
Elrohir Redleaf's page

16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Hail! The Sun bathed Mountains!
Hail! The Shadowed Valleys!
Hail! The Hestmark Republic!

Goodmonth 22 CY 576

My Dear cousin Io,

We left Dullstrand with Corridan on the 14th and set out to sea. His clipper is a remarkable piece of craftsmanship and his crew is quite proficient in its use. Before sailing, Corridan asked us if we would be a part of small raid he was planning. We asked for details; but, with security in mind, he could tell us nothing until after we sailed. We pledged to defend the ship until we knew more.

On our second day at sea, Corridan informs us that we are to intercept and take a fast frigate serving the Scarlet Brotherhood. Naturally enough, we offered him our swords and began to prepare for the coming battle. We pursued the enemy all through the night and Corridan’s skill at navigation and bringing us into a favorable fighting position were remarkable. His Sea Elven crew members went ahead of our ship beneath the waves and disabled the larger human vessel by fouling its rudder as we were nearing it. With no way to steer, the great vessel eventually angled out of the wind and slowed so that we could engage them.

As we approached, they began to fire their main armament in the form of ballista mounted in the sides of the ship below the scuppers (just as they were outfitted on our vessel). The fire back and forth was murderous and from below our feet we could hear the screams of the wounded and dying as the powerful darts crashed into our vessel. As we drew nearer to the enemy, we could hear an equal or greater slaughter from our own missiles and some crafty spell work of Corridan’s Men.

Of course, Drak, Hanor, and I began our own spell work while at some distance to great effect. With Drak spouting fire, Hanor with some spells and his trusty crossbow, and the Holy Power of Pelor’s light we set out to great advantage. Once we were close enough, our ballista crews fired their grappling lines and brought us up tight along side the enemy and we were able to board in force.

I brought down the Holy light upon them as I cast Righteous Might and leaped onto their deck among a fair number of barbarians who seemed delighted to see me coming (so sure they were of their own skill). Silver crossed over as did Terranza and Aria peppered them with a withering barrage of arrows. Once the fight was reduced to blade work, their fate was sealed and we dispatched the above deck force rapidly.

All the while, below the enemy’s decks, Corridan’s crack assault team was hard at work among the 40 or so sailors and what appeared to be a Barbed Devil! As we handled the above deck, so they handled all below. The evil outsider did flee to the above deck just to encounter our wrath at his appearance. He was sent back to his plane of origin in a painful way banishing this foul beast from our existence for at least the lifetime of a healthy man. Afterwards, I blessed the decking where this evil thing vomited its innards so as to rid the ship completely of any lingering influence of its foul presence.

After the Scarlet Brotherhood and their company were put down, Corridan offered us the entire treasure aboard the frigate if we would consent to his keeping the ship. We readily agreed since the only one of us with true knowledge of the sea and its ways is Silver and we do not have a crew. Besides, we are once again loaded down with treasures and weapons that can aid the budding Hestmark Republic! Corridan gave a contact in Ballin’s Port who could be trusted to get messages to him should we need his services in the future. His name is Portos Skar.

On the 18th, we were nearing Ballin’s Port. We have experienced Medigian spies there before and decided to try the waters again to make it to shore without being seen. Upon making the mainland without incident, Hanor asked the Oathbound to accompany him to the home mines of the Sharpaxe Clan so that he could present his elders with the Anvil of the Lortmil Mountains (which we liberated during our mission south of the Hestmark). Of course, we agreed and Lord Morrow did not begrudge us the detour.

After a couple days of keeping low and enjoying the milder weather here in the middle stretches of the Highlands, we arrivds at the clan holdings on the 20th. Here we enjoyed a great feast and much comraderie with the good dwarves of Hanor’s family. We held the elders in rapt fascination as we told the incredible tales of Hanor’s adventure in our company and we all made a sharp point of making certain both Hanor and his family knew how precious Hanor’s friendship and comradeship has been to us these many months since he has been away. As a testimony to how close we have all become over the course of our journeys together, Hanor’s thanks to us was expressed in his eyes. And, he easily read ours telling him that nothing was owed and we will be his friends forever. No words where or ever will be needed between us.

Afterward, Lord Morrow and the Elder Sharpaxe sat up into the far reaches of the night planning and plotting their future involvement in the Hestmark Republic. Though I desired to be a part of these discussions, I was waylaid by my companions in a small but quite moving celebration of my birthday culminating in a gift from Silver that took my breath away! She bestowed upon me a brooch with which to secure by battle cloak which features a stone carving of her face with silver eyes and her hair flowing in the wind in such a way as to hide the clasp in an ingenious fashion. I was expecting nothing more than a pat on the back, some good cheer, and some relaxing time exchanging noisome banter with my friends. Instead, I received a gift of high quality not so much due to the nature of its material composition but rather from the spirit and deep feeling with which it was created from her thought to my hand. I shall treasure it always and will protect it above all things save only her.

Her own birthday is coming soon, cousin. I do not know if I can wait that long to give her what I wish to give her. It is a gift of great value as it will be as much of my heart as if I had opened my chest to give it. I wonder if she will accept it. I will let you know.

The next day, Lord Morrow and The Elder Sharpaxe approached us as we were finishing our morning meal of fine breads, butter, honey, and the sweetest ale I have ever tasted. They have become aware of the precarious political position of the Town of Dorr and the surrounding town lands and inns and they desire to send a message to both the Medigians and to these folks who desire to be free of the Over King. Dedermont’s Keep is a small fortress that was raided by the Oathbound in the months before I joined them. They have told me the tale many times while on the march and I feel as if I was actually there from Drak’s and Silver’s detailed descriptions of the events there. Although much of the keep was destroyed and the denizens were wiped out, a new group has taken up residency… the Royal Pathwardens. The keep has apparently become a regional command post for this rather hated group and Lord Morrow has pointed out how their defeat at our hands could signal a good bit of sympathy with the rebellion of the Hestmark in the surrounding lands. Either way, for me, the Pathwardens are better targets than even the Medigians. The Medigians will fear us all the more which might give them some pause in their plans against us and the Over King gets a message straight to the heart:

If he plans to station his own men within the reach of our blades, he had better not be too attached to them.

We have agreed to assault the keep and we will do so with the utmost caution. Slaughtering Medigian soldiers and barbarian sailors is one thing; but, the Royal Pathwardens are something else entirely. They are a group of focused and practiced power. They will be expecting our assault and will be ready. They are also employing a deep evil power in the form of outsider allies within the keep. We must be wary. This attack on this small keep may indeed be our gravest mission yet.

I pray to Pelor daily for your well being, for the strength to accomplish our goals, and the wisdom to win her heart forever…

Your Cousin,

El ‘Rohir

Goodmonth 11 CY 576
Dear Cousin,

As you suggested, we traveled to Dullstrand . What a relief to feel the salt air once again! We did have to tangle with a hunting party of mountain trolls; but, they were no match for our combination of magic and blade.

Over the course of the last few months, we have accumulated a great wealth of magical warcraft and money. It has been my intention all along to purchase away the shares of my fellows in order to provide these arms to the future army of the Republic. I had feared that some of my companions would not feel as obligated as I toward the future of our beloved Highlands… In the end though, all but Drak gave whole measure of their share for our cause. Do not pass judgement on Drak for this, cousin! He has more than earned his share of this material and has received his measure of gold so that all of the gear might benefit our budding state. It is the evil that is infesting his soul that holds him back from doing what is right for all. Despite this, as I have said before, there is hope for him and I continue to offer myself up to Pelor as a vessel through which this man may come to see the light! As it is written in the 4th Scroll…

“Hold aloft the torch of good so that it might draw the faithful hitherto from the depths of the dark places of the World…For those who scar their hands on the wick of the Righteous Light will be healed of soul and be high among the chosen few!”

We spent several days here in Dullstrand. Although we saw numerous Medigians on the way into town (no doubt, our presence was noted and passed on), we spent those nights in the Gondola Inn. This is one of my favorite inns in the southern Hestmark and bathing here in their fine tubs with steamy water, eating of the rich food on their polished board, and finding a soft bed to dream in has made the months on the Vast Swamp fade a bit into memory.

Silver and I had opportunity to spend a little time alone. It is beyond doubt now that our desire to spend time together is not just born of a need found in comrades in the field. But rather, this is the beginning of something much deeper. Our night together was spent talking about things apart from warfare, plans of action, and the aches and pains of long weeks of overland travel. We spoke of flowers, the stars, and the sea. We spoke of family, our love for our fellow Oathbound, and the mysteries of the future. I cannot claim to have experienced a brighter more mirth filled evening in all my life.

I know that Uncle Earnur will say that I am allowing my Mother’s influence get the better of me and claim all of these feelings as ‘mere Human haste…’. I think he is right. Yet, the Human is part of me. It comes through in my war craft, it comes through in my spiritual life and is a part of me. I will no longer deny it or its say in the decisions made in the directions in my life. I am not a pure blood like my father. I am something more…

In any case, as we stayed at the Gondola, Lord Morrow and Terranza went to the Wizard Guild’s tower near the middle of town. The Wizards of Dullstrand (as you well know) are allies to our cause. Zephyr Cartstone accepted a great deal of accumulated materiel to bolster the Hestmark’s southern forces. I had originally intended to bring it with me to Briarwood (along with Lord Morrow) to give to you and my Father; but, I have seen what the men of the south are preparing and those weapons will find good use here.

So, as Silver and I entered the tavern room of the Gondola at the end of our wonderful evening together, we encountered “The Fingers of Iuz” again. I thought that we had taken care of these folks when we last encountered them. However, that was not the case and they were back with a great deal more power this time! They, of course were here for the cloak (Fiend’s Embrace) that I wrote to you about long months ago. They actually thought that we would be dragging that thing around with us through trail and fen! More powerful, yes; but, not much wiser are they. The fight was a tough one. Drak’s magic was neutralized immediately and Matyara had a protective spell that repels living creatures preventing me from simply gutting her like the pig she is. Backlunag was casting harmful spells left and right (as was Matyara), and Grinag (their orcish dog) Dropped Aria with little effort. Although his war craft was crude, it was devastating! I called upon the might of Pelor as Valen attacked Silver wounding her terribly. I splattered him across three sections of the room. And turned my attentions (in vain) on the protected Matyara.

After several wasted attempts to hit her, I abandoned her after a few attempts to penetrate her shielding and turned my wrath upon Grinag. He had become quite powerful; but, he could not withstand my blade wielded in fury. When I turned to begin a bit of spell work on Matyara, I found her and Roon gone. No doubt, they left through her magic as I did not hear them run away. Cowards.

We took greater care this time in rendering the corpses nearly impossible to bring back through divine magic. We paid the tavern owner for the damages and dealt briefly with the locals, healing one of the two injuries (the other was fatal I’m afraid) and the local constabulary who quickly agreed that we had not violated their law as it was we who were attacked.

The next evening at dinner in the Gondola main dinning room, Corridan Ferrisall accompanied by his sister Annaria and Kennad Skimmersafe walked in and sat down for dinner. After a few moments, Captain Corridan and Annaria approached our table. The good Captain and our cousin Aria were betrothed to each other some time ago (as a good political marriage opportunity) by Aria’s father. For some time, Aria has resisted meeting this fellow and her current relationship with Drak certainly precludes her wedding this dashing sea captain. So, we met them with some trepidation not knowing what to expect as they sat at our board with grim smiles upon their lean elven features.

Personally, I was expecting an awkward moment or two. This turned prophetic as the women of our groupnoticed that Kennad was masquerading as an Elf! He had fake ears and on closer inspection by us all, he turned out to be quite Human instead! This was explained away by Corridan that in their business, they dealt with a number of Elven people who would not act the same with a Human lurking about. He had grown so comfortable with his disquise (and his elvish was nearly perfect) that he had neglected to take it off for Corridan’s meeting with us. Their appearance at the Gondola was no chance event.

In fact, Corridan delivered a message to Drak from his people and seemed quite impassive toward Aria. We learned later that they both have other interests right now and have mutually decided to leave the issue of marriage for another decade so that they can both follow the paths that are before them now. I aided aria with a sending spell so that she cold inform her Father about her intentions not to immediately marry Corridan. He responded with his disappointment and his understanding.

Annaria spoke with Aria privately for a time and all seemed cordial and well. I was delighted to be in the company of Captain Corridan as his manner is as good as is his nature. He offered to serve us the evening meal the next night aboard his ship, and our group happily accepted. I was especially pleased with the manner in which he and his compatriots treated Hanor. Even if only a select few Dwarves are like this good soul, I cannot imagine any justification for the prejudice that still runs rampant among the Elves in my family. Hanor has proven beyond all possible doubt that the Dwarves are a true natured goodly race deserving of high honor from all who behold them. And I will defend his honor (and that of his race) till my dying day as if it were my very own. True to their word, I could not have been a better host to our Dwarven friend. In this, my estimation of the good Captain and his crew is quite high. Yet, there is something I feel that we are missing here. Something not quite right. Perhaps it is nothing more than a well tailored sense of paranoia nurtured by months of constant battle readiness. I like these people and their Captain. Do I fully trust them as yet?

Captain Corridan’s vessel is like nothing I have ever seen. I have seen a clipper only once before when I was with the Brotherhood in my youth and it was not as appointed as this! The good Captain obviously keeps a very tight ship as evidenced by the spectacular condition of everything aboard. Below deck, it is a marvel of ingenious layout to maximize every inch of space while still allowing a bit of comfort for crew and guests. The promised meal was wonderful and Captain Corridan offered to take us by sea to the coast just south of Pontylver to lessen our journey to Briarwood by several weeks. I am wary of being so close to the Medigians and within range of their fleet. However, this will allow us to bypass the numerous enemy patrols in the mountains as well as the reported increased dragon activity to be found there. It is my hope that I will be able to meet you and my father there in a week’s time. Of course, when we journey abroad, things have a tendency to happen…

I hope to see you then.

El’ Rohir
Glory to the Republic!

My dear Cousin,

After a night of fitful rest, we awoke to a brightening day and the road so long traveled. Very soon after breaking camp, we came near to encountering what Silver described to me as several (perhaps a whole herd) giant elk. She explained how these creatures were not the sort of thing evil usually controls and were most likely just normal denizens of these valleys in the extreme southern reaches of the Highlands. Of course all of that came later after we avoided encountering them.

The Oathbound as a group were not looking for another early morning fight like the last one! Besides, as I spend more time listening to the musical thoughts and verse of my dear Silver, I have come to appreciate the important role the local flora and fauna play in the great balance of the World. As these things are all fed and born of Pelor’s Holy Light, so must they be defended and respected. Drak made a comment yesterday that Silver was beginning to rub off on me… ‘next thing we’ll know, El ‘Rohir will be licking mistletoe and frolicking about the forest like a wood fairy…’ were his words. Well, I can do without the mistletoe and I can’t ever remember frolicking anywhere; but, the concept of becoming more like Silver (and presumedly her more like me) brings me great comfort.

After a bit of contemplation over the elk, we encountered 3 old ‘friends’. The three Harpys that have been following us around for a while (and who tricked the girls into following them right into the dragon a couple weeks ago) showed up and tried to ambush us. They fired some arrows at us. Through a combined assault from Aria and Drak’s magic ministrations, one of these disgusting devil women fell and the other two chose the ‘better part of valor’.

As we continued southward into the valley, the air became fetid and it seemed that the further into this accursed valley we trod, the colder and less hopeful we all were. Even our whispered conversation began to die down; and, eventually we found ourselves creeping forward somehow having sensed that we had reached the end of our long trek.

Through the broken and decayed tree line, we beheld a small lake (about the size of Bourham’s hole where we used to swim as boys…). Yet, this lake had been befouled by the taint of something foul that hates the World. In the midst of the putrid water, we saw a windmill. Very much like the kind that those Gnomish tinkers use to grind meal with the power of the wind in the northern edges of the Highlands… The broad wheel was turning without wind with Blair Morrow strapped to the edge of one of the expansive arms of this diabolical mechanism. Lo, we had discovered the “Wheel of Pain”. This device was slowly drowning Lord Morrow in an attempt to painfully and over time change Lord Morrow into a malleable subject for conversion to the enemy’s plan and ranks. However, Lord Morrow is built from strong dependable stock and though his body was broken, his will stood fast as a mountain stands tall!

We each received a magical jolt from the wand that allows us to fly at need and I called upon the Holy power of Pelor to protect my friends through help of one of the Recitations. As we approached Lord Morrow, the great evil that held him here captive rose behind us from the fetid pool in which it had been hiding. With total surprise on its side, this hideous spell caster lanced out at us with a Flame Strike! The pain of this insult instantly galvanized our group and we reacted in good form…

Silver continued to aid and free Lord Morrow, Drak spun and began his own spell craft. As for me, Aria, and Terranza… It was time to loose blade and arrow! Still under the influence of the flying magic, I pulled my weapon and dove for the creature. It looked up at me and met my eyes. It is difficult to describe what happened next. It pointed a rotting finger at me and I felt an impact in my chest. Immediately, the World around me seemed to rush away as if I was being drawn into a great vacuum! I felt an inward pulling of my chest and felt my gear tightening about me. I did not experience pain so much as shock and frustration at me inability to control what soon felt like a fall inward. When one uses magic to increase one’s size (as I have done many times), there is an exhilarating rush and one feels a growth of power and strength! This effect was just the opposite. It felt as if I was being pulled inward and that my great strength was being stripped away… A most unpleasant sensation.

In any case, my consciousness winked out for a very short moment and I awoke still flying at full bore toward the creature. I could not feel the weight of my sword in my hands and I could not look down and see myself at all! However, I could suddenly see all around me. Even while barreling through the air at my target, I could plainly see Silver behind me working the ropes to free Lord Morrow and I could see Aria go down. I immediately realized that the creature had changed me with its vile magic into something that was no doubt harmless. I had no weapon or other gear, I was still flying, and my hands felt very sticky when I touched my naked chest. Everything seemed huge around me as if I were very small now. All I could think of was attacking this beast. He is a spell caster and the very least I could do was to attempt to provide a distraction to afford my friends a better chance to destroy this thing. So, I continued my flight and aimed for his face with all the speed I could muster! I tried to emit a great battle yell and the resulting sound was something like a loud croak! Just before I ran into the target, I found that as I ‘croaked’ my tongue flashed out and that is when I realized that I was now a frog or toad of some sort! My last thought as I smacked ingloriously into a magical protective ward surrounding the beast was how embarrassing this was and that I hoped that Silver was too preoccupied to have seen me like this.

I awoke a moment later slowly falling to the ground at the feet of my target. Anger welled up from the depths of my being and I couldn’t think clearly for a moment as I still attempted to cause a distraction. It totally ignored me, which I must say is the first I have ever experienced THAT! Well, I soon figured out that there was nothing I could do in this state and flew over to Hanor. I prayed to Pelor on the way that Hanor would wisely see me for what I was and restore me to my previous state rather than see me as some new bizarre threat! I can only imagine what the sight of a flying frog must have been for those able to see me during the intense few moments when I was like that! I am certain that even Silver will join in with the jibes and jokes over the next few months!

That is good. As Pelor teaches us in the First Scroll of Light… “Be not the bringer of sorrow, but the bringer of mirth and love… For those are the guide posts to the Path of Light…” And also in the second half of the 14th that speaks of how ‘only those who can laugh at themselves are worthy to laugh at others’…

Good Hanor brought me back into full fit and trim and I set out again to vanquish our foe. By the time I was able to reenter the fray, Drak has disposed of the first enemy; but, a new threat had emerged close to the first. This was another undead beast with its guts exposed that seemed to have a multitude of mouths writhing in its exposed belly! I have never seen anything more disgusting than this creature.

I soon last control of my senses in my rage to defeat this disgusting mass of evil and it was gone soon after our laying blades to it.

We recovered Lord Morrow, healed him of his considerable wounds, and filled him in on events since his capture. That is when I sent my message to you. I did receive your message about heading to Dullstrand and that is indeed our next destination. I will push for the Oathbound to rejoin the Redleafs and the fight against the Medigians and the Over King soon. I hope to see you and all there within the year.

El ‘Rohir

Reaping 29 CY 576

Our grand adventure to rescue Lord Morrow has finally brought us out of the Vast Swamp. These southern lands are hot and miserable, but much more to our tolerance than the swamp lands. We have spent several days rooting around the Ogre stronghold and have found little of more of value.

Silver decided that our answer to dealing with the giant reptile which hunts in the valley which is our final destination is to attempt to befriend it. With my lack of knowledge of such things, I was quite skeptical that such a feat was possible; however, if Silver says that it can be done, then it can be done. I found myself wrapped in fear for her as she spoke to the beast in its own language. I was amazed that she was able to vocalize such deep and tremulous sounds. Watching her do this sent shivers down my spine!

To aid her in this endeavor, we gave the beast the bodies of the giant and the ogres as a token of our good intentions (which it lapped up like our cousin Halfan’s dog used to attack bones from the board). To watch something of such size gobble down the body of a giant standing 14 hands above me was a sight I will not soon forget! As the bulk of our group were doing this, Drak and Thane were off doing whatever it is they do when away from the rest of us when we heard the distinctive sound of one of Drak’s fire explosions! Instantly aware that something was wrong, we noticed a yellowish gas rising around us! The smell was noxious and Hanor and I acted instantly. He cast a wind wall around our group and I cast one around Silver’s new found friend, the giant lizard. Though the lizard retreated from my spell, Hanor’s protected us from the gas.

Later, we found that this gas had been some sort of trap set off by some of the surviving female ogres (whom Drak slayed with his spell) and that this trap had killed Thane.

I am concerned deeply about Drak’s disregard for his guard. We are of a power now that death is not always as final as it used to be. We have been keen on pleasing the Gods; and, they have blessed us with the knowledge that such resurrections are possible and have granted us the ability to perform them as well. Although Thane was a quiet man and a devoted servant of his master, he had in some measure become a vital part of the Oathbound. After we learned of his demise, Drak brought to us the details of his contract of service and the expenditure of the wealth required to perform the service of raising him from the dead was apparently expressly excluded.

The act of recalling one’s soul back to this plane is one that must never be performed lightly for death is as much a part of the balance of life as the sunrise and sunset. We all must make that final walk into the failing light of day… Thus, I performed the funeral rights for our departed companion and committed his ashes to the eternal light and asked Pelor’s blessing for Thane as well his forgiveness for Drak. I know now that what has happened to our companion will end in some nasty bit of evil. It is my wish and in my prayers that that day is postponed as long as the Great Light will delay it. Deep inside, cousin, I feel that there is still hope for Drak and I pray daily that Pelor will allow me the honor of being the vehicle of Drak’s return to the World of good men.

After dealing with the poisonous gas and the pyre of Thane, We decided to venture into the valley where Lord Morrow is. The great lizard seemed quite satisfied to devour the remaining ogre corpses, so we began our journey again. As usual, Aria and Silver walked ahead of the group so as to scout a safe path for those of us less savvy in the wilderness. As they navigated through the land around caustic pools and geysers, they found the site of an old battle. There were bones upon the ground and the remains of an overturned wagon long since broken by both the battle and long years of decay. As we all approached this old battle scene, we were set upon by a bizarre creature. Obviously an undead creature, it was the most vile thing I have ever laid eyes upon!

Looking at us all with hollow eyes, this villainous aberration was surrounded by a pool of filth and decay that when stepped into tried to steal the life from us. It was a powerful warrior as it killed Wulfhere and dropped Terranza with but little effort. Aria was killed and dropped into the pool and would have been lost forever if Hanor had not leaped into action to revivify her. Spells meant little to this horror and it took a combined effort of brute force to finally destroy it for good. Terranza was revived and healed; but, Wulfhere was lost. As we did with Aria several months ago, we drained his body of fluids and magically stored his remains so that once we obtain the proper sacrificial gems, we can bring him back should that be the will of the Gods. AS before, the work was grisly and we all spent some time in prayer afterwards with please for hope and forgiveness.

We repaired back to the stronghold of the ogres to heal wounds of heart and heath and to re-group for another assault on the valley. Silver amazed us again as she spoke with the great lizard once more and convinced the mighty beast to walk with us into the valley again the next day. However, it was not long before the lizard’s vast appetite took control and sent it away from our travels in search for more food.

Soon after he left us we found ourselves face to face in the dense fog with the enormous scorpion we had seen from our hiding place before our assault on the ogres. Despite its monstrous appearance, it could not withstand the magic prowess of Drak and the strokes of our blades. It fell in less than 30 seconds to our efforts leaving us glad and somewhat surprised in our easy victory.

After this battle, we decided to rest a bit and take some food. Drak took some of the giant bug as a trophy (and perhaps to help his spell work). The mood of our group is pensive. If more of these large beasts and undead horrors are ahead of this is guaranteed to be an unhappy mission. I have pleaded with Pelor for signs of what might be ahead. In this unholy valley, the fog is ever present and squats down onto us as if the fog itself wishes to extinguish all light from above! I shall be glad to feel the Sun on my face again and long to see it sifting through Silver’s hair.

You are in my prayers,

El ‘Rohir

Reaping 26 CY 576

Dear Io,

We are getting nearer to the completion of this great quest. Although I am growing restless in the belief that something bad has befallen Lord Morrow in the long weeks since the beginning of our trek to the south.

Several days ago, we finally emerged from the southeastern edge of the Vast Swamp to once again look upon the Hestmark Highlands. Though this portion of the Hestmark is infested with bad folk and terrible creatures, the bones of this land are the same as our home farther north and thus the sight of these hills after so long struggling through the muck are like the Light of Pelor punching through the thick clouds after a terrible storm.

On a spur of the hills that guard the way to the valley that is our ultimate destination, we found some of the ancient Flan dwellings carved into the rock beneath an enormous spire that has been worked into a chimney of some sort.

As we are now close (if not in) the lands of those keeping Lord Morrow hostage, we have decided to do everything with extreme tactical caution. We approached this ruin under the cover of the thick fog that rambles through this valley and observed a number of ogres encamped in the ruins. Their women were carting food stuffs to and from the spire which we assumed to be a kitchen of some sort. We flew up the back of the ridge overlooking this encampment in order to observe their habits and attempt to discern their numbers. There did not seem to be more than a single tribe of ogres (perhaps even a single extended family) and we saw no others. Then, at night, we heard and saw a sight that confounded even the sternest of us. Below in the valley floor highlighted and revealed periodically by the wild lightning of a mild thunderstorm, was the largest scorpion any of us had ever imagined! It was longer and taller than your mother’s house! It was roaring and thundered off into the valley with an attitude like those dwarf traders who used to lose games of Caba to Uncle Earnur.

The next day, we saw yet another awesome sight. A huge lizard like creature with an enormous sail on its back. It head and jaws alone were longer than a funeral travois and its tail looked capable of knocking down stone buildings with but a light swipe!

The next night, it seems as if the huge scorpion and this lizard had a battle. I am glad to only have heard rumor of it through the night rather than to have witnessed it first hand. I was glad indeed for the shelter of Silver’s Portable Hole (as she names it). It provides a large space to carry much of our extra gear and even ourselves! In this way, we escaped detection from the ogres below as only Aria and Silver remained in the open and they both possess an amazing skill at remaining unseen in the wilderness. During the great battle of the beasts, I was glad also of Silver’s company. That is something that I find more reassuring as time passes. I cannot imagine now what it would be like without her by my side.

Afterward, we planned our strike against the ogres. It would be a silent approach with an assault on what we believed to be the kitchen and hopefully we would be able to take out the females first and then “work our way down” as Wulfhere said. Wulfhere had left us at one point to just find us again and join forces once more. I suppose that being this far from home with nowhere else to go has brought him to desire the company of fellow warriors more than he at first thought. Whatever the reasons behind his change of heart, I am glad to have him here once again.

As we were sneaking down the slope to begin our assault, Terranza slipped and let loose some rocks that betrayed our presence. Shouts went up and we were caught by the entire lot of ogres on our way toward the steps to the “kitchen”. The ogres were somewhat surprised by our approach, and we all know how ogres hate surprises. So, we had a dozen or so angry ogres to fight. As we did so, their women and several children made good their escape into the swamps.

Well, after vanquishing a few of their number, an angry giant came down the steps from its lair (what we formerly thought to be the kitchen…). He came down far faster than it seems someone of his height and bulk could and hit Silver severely. You should have seen it, cousin. She stood there face to face with this slobbering giant who began to hit her to terrible effect! Yet, she stood her ground, set her jaw, and unleashed a tremendous wrath upon the beast. It was truly glorious to behold. Seeing her so brutally injured and yet fighting on stirred within me my own beast as for the first time ever in combat, I did not hear the chastising tones of Uncle Earnur to “enhance my focus” and to “retain my stance and keep up my guard”. My vision blurred as I allowed myself to be swept away in my lust for his blood. For the first time ever, I allowed myself to enjoy the experience. Leaping up to interpose myself between this salivating behemoth and this warrior maiden that has stolen my heart for good was like coming home to family and friends. Each swing of my blade biting deeply into his sinews was as refreshing and as exciting as the taste of carefully aged honey wine! I haven’t felt more alive in my life. Fighting side by side with her is what I was born to do. I am now convinced of it. If it should be the will of Pelor that I should fall in battle beside her tomorrow, then I know now that it will be a death with honor and that will be a worthy fulfillment of destiny. I vow now before the World and the Holy presence of Pelor that should this occur and she survive me, my spirit will not rest for the remainder of her days so as to provide wisdom and guidance (in whatever way it can) to her for all her remaining days in this World! Where she once again locked into mortal combat and dropped by the ravenous blows of some foul beast of evil, I would gladly expend all remaining energy of my soul’s spirit to come back to fight at her side once more. I have prayed to Pelor to allow this should I prove worthy enough of such labor once sent to the spirit world. I am dedicated to prove myself so worthy.

After we destroyed the ogre warriors and their giant leader, we found some evidence of Lord Morrow’s having been present here (or at least in the presence of this group of ruffians). The Oathbound are not discussing it; but, I feel that the chances of finding Lord Morrow unscathed physically and mentally are fairly low. I wonder at this point what role he has to play in all of this and I am beginning to wonder about his abduction and the circumstances surrounding it. I will keep these thoughts between Silver, you, and I for now. However, I have been reading the omens and signs and I am growing fearful of a pleasant outcome to this business in which we have become embroiled.

I hope that this letter reaches you in good health. If it reaches you before I do, then please extend my greetings and love to everyone (and especially to my father).

El ‘Rohir

Reaping 21-23 CY576 The Oathbound travel east, slowly emerging from the Vast Swamp into the southern stark ridges of the Hestmark Highlands about 120 miles southwest of Dullstrand. They locate the cleft leading into the valley that supposedly shelters the unknown undead entity that has imprisoned Lord Morrow. The party finds a spire natural rock formation beset with ancient Flan cliff dwellings. Under cover of fog, the Oathbound fly on to the ridgeline overlooking the rock spire and spend several days spying upon the occupants, a tribe of ogres. The party identifies a large dinosaur and gargantuan scorpion-creature in the valley below.
Reaping 25 CY 576 Attack upon the ogre dwellings. Using up several fly spells and potions, the party hits the ogre camp just below the rock spire dwelling of the hill giant Mulgorob. Within a minute, every ogre warrior and the hillgiant engage the Oathbound in battle. Silver nearly falls and the party is badly injured by the fight, but they manage to vanquish the entire ogre tribe. The lesser ogres and women flee downhill into the Swamps. The hill giant’s cave had Lord Morrow’s crest on an embroidered tapestry and the use of a speak with dead spell reveals that Lord Morrow is being held in the valley to the southeast.

Peruhain of Brithondy,

I would like to go on the record as saying that, as a group, we have always been convinced that our DM was insane all along.

But really, he allows us to role play our characters to the hilt and our group is filled with some really good players. Most of us have been playing for over 20 years and we really like the 3.5 system (as well as the other d20 system games).

But as for the DM himself. He's dependable, smart, trustworthy, cool, imaginative, and fun. But, insane. Oh yeah, definetly insane...

Thank you for reading and enjoying our campaign log. Since we don't game as regularly as we want to, this record helps us keep up with the action (and we keep detailed written notes to keep up with the fine details, like NPC names, hints, and subplots). We also use this to "role play" some of our own subplots that we do not always take the time to play when we actually get together. El 'Rohir's budding romance with Silver is an example of that. Of course, when there is a break in the action, we do play some of those subplots as well when we get together. In this game, there is always something to do!

I too am enjoying several of the other campaign logs on this site. It looks to me like RPG's are stronger than ever out there!

So, stay tuned for our next round of installments from the World of Grey Hawk!

19 CY 576

My dear Cousin Io,

As you well know, this mission into the Vast Swamp has filled me with trepidation. I have spent numerous sleepless nights in consideration for the safety of Silver and my other companions on this trek. Despite this, I am beginning to feel more confident both in my companions and myself. This is due, in part, to our activities over the course of the last few days…

When we left the lizard folk’s village, the Chieftain introduced us to a man named Wulfhere. He is a Snow Warrior from the same region as my friends Argus and his Snow Warriors! It turns out that we know a number of the same folk and his news of them was all filled with woe. It appears that ours is not the only peaceful region being subjected to the oppressive evil of the Over King and his various dogs.

Wulfhere’s diplomatic mission to the Scarlet Brotherhood was ambushed and he learned a lot of really good intelligence about their activities to the south of the swamp (we will have discussed this with Sending spells by the time you get this, so I will not go into detail here). He decided to join up with us in our attempt to free Blair Morrow from the clutches of the Lich.

A Lizardman Ranger led us to within a mile or so of the outpost which was serving as the Lich’s lair. It was a huge burial mound with a mausoleum at its peak and surface burials all around. As we edged closer, we found a bunkhouse for a bunch of Orc sentries. We destroyed them in short order along with their squad leadership of three members of the Scarlet Brotherhood (they were not so easy to dispatch). We found some orders and notes that described the patrolling patterns in this area (which will come in handy very soon) written in the language of the Suel.

So, it is confirmed, the Scarlet Brotherhood is in the middle of the process of building a huge army and preparing to advance, probably against the Sunndi. We know from what Wulfhere told us that they are recruiting the barbarian warrior peoples from several regions and they are creating undead creatures of unknown types to do all their slave labor (like farming and other meanial tasks). Whether or not the Brotherhood is doing this in concert with the Over King or simply taking advantage of an opportunity to take the Sunndians whilst they are looking north, I can not say at this time. I will endeavor to find more.

Upon reaching the mound itself, we found a small cave entrance hidden in the base of the mound and decided to try entering that way rather than try to crash through the front door. We had to low crawl and we soon found ourselves in a terrible way when the Lich appeared and wove a spell of domination over Drak! Drak being a rather powerful Fire Sorcerer, you can imagine why we immediately fell into chaos!

We had to attempt to render him unconscious as quickly as possible. The scene was utterly bizarre and, I imagine, would have been somewhat comical to watch (as I am sure that Lich bastard was doing). We were all crawling back and forth attempting to grapple and pin Drak while I spent nearly a minute hitting him in the head to little effect. All during this process, he used his spells and wand to send a burning fire right through all of us! As you well know, my greatest fear is being controlled by another being. Ever since our encounter with the Kraken in the Styes and the way its minion caused me to hurt Silver and Hanor, I live in dread of this happening again. I have sought for wisdom and knowledge from The Holy One and it seems that I am as yet unworthy of a more direct answer. I must find a way to protect myself and my friends from possession as soon as it may be found.

Once released from the bonds of the Lich’s controlling force, we finally found the answers to the riddles surrounding Drak. When we trusted Counselman Thornwell in the Styes, we made a terrible mistake that may have cost Drak his soul. I now spend every day meditating on this and asking Pelor for guidance in finding a way to save my friend from this doom in which I helped to place him. Drak now has features of a fiendish nature (explaining why my blows did little to affect him). He is now a servant of one of the greatest abominations to ever be allowed amoung the Gods, Asmodeus. The Oathbound are worried; but, Drak has saved us all and remains (outwardly) Drak and we caused this to happen to him. I must stand by him and aid him if I can.

The next day, we made our assault on the tomb on the mound. We ran afoul of several rather nasty and terrible traps set for us. The Suel Lich made numerous hit and run attacks upon us until we finally cornered him. Hanor summoned to our aid a great Elven spirit warrior who dealt the killing blow.

In the aftermath of the battle, we found a great deal of information that might prove useful. This Suel Lich was an ancient Suel Wizard who participated directly in the Rain of Colorless Fire! The World was greatly served today with his demise.

We also found that Blair Morrow was here at one point, but was moved to a sheltered valley nearby. He has been placed into the custody of another dreadful creature with whom this Lich was in communication (perhaps even in the servitude of). This next mission promises to be in more fortified terrain and under a great deal more guard.

My supposition is that this Suel Lich (as ancient and as powerful as he was) is merely a servant of the primary force guiding or controlling the Scarlet Brotherhood in their quest for domination of the World. The Suel Lich came very close to ending our existence. I fear that this next adventure will not go without the loss of some of my comrades.

After experiencing this level of action and our group, Wulfhere decided to take his leave of us. I do not understand why; but, I can not blame him. He is not from here and has no stake or devotion to any of the local people or ground upon which we walk under the Sun. I hope that he finds a bright future wherever his travels take him.

I continue in my devotions to Pelor and to spread His light upon the World. I will expose this new force of undead power to that Holy Light or I will die trying. I hope that you get these letters, cousin. And I hope that our quest for a free Hestmark becomes truth. Please tell my Father that I am looking forward to our next meeting. And, tell Uncle Earnur to compose a victory song for us!

Your cousin,

El Rohir

My dear Cousin Io,

We have traveled for many days now in the Vast Swamp. I can truly begin to appreciate its name as our journey begins to drag forward like our Cousin Bainor slowly dragging those old oak stumps to the river after that storm, remember how slow and steady he moved?

After so many tense river bends and the exhaustion that comes with waiting for something to leap from cover and attack us at any moment for a week straight, we encounter the Swamp village of Snarin.

Snarin is a small village of swarthy men who are trying to make a living in harvesting the huge swamp Gars. It is interesting to actually see where they come from at last. Of course, the carved bone present that my Father presented my Mother during a Richfest when we were small is what my memory clings to while here. I have found that my mind wanders to such things with naught but drudgery as a companion during the long hot days on the river.

Of course, I also am also enjoying close conversation with Silver and learning more about her and her past as we pass the time. Yet, I must (and am determined) to not allow the impatience that seemed to rule my childhood to ruin anything. I am learning the kinds of control that Uncle Earnur always harped about… Finally. However, I find myself anxious to experience each new conversation…

In the village, we met its benefactor, Lord Snarin. He seems a decent fellow and someone with whom we might allow a bit of trust. He does have a merchant style (very unlike most retired Suundi military men I have met). It turns out that he has friends who know the swamp quite well and he made a deal with us to introduce to a guide if we purge a mighty beast that was giving him troubles…

It turns out that Lord Snarin’s difficulties in harvesting his Gar stem from a good deal of increased aggression from the local crocodile population and the beginning of more ‘organized’ attacks on their part. This has lent Snarin to believe that some intelligence is driving these normally somber beasts.
The nexus of the crocodile problem turned out to be relatively close to the village (less than a days walk) and we soon found ourselves looking at a tremendous mound of muck, slime, and earth from which issued a large number of crocodiles bent on attacking us! They did indeed seem driven to it be something greater than themselves. Silver tried repeatedly to talk to them… To get a feeling as to what would drive these poor beasts mad like this. They repeatedly impaled themselves upon our blades and Drak’s magical fire senselessly ignoring the horrific losses we were causing them. Later, she told me that her only clear impression she could gather from their extremely primitive speech was “Fear!” They were apparently forced to attack us from the fear of their new controlling force. It is unfortunate that we had to slaughter so many innocent creatures in this way. The “force” simply sent them to us without care as to the fate of his charges. This ‘mark’ of the influence of evil bolstered our confidence that we were indeed doing the right thing and following the Holy Light in seeking the demise of this creature.
We had not long to wait the coming of this “force” in the form of a huge Crocodile Lord in excess of 35 feet in length! As we spent about a minute fighting and mopping up all of the regular crocodiles (and a larger variety that came after them), this great crocodile had been sneaking up on Drak under a spell of invisibility! Suddenly, it appeared and nearly ate Drak whole in one mighty chomp! Fortunetly, our friend Drak has been studying a form of martial art and his improved health and bodily strength allowed him to suffer the wound and yet live to retreat to safety and heal while the warriors began our grisly work.

Quickly into the fight with this massive crocodile, Terranza was knocked down by a vicious tail slap and all of us were hurt a great deal. If it were not for magic and the Power of Pelor that I am allowed to wield, I certainly would not have survived the encounter. However, we did manage to survive and to destroy this beast to relieve the village of Snarin and its Lord of this hazard to their livelihood. It is my hope that we have made an important friend this day.

The next day, Lord Snarin brought to us a lizard-man named Tark. He is a ranger of the Krass Tribe and a veteran of the Suundi military. Following the path of Good is unusual for those of his kind and I admit that I began our meeting with him with a bit of prejudice in my thoughts. However, it became quite clear that evil does not rule this man and that he is one with whom we can deal.

Tark led us through many back ways and secret paths deep into the Vast Swamp. As the days turned into weeks, our only comfort was in the companion ship and the shared dread and discomfort that seem to bring comrades in arms together.

Tark led us finally to his village and to his chief. This very large female she-lizard informed us of much of the evil taking place to the south among the Scarlet Brotherhood. We discovered that they are attempting to drain the Swamp and are growing crops in the quantities that are usually meant to feed an army. Could the Scarlet Brotherhood be preparing to invade Suundi from the south as the Over King is planning to come in from the north?

She also spoke about the Lich of the Swamp (our original target on this quest). Apparently, the Lich of the legends was destroyed (or is reported to have been destroyed) long ago. However, she claims that possibly another Lich is working with the Scarlet Brotherhood using undead creatures and people to farm the rice that they are planting in quantity. She claims that the original lair of the Lich of old is now an outpost of the Brotherhood with the new beast settled in farther south.
We have decided to take on the outpost first to see what information we can get from the survivors of that coming battle.

We are anticipating a rough time with this one. This might be my last letter you my dear cousin. I will entrust these letters to Silver. If it is she who delivers them, please see that she has all she needs and bless her, for my spirit will be following her closely should it be forced from my body in this terrible place.

Your Cousin,
El’ Rohir


As you know, Uncle Earnur and Io have visited me in Briarwood during Richfest to discuss a few of the issues that are being debated about the future of the Hestmark. I hope that your Richfest was blessed with the light of Pelor as was mine. I haven't enjoyed this festival as much in decades!

I wish to use this opportunity of their visit and return to the estate to send you this message in the most secure fashion possible.

I have thought long on the arguments between you and I and I know that we do not agree on a great many things. You have always had the needs and the well being of our people (and all of the people of the Highlands) as your primary concern in our dealings with the Great Kingdom, the Medigians, and the Suundians. Staying the course and standing in as diplomatic a light as possible have been your solutions to the problems of dealing with these people and their very divergent views as to loyalties and tributes. In the past, I have not agreed with this stance and have favored a more active role in fighting the Medigians (and thus, by proxy, the Over King).

With the discussion of the institution of a “Hestmark Republic” to include the entire Highlands with the Dwarves, Haggar BoldFoot and his Halflings, the giants, and all the other indigenous peoples there, I think we have finally found common ground on which to plant our feet. I have informed Uncle Earnur that I am a strong supporter of this effort and will do what I can. Io has informed me that much of my current activity in attacking the interests of the Arch Bishop (and the Medigians in general) is aiding this cause as it gives the Highlands a stronger stance and bargaining position. I will continue to my best effort to support the Hestmark Republic Movement in this way and in any other way I can.

I place myself at your service in this endeavor.
The Oathbound have committed themselves to the rescue of Blair Morrow. I want you to know that I have been told of the significance of this rescue for our cause and we will not fail. We will consult with the Sunndians tomorrow to find the location of Blair Morrow. I will not return without him…
Io informs me that you sent word for my assistance and I asked me to join in this movement; and yet, you offer no word of forgiveness for our past differences.

I ask for none.

I understand now more fully the role you had to play between the See of Medigia and the Iron League. I have come to know that you were right about a great many things. However, actions speak louder than words. As the Sun Scroll tells us, “Let not ye follow only the words of the Profits! Follow instead their feet as they trace the path to righteousness against the long shadows of the World’s sunset!” I will allow my actions to provide you the proof of my agreement with your wisdom. And perhaps, one day when a Hestmark Republic exists and all the people in the Highlands are free from outside oppression, then you might spare thought to forgiving your son (providing he is worthy of such consideration by that time).
Until then, I wish you well. Send word if you ever need me. And don’t ever tell Uncle Earnur that I am agreeing with you now. I do not wish for him to fall over dead at your table from shock!

Your Son,

El’ Rohir Redleaf

My dear Cousin Io,

We finally made it to Caer Morrow (a castle deep in the swamps south of Sunndi that had been overrun by vampires and their minions). Our mission here is to eliminate this threat to open up travel and trade in the southern stretches of Sunndi and help their war effort in the process. We found this dwelling in the crater of one of the volcanoes in the region. Once there, we decided on an assault onto the first floor through a large window. We got in with little trouble into a hallway near one of the chapels. We quickly found some of the trouble we were trying to find in the form of three servants of the former Lord of this Manor who had been turned. I called upon the Holy Power of Pelor to allow me to reshape the stone of the fireplace to allow as much sunlight as possible into the chamber (we made a point of tearing down all the window coverings in the corridors as well) and we attacked the beasts in their coffins. Normally, fighting such fearsome beasts as these would cause me to lose control of my senses and just start swinging my blade! However, I was able to control myself during this encounter despite the tremendous fear I was feeling.

After this minor encounter, and a very short ritual blessing of their bodies in His Holy Name, we began to move again to find a way down into the lower levels where we suspected the coffins of the masters of the house must be… We stuck our heads into one of the small chapels that had been defiled by these foul vermin and then moved into the main foyer with its grand staircase. Here there was a long hall that was filled with statues in poses of fear or battle. It did not take long to realize that they were the people who lived here before the vampires all turned to stone! It turns out that we did not have to hunt down the vampires after all. They all came to us at this time! I suppose they detected our killing their three servants a few moments before.

The battle was fierce, it began with an attack from the great Gorgon whose task it is to patrol the grounds (and who is most likely to have created the current decorations for the entry hall). He burst into the entryway and immediately attacked us with his deadly breath! Thane and Silver’s snake companion immediately succumbed to this evil power and were turned into stone. Thane’s scream of pain was a grisly thing to experience. However, we did not have a second for mourning as Terranza and I had this beast at arms length! We engaged it in battle. I was so engaged when the vampires arrived. While Terranza and I were occupied by the Gorgon, Drak and Silver were dropped. I found later that Drak actually died in the encounter, though I do not know how. Hanor fought valiantly as always as did Silver before they finally hurt her enough to drop her as well.

So, Silver and Drak fell and Aria’s mind was taken over by one of the vampires. Though we killed the Gorgon and began making headway against the vampires, I was stricken with fear when I saw Aria under their control. The slack look in her eyes and the way in which her mouth was partially open and she was panting! The memory of the horror of my own time spent under the control of an evil being went through my head and I spent nearly half a minute doing useless spell work (barely even thinking of Pelor as I brought forth the incantations mumbling like some terror frozen child!).

Finally, Hanor woke me from my reverie with some spell work of his own. It was truly remarkable to see him standing up to these creatures as if he was meant to hunt vampires all his life. That is also the moment when I saw Drak and Silver on the floor. Drak was obviously gone. In the split second it took to see them down, I could see that Silver was still breathing. That moment (when I turned to survey what was behind me after slaying the Gorgon) is also when I saw Thane and the snake as statues. It’s funny, when you are in combat, the strangest things come to mind sometimes… Upon seeing her snake, I actually wondered in what way I would be able to comfort her best if in the end we could not revive her companion.

Once again, I snap out of these thoughts and began to finally take a real interest in the business at hand. I leaped after one vampire and was attacked by another who was hiding behind a corner on the staircase. Even vampires can be fools. With the strength granted me by Pelor, I swiped twice and sent her to the floor in two pieces after her useless attack.

As I swept down to the floor level to engage the vampire wielding a great sword, there came bursting through the other set of main doors another vampire! This one wasn’t attacking, however. This fellow had been thrown through the doors by a now free and very upset female cloud giantess! I chopped him up in short order and took a second to see the great blue skinned lady rampaging I the courtyard.

In the meantime, the beast that was controlling our cousin, fell to Terranza’s loving strokes of justice and Aria began firing her storm of arrows into the backs of the vampires who were trying to form a skirmishing line again Terranza and myself. Facing Aria behind, Terranza and myself frothing with wrath, the remaining undead vermin wisely turned into vapor and fled.
We retired to the courtyard (dragging out the body of Drak, the unconscious Silver, and the statues of Thane and Silver’s snake) to speak with the giantess. She barely acknowledged us and when we told her that there were still vampires on the loose and we were about to go backing and get them, she let out a curse in giantish and began reducing the castle to rubble right before our eyes!

Confused by this behavior and not realizing that the innocents trapped inside as statues could be revived whether they were broken or not, Silver and Terranza begin a loud argument with the giantess who, true to cloud giant form, more or less ignores them. She dug down into the lower levels and pulled out the remaining coffins and exposed the fleeing vampires to direct sunlight. As they sizzled and crackled in the light, the smell of burning flesh and rotted meat filled the courtyard to the great delight of the giantess and much to our disgust.
Hanor raised Drak from the dead after I spoke with his spirit beyond. He had told us before that he did want to be raised fro the dead again; but, something told me that we needed to confirm that. He expressed a desire for life again and Hanor completed the ritual. Drak reported memories from beyond life! I have never heard of that happening before. He tells of pain, misery, and terror wherever he was. I called upon Pelor to allow me to see more directly the emanations of evil given off by those controlled by such forces beyond our normal sight and both Drak and Hanor seemed fine. I will wait another week and try it again when they are not suspecting it just to be certain of my reading.

The clean up took quite a while. Just exploring the ruin took the better part of the week and we found some tremendous items of magic. In addition, Tantamos was so please with us for freeing his wife, that he gave us belts that give us all extraordinary strength. I blessed him and his clan in the name of Pelor (for strength is his greatest sphere of influence) and we all thanked him and the help he provided in the restoration of the Manor and the villagers back to life and possession. We have made a number of very important friends here. I have entrusted all these letters with the giants who have promised me that you will get them before the Moon reaches its full in another 5 days. Please write back to let me know how things are at the estate and in the northern Hestmark. Thank you.
Please urge my Father to trust the Sunndian more and to help them with intelligence as much as he can.

Your cousin,
El Rohir

My dear Cousin Io,

I have not previously written to you of this because I was so ashamed. It is only now (weeks later) that I can even bring myself to think on the matter without a shudder of fear bringing me to my knees.

During our adventure in the city named The Styes, we were attempting to find Boss Fromm (which, of course, we did eventually). However, when moving through the underground passages beneath the city, we encountered a creature that was able to control minds. It tricked our entire group into attacking a lifeless simulacrum of a flying shark and it controlled my mind to such an extent that I became a prisoner inside my own being.

I felt it enter my mind with a force I have never experienced. It felt as if it were clawing its way through my forehead between my eyes. It caused a pain like none I have ever felt. Not a physical wound, though many times more painful. As it entered me, I could feel my own body slip off of my mind like as if I were slipping out of my armor. This alien feeling of being apart from my body filled me with terror, for I began to witness my body moving without my own thought or desire. I willed myself to curl up into a ball.

Indeed, in my mind I was so curled up and began to weep as I watched through my own eyes as I began to attack my friends! The most terrifying part of this ordeal was that I could feel each stroke of my blade. I could feel the malice of the entity controlling me and its evil pleasure began to become mine! As he threw my body into a rage of combat, I hewed Aria and I smote Hanor and I chased them about all to the intense delight of my foe. I tried to turn the blade unto myself again and again but to no avail. Finally, through the cooperative effort of all my friends, they managed to knock me down until I saw no more.

Only then did the creature leave my mind. But, he did not leave me empty in my grief. He left all the nightmare of such a clear memory of the events that I cannot distinguish those moments from any other memory. It is as if I actually did those terrible things! For many nights now out of sight of the others I have lulled myself to sleep with the tears of a beaten child. Though I have slain the beast that did this to me, and my friends have extended their forgiveness, I can never imagine forgiving myself for their hurt.

I believe I have successfully kept all this from my companions. I do not know how they would see me if they knew that the man fighting by their side everyday once found pleasure in attacking them (even if that perverse pleasure was from the thoughts of another).

The nightmares are lessening somewhat. For a time, I thought that only way to silence the horror was to fall unto my own blade. I almost did just that.

I even found myself feeling below the task of living by the ‘shining light’! Of course, upon completion of several deep and long prayers, I feel that Pelor has forgiven what I cannot. I have received several omens over the last few nights that have convinced me to push on for the sake of my companions and for the sake of the Hestmark Highlands. I cannot let them down again.

I suppose that all of our uncles and my Father would say that both the weakness of being taken over by that beast and my reaction to it afterwards strongly reflects my mother’s mortal blood. As Father once said, “Thank the Gods for your mortality, boy! It will prevent your being a burden over long on the family tree.” There are times when I agree with him.

Yet, for my time (however short as counted by my pure blooded bretheren) might not be wasted and I might yet obtain some sort of honor for my family to remember me by in the company of these ‘Oathbound’ warriors.

I will write again soon,

El Rohir

My dear Cousin Io,

Although we have now moved back into the Hestmark on a mission to the Vast Swamp, I find myself without method or aid to get these letters to you. I will continue to compile them until such time when I might be able to get them to you securely.
While in Ballen’s Port after killing the Kraken and its minions infesting The Styes, we decided to set out to the southern reaches of the County of Sunndi to rid them of the troublesome Lich named Arcerat currently infesting the Vast Swamp. Getting rid of him will open lines of communications and supplies between Sunndi and allies to the south (something our allies in Sunndi will need if they are to continue fighting the Over King and his dogs, the Medegians).

While enroute on foot, we passed within a few miles of a Medegian outpost and a patrol of platoon strength diverted from their own mission to attempt to waylay us. There was no parley and no hesitation in the attack on their part. So, I suppose that our reputation is growing throughout their ranks. However, if that is true, then one might expect that they might try such an attack either in greater numbers or from an ambush rather than such a small unit riding blithely into our own ambush. This platoon was of the Path Wardens. I thought that they would know better by now. Perhaps today’s lesson will stick.
The fight was so one sided that none of even needed to expose a blade to the air! We beat them back through the growing awesome power of Drak, our good friend Hanor; and, of course, through the archery of our cousin! As always, it was a delight to witness the incredible withering arrow fire coming from Aria. I contributed a bit in my own small way. I’m afraid that unless there is knife work, I cannot compete with the greatness of my comrades.

After staying the night in town, we set out once again with several of the Medegian’s horses we kept as spoils of the previous day’s lesson to the Medegians and was attacked by a Vampiress on the first evening of our trek. She tried to beguile me with her magic; but, the might of Pelor fended her off easily. She changed into a bat and flew away and rejoined her attack a few moments later. I sent a bean of Pelor’s Holy Light her way. I doubt she enjoyed it from the grunt of pain which I took as my reward. Drak immediately joined the fray with his arcane prowess and she was handily driven off.
A few moments later, our camp was approached by Tantamos, one of the great Cloud Giants of the Hestmark! He told us of the latest outrage of the Heptad vampires (of which, our visitor was a member named Raven as Tantamos tells us). They have kidnapped his wife and are threatening to turn her to evil and make her their latest vampire slave unless the giants stop aiding the resistance to the Over King’s invasion of the Highlands! Of course, he didn’t even need to ask, we immediately committed to aid in the rescue of his wife and the destruction of the vampires. Being vampires is enough reason; but, being vampires in support of the Over King brings their destruction into the realm of necessity. The Lich Arcerat will get a reprieve now for as long as this new mission takes. But, don’t think that he is forgotten. It appears as though Tantamos is going to accompany us on this mission to free his wife. Although the circumstances should have been happier for our meeting, I will quietly enjoy his presence and will do my best to assure him that his wife will be returned and the vampires destroyed for their impudence in attacking these noble people.

We will at least do our very best...

It pains me to meet him under these circumstances. I must make a point to visit them the next time Uncle Earnur goes to trade with them (once the Over King is thrown out of the Highlands, of course).

Your cousin,

El Rohir

My dear Io,

Much adventure has been had since last I had opportunity to write. I am trusting this note to a courier I have employed here in Trade Port. This is a free city deep beneath the heather and soil of the Highlands.

I find my fascination with our dwarven friends waning a bit here. How they can stand the eternal darkness. It is always damp, the sound of dripping water is both a near nuisance and a far bother and the reek! The sweet air from above never seems to be able to claw its way this far down and all that is left are the evil fumes sent up by those who call darkness light and foul fair.

Since I do not wholly trust the messenger (well paid or not) to get this to you unread, I must be both brief and close regarding the details of our current plight.

I hope that it will suffice to say that I am well and in good company. As a company of travelers, our group (called the Oathbound) have truly started to work together well. We are able to read each others intentions very clearly now and sometimes, I can tell what Drak or Silver are about to do with but a glance at the posture or a brief look into their eyes. Ah, you should see the eyes of Silver when she is in her element. When concentrating on tracking or when focused in combat, she has a wisdom that would shake many of our elven kin. I do not know her ancestry; but, there is some sncient wisdom in her blood.

We have completed another step in the journey for which we have strived this last few months. I can nearly feel the sweet wash of relief that can only come when justice is served upon the wicked. Soon, you and I will raise tankards together and toast Uncle Eanur's Beard!

In the mean time, look for more letters and please send out those who can be spared to retrieve the survivors of the battle of the mesa. They are good men all. I am sorry to place the burden of convincing Father and the Council on your own. Whatever their race, Boss Fromm's lads have been good friends to the estate and they are worthy of our shelter.

Pass along for me that I will have wrath to spare should they be mistreated or turned out into the arms of the enemy!

Be well. Kiss little Mariya for me and place an ear to the ground for spectacular news from the east!

Your cousin,

My dear Cousin Io,

This is the first in a series of letters that I am writing to you to attempt to chronicle my adventures with my new found comrades. It is my hope to send these to you by messenger whenever I am in the Hestmark and can do so.

We left Boss Fromm’s fortress near dawn after accepting from him a mission to retrieve an ‘item’ from a cleric of Pocan who resides on Firewatch Island. Her name is Janore Stormwake. Fromm sent with us one of his warriors named Terranza. She is the largest and toughest human fighter I have seen in many years! As it often turns out, her presence was most beneficial and a testimony to the wisdom of Pelor and the ways in which he manipulates the Fates.

“For the Pathwarden and the Celestial Knight, the way is not always clear… may they always be thankful and woe be to them who shun aid unbidden or unseen upon their road…”

Or so the 14th scroll of the Sun states. As our faith demands, I accepted her companionship without question sensing that her heart was a flower despite her outer appearance of toughness.

Thus I began my first journey with ‘The Oathbound’ (my new friend Hanor has given this name to our troupe despite its not having an ‘official’ name). After speaking with these folk extensively, I must once again bow to the practicality of the dwarves in the way in which they label the World about them.

The first leg of our adventure took us down from the hills to the coastal village of Uslarn. I found myself looking forward to the smell of the salt air and the sing-song of the waves upon the shores. Just before breaking from the high hills to the lowering rounds that lead down to the plain, we encountered a band of Goblins. We were marching in a loose formation. As I was occupied in deep conversation with our cousin Aria at the time, Silver (Aria’s counterpart human ranger of surprising beauty and even more surprising swordsmanship and woodcraft!) was scouting ahead in a position that Drak called the “Point”. She managed to get nearly half a fallon ahead of us when she skillfully spotted the clumsy oafs setting an ambush for us. She immediately cast a spell upon the grass causing a majority number of the hapless Goblins to be held fast to the ground. The surprised remainder found themselves the targets of her dangerous attention with her bow! Hearing her battle cry, we galloped the horses in an attempt to rush to her aid. When we broke cover and could see her in the distance, a dozen arrows were flying her way, with a few already stuck into the greaves of her armor! I begged Io’s Pride for a new burst of speed and the mare gave me everything she had left in a last sprint. I must admit, cousin, I find myself hearing Earnur’s words naming me but a child in the World as I failed utterly to notice two of the vile creatures holding a rope fast across the gap into which I charged and committed your horse and my head to collisions with the ground! Despite the price paid for my inattentiveness, we both struggled to our feet and found ourselves in combat.

As I was tumbling over Io’s Pride’s head toward my appointment with a mouthful of dirt, Drak spoke to the Goblins in a more appropriate manner. His fire bomb spell rocked us all with its blast of heat, and sent over a dozen of our foes to speak to vile darkness that is their god. The remainder fought on for a short few seconds and decided that they should follow the better part of valor and flee.

Though hurt grievously, it was amazing to see the smile on Silver’s beautiful face as a counterpoint to her arrow punctured studded armor. Such wounds would have brought many a warrior to his knees; yet, her first words were to ask if everyone else were all right! If a heart filled with the light of goodness could be seen with the eyes, this woman would be a lighthouse!

In true dwarfish fashion, good Hanor doled out the healing magic as if handing out ration bags without word or complaint… another beacon of good to light the dark paths of the World.

Once the rest of us joined in the melee, the remaining Goblins fled leaving a few still ensnared in the grass by Silver’s command. We questioned them and learned that they were indeed in the employ of the Over King’s forces currently invading the Highlands. We let those few go and resumed our trek to Uslarn in the knowledge that once again, the Over King’s Knights (and their dogs the Medigians), are keeping our movements in the intelligence reports their commanders hear each morning. We must begin to evade these patrols more if our actions are ever to become unpredictable!

As we followed the road to the coast, we began to smell the salt air! Ah! It has been far too long since the leaden airs of the sea have lifted my hair and my heart. Though I love the Highlands I do need to come to the coast more often… Perhaps when we have vanquished the cancerous louts in the ‘Holy See’…

As we turned onto the coast road within sight of Uslarn, we spotted a poor fisherman’s dead body being fought over by three of the Deamon Venchuen (the humans call then Harpy’s). By any name, these foulest of creatures to ever take the female form are a formidable foe.

They took to the air and enthralled several of us with their evil song. Silver, Hanor, myself, and Drak escaped their snare and managed to attack. Drak used his vast skill in controlling fire to destroy two of them along with some help from the rest of us and our darts. The remaining creature was driven off and the human male killed earlier by them was spared the indignity of having his corpse eaten by these carrion. We brought him back to his village and family. I held back from offering a ‘pronouncement to the realms of heaven’ of his passage in respect to this man’s own gods. I did, however, offer a prayer to Pelor to watch over his spirit to ensure its safe passage to whatever destination his life’s faith has determined for it.

We then stabled our horses and offered good payment to the man who ferries people to and from Fire Watch Island which we could see just off the coast (perhaps 15 Fallon distant). We arranged for passage to the island at dawn and bedded down for an easy nights sleep.

Upon the morn and the awakening of Pelor’s eye upon the World, we ate and took passage across the water to the island. The portage went well and the sea was calm. We paid the ferry man to return for us at intervals throughout the day and then set out to the lone set of buildings on the island.

We approached the main doors, and noticed that they had been forced and then hastily repaired. We knocked and received no answer. As we made our way around the east end of the building, we came to a small courtyard still well kept in spite of the air of increasing alarm we were all feeling. Everything was silent. Only the muted sounds of the surrounding sea kept us company as we searched for the dozens of residents who were supposed to be here tending the extensive gardens.

Suddenly, from a small pond near the middle of the yard a pair of Yembrial leaped from the pond. Drak yelled the human name for these creatures (Sea Hags) and let loose his fire upon them. With a terrible eruption of flame and wind, the Hags met their doom in but a moment of time. I had not even been able to release my sword from its scabbard before there was nothing more than smoking ruin where the Yembrial had once stood.

After several eye blinks in attempt to adjust for the unexpected sun Drak had released before us, we noticed that Silver was gasping for air and Aria had collapsed! We ran to Aria (Silver turned out to be none worse for the wear) and found that she had expired. I am sorry to say, cousin, that there was nothing all the Elven magic in the World could do for her. My comrades set her body in a safe place while I muttered a quick prayer for Pelor to bless her passing. Drak was quite close to her and his dark mood thereafter stood as stark evidence of this. I can still see the fire in his eyes even after all that has been done this day.

Very soon thereafter, we were attacked by an evil mutated beast that Drak later identified as a Peryton. Once again, availing ourselves of Drak’s magical skills and a bit of bladework, this latest attempt to waylay us failed its demise.

Upon entering the southern door of the complex (which also displayed signs of forced entry), we found ourselves in the midst of two giant swarms of rats! Hanor was caught in the middle of one swarm. Silver pulled him free while I summoned a large Fire Beetle to aid in the fight. A very short time later, we were free of the vermin.

We searched the entire compound and found much evidence of the struggle that had caused the deaths of the island’s residents. It appeared that all had been lost. We found the boat landing on the western side of the compound and were set upon by yet another strange creature! We were later to find a name for this vile creation… a Chuul. To be in the presence of one such strange beast should normally be a tale for years to come! Today, we were attacked by many. The evil controlling this series of events is truly powerful and as dark as their minions are strong.

The Chuul grabbed at Silver and at me with its great pincers like those found on a scorpion though many times their size. I was lifted into the air and finally dropped into the tentacles that this terror uses to pull its prey into its mouth. I finally struggled free to fall into the broken boat that we were investigating while the rest of our band destroyed it.

We decided to remain on the island despite our fear of encountering yet another fantastic beast. We would need the light of day to more completely investigate what happened here. Of course, the creatures we had encountered gave us little doubt what had happened to the islanders; however, as our Uncle Earnur constantly reminds us, “one should be thorough in all aspects of one’s life”.

We camped in the larder. There are but two entries (the secret door leading down, and the door to the kitchen). We set a watch for the night and Drak and I were left to remain alert first.

After but a short time, I heard a sound in the building. I thought that it came from deep inside the house, though it turns out that it was a softer noise just outside the door!

I cracked open the door to find myself facing some form of creature wielding a marvelous looking short sword and using it with amazing speed! As I struggled to keep up with him in our swordplay, he scored hit upon hit while I did little to faze him. I called for the others to aid me while I could hear Drak behind me preparing spells. Drak lit a fire on the floor to damage or drive off the creature and his minions (for he was followed quickly by 8 more). After settling in to our fight, I could finally see that this foul thing was of the undead (though my memory still cannot dredge any details of his kind or even what to call him) as were his companions. After a few painful exchanges, I realized that I needed to fall back lest I follow Aria past the horizon to Pelor’s feet. As I moved back, Silver leaped into the fray! With her fresh arm and Drak’s assistance, the creature was lain down. Hanor stepped forward and presented his holy symbol to the remainder. They fled from him. Through the blood in my eyes, I found Hanor to stand much beyond his diminutive height that evening.

After this final confrontation, we heard people in the room beneath the larder and found Janore Stormwalker hiding below with a couple of her kin. As we began to bring her up, she was in distress as her two companions were turning into more of the undead that we had just dispatched! She named the disease, ‘The Blue Rot’. Apparently, those poor hapless souls attacking us were also victims of this contagion. Followed by a prayer to Pelor, these last foes were sent to their makers.

Janore is convinced that the undead folks we had just had the misfortune of meeting had all ready sequestered the ‘item’ that we came here for. Janore finally informed us as to what prize we had missed… It is a map to the Over King’s lair! This we must have. She says that these creatures have taken this map to a place called Dagon’s Maw. For now, we rest. Tomorrow, we will learn what this Dagon’s Maw is and what must be done to retrieve this most valuable of maps…

Your cousin,

Elrohir Redleaf

Indeed, friend Drak. I too seek to avenge my wounds upon the servants of the Over King. His Fiends are far from home and will not be easily replaced! We have dealt their forces a great blow by ridding them of such powerful scouts!

My fondest desire is to rid him of as many of his knights as we can, for those are quite literally irreplaceable! The Medigians will have much of the "fight" taken from them should a goodly number of those powerful men fall. But, their armor is thick and their wills are bent on carrying out the evil desires of their Master. I dare say that the Medigians are more fearful of these hellish warriors than they are of us!

We must correct this, somehow.

It is wise to consult with my fathers and family at the Redleaf estate. But, I must warn you all, do not expect a military committment from my family! They stand against much of the Over King's policy; however, they are rooted here. There are songs here that have been sung longer than the humans in our group can trace their family lines! Do not expect the Eldest to openly oppose the Over King or his minions.

In fact, we must be cautious upon the road and the approaches to my home. THe Over King has minions who travel upon the air. It is even possible that they have already held council with the Eldest and the rest of the clan lords (Redleaf,Seregon, Earnural, the Rose Winds, and the others). Though, I am certain that we will find much aid amounst my brethren, the family and the Free Hold will most likely treat with the Medigians and the Over King's dogs to maintain a facade of loyalty.

This show of "loyalty" might be predicated on their turning us over to the Medigians for our success with the Fiends! I doubt this to my root. But, we should keep a weather eye upon the leaves as we approach the estate nonetheless. With you and our beautiful rangers with me, I am certain that the forest will give us ample warning of foul play if we listen to carefully.

Should signs of foul play elude us, I would like to suggest that once we are at the estate, that only Aria and I approach openly. We are family here and perhaps that will win favor with the Council of the Chiefs and with the Eldest if we are alone.

Should things go badly and we become separated in the wood. Do what you can to hide and cover. I know these woods, the trees will aid me in finding you all.