Alakast... is a good weapon?

Shackled City Adventure Path

Hi there...
Alakast is presented like the ultimate and definitive weapon sent by the celestial plane to finish with a Glabrezu demon named Nabthatoron.
Ok, I'm playing it and I've realized that my players are going to find a real bad weapon to fight a demon with.
Alakast is a +1 bane vs. evil outsiders quarterstaff, so it deals an extra 2d6 of damage and it's a +3 weapon against Nabthatoron... BUT NABTHATORON HAS DR 10/good... and Alakast is not good!!!!
I think, that Alakast is presented like a really good weapon, like a present from the gods to a hero, like a weapon needed to kill Nabthotoron.
I really think that this weapon should be Holy instead bane vs evil outsiders...


Paizo Employee Creative Director

You could switch Alakast to a holy weapon, but that skyrockets its gp value into something that you might not want mid-level characters to possess. As it is, the additional damage from its bane quality (2d6+3) will usually get through Nabthatoron's DR.

Still... If I were developing that particular adventure today, I'd probably just give Alakast the good subtype, allowing it to bypass good DR as if it were a holy weapon but without the additional holy weapon damage.

James Jacobs wrote:

You could switch Alakast to a holy weapon, but that skyrockets its gp value into something that you might not want mid-level characters to possess...

Thanks James,

I was thinking that a holy weapon is a +2 magic bonus instead of the +1 magic bonus of a bane weapon.
James Jacobs wrote:
Still... If I were developing that particular adventure today, I'd probably just give Alakast the good subtype... allowing it to bypass good DR as if it were a holy weapon but without the additional holy weapon damage.

I think that I'm gonna take this path. I mean, a Movanic Deva gave this weapon to Surabar Spellmason in person... I think it deserves it.

Thanks again


Another alternative would be to make it a Sanctified weapon (as per the Book of Exalted Deeds)...on top of it's existing powers.

This is very in keeping with the backstory to it, makes it *slightly* more powerful against Demons, and doesn't have the same issues a Holy weapon does.

Sanctified makes it Good-aligned and adds +1 to damage vs. evil targets or +1d4 damage vs. Evil Outsders and Evil Undead.

I posted a longer version of this is the duplicate post, but I'll put it here too :)

I don't think Alakast is underpowered at all. Just put it in the hands of the party rogue, get your flank on, and you're doing 7 dice of damage per hit, 8 if the rogue is 9th level.

I figured the extra damage came from a fifferent source, much like the fire damage from a flaming weapon, the holy damage from a holy weapon, etc. As such the 2d6 damage bypassed the damage reduction automaticly, rgardless of the normal damage. The PCs in the group at the time barely survived the fight even with the deva's help and without my call it would of been a TPK.

Oh, did anyone else notice the demons CR was wrong. I can't remeber off hand but it was either 1 high of low.

It's pronounced boo-LAY! wrote:

I posted a longer version of this is the duplicate post, but I'll put it here too :)

I don't think Alakast is underpowered at all. Just put it in the hands of the party rogue, get your flank on, and you're doing 7 dice of damage per hit, 8 if the rogue is 9th level.

Come on... Surabar SPellmason a rogue?? I don't think so... I thought he was an earth elementalist, waasn't he?


Alakast is a +1 bane vs. evil outsiders quarterstaff, so it deals an extra 2d6 of damage and it's a +3 weapon against Nabthatoron... BUT NABTHATORON HAS DR 10/good... and Alakast is not good!!!!


We have our own house rules whereas the 1st level cleric spell bless can be cast on weapons to make them good. (basically the same as the paladin spell bless weapon) Of course if you're lucky enough to have a paladin in the party and you're at the DEMON-skar, then he'd probably be smart to pray for this one.

Seems odd that Bless can make a weapon good-aligned, since Bless can be cast by clerics of any alignment, and there's a 2nd level spell called Align Weapon specifically for the mentioned purpose.

Anyone like the Sanctify suggestion?

Nanmaniac wrote:

Come on... Surabar SPellmason a rogue?? I don't think so... I thought he was an earth elementalist, waasn't he?


You know, I didn't think of that. Good DM'ing there I must admit.

I have a tednancy to defend the published material, but other than that rogue thought, or changing the weapon itself, I don't see any options that haven't been mentioned.

I also made Alakast a holy weapon. However, more than that, I've made Alakast into a Legendary Weapon a la The Game Mechanics legendary weapons sourcebooks. So far, the party isn't using it, but I think the druid is about to take an interest.

My party missed finding Alakast before they fought Nabthatoron and they had to go back later to find it.

Now however, Alakast is a +1 holy sizing bane vs. evil outsiders quarterstaff being wielded by a weretiger ranger who likes his Amaranth Elixir.

If it's an evil outsider and it lasts for more than 3 rounds in combat with him, the rest of the party begins to get scared.

Andorax wrote:

Anyone like the Sanctify suggestion?

Im going to use it :)

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