Rules Interpretation RE: Forbiddance

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

Reference the FORBIDDANCE spell:

"Forbiddance seals an area against all planar travel into or within it. This includes all teleportation spells (such as dimension door and teleport), plane shifting, astral travel, ethereal travel, and all summoning spells. Such effects simply fail automatically."

Would it be possible to utilize the effects of ROPE TRICK or MAGNIFICENT MANSION within the confines of a FORBIDDANCE effect? While we're discussing this, why is the former a Transmutation spell (just because it affects a change on the material component for the spell's duration -- the crux of the spell seems to be the creation of an extradimensional hidey-hole)? It seems the both ought to be Conjuration (Creation) effects.

Can the caster of a ROPE TRICK or MAGNIFICENT MANSION spell use PLANE SHIFT to exit the extradimensional space? How about to return to the same extradimensional space? If these spells can be enacted within a FORBIDDANCE, then does this provide a means of circumventing the Teleportation hindrance of said effect?

And for the Forgotten Realms fans out there: Would the use of PLANE SHIFT from within a ROPE TRICK or MAGNIFICENT MANSION effect (anchored in the Underdark) obviate the Teleportation disruption side-effect of Faerzress?

Magnificent Mansion creates an extradimenesional space with one entrance. I'm not sure if the Forbiddance would keep the extradimensional space from being created, but you certainly can't enter it as Forbiddance blocks planar travel within the area.

Same thing for Rope Trick.

Interesting question though. What about a Bag of Holding? Is reaching into the extradimensional space and pulling something out "travel"? I'd say a Bag of Holding doesn't worth either.


I agree with Todd. I'd not allow rope trick or magnificient mansion to work within the confines of a forbiddance spell. I'd probably also rule the same as Todd on the bag of holding issue - but I'd have to ponder that one.

As for why rope trick is a transmutation spell - I haven't got a clue. I would've guessed it would belong in the same school/subschool as Leomond's secure shelter and Mordy's magnificient mansion. Both of those are Conjuration (creation) spells. *shrug* no clue on that one...

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I'd consider extradimesional space in magic items (bags of holding, hewards handy haversack, portable hole) to be exempt from the effects of a Forbiddance. If you'll notice in one of the FAQ's it basically says that those items shouldn't be modified by other spells that mix XD space and pocket dimensions... I'd follow that precedent for this. Leave forbiddance to restrict travel and movement. It's a ward not a null XD space field. Reaching into your bag of holding isn't a movement through the planes issue.

-I am a Vrock, I'm a Tanar'ri!

Which brings up an interesting thought....could a small creature plane shift into your bag of holding, then attack you through it upon opening before fleeing with your valuables....

Note that Plane Shift allows you to move across planes to reach another plane of existence. It does not allow you to access extra dimensional space within items as they are not planes per se. Same thing with limited extra dimensional planes created by spells such as Rope Trick. Rope Trick creates a random pocket demi-plane which in turn allows you to access it by means of a rope that is keyed to that particular pocket demi-plane.

At least that is how I think Rope Trick works but I do not have my copy of the 3.5 PHB with me right now. Besides, even if a creature could access the extra dimensional space inside a bag of holding, it would die within moments. Why? Because bags of holding normally do not have any air inside. Furthermore, a bag of holding can only be opened from the outside, not from the inside.

I concur with allowing items that have extra dimensional space to function normally within the area of a Forbidannce. However, I would rule that casting Plane Shift or any planar travel type of spells within an extra dimensional space like bag of holdings to have the same effect as putting a bag of hold into a portable hole. You're tapping into planar energies and bringing it into your current plane of existence inside an extra dimensional space that was not designed to hold such energies. The planar energies with mix with the bag of holding and consequences will occur in the face of such folly.

I think I would tend to agree with Canadian Bakka RE: extradimensional spaces and teleportation magic. The distinction between "extraplanar" (as a creature subtype and as it relates to spell effects) vs. "extraplanar" (as a glossary term meaning outside the bounds of the known planes, see Manual of the Planes) is fuzzy at best. Perhaps a lot of these meta-rules will be addressed in the upcoming DMG II . . .

So, do Summoning spells automatically fail within MORD'S MAGNIFICENT MANSION (even if there's no FORBIDDANCE to contend with) due to limitations of the spell's operation based upon planar cosmology?

Hendoronomy wrote:
So, do Summoning spells automatically fail within MORD'S MAGNIFICENT MANSION (even if there's no FORBIDDANCE to contend with) due to limitations of the spell's operation based upon planar cosmology?

I'm a bit perplexed on this one. The spell description of Mord's Magnificient Mansion seems to imply that nothing can enter the place from the outside unless entered through the special portal entry. Now, if this prevents teleportation magics from working to gain entry, then in theory it should stop summoning spells that were cast from the outside to bring in creatures within the mansion. Why? I base it on the fact that since teleportation magics are a subschool of Conjuration, then summoning magics likewise should fail as they are also a subschool of Conjuration.

Now, if a spellcaster attempted to cast a summoning spell within the confines of the mansion to bring in a creature within the area of the mansion...I'm not entirely sure if it work or not, due to conflicting point of views. I could eventually come up with an answer but I prefer to hear others toss in their two cents first before I ever make a judgement call for a game.

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