alacar |

I recently decided to add a secondary tunnel in the lava tubes in Flood Season which leads to a small hold of a vampire Sor 4 who is affilliated with the Cagewrights, who was sent to keep an eye on the Ebon Triad and guard them from attack. I also took one of the wands from Triel and gave it to the vampire.
I want to know some of the other side quests and encounters people added to the AP.

Taricus |
I recently decided to add a secondary tunnel in the lava tubes in Flood Season which leads to a small hold of a vampire Sor 4 who is affilliated with the Cagewrights, .....
I'm still campaigning in 3.0 with an older campaign of mine, but wouldn't the sorcerer have turned into a vampire spawn, instead, since u need 5-HD to get the vampire template from another full-vampire to begin with?
Don't mean to nit-pick... Lots of undead in my campaign--especially vampires--is the only reason I ask. LOL I think the party rogue hates me!

alacar |

alacar wrote:I recently decided to add a secondary tunnel in the lava tubes in Flood Season which leads to a small hold of a vampire Sor 4 who is affilliated with the Cagewrights, .....I'm still campaigning in 3.0 with an older campaign of mine, but wouldn't the sorcerer have turned into a vampire spawn, instead, since u need 5-HD to get the vampire template from another full-vampire to begin with?
Don't mean to nit-pick... Lots of undead in my campaign--especially vampires--is the only reason I ask. LOL I think the party rogue hates me!
Sure in 3.0 but in 3.5 you don't need to be 5th level. Plus you're the DM if you want a character to become a vampire at level 4 then fine.
By the way make sure your cleric knows what they are doing, I had my three other PCs get knocked out.

Smuggler |

So far I've used "The Stink" in between Life's Bazaar and Flood Season and only had to modify the map a little. I used parts of "Racing the Snake" (the gorge, the yuan-ti, and the kobolds) as a the overland journey for "Zenith Trajectory". After that I used "Death of Lashmire" as a strange event that occurred after their return from Occipitus due to an unlucky plane shift random location result that left the unprepared PC's scrambling not to drown off the coast of Sasserine. I used the dungeon "The Catacomb of the Scion" from Libris Mortis as the undetailed catacombs beneath the Cathedral of Wee Jas. I have also used a couple of Maps of Mystery to flesh out some of the underdark areas as well. There is a map for a Stone Giant clan that we used and I also couldn't resist using the map for the Cryomancer's Tower (cool stone icicle tower map from the same issue as Test of the Smoking Eye) as Fetor's actual abode. I placed it near Karran Kural (sp?) and had Fetor teleport back to it. The gang had to find a way in, fight through his ice paraelementals on the upper floors and his Black Ice Golem (Dragon #324) guardian. I described the tower itself along the same lines as the other spell-weaver dungeons and the guys thought it was ultra-cool. I'll probably wind up using the Red Dragon lair 'map of mystery' as well when the heroes eventually look to plunder Hookface's den, assuming they survive their upcoming encounter with the beast.
All in all, Dungeon and Dragon magazines save me one hell of a lot of work and make me look like a devious genius, which I certainly am not. :)