Major D&D Art Sale! (David Sutherland III)

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Keeping it brief:

Early AD&D artist David Sutherland is terminally ill and auctioning off many prints and *originals* (via a third party - no, not me).

Sutherland's most recognizable work is the 1st ed DMG cover, but his art has appeared everywhere in the early years of D&D, Dragon included, of course.

Well-wishes and appreciation for his art can be sent to him via his sister at

The art is scheduled to start going up on eBay approximately Sept 12.

Unfortunate news, yet is there a place where that his work can be seen? So others might see what the art looks like before the bidding starts?

Don't think so (and no one email the sister asking please - I don't think they're currently in her possession and I know she knows nothing about D&D).

They will be longer (7-10 day) auctions, though, I believe.
And I might get a list of what and where they were originally published before then.

Here's what I saw listed to go up:

In some cases I'm not sure if it's the item or the original art for the item that's going up. Have to wait and see, I guess.

David C. Sutherland III Collection

Howdy Folks,

As promised, here is a teaser for the upcoming David C. Sutherland III collection auction. Not all lots are included here and some titles are subject to change. There are still a few pieces of original cartography/art to be entered. The auction will begin, Sunday, Sept. 12th at 20:00 CST. Good luck and enjoy!

TSR Employee Only Tiffany Crystal Dragon Logo
TSR Fine Pewter 10th Anniversary Chalice 1984
TSR Hobbies Bronze Belt Buckle Lizardman Logo
TSR Bronze Belt Buckle Game Wizards Head Logo
TSR Pewter Employee Belt Buckle Game Wizards
D&D Gods, Demigods & Heroes Proof 1st Print
D&D Supplement II Blackmoor 1st Print 1975 NM
D&D Swords and Spells 1st Print 1976 NM+
Grenadier TSR Lizardman Logo Miniature RARE!
Space Marines FanTac Mark Ratner 1st Print 77
Osprey Men-At-Arms Series French Medieval 231
Osprey Men-At-Arms Series Byzantine Armies
Osprey Elite Series The Vikings 3
Lot of Fanzines The Sorcerer Vol. 3, Iss 6-10
Terran Empire Star Trek Fanbook Create Props
TSR Modern Armor H13 1977 Mini Rules for AFVs
TSR Cordite and Steel H12 1977 Battleship
DA3 City of the Gods Blackmoor NM-
OA3 Ochimo The Spirit Warrior Oriental Advent
OA2 Night of the seven Swords Oriental Advent
TSR I6 Ravenloft Original Not a Reprint!
TSR I10 Ravenloft: The House on Gryphon Hill
TSR AD&D RS1 Red Sonja Unconquered
TSR AD&D RM4 House of Strahd NM+ SHRINK
TSR AD&D Gates of Firestorm Peak NM+ SHRINK
TSR AD&D Battlesystem Miniatures Rules NM+
TSR AD&D DMGR1 Catacomb Guide 1st Print NM
TSR AD&D Monster Manual 4th Edition NM-
TSR AD&D Players Handbook TRUE 1st Print 1978
TSR AD&D Players Handbook 1978 Proof Copy
TSR AD&D Dungeon Masters Guide '79 Proof Copy
TSR Concept Designs Original Drawings Photos!
TSR Original Cartographic Work for Ravenloft!
Original Color Tests David C. Sutherland III
David C. Sutherland III Collector's Portfolio
Legions of the Petal Throne Author's Copy
TSR Metamorphosis Alpha SF18-R 1st Print MINT
Tekumel Source Book Swords and Glory, vol. 1
The Tekumel Bestiary by Prof. M.A.R. Barker!
Original Green Sculpt of Tekumel Miniature
Holy Grail of Original Tekumel Artwork 40+
Pewter Miniature Collection TSR Chess Set
Battle of the Five Armies Artists Copy Ziplock
TSR Dragon Magazine Issue 5
TSR Dragon Magazine Issue 6
TSR Dragon Magazine Issue 12
TSR SnarfQuest The Book by Elmore Autographed
TSR 1976 William the Conqueror 1066 Unpunched
TSR AD&D FR8 Cities of Mystery 9262 Unpunched
De Bellis Antiquitatis by M.A.R. Barker
The Artisans Handbook Mage: Sorcerers Crusade
DCSIII Letter and Collection of Maps c. 1990
TSR AD&D Huge Lot of Maps, Art, Accesories
TSR Orig. Cartography Gates of Firestorm Peak
Ral Partha Historicals Painted by Sutherland
Ral Partha Historicals Slingers
Ral Partha Historicals Bowmen
Custom Behemoth Miniatures by Sutherland
Scottish Sci-fi Miniatures Painted Sutherland
TSR D&D Forgottern Realms Novel Collection
David C. Sutherland III Game Dice Collection
15mm Ral Partha Historicals Painted Sutherland
Huge Lot of Plastic Dinosaur Models
Huge Lot of Ogre Magi Miniatures
TSR 1984 Dragonlance Draconian Minis
Large Lot Tekumel Miniatures Nlyss Warriors
Large Lot Tekumel Miniatures Mighty of Yan Kor

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