MTG Monsters

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Simple, Wizards makes both Dungeons and Dragons and Magic: The Gathering, so why not make monsters out of some of the cards of MTG.

Like the Root Elemental, Scaled Wurm, Earthshaker, etc.

You could even make some of the races they have on there like moonfolk, kitsunes, phyrexians, kavu, slivers, and all that good stuff.

You could call it a article called "MTG Hits DND"

What you think? Anyone?

Dark Archive Contributor

This is an idea that many of us who play both Magic and D&D think would be cool.

It's never going to happen, though, unless the Powers That Be at Wizards of the Coast suddenly reverse their stance on the issue.

Of course, if enough fans write to the people in charge of Magic and D&D, something might someday occur. {cough, cough, hint, hint, cough}


Must ... resist ... urge to ... scream.

like i had entire stats written up for the root elemental once but i lost the paper and the file was saved but it got a virus and was lost e.e


and that took me over a day to do.

Would anybody else think this is a super bad-ass idea.

I would totally subscribe for my 3rd time if that would happen.

and how do i write to those in charge over there about this? o.o

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