Llowellen |
Apologies if this in an inappropriate thread for this forum - although it probably loosely fits into the 'Art of Dungeon Mastery' and I would really value some feedback from fellow DM's.
My intention with this project is to create Lizardfolk as an alternate PC race for my own homebrew world. I intend for them to be internally balanced with the other more standard PC races and not have to contend with ECL's and LA's and such.
I would very much appreciate any feedback, comments, criticisms, or suggestions on any aspect of this - in particular the game mechanic aspects. The flavour text is obviously written with my own world in mind, but any feedback there would be great too - these may not be the culturally typical lizardfolk of the MM.
Many thanks,
Rajiinian (Lizard Folk)
Rajiinians are the amphibious, coastal dwellers of the jungles of Rajiin. These peoples are primarily hunters, fishers and food gatherers but in two distinctly separate areas – Northern and Southern Rajiin divided by the all-but impassable wall of the Spine of Rajiin.
Personality: Rajiiinians are an innovative people, it is testament to their skill as creative thinkers and builders that some of the most advanced early civilizations were built deep in the jungles of Rajiin without the benefit of the wheel or of metal tools or beasts of burden. Intrepid builders and inventors Rajiinians are a people curious about worlds beyond their own. They extensively study the stars, plotting constellations and planetary movements and were among the first races to discover the existence of the outer planes. Rajiinians are devout, very independent, loyal to their own traditions and laws, yet respectfully apathetic towards others.
Physical Description: Rajiinians are a reptilian people. They are blessed with powerfully tall and muscular humanoid frames covered with scales that may vary in colouration from gray to brown with a yellowish-green being the most common. Their chests and stomachs, as well as their inner arms tend to be a much lighter shade than the remainder of their body. Eyes are typically a pale yellow in colouration - pupil-less and double-lidded similar to a lizards. A powerful prehensile tail some three to four feet in length is used for balance and swimming. A Rajiinian's hands are humanoid in appearance but feature long and sharp talons, as do their feet. Prominent dorsal spines may run the length of a Rajiinian’s body from the forehead, down the spine to the tip of his tail.
Relations: Rajiinians respect their own kind and typically have good relations among themselves even on the rare occasions different Rajiinian societies may interact. The mountain dwelling kobolds are viewed at best as a nuisance and a pest and at worse (given their tendency to raid or lair within ancient holy ruins) foul heathens that deserve no less than to be hunted. Werejaguars are respected and loved by the Rajiinians and afforded a special place in Rajiinian society – often as priests or seers. Rajiinians are not aware of the difference between the two Courts of the Fey – although they are all too aware of their presence - they treat both equally with a measure of superstitious fear and dread.
Homeland: All major Rajiinian civilization favour the coastal regions primarily and the swamplands and river plains secondly. The higher and cooler elevations of the mountains hold many unknown superstitious dangers (and allures) for the average Rajiinian and are typically avoided by all but the most adventurous.
Religion: Rajiinians are a devout people who worship their own ancestors primarily, believing that they remain to guide their own descendants with a wisdom gained only through death. This ancestral worship fits into a pantheon of sorts with a half-lizard, half-jaguar aspect of Anwen at its head. Sacrifice and ritualistic cannibalism remains a significant part of Rajiinian religion.
Language: Two major spoken languages exist among the Rajiinians, each with their own regional dialects and variations and a common hieroglyphic written language.
Male Names: Acatapec, Tel’ Chiquel, Tel’Rajil, Xuca
Female Names: Chol, Itza, Ix’atza, Pocom
Racial Traits:
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma. Rajiinians are a physically strong and resilient people although somewhat aloof to strangers. They rely more heavily on common sense and intuition than on intellect.
Rajiinian base speed is 30 feet. As an amphibious people they also enjoy a base Swim speed of 30 feet.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Rajiinians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Hold Breath: A Rajiinian can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to four times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.
Natural Weapons: 2 claws (1d4) and bite (1d4).
Automatic Languages: National Language.
Because of their tails, Rajiinians have a +4 racial bonus on Jump, Swim, and Balance checks.
Racial Levels: A Rajiinian can take up to three levels in ‘Lizardfolk’ as a class to develop their racial qualities more fully.
Lizardfolk Levels
Rajiinians can take up to three levels in ‘lizardfolk’ at any time. Not all Rajiinians, however, take racial levels (or all three of them).
Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points at 1st Character Level: (2+ Intelligence) x 4
Skill Points at Higher Level: 2+ Intelligence bonus
“Class” Skills : Balance (Dex), Craft (Int), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str) and Wilderness Survival (Wis).
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Rajiinians with levels only in lizardfolk (no actual class levels) are proficient in the use of all simple weapons and light armours and shields.
Level 1 : +0 BAB, +0 Fort, +2 Reflex, +0 Will, +1 Natural AC, +1 Str
Level 2: +1 BAB, +0 Fort, +3 Reflex, +0 Will, +2 Natural AC, +1 Con
Level 3: +2 BAB, +1 Fort, +3 Reflex, +1 Will, +2 Natural AC, Multiattack Feat
Lady Aurora |
Looks great. Sorry I don't have any advice for you. It looks to me like you've done a fine job of developing the lizardfolk into a richly developed but equitable character class.
My only question is about the Charisma penalty. Are you basing that on their reptilian looks and the negative responses their appearance would provoke among more "common" races? Because it seems to me you have set the lizardfolk up to be rather tolerant and easy-going, largely accepting or apathetic toward different races/beliefs - I think that represents a fairly high Charisma (working and playing well with others, I mean).
Anyway, again ... I think you've done a good job overall. Good luck!
DMFTodd |
I'd say your race is too powerful. Compare the lizardfolk to a half-orc:
Lizard: An extra +2 Con, swim speed, breath holding, skill bonuses, natural attacks.
Half-Orc: Darkvision
I'd say the Darkvision balances out with natural attacks. You need to come up with some drawbacks to balance out that major +2 CON and the swim speed.
T-Bone |
It does look a bit frontloaded on the ability bonuses. I would drop the initial +2 strength bonus making it more of a racial level incentive. That should provide enough balance with the other pros and cons although the +2 natural armor and ability bonus might be a touch strong for the racial advanceent. The flavor and background are great! If only I were allowed a monstrous class in a game...
Jeremy Mac Donald |
I have a real soft spot for Lizard folk. They are just such an interesting race. I like the fact that they are neutral and yet unlike most of the other neutral races they seem to have a slight tendancy toward the pitfalls of evil. Many of the most interesting adventures around feature lizard folk usually in some kind of interesting and complex tangle of misconceptions where both parties are in the wrong (or right) if only they could remove their blinds long enough to realize it.
Lenarior |
Well, the poison dusk lizardfolk is allready a playable race in my opinion.
About the race presented at the top of this thread I'd have to say; loose the +2 strength and I feel it's rather balanced. The swim-speed affects some parts of play but not that much, and since these lizardfolk only have hold breath it'll all work out.
Good work.
DeadDMWalking |
This is definitely a class that favors martial characters. If you look at the half-orc, they get a +2 strength and it is balanced by a -2 to two mental ability scores. As far as the game is designed, a bonus to a physical ability score is balanced by an equal penalty to another physical ability score, or two mental ability scores.
The notable exception, of course, are dwarves, which are a pretty powerful race, but do suffer from a slow speed.
So, as you've presented it, I'd still consider it a +1 LA. There are two ways I'd consider stepping around it. One is reducing the bonuses (or increasing the penalties) and the other is requiring that characters take one racial level to begin with.
Racial levels are not as good as class levels since you don't get the same skill flexibility or abilities. Allowing the better bonuses but requiring an initial level in the racial class might prevent abuse.
Ian Hewitt |
It's been a little while since I started this thread, but based on the feedback I recieved here is my revised version of the Lizardfolk PC. Thanks for all the feedback.
Racial Traits:
Rajiinians are a physically resilient people although somewhat aloof to strangers. They recieve a +2 racial bonus to Constitution, and a -2 racial penalty to Charisma.
Rajiinian base speed is 20 feet. As a cold-bloded race they can often be sluggish and reluctant to exert energy in rapid movement.
Because of their tails, Rajiinians have a +2 racial bonus on Climb and Balance checks. As an amphibious race they gain a +8 racial bonus to Swim checks.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Rajiinians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Cold Blood: As cold-blooded reptiles, Rajinni are especially susceptible to the cold and suffer a -4 racial penalty to cold-based spells and effects. They are resistant to fire-based spells and effects and enjoy a +2 racial bonus to these saving throws.
Dash: Once per day, per two levels (beginning at 2nd level), a Rajinni can increase its base movement to 50 feet for a number of rounds equal to half its Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round).
Hold Breath: A Rajiinian can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to four times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.
Natural Weapons: Bite (1d4).
Automatic Languages: Tu'Chen or Xolotec.
Bonus Languages: Tu'Chen or Xolotec or any other Rajiin - Regional Language.
Rajinni always gain Knowledge (Lizard folk) as a class skill.
Racial Levels: A Rajiinian can take up to three levels in ‘Lizardfolk’ as a class to develop their racial qualities more fully.
Lizardfolk Levels
Rajiinians can take up to three levels in ‘lizardfolk’ at any time. Not all Rajiinians, however, take racial levels (or all three of them).
Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points at 1st Character Level: (2+ Intelligence) x 4
Skill Points at Higher Level: 2+ Intelligence bonus
“Class” Skills : Balance (Dex), Craft (Int), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str) and Wilderness Survival (Wis).
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Rajiinians with levels only in lizardfolk (no actual class levels) are proficient in the use of all simple weapons and light armours and shields.
Level 1 : +1 BAB, +2 Fort, +0 Reflex, +0 Will, +1 Natural AC, +1 Str
Level 2: +2 BAB, +3 Fort, +0 Reflex, +0 Will, +2 Natural AC, +1 Con
Level 3: +2 BAB, +3 Fort, +1 Reflex, +1 Will, +2 Natural AC, + 1 Strength