Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

I've been thinking....On the cover of Issue 119 it says "The Return of the Drow" but if you read through the adventure there are actually very few drow involved. Mostly demons. I see that the demons have ties to the drow but I would like to see a large adventure in the future involving alot of drow. They are the coolest creatures in D&D (in my opinion) and I've been trying to get my hands on The Harrowing though it says on the website that is temporarily unavailable...how long is temporary?..I'm just wondering if anyone else feels this way and if there are any plans for adventures involving the drow in the near future...

I found my copy of the Harrowing on Ebay. You might want to check there.

They always say that stuff on the cover, and then when you get the mag, you realize that its just sensationalism.

I hate it when evil is glamorized. ;)

Or when glamors are evilized.

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