Hanor’s adventure in our company and we all made a sharp point of making certain both Hanor and his family knew how precious Hanor’s friendship and comradeship has been to us these many months since he has been away. As a testimony to how close we have all become over the course of our journeys together, Hanor’s thanks to us was expressed in his eyes. And, he easily read ours telling him that nothing was owed and we will be his friends forever. No words where or ever will be needed between us.

Afterward, Lord Morrow and the Elder Sharpaxe sat up into the far reaches of the night planning and plotting their future involvement in the Hestmark Republic. Though I desired to be a part of these discussions, I was waylaid by my companions in a small but quite moving celebration of my birthday culminating in a gift from Silver that took my breath away! She bestowed upon me a brooch with which to secure by battle cloak which features a stone carving of her face with silver eyes and her hair flowing in the wind in such a way as to hide the clasp in an ingenious fashion. I was expecting nothing more than a pat on the back, some good cheer, and some relaxing time exchanging noisome banter with my friends. Instead, I received a gift of high quality not so much due to the nature of its material composition but rather from the spirit and deep feeling with which it was created from her thought to my hand. I shall treasure it always and will protect it above all things save only her.

Her own birthday is coming soon, cousin. I do not know if I can wait that long to give her what I wish to give her. It is a gift of great value as it will be as much of my heart as if I had opened my chest to give it. I wonder if she will accept it. I will let you know.

The next day, Lord Morrow and The Elder Sharpaxe approached us as we were finishing our morning meal of fine breads, butter, honey, and the sweetest ale I have ever tasted. They have become aware of the precarious political position of the Town of Dorr and the surrounding town lands and inns and they desire to send a message to both the Medigians and to these folks who desire to be free of the Over King. Dedermont’s Keep is a small fortress that was raided by the Oathbound in the months before I joined them. They have told me the tale many times while on the march and I feel as if I was actually there from Drak’s and Silver’s detailed descriptions of the events there. Although much of the keep was destroyed and the denizens were wiped out, a new group has taken up residency… the Royal Pathwardens. The keep has apparently become a regional command post for this rather hated group and Lord Morrow has pointed out how their defeat at our hands could signal a good bit of sympathy with the rebellion of the Hestmark in the surrounding lands. Either way, for me, the Pathwardens are better targets than even the Medigians. The Medigians will fear us all the more which might give them some pause in their plans against us and the Over King gets a message straight to the heart:

If he plans to station his own men within the reach of our blades, he had better not be too attached to them.

We have agreed to assault the keep and we will do so with the utmost caution. Slaughtering Medigian soldiers and barbarian sailors is one thing; but, the Royal Pathwardens are something else entirely. They are a group of focused and practiced power. They will be expecting our assault and will be ready. They are also employing a deep evil power in the form of outsider allies within the keep. We must be wary. This attack on this small keep may indeed be our gravest mission yet.

I pray to Pelor daily for your well being, for the strength to accomplish our goals, and the wisdom to win her heart forever…

Your Cousin,

El ‘Rohir

Drak's Thoughts.

Well I glad to report that elves do make better sailors and navigators. The ship was a fine lady who carried us with grace a speed befitting her station!

The battle was a nice little affair, love to burn things up!

The loot was good, and I believe that El and Silver will want to give it to the rebellion; at least not after they buy me out.

Hanor's clan was typical of its kind, short & hairy! If it wasn't for that fine ale they made, staying underground would have been tiresome to say the least. Oh yes, El celebrated his birthday. The way the humans carried on it was like the 50 year mark we elves celebrate! Oh well he was very taken with Silver's gift, which I must say was very well done!

Although I don't think he enjoyed the stuffed toad I gave him in remembrance of his earlier adventure!

Hail! The Sun bathed Mountains!
Hail! The Shadowed Valleys!
Hail! The Hestmark Republic!

Oh mother, what wonders the seas hold! Ships and battles and treasure. We have delivered Hanor’s anvil to his village and told his people what a true hero he is. I still feel I need to do more for him, maybe soon if my future plays out like I hope. Lord Marrow and an elder from Hanor's village have asked us to attack the Pathwardens, if we are successful my future will be well on the way to what has been planned. So I will fight as if this were my last and continue towards freedom.
Please pray to Pelor for our Oathbounds victory.
With all my love,

The Gods do work in mysterious ways. To have been hither and yon and now it seems I may get the chance to redeem myself for the fiasco at the Royal Pathwardens keep months back. I know that it is no secret where my loyalties lie. My companions know, the rebels know, Boss Fromm knows so that wretched druid, Mardak, should know by now. Assuming, that is, that Boss Fromm has been in contact with him. Some time has passed since that happened and we were unclear at the time of how the actions we took affected the rebellion. I should have been able to forgive myself by now! Somehow I just haven't been able to. The Royal Pathwardens! Phaw! I can't bear to think that they and I share certain qualities and traits that only rangers share! They use all their knowledge and the gifts from their Gods for naught but evil and now, finally, I can let them know what a ranger of good can do! By Obad'Hai's leafy beard I vow to put at least this group of so-called Royal Pathwardens out of the world's misery for some time! If the Oathbound is successful in this quest, what a blow it will be to the Medegians!

Staying with the dwarves has been very enlightening. I have had the chance to get to know only one of these stalwart folk and that is my companion, Hanor. It is amazing the closeness of this clan. One can almost feel the honor palpitating from each and every one of the clansmen and women! Hanor is so humble when his accomplishments are spoken about but there is a gleam in his eye that denotes the pride he feels. Oh, that I could but share my accomplishments with my family as well. I cannot wait to see them again! So much has happened! Lord Morrow is treated very respectfully here. There is much to this man that we do not know. I can’t help but notice how he speaks frequently with Terranza, usually away from the rest of us. As I said before she has a different air about her and she seems to believe very strongly that attacking the keep is a good offensive move. However, she does agree with us, as does Lord Morrow that we must strike, win and leave. This will surely have an impact on the Medegians!

I do think that El'Rohir was quite taken by my gift. I was a bit afraid that he would think me too forward. It's just that I remember so well how it felt when I found the stone and decided what it would become. I knew then and there that it was right! I can only hope that he knows the deep caring with which I gave it and how much it meant to me to give what I so felt was the perfect gift! If I could only tell him what my heart tells me! The time will come, I know, so until then I will bide mine. There is no rush. What is meant to be will be. For now I will stand side by side with this fierce and handsome warrior and vanquish the evil that we so equally and passionately detest!

(Goodmonth) Avoiding a possible Medegian cavalry patrol, the party travels to and spends the night at Ruoyna’s Den. They find out that the scouts of Boss Fromm’s have already trekked to the town of Dorr 18 miles up the road.
8-23-576 Arriving at Dorr near mid-day, the party spends some well earned R&R at the incredibly luxurious Sunflower Palace, possibly one of the most exclusive inns in the region. Lots of recreational activity follows, plus some selling and purchasing of items.
8-24-576 Another day in the lap of luxury is interrupted when the party finds out that Boss Fromm’s scouts have already set up a loose perimeter around Dedermont’s Keep in the nearby Wailing Wood. Arriving near the keep in the late afternoon, Silver takes it upon herself to use her subterfuge and camouflage skills to scout out activity at the keep. She got cocky, however, and snuck up to the walls to get a closer look and is nearly slain when she triggers a magical alarm and an enemy wizard and a very powerful and very fast man bearing Royal Pathwarden colonel rank insignia almost manages to run her through during a running chase through the forest. Even though she triggered a magical alarm flare, the party couldn’t reach her in time, but just as she was almost dead, she managed to escape using invisibility and an impressive turn of luck in hiding from her assailant, who had also apparently outrun the wizard who was helping him track Silver’s location down precisely.

8-25-576 (Goodmonth)

My Dear Cousin Io,

Once again, we find that our mission (and the needs of the Hestmark) calls us to leave my beloved highlands.

Our time with the Sharp Axe Clan has been happy and comfortable. Hanor’s people are loyal, hospitable, and generous. These stout folk have much more than mere stone work to offer our Republic! At the behest of Lord Morrow and the Elder Sharp Axe, we have decided to embark to meet up with some of Boss Fromm’s men and to rid the region of the Royal Pathwardens in Dedermont’s Keep. I have appealed to the Wisdom of the Path of Light, and Pelor has answered my prayers by allowing me to know that there is great evil sequestered within the palisade of the keep in the form of powerful outsiders. We have, of course, known for some time that the Over King is using dragons, the undead, and outsiders in his efforts to bring this region of the World within his iron grip. The Archbishop and his Medigian dogs are there to control and suppress the common folk. The others are for us (and those like us) who have chosen the path of freedom and to bask in the light of truth.

So, well provisioned for a journey easily a month longer than is planned (as is our wont), we set out for Ruoyna’s Den. The other members of the Oathbound have had dealings with the proprietor before they met me and have claimed him a reliable source of information and trustworthy. As we left the foothills, we encountered a mounted patrol as we left the cover of the foothills and decided to avoid detection this time.

We spent one night encamped about Ruoyna’s Den partaking of an evening and a morning meal of quite passable fare while learning a few bits of interesting intelligence… The Medigians have pulled out of the local valleys and flats and have collected themselves near Pontylver as they begin to drill their brand of war craft into their troops and build their force for their assault on the Highlands this next Spring.

They have left the control and patrol of the region to the Pathwardens who are just now beginning to show the locals how much they prefer the Medigians to these interlopers from the far lands of the Over King. We were told that Boss Fromm’s men had left the bridge and Inn and have moved on to Dorr. We originally had decided to avoid Dorr (as our presence might have been noticed by Medigian spies). However, we do wish to meet up with these men and since we have learned that we have been scryed and watched all along, I feel that it doesn’t really matter where we go for now. The Archbishop has, no doubt, a great deal of confidence that we are of little consequence and that the Royal Pathwardens will put an end to us once and for all. Otherwise, I feel that he would have had an entire battalion of troops assigned to deal with the problem of us continuing to breathe. His over confidence and his arrogance are his only true weakness.

As it is written in the 2nd Scroll of Light (verse 11):

“… As it is with the arrogance of the dark powers, so it is with he that believes in only the deeds of his hands, wringing them together is assumption of their as yet unused power, will find that they are wrapped in shadow and may appear as withered once exposed to the Light of Truth!”

And from the 3rd Scroll of Light (verse 21):

“Those who choose life in the shadows must still one day walk in the Sun. For only there can they learn the truth of their destiny.”

Someday, I will be that beacon of sunlight for the Archbishop.

We arrived at Dorr on the 23rd and decided to spend the night at the Sunflower Palace. As I said before, I think that they know where we are and thus hiding at some terrible place would have served little purpose. We kept our friends and weapons close and enjoyed a little of the niceties that our new found wealth has afforded us.

Silver and I also took advantage of this short respite in our adventure to spend time together. Looking forward to the upcoming action against the Over King’s men, I decided to finally openly declare my feelings for her. To my great relief and delight I discovered that she feels the same and we have committed to each other our love. The telling of this was like lifting a bond of heavy chains from my heart and I was inspired to sing of the old love ballads that Aunt Perine sang to us as children (remember how Uncle Earnur would roll his eyes and slouch into a grumpy looking old elf and Aunt Perine would add verses until he would finally give up and leave?). I surprised myself that so little has been lost to my memory. I have seen and done such horror during the last year, that I had believed that songs of peace and love were to never cross my lips again. But when I look into Silver’s eyes now, I can’t help but hear her voice declaring, “I love you” flare in my mind every time those silver orbs dance in my direction. Of our evening together, I remember every detail and yet, it seems to have been a blur…ending far too soon as it always seems to. Will I be strong enough in body and spirit to be worthy of her? It is above all else in my thoughts.

We sent a runner to find Boss Fromm’s group and learned that they had already left Dorr. Using the Power of Light, I sent a message to the leader of the squad and found him already holding a perimeter around the keep. They were beginning what they intend to be a long term observation mission to mark the comings and goings of the Pathwardens for Boss Fromm. Of course, they are sharing their intelligence with us and they are hopeful that our impromptu mission to crush the Pathwardens will relieve their mission entirely. Should we end this successfully, there will no longer be a need to watch the Wailing Woods for anything greater than the squirrels.

On the 24th, we began our trek into the Wood and we arrived at the perimeter watcher’s position a little after noon. As I have stated before, we all appreciate the differing nature of this foe and the fact that they have unknown help of unknown power has made us all careful in our approach on this mission.

They will most likely be looking for someone in the air and using concealing magic. They will also have the ground, the palisade, and the surrounding ground well guarded and watched (and very probably enspelled with protective magic). My beloved Silver presented a plan to surprise the defenses by sending only one scout (herself, of course… Her personal bravery will be her undoing, I am afraid). The idea is that we are known to always be together and perhaps they are looking for a larger (or more magically noticeable) group seeking to spy the fortress. One person carefully concealed and with great skill at hiding and sneaking just might get through to see what is going on there. Along with and an encouraging wink, I gave her the Wand of Signaling to call for help should she be discovered (although at nearly a mile distance, she was truly going to be on her own). Later, she admitted that she approached the Palisade itself to try to hear some conversations through the flimsy barrier. Doing so, caused her to spring the trap of some protective magic revealing her presence to the guards. They immediately set out to find her with some light cavalry and at least two other individuals (obviously members of the Pathwardens themselves as one of them wore the rank of Colonel of Pathwardens) who gave chase as she easily left the horsemen behind. These two gave chase into the forest and she sent up a flare for assistance.

We leaped into the saddle and pushed our newly acquired steeds to their limits heading to her rescue. Although the sorcerer of the pair after her was left behind quickly, she found it very difficult to shake this ‘Colonel’ as he was easily able to keep up with her and, in fact, was able to literally run rings around her as she ploughed through the forest. I have seen her move through wooded areas in detail and I have never seen anyone (or anything) move through foliage like Silver can. Obviously, the rank of ‘Colonel of Pathwardens’ is not one that is just given to some supportive nobleman! Finally, she gave him the slip and we met up to hear the tale of the chase and to heal Silver’s considerable injuries earned during the encounter. I have also seen her injured in combat before and she has rarely been this grievously hurt.

One alone is always a target! In the future, I will make myself heard against individual forays by anyone. There is still far too much of the World against us and what we believe in for any of us to venture alone, whether in the unfamiliar wilderness of the Wailing Wood, the well patrolled streets of Pontylver, or even the populated valleys of the Hestmark! Our enemies are everywhere. Only together can we prevent being overmatched by these foul people and their servants.

We must now contend with a keep full of powerful foes that are now in a heightened state of alertness and expecting an attack any moment. In fact we might need to postpone this mission for a while and simply join Fromm’s men in watching the place for a few weeks before making an assault. I will try to sway the Oathbound to a course of action at least similar to this. Pray to Pelor for us Io, and I will continue to pray and strive to make our plans come true in the Highlands!

For the Glory of Her love!
For the Glory of the Hestmark!

Your Cousin,

El ‘Rohir Redleaf

Dear Mother, We have made it to Dorr and I now know why you may have kept Father's past from me. Dorr is a very interesting town but I do look forward to being here in the future. The Oathbound and I stayed in town, partaking in the festivities and being very discreet. I do not believe anyone recognized me as being Father's only child so do not fret. We recieved word from Boss From that he would send some troops to help us in our attack against the Pathwardens. I feel a great relief knowing that we will have some support.
Sliver and El'Rohir are getting along famously and I would go so far as to say that wedding bells may ring after the OverKing is dead. Prey to Pelor for strength and victory. all my love Terranza

Hail! The Sun bathed Mountains!
Hail! The Shadowed Valleys!
Hail! The Hestmark Republic!

Life is most mysterious. To think, a few months ago I felt that there was nothing left for me. I was going to leave and become a druid. To drown out the cruelties of the real world in a world of trees, mountains, plants and animals. I cared not a whit if I ever laid eyes upon a "civilized" creature again!

Who could have ever known that my footsteps, as I left the door of my home, would lead me to myself and to the man that I love? And, as long as I draw breath, ne'er will I forget the joy I felt in hearing him declare his love for me. It's as if my life has come full circle. Everything makes sense! This is as it was always meant to be. For two people from different places on different paths to meet and find they share so much in common. Our passion for life, love and each other. Our passionate hatred of the evils of the world. The fates surely had a plan for us. I have no doubt. Thank Obad'Hai they did! Every step I've ever taken in my life was leading me here. Every single tear I've ever cried in happiness, sadness or bitter anger has meaning now. I know that my place is beside El'Rohir. For as long as I live!

That is IF I live!!! In scouting the Pathwarden's keep I decided to take a closer look and it was nearly the end of me. Everything was fine until I became overconfident and tried to get a closer look at things! I set off an alarm. (Probably magic! As if Drak had never protected us that way!!) That set things in motion in the keep. First a group of mounted soldiers(?) left the keep to scout the area. I was able to sit tight and keep from being seen by them. A little time went by and then I was beset upon by a mage and a very agile and stealthy scout-type person. The mage was not a problem but if I had not have had the strength to absorb the blows the scout dealt me I surely would have perished and not one of my companions would have known as I had many hours left on my reconnoiter. Thankfully, I was able to drink a potion of invisibility and escape the scout. I arrived back at the party with nothing but the residual effects of the intensity of the chase to keep me standing. I collapsed into the arms of my beloved El'Rohir. The pained and worried look in his eyes told me how close I was to departing the world of the living. With the strength and power that his God, Pelor, gives him he was able to restore me to full strength. I know that I must be more careful and I didn't need anyone to tell me that what I'd done was half-witted, to say the least, but I never want to be the cause of such anguish to El'Rohir again. From the look on his face, I knew at that moment that if I died a part of him would die as well. I feel now, though, that I must redeem myself in the eyes of my comrades as well as those of the men of Boss Fromm. I mustn't rush it but I can't stand to look like an inexperienced fool in the eyes of so many people that I respect!

I pray to Obad'Hai that we might find a way to gain the upper hand again. I couldn't bear it if I was the cause of our failure! We must lay waste to the keep and all within!

Boss Fromm's troops that have set up a perimeter around Dedermont's Keep are stationed in a series of 3 man listening posts roughly 200-300 yds apart about a mile away from the keep. Their only goal is to detect any large scale troop movements out of the keep, not to put a tight noose around the keep. The listening posts have small cunning dogs that are trained to carry messages and remain undetected while running to get their messages to HQ--this is how they notify the main camp (see below). There are two small warbands loyal to Boss Fromm assigned this task, their orders are not to engage in direct combat, but get the message out if the Pathwardens come out in a large force. All in all, about 60 troops man the perimeter and listening posts. Terranza knows most of them--they consist of Gordon's Slayers (about 35 warrior types from the edge of the Gloriole Mountains--mostly human and dwarven) and Berlingford's Freemen (about 20 troopers from the Berlingford area who do not agree with Berlingford's neutrality and want to free the Hestmark--led by Oathbound's former party member, Loganarius--who was asked to leave the Berlingford town guard after insulting and getting into a fight with one of the Overking's knights who was passing through)

The listening posts are supported by a concealed camp about 1.5 miles away from Dedermont's Keep. Loganarius and Gordon, the leaders of the two allied warbands, have set up a fortified HQ in a small natural cavern complex. Loganarius and Gordon tell the partythat they will not risk their warbands' wholesale destruction in a pitched battle with the Pathwardens, but they will help in any other way they can, to include logistical support, healing and giving a place to hide out. The cavern complex has been warded against scrying by a team of six dwarven miners and craftsmen who have been placing thin sheets of lead on the walls.

Loganarius tells the Oathbound that Boss Fromm plans to use the Slayers and the Freemen to defend the region when the Archbishop's armies come to take their revenge. Loganarius doesn't say anything about the plot to kill the Archbishop in front of Gordon, but he secretly tells the party that only Boss Fromm and a few select trusted members of the Hestmark Republic movement know that the assassination of the Archbishop is the signal for a general uprising and declaration of independence for the Highlands--the others only know that war is coming and they want to fight for the lives and freedom of their families living in the Hestmark.

Drak's Thoughts:

Finally out of that hole in the ground that the Dwarves relish, yrgh! We travel out and arrive at the Den, where we rest a bit then onto Dor, my most favorite of towns!

Whatever is your flavor can be obtained here. Aria and I get a room at the best Inn/Brothel in the whole area. I get some supplies and try to obtain additional components to enhance my spell casting, but the specific items I needed were not available.

After have fun we move into the woods and met up with the men of Fromm. We set up camp, but Silver goes off on her own and later we see her emergency flare in the sky, about a mile distant. By the time we get to her, she is slice up really bad. I warned her about magical alarms and traps! Well humans are so rash always running about without proper planning.

Oh well glad she didn't get wasted (the cost of raise dead is dreadful), because having to listen to El lament her demise would have driven me to homocidal distraction! Watching Silver and El fall into each others arms and profess their undying love and devotion just about made me puke, geeze get a room!

"To Battle!...

For the Glory of the Holy Light!
For the Glory of her Love!
For the Glory of the Hestmark!


8-26-576 The party decides to travel back east to meet up with Boss Fromm, who replied in a ‘message’ spell sent to him that he wants the party to meet him at Ather’s Rock, about a mile and ahalf from his old war camp that got taken over by the Medegians several months ago. On the way that party stumbles into an orc war party and disperses it, killing most of the orcs. The party stops in Dorr for more R&R since Fromm won’t need them at the “Rock” for 5 more days.
8-26 to 8-27-576 Taking more advantage of the wonderful Sunflower palace, the party takes care of more mundane business in Dorr, buying and selling stuff. Terranza meets with the sheriff and finds out that the Archbishop of Pontylver has decreed that all Medegian chartered adventuring companies must report to Pontylver as soon as possible. The sheriff suggests that if the party stays too long in Dorr, the half-orc guards the Archbishop has forced upon the town guard might get suspicious that they are not following the decree.
It should be noted that the party had rid themselves of their original adventuring charter, fearing that the Archbishop was scrying them via the charter. On 8-23, the party had registered a new adventuring charter in Dorr, this time calling themselves the “Trailblazers” with the following aliases:
Drak = Torath Fireseed
Aria = Arlenna Rowen
Terranza = Anya Darden
Silver = Miriem Smythe
El-Rohir = Lee Seregon
Hanor = Ronah Highdeath

Drak and Aria contact Skirra, the president of the local Boot & Trail chapter and make arrangements to probably join the Boot & Trail in the future, as they had already met all the entrance requirements.
9-1-576 (Harvester) The “Trailblazers” moved east to Aster’s Rock, dodging a wyvern aerial patrol. However, a platoon of Medegian cavalry proved too tempting for them, and the party ambushed the cavalry troop, killing many of them, but scattering the troop’s wizard and cleric. One of the soldiers they killed bore the insignia of a Malachite Knight, the Overking’s personal order.

Drak’s thoughts,

I am so glad that we returned to Dorr; hanging out in another cave was very depressing. The damp, the human smell, El’s and Silver’s coy and amateurish flirting has really been annoying. I shouldn’t be so annoyed, they are my companions and I should be more appreciative of them.

I have been very testy lately. I can feel my power building towards higher heights! It is creating a tension that cannot be released! Ah….to gain additional spells through inner meditation and arcane study is life’s greatest pleasure! By the nine hells and six-hundred-sixty-six layers of the stinking Abyss, my breakthrough in obtaining additional spells is just out of reach. I can feel the power within me growing, building like that of a geyser ready to blow. This power is much greater than previous times. My very soul vibrates with it! I have meditated hours upon this and come to know that I will be able to obtain one new spell in the second, through fifth tiers of the ART. I am aware of what I need to for the necessary components to enhance my repertoire of spells. I will attempt to get them in Dorr.

My strength grows daily through my own abilities from within, unlike those stuffy wizards having their musty tomes and scrolls. They are not much better than a scribe on a power kick!

Prior to gaining sight of Dorr’s gates, I offered most graciously mind you, to store all sundry large weaponry for the party. Alas, my offer was distained upon by the others. Aria did explain that they all wished to pay the extra fee to keep their weapons upon them in case of trouble. Tsk, pull them out upon trouble and then pay the fee! Well strategery is not my skill! I stored my longbow so as not to pay a silly fee to the guards. Once again we pass through under the guise of our aliases. How fun that is to see Hanor stammer out a lie! Ha, I will have to teach him the finer arts of diplomacy yet!

Silver was just as fun to watch with her Ranger Code, but she at least distracted the guards’ attention with her womanly wiles! Aria glided through like the Elvin beauty she is, while Terranza just scowled her way through. El, on the other hand had to get into his PREACHER ego, and use it to expound upon the needs of Good Clerics to posses their weapons in case of evil doings! Geez they must shove that crud down their throats at acolyte level! Then again El, does love to grandstand. He should learn the Bard trade.

The Entertainment was lively at the Sunflower Palace of the personal sort! I was able to obtain the same suite with the wonderfully high ceiling. During our last stay Aria and I enjoyed it to the fullest extent! Ah Magic is not just for battle!

I believe that when we destroy the Arch Bishop of Pontilver and get my reward, I will spend a few months here enjoying myself. Hope Aria survives!

After gaining needed comfort and rest, not to mention spell components which I am finally able to obtain through the wonderful resources of the Boot and Trail. I have officially pledged myself as a member, but due to time constraints, a very large bounty upon my head and a really bad urge to burn something up; I had to postpone the great bash for a time yet to be set.

We set off to meet another minion of Boss Fromm as part of the never-ending saga of “Free the Highlands!” Well it hasn’t been boring that is for sure. We travel through some broken land and Silver spots an ambush in the making. Of course the other white meat-Orcs are the ones setting it up.

I do love a good pig roast! I engulf a few with flaming spheres of death, set their shamans blood a burning and take out my bow. I see that Silver has entangled quite a few with her woodland magic. They make some great targets!

By the pointed ears of my father! THAT was close. Damn Orc almost hit me with an arrow; luckily my enchanted gloves grant me the ability to grab missiles. Damn useful things these gloves. Well back at you my ugly, porcine target! Ha! A hit. I do love using such mundane tools once in awhile!

The vermin are soon routed or slain, and they even had a little loot upon their carcasses! What was that term I heard once from a strange fellow, a human of strange garb and stranger accent… Ah yes “Jolly Good!”

We continue on, but soon have to rest our horses. This is according to Aria and Silver who seem to know their business around the smelly beasts. It was during this break that either Terranza or Silver once again spotted some movement, but far away. My spyglass is not sufficient to the task of identifying the creatures moving in the distance. I cast fly upon Terranza, she slips on her ring of invisibility and off she goes. She soon comes back claiming it is the enemy, Medigian cavalry with some possible spell casters. They seem to be headed toward Dorr.

If I was a gambling elf, I would bet the Palace of Princess Lirial that they are responding to a spy’s report about us. Ha, I love the intrigue, and the smell of burning enemies!

Well, Terranza not being one much on stratergery and geography, I ask Silver to scout up to plot the path of these Medegians!

Silver, returns quickly and we set off. She stops us just short of the confrontation and we prepare our spells. Through the ART I endow all with grace and myself with many protective enchantments. By Hezrog’s hairy dark regions I don’t think even El could land a blow upon me!

We get set up and I start the gala with a great sphere of flaming death. Three horsemen die instantly, as do their steeds. Then we are hot and heavy into it. I hold my actions preparing my staff of evocation to unleash a very unpleasant surprise upon those charging horsemen. Damn! The others set up too far ahead for me to cast what I wanted. Damn their eagerness, don’t they realize that my power can sway the battle when properly applied! Oooooo, that is nice! Terranza and Silver have enabled themselves to become surrounded with cavalry! “VALCELEB”, I voice unleashing a part of the staff’s power. Lightning leaps from the tip to the leading knight, scorching him and marking him mine! What? He still lives, ah no matter I point to the next victim, and he falls from the bolt that leaps from the knight to him, and then to the next and next and next until I have blasted thirteen horsemen, leaving but a few in their saddles.

That is passing strange! Terranza seems to be pouting and upset that there are no more riders about her! Well I’ll ask her about it later.

Hmmm, seems as if someone wishes a duel with magic! The feeble attempt upon my person washes over me like rain upon an umbrella! Ah… there's the little fool! I voice the word of power, “Vursha” coagulated blood fills my mouth just before the spell is unleashed. As I spit the last remnants of the flavor from my palate I see that my enemy feels my power hit! He flees and I believe it will kill him in time. I don’t know, but doubt greatly that he has the stamina to forestall his blood becoming a viscid flow of acidic fire. If he does, then he will be pissed off with me.

The rest soon flee, but a few foolhardy ones that seem to be not of this plane. They all die fairly quickly. Now the next fun part…loot!

Ray'Kal wrote:

I have been very testy lately. I can feel my power building towards higher heights! It is creating a tension that cannot be released! Ah….to gain additional spells through inner meditation and arcane study is life’s greatest pleasure! By the nine hells and six-hundred-sixty-six layers of the stinking Abyss, my breakthrough in obtaining additional spells is just out of reach. I can feel the power within me growing, building like that of a geyser ready to blow. This power is much greater than previous times. My very soul vibrates with it! I have meditated hours upon this and come to know that I will be able to obtain one new spell in the second, through fifth tiers of the ART.

Excellent articulation of only being 100xp short of making your next level!! That's really how it must feel, ha ha. I should just give you those 100 xp for such a fine post....(but I'm not going to, muhahaha)

Boss Fromm has asked us to meet him. We feel this is more important and abandon the Pathwarden's keep. Boss Fromm's men have a fine perimeter set and we'll return to finish off these foul beings. They bring shame to rangers and our noble cause. Aiding our cause against the keep is our much-changed companion, Loganarius. It seems dying really affected him to the better. I can see how that would have a profound affect on one's life. It seems so long ago that he was one of our traveling companions and he left our company to deal with his own demons. It has really only been a short while. So much has happened! Loganarius is definitely a better man. I am very happy with Loganarius' replacement in our party, however! Proof again that everything happens for a reason.

As much as I enjoy the Sunflower Palace (we stayed again on our way to meet Boss Fromm) I couldn't help but feel that we needed to leave this town. It seems the Archbishop has decreed that all adventuring parties report to Pontylver. Ha! Better to head off to meet Boss Fromm. I don't believe that I've ever really seen an elf pout but Drak wasn't very happy that his Boot and Trail joinder celebration would have to be postponed! Terranza's realtionship with the Sheriff of Dorr has proved to be invaluable! Both times we've been here he has helped us immeasurably. Without his warning we may have stayed to enjoy Drak's party and it might have been disastrous. On route to meet up with Boss Fromm after leaving Dorr I happened to spot some troll tracks which led me not to the trolls who made them but to a party of Medegian soldiers riding with what looked to be five or six magic users. Terranza and I scouted from above and were able to figure out a nice ambush point. We didn't kill them all but we were able to finish off a good amount of them including a Malachite Knight! I cannot wrest the feeling from my gut that they were on their way to Dorr to investigate an adventuring party that had not yet reported to Pontylver. I don't know why it is but since Terranza has joined us she seems to be the person everyone talks to in any of the towns in this region. It seems they trust her unconditionally. I'm sure she will tell us, in time, what has her preoccupied and what her connections are to this region. I can't help but be curious, though.

We head on to meet with Boss Fromm, our small band of rebels. I cannot help but think that there are storms brewing and we're headed for one of the most colossal experiences of our lives. I hope that we'll make it through. My future plans hold nothing more than growing as old as I can with El'Rohir. As selfish as this sounds, I hope the Gods take me before they take him for I could not bear a life without him!

Obad'Hai hear my pleas and guide us down the correct path to victory against those who would destroy our very earth to gain power!

Dear Mother,
We are off to meet Boss Fromm and hopefully get some help in attacking the Pathwardens post. We encountered some opposition while on our way but we proved to be too much for them. Damn that Drak, I have been working hard on my fighting skills and what does he do? He uses magic and destroys my "toys" with lightning. It was a beautiful sight though. I love the vivid light as it passes through the air. Oh well there will be more battles to hone my skills. I do believe that I will have to tell of my future plans to the party. I am running out of money to pay off Drak for all the weaponry that we come across. I do hope that he will understand and help me in my plight. Maybe if I allow him to use more of his magic instead of me and my blades. Only time will tell. With much love. Terranza

9-2-576 Moving towards the rendesvouz point along the road that also happened to lead to the keep that the Medegians took from Boss Fromm last summer, the party encounters a company of Medegian soldiers accompanying an empty supply train heading back to Pontylver. After a short battle, the Medegians are scattered with no loss to the Oathbound, but one of the Medegian wizards and over half of the company managed to escape. The wizard had been flying and fell victim to Drak’s “burning blood” spell. Drak skipped out from the rest of the party’s looting of the bodies to try to find where the wizard had gone down. Aria followed him, but it was too late. All she saw was a globe of deep darkness, and then Drak was gone. The group looked around for signs of him, but found nothing except large tracks which Aria interpreted to have come from a skinny giant. A short divination revealed that Drak had been killed and the party moved on to meet with Boss Fromm to seek advice. Donating all the horses, wagons, warwagons, weapons and magical items they had recovered from the Medegians, Boss Fromm revealed to the party that he was moving up the timetable for the ambush of the archbishop. Fromm found out that a gate existed in the cellar of Dedermont’s keep that could lead directly to the water cave connecting to the back entrance of the Archbishop’s cathedral in Pontylver. He also knew that if Dedermont’s Keep was taken down, the Archbishop would assume that the gate was compromised and shut it down. Therefore, Boss Fromm suggested attacking Dedermont’s Keep, then gating to the archbishop’s palace and destroying the archbishop once and for all, before he got his defenses up. Aria vowed to gather enough cash to pay for a true resurrection of Drak.

The fate of Drak and what killed him remained a mystery to the party for now.

Drak’s thoughts,

Well, it seems as if things have come to a very foul pickle! We leave the keep to seek out Fromm, and run into some fun. We come across a Medegian cavalry company with supply wagons. They spot us and approach I am about to blast them, when Silver’s outburst of “they might be Fromm’s troops in disguise” changes my incantation to one of attack to one of defense. I thought to ignore her plea, and blast them anyway, but if she was correct then listening to her b*%%% for the next month was not worth the pleasure.

The Medegian leader crassly demands that we keep hands away from our weapons and let them pass. Hmmm, he thinks the Overking owns this road! Ha! I chuckle mentally to myself, I think not. I see the fodder spread out and load their crossbows. My reply to the lame demand is FIRE! A great ball of it, that fries 4 troopers, and sends another running.

Soon my magic is flaying the creatures to death, while my companions do their thing, OW! It appears that a spell caster with a bow has approached, targeted and hit my precious hide with an arrow. I unleash burning blood upon him and his shriek of agony is music to my pointed ears.

Soon the battle is over and Silver is out and about capturing, kissing and conversing with horses all over the battlefield. The rest are tying up the prisoners, and when I make the suggestion that they are a burden, and will slow us down, Silver once again berates me about not killing prisoners. Damn her hide! I of course throw her off by stating that we just strip them and let them go. Terranza’s thoughtful look of twenty plus naked men running amok brought a smile to her face.

While they proceed to clean the area and loot, I go looking for that byproduct of a harpy’s bowel movement that shot me in the back. I soon find him a half a mile away crisped from the inside out. It is such a great spell, well worth the temporary bad taste when cast. The only problem is that he has a glyph of some sort around his corpse, and …….

WHY IS IT SO DAMN DARK IN HERE! I feel funny… OH! Not again!

Will Drak's third death by the end of our fiendish anti-hero? Stay tuned folks, for the true details of his demise shall remain as yet, unrevealed.

We've lost Drak again! Aria is beside herself with worry because we were unable to find his body. After meeting up with Boss Fromm and explaining what we found at the site of Drak's "death" he tells us that the markings we saw where Drak disappeared denote the presence of a being from the Plane of Shadow. Aria believes the being that killed or took Drak is a giant, of some kind, who is "light on his feet" so shallow were the imprints of it's foot. Boss Fromm also shares with us the information that the Overking, not the Archbishop of Pontylver, makes use of creatures from the Plane of Shadow. Aria is concerned that Drak may be in one of the hells, suffering, because of his fiendish taint. I pray to Obad'Hai that is the case! From there he may be risen and saved! I am afraid that he is a prisoner of the Overking! If that is so, everything we are planning against the Medegians may be revealed! We are not even certain that Drak is dead! I cannot bear to think of what the Overking and his evil minions will do to Drak to extract the information that he has! The hells might be a welcome escape in comparison! We may even meet Drak again in battle! I am very distraught over this. I know that I was never one of his favorite people. He and I never saw eye to eye on anything. I do know, however, that he was a very brave and worthy companion as he will be as a foe. We cannot continue the way we have been without him. I truly hope that El and Hanor will be able to employ the aide of their Gods through their magic to find out more about what happened to Drak. El says that we need to move fast (which is very unlike him) so that we can get in and get rid of the Archbishop before anyone that might have Drak knows of our plans and I'm afraid that I agree. After my encounter with that Pathwarden scout I know that they are very powerful but we need to get in quick, get rid of them and get to the gate that they guard. That way we can get to the Archbishop quickly and, hopefully, quietly. I'm afraid that this will be the most difficult assault yet but I am driven. I am driven by a passion for life that I did not know I had until El'Rohir came. Unless we are victorious, I will never know my long, peaceful life with him and I cannot bear to have that taken away! I am not sure how the others feel as I have only discussed these feelings with El but I shall find out soon. I have faith in the Oathbound. I am afraid for Drak and, of course, of Drak but maybe we will be able to save him the right way this time!!!

I offer my prayers to Obad'Hai that we should move quickly and safely. That we will be able to strike and emerge victorious and that we will know peace when this is done.

9-4-576 Boss Fromm introduced the party to a wizard named Thasos Silverstaff, a representative of the Iron League, hailing from Irongate. Thasos had been sent to assist the Hestmark in their war against the Medegians and he had agreed to assist the Oathbound and Boss Fromm in their upcoming dangerous attempt to slay the Archbishop.

The Oathbound, accompanied by Boss Fromm leave for Dedermont’s Keep to start the assault and take the gate that leads them to the inner sanctum of the Archbishop.
9-6-576 Using a “xorn’s movement” spell and a “stoneshape” on Hanor so the party can pile into Silver’s portable hole, the party penetrates Dedermont’s keep via underground. Unfortunately, the earth elemental scout they had sent the day before had alerted the enemy to an underground attack route and three blackspawn stalkers were ready and waiting, chewing Hanor to pieces, killing him as he emerged into the cellar of the keep. The monsters didn’t expect the party to emerge from a small piece of cloth, but the party did, one at a time. They defeated the spawn of Tiamat, and also slew Col. Dedermont and his mage assistant, who joined the battle. They took the body of Dedermont with them as they went through the gate, sadly with the body of Hanor also stored in Silver’s magical portable hole. Arriving at the back door of the Archbishop’s sanctum, located in a cavern off a subterranean branch of the river Thelly, the party found themselves on a dock, facing four war trolls armed with greatswords and ballistas.

The most difficult battle ever faced by the Oathbound ensued. They had to retreat numerous times but started to overcome the trolls when the Archbishop’s battletitan emerged, sniffing with interest in the direction of Boss Fromm and his fiendish cloak he had slung over his arm. Boss Fromm had told the party not to worry about the battletitan, as the ancient Suel dinosaur battlemachine would not attack the party as long as Boss Fromm had the cloak on him.

Unfortunately, the battle rage had engulfed Elrohir too much and he cast “holystorm” upon the dinosaur, which at that point had just been curious. As the massive monster rushed to slay the creature that had attacked him, the party retreated using Thasos’ teleportation spell. Fromm was angry at Elrohir, but admitted that he didn’t expect to find four wartrolls guarding the archbishop’s sanctum. The teleport spell took the party back to the Sharpaxe clan caves, which Thasos had visited before.

Journal of Master Wizard Thasos Silverstaff:

Date 8/2/576,

I have been sent on a mission by the Iron League to assist the Hestmark in combating the evil of the Overking. Master Scik’s teachings and assistance was invaluable in the creation of my Ring of Wizardry. Its ability to enhance my spells of the second circle will prove most beneficial in this arduous task. I will have to prepare before setting off. The wild lands outside the city can be very dangerous to those not properly protected.

Date 8/15/576
I embark on my mission. I am escorted by a squad of six tough dwarven fighters from the City’s army. Ironaxe Battlehelm is the leader and a very good fellow to have at your back.

Date 8/22/576
The dwarves have run out of their ale. They keep it well hidden, but having lived around them all my life I can tell that they are feeling down. Their response was hearty and deep-felt when I brought forth a keg of ale that I stored for the trip in a vial for such an emergency. It definitely improved my reputation with them.

Date 8/25/576
The trip to the Hestmark was pretty uneventful and comfortable thanks to a spell of mine that allowed us all to sleep in a home created out of the Art. If not for that spell things would have been unpleasant when a storm came upon us very quickly and lasted for a day. Inside we were dry and had a very enjoyable game of crowns.

My Dwarven escort did get a little fun in when a pack of stupid orcs attacked us. Their axes and hammers soon made short work of them; I only had to cast one spell.

Date 8/29/576
We reach the Hestmark hold out of Boss Fromm. He seems to be a fairly decent sort. He troops practically adore him. I settle in, once again creating a magically constructed home. I renew it each day as the accommodations are better than the local standards.

Date 8/30/576
I start with the negotiations of trying to sway the Hestmark into joining the Iron League.

It is obvious that I do not have the makings of a diplomat. It is apparent the Hestmark will not join the Iron League, unless as a last resort to keep their freedom.

9/4 /576
Today I met the Oathbound, a stalwart group of adventurers that have been battling the forces of the Overking for the past few months. Their initial response to my glowing blue/white eyes takes them aback temporarily. From what I take they have seen much stranger things. Through my arcane sight I can tell they are packing plenty in the magic department. From rings, belts, cloaks and weapons all radiates magic galore.

I was introduced in this order: El-Rohir, a barbaric half-elf cleric of Pelor. His long blonde hair almost kept his slightly pointed ears from being seen, but not completely. He carried a huge great sword on his back, and apparently it is well used.

Silver, a fair looking young woman of the Ranger code who carried a long and short sword at her slim hips, obviously a student of the twin blade fighting style of the Greyhawk arenas. She has the most amazing eyes I have ever seen on a human. She must have some Celestial blood in her to have eyes of liquid silver!

Terranza, a strong female fighter of obvious prowess was next. She was toting a very intimidating double headed ax of very powerful dweomer. By the way she moves I would not be mistaken that she has had been taught the subtle roguish arts.

Dwarven Priest Hanor, his Holy symbol of Moradin prominent on his shield, and chest, obviously a great boon the party. I asked for his blessing in Dwarvish, which didn’t surprise him considering my escort. Although through discourse I could tell that he is not a free thinker, and more of a follower of dogma.

Then there is Aria a beautiful female elven archer. Her longbow radiated so much magic it was almost painful to look at. Her tiny size was very misleading as I noted the master bowyer’s markings on the handle riser that it had a 200 pound draw. I couldn’t pull that without magical aid! I did notice that she had been weeping recently and through discreet inquiry learned the Oathbound had just recently lost their sorcerer. Drak, an elf who died mysteriously at the hands of an unknown foe. Her heartache was so sincere that it almost makes me jealous of this Drak. Alas, I am not too found of the fair folk as they are too flighty for me, although I do find them very interesting in their innate usage of magic.

During this meeting Boss Fromm asked me if I would be up to a little adventure and attempt to deliver a great blow against the Overking. He sketched out the plan of how the party will attack the Archbishop of Pontilver through a “back door” that he had magical means to bypass the guardian. The brashness and overconfidence of the group and of Boss Fromm definitely took me aback. I mean to actually believe that a small group could infiltrate the Archbishop’s defenses and win, what ludicrous thought! Before agreeing, I inquired as to what magical means? He explained that he had the magical cloak of the guardian’s deceased keeper. This cloak would allow the party to pass the guardian and enter the Archbishop’s sanctum. That definitely makes things sound better. So I agreed! Of course I have ways of escaping if things go the way of the nine hells.

Date 9/5/576
We all set off early in the morning. I give Ironaxe the option to stay and help as he sees fit or return to Irongate. He opted to return home and I store another keg of ale for his return trip.

In the misty morning we all gathered together. Packs are donned and walking sticks tested, when I offer to summon horses for all of us to ride, but Boss Fromm declined. He stated that he needed us to stay close to him. It would be too difficult stay in within the twenty radius of his magic screening with horses. I acquiesced as he is the leader. I still believe that tying the horsed with a slip knot on their saddle horns with measured rope would have worked.

Date 9/12/576
We arrive at the cave that commands the surveillance screen that surrounds Dedermont’s Keep. It is a quaint place and I use my magic once again to make a comfortable abode for myself. I notice that the cave is screened from all magical scrying and prying. I sit in on the planning stages and give a few helpful suggestions and descriptions of powers that I can bring to bear.

Date 9/13/576
It takes a day to finalize a plan. Priest Hanor summoned an earth elemental and commanded it to go to the building to the East and look inside the bottom room and see what is there and come back. Of course you have to speak very simple with these creatures, by Boccob’s bulging belly they are realllly stupid.

Of course the pile of dirt doesn’t return and we go with plan B. I go to my rest.

Date 9/14/576
The next morning I memorized Xorn Movement, which I cast upon Hanor and the rest of us pile into fair Silver’s magical dimensional hole. As we wait crammed in that space, I started my preparatory defense spells. I cast Owl’s Wisdom upon Terranza to boost her will against magic’s foul.

After a few minutes the hole runs out of air and I cast a spell to replenish our air supply. Of course we couldn’t feel any movement and after what we determined was enough time to have made entry through the keep’s floor we decide to make our exodus.

I have to say that El-Rohir doesn’t think and here I site the first example; here we are 5 persons in a 10 foot by 6 foot pocket and he enlarges himself to a twelve foot monster! His damned scabbard left an imprint on my right cheek!

He spreads open the dimensional hole and is stopped cold by a thick matting of webs! I dissolve the webs through my magic and he exits. I see large clawed appendages of possibly demonic spiders hew into him, when Silver, then Terranza and Aria exit. As I am about to pull myself out I see a large fiery flash, and note Fireball, caste by a Master of the Art of the 14th Circle.

Finally I get out of that hole and see that I am standing over the hacked and masticated body of Hanor. A battle is raging well and I spot the enemy wizard. He is peeking from around a staircase landing that leads up. I launch a defenestrating sphere at him, only to watch it fizzle away. The Oathbound soon slay everything, and I loot the enemy wizard’s body. I grab what I can as Boss Fromm commands us to leave through the portal now. I cast a mass flight spell, enable all the power of an avian.

We fly through the Hextor portal (which makes my scrotum shrink) and emerge into a subterranean river dock. In front is a large portcullis, four very large armored trolls behind a bank of heavy ballistae and behind us a small ship.

Our abrupt entrance surprises the brutes and I launch a blazing ball of light toward them that erupts into a brilliant hovering sphere that fills the entire area around and behind them.

I then quickly cast another defensive spell that caused my body to blink in and out of reality rapidly. I fly over to the ship and get behind the railing. Ballista bolts fly at us and we respond. El-Rohir flies to the portcullis and tries to lift it, and fails. Silver, Boss Fromm and Terranza go to help.

I search and spot the linking bars near the ceiling and disintegrate them, almost causing the brawn to fall back when the gate flies up.

By Boccob’s great mystical orbs! None of my magic seems to harm these brutes for long. They regenerate my lighting, fire, and magical damage easily. Boss Fromm instructs us that only acid cause’s permanent damage to them. Once again, by the bouncing jewels of Garl Glittergold’s mirth I have only two acidic spells prepared for this day. I launch the first and see a very satisfying grimace or was it a grin, can’t tell with all those fangs on the face of my target.

Silver is dropped and El-Rohir screams in rage and anguish. Terranza is dancing back and forth and I launch a persistent blade to help flank one of the two creatures she is dancing with. Her adamantine ax head is slicing the trolls up very nicely.

Aria’s arrows are a continuous barrage of pain for the brutes, but not really doing any lasting damage. As soon as the frost damage forms it fades to nothing. These creatures apparently have magic resistance and typical of their foul kind regenerate quickly. Boss Fromm using a healing wand brings Silver back from the brink of death. I land and enchant a shield on the ship the acts as her guardian.

It is then that I see the beast! A horrific creature of a type and nature that escapes my teachings. That thing must weigh a thousand stone! It emerges from an illusionary wall behind the banks of ballistae. It is armored and has an empty saddle astride its horny back. Its large hind legs propel it like a hopping bird forward as its two small forelegs almost dangle idiotically. Of course there is its maw, with teeth as long as Silver’s long sword. It sniffs about and my sphere of blazing fire does not faze it in the least. It seems curious, and Boss Fromm yells out not to be concerned as he can get us by the beast.

May Boccob’s blessing and magic keep me safe, the thing has just been divinely pissed off by the idiocy of El-Rohir! He assaults the beast with a prayer of the third tier! He might as well pinch it in the ass! The monster closes on me and nearly slays me with its mighty bite! I depart in a quick spurt of aerial maneuvering out of it’s reach, yell to the others to converge upon me. They all pile into Silver’s magical hole, and I teleport us back to Hanor’s clan holdings.

My dear Cousin Io,

I have failed. I have failed you, myself, and the Hestmark!

I have spent the past nine months in earnest seeking through toil and spent blood to attain the power, skill, and the opportunity to rid our World of the Over King’s greatest servant dog, the Arch Bishop of Pontylver. In but the blink of an eye in the dirge of the grimmest contest of arms and wills I have yet encountered, a mis-heard phrase, an instruction vaguely shouted against the outcry and din of war, while sense to all, was meaningless to me. And in the fog of this one battle, I brought about a condition which may have cost the Hestmark its freedom.

If I have truly ended our hopes, then I swear upon every light beam that conveys the warmth and wisdom of Pelor that I will not survive the final battle. If it must cost my life for the life of this great parasite, then it is his to absorb. I have rededicated my life to becoming a relentless righteous fist bound and oathed to destroy the body and release the evil spirit of the Arch Bishop. To this end, all else is secondary.

In my failure, I could not for a time look Silver in the eyes. Of course, my fear and self loathing were unjustified as far as she is concerned. Although, I have to secretly admit that I was somewhat surprised in her continued support of me. The disappointed looks of the others tell the story all too well though as far as what my standing in this group is at this point. Although she stands strong beside me, they all will now have their doubts. I do not blame them for this. I am glad that they are my friends and that our new wizard companion has the good sense to keep his mouth shut along with the rest.

It is clear now that the Arch Bishop is aware of the plot to kill him before his spring offensive, he will be henceforth guarded so well as to be totally unassailable. The only way to get to him now is while commanding his army from the rear (as his kind is wont to do) during his open war with the Hestmark.

Without him, his army might have faltered under new or hastily cobbled together leadership. With him, they will be confident and strong. It is funny to me how small and insignificant has been our contributions to the Hestmark army to this point. We have barely outfitted a platoon with great weapons and perhaps fitted a regiment with the money and other things we have given. What is a regiment, however finely arrayed, compared to a legion of dedicated professional troops whipped up to a hextorian frenzy!

In contemplating the coming battle for the Hestmark, I had brazenly entertained a braggard’s thoughts of the Oathbound ranging about the battlefield heroically stunting the Over King’s desires wherever we went… Or perhaps my leading an entire regiment or more of troops to squash the Medigians with but a stern look and a flash of our weapons!

What a fool I have been!

Now, I can best hope to be allowed the privilege of leading a squad. In fact, I would be glad of such a gift from the Hestmark leadership. I shall ask for nothing and will gladly accept and fight until death in whatever posting I am placed in. If Silver will but stand beside me, I will win through unto my own… Whatever that might be, in the end.

You need not tell me what my Father has said of this. And, I imagine Uncle Earnur has done a good bit of, “I told you so…” about the evening fire. After all I have been through, I have found myself back where I started with these two good elves. I have prayed long on their reaction and find myself hoping, as always, for their happiness more than anything else.

I have always ever asked Pelor for two things in my adventures… I have asked for the wisdom to see the path and the strength to walk it in his name. For this, I have received great favor and power from Him and I have not always used it in a manner that reflects that granted wisdom. This failure was one of not listening with that gift of wisdom and acting on impulse instead. I have asked Pelor for forgiveness.

Despite this, I can not say that my morale is low. While Silver loves me, I know that there is still hope for a bright outcome to our adventure. And although in my sight her feelings are a spiritual light house on the coast of an angry ocean in which I find myself adrift, that light calls me as a moth to its flame and I know that no matter how mean the sea, I will always find my way home. For that, I owe her everything.

Your Cousin,

El 'Rohir

Oh Mother Hanor, the great Hanor is gone. I am so sad. He helped me in all ways possible and I truly feel lost. I told the party of my future and did not recieve the reaction I expected. I was sure disbelief and shock would be the reaction from all but instead very little was made of my revelation. Boss Fromm has supplied us with a new member to our party. His name escapes me but he has the greatest color of eyes, they are almost hypnotic. Hopefully he will be of great use. I was hoping to step into my role as Baroness within the next few months, however, El' Rohir made a huge mistake in our battle to enter the OverKings backdoor. We fought valiantly and Silver was almost lost. If only we had had Drak I think the outcome would have been different. How I miss him. Aria seems so far away at times. I have never seen such great heartache. I have never seen Boss Fromm so angry and disheartend. Our plight will now be extended for who knows how long and a bloody war is sure to ensue. Well I will keep you abreast of our situation. Please stay safe and pray for our safety. With undying love Terranza

Not even a word about Drak being dead....dragged away into the shadows? My, my, Terranza.....your only thoughts are about the dismembered dwarf....interesting.....

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