Is there a black hole in the submissions room at Paizo?

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

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I just wanted to say that one of my adventures did escape this black hole (if you search back to 2006, you can find its title mentioned in some of my posts) and will be published in Dungeon sometime in the next few weeks. Its my first published work for RPGs.


Shroomy wrote:
I just wanted to say that one of my adventures did escape this black hole (if you search back to 2006, you can find its title mentioned in some of my posts) and will be published in Dungeon sometime in the next few weeks. Its my first published work for RPGs.

Way to go Shroomy! Congratulations! Tell us the name, tell us the name! Yay! What's it about? What levels?

I can't say much, but its called "The Oasis of the Golden Peacock" and is for 6th level characters. Its actually was in the Paizo slushpile (submitted around the end of August 2006) and was transferred to WoTC last fall. Chris Youngs contacted me in September, started writing it in October, and turned it on December 1st. Wow, waiting is hard and it changed quite a bit during the process....

AWESOME! CONGRATS! Way to go Shroomy! I look forward to getting that module.

I'm going to indulge in a bit of thread necromancy. I'm not sure if anyone who once participated in this thread still reads through it (or plays 4e, or is a DDI subscriber), but my adventure will finally be released for 4e on 8-19. It's been a long journey.

Liberty's Edge

Congrats, Shroomy! On getting your adventure published, and on ressurecting this awesome thread!
I miss it - and Dungeon! But, hey, live goes on, and adventures still seem to get published :)

Shroomy wrote:
I'm going to indulge in a bit of thread necromancy. I'm not sure if anyone who once participated in this thread still reads through it (or plays 4e, or is a DDI subscriber), but my adventure will finally be released for 4e on 8-19. It's been a long journey.

Gratz Shroomy! Keep up the good work!


Shroomy wrote:
I'm going to indulge in a bit of thread necromancy. I'm not sure if anyone who once participated in this thread still reads through it (or plays 4e, or is a DDI subscriber), but my adventure will finally be released for 4e on 8-19. It's been a long journey.

Congrats Shroomy! Well done!

Wow. This thread brings back sweet sweet memories. Responses from James, Wes, Jeremy, Jason, and Mike were like hot crack smoke back in the good ole open submission days. I used to not sleep for weeks waiting to hear if any of the ridiculous things I submitted got accepted. It was like touching the face of the gods when something did get picked up. Ah, memories.

So much has happened in the industry since those heady Cainen days of Dungeony goodness. I feel old for the first time in my life re-reading this thread.

The skin sags, the claw-like bones protruding from the jaundiced flesh of my lichy fingers knock hollowly on the keyboard now. Ah, to be alive again. Well, at least my phylactery keeps me going now, despite Pett's continuous attempts on my life (living a stone's throw away from him has not been easy on me).

Good memories, this thread!

::Goes off to cry sentimental lich-tears::

Liberty's Edge

It was your own choice to lead a "sinister" live ;)


Dryder wrote:
It was your own choice to lead a "sinister" live ;)

Ha! Its true. But when Wizards killed the mags (or at least took em away from the surest hands ever at the reins - Paizo) it was a BIG change. The creative outlet for my insane dreams led me to start Sinister - only because I didn't have a place to send my most warped ideas. I can't wait to get Sinister back on track now that I am off. I love having time to work on it again.

Still, I'll always miss ole Dungeon mag.

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, I also severly miss the ol' dungeon days! Sinsiter is cool, and I can't wait to dive into RC! Its great your on track again, and I hope things go smoother now, for sinister.
Maybe I should send my submissions to Sinister now...muhahahahahaha!

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Congrats Shroomy!

Shroomy wrote:
I'm going to indulge in a bit of thread necromancy. I'm not sure if anyone who once participated in this thread still reads through it (or plays 4e, or is a DDI subscriber), but my adventure will finally be released for 4e on 8-19. It's been a long journey.


My adventure is up. Overall, I'm very happy with how it turned out. I hope everyone who is a DDI subscriber enjoys it.

This calls for a toast. "To Shroomy!" *raises flagon of ale*

That is so great! To see it up and out there, available for others to run through. Im really happy for you!

Now get to work on another one, hehehe. :D

drunken_nomad wrote:

This calls for a toast. "To Shroomy!" *raises flagon of ale*

That is so great! To see it up and out there, available for others to run through. Im really happy for you!

Now get to work on another one, hehehe. :D

Thanks! I can't wait to hear how the adventures goes for those who run it. I never got a chance to do it (I may do it as a one shot for the group I currently play with) and I only heard bits and pieces of what happened at the WotC playtest (apparently, the first encounter almost resulted in a TPK!).

Inquiring minds want to know if there is, indeed, a singularity in the submissions room. Perhaps Auntie Lisa's Story Hour could address the issue?

Also, please note that thread necromancy is not, in itself, an evil act.


Taliesin Hoyle wrote:

Inquiring minds want to know if there is, indeed, a singularity in the submissions room. Perhaps Auntie Lisa's Story Hour could address the issue?

Also, please note that thread necromancy is not, in itself, an evil act.

Wow, that takes me back... it's been a long time since I've put on my Gray Render hat...

So named because after a few hours of slush pile, everything looks like it is poorly-rendered and gray?

Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
So named because after a few hours of slush pile, everything looks like it is poorly-rendered and gray?

As a once upon a time fiction editor I would say that is it exactly.

Also, holy thread resurrection Batman!


*casts epic resurrection*

I wonder if Paizo ever fixed the black hole problems...

Also I think it's funny this thread is almost 20 years old and I've been commenting on it through a lot of it.

Wait, does that mean I'm old now? Nevermind, kill the thread, KILL IT!

No! It's too late, the thread has grown a life of it's own! When it hits 2,000 posts it will consume the entire forums! Quick, to the battlements!

Grand Lodge

Yes, but y'all remember in the early-to-mid 90's when every issue of Dungeon had an adventure from Chris Perkins and everyone wrote complaint letters to the Editor (Perkins of course) saying he was stealing the best adventure proposals and publishing them as his own work?!? .... Good Days.

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