Third Party Reviews!

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I think that the greatest leap that Wizards made when they took over D&D was making D20 open content. There are a ton of great products from Malhavoc Press, Mongoose Publishing, Green Ronin, Fantasy Flight Games and others. Also there are products that are soley available on-line (skeletonkeygames for one). Maybe there should be at least one review each month for the best of these. Maybe only 1/2 page.

This might interfere with the "100% Official Content" moniker the cover boasts, but it is a service to you readers and the D&D community.


Shadow Lodge


Except including third party products in reviews really would not make the magazine any less 100% Official content than it is already. I mean, these other companies already advertise in Dragon, why not let us know about the actual products? :)

I agree! When was the last generic WoTC adventure published. Many of the adventures I have bought have come from OGC sources. My favorite being Necromancer Games. They definitely live up to their motto.

Sword & Sorcery is another good line of adventure products.

Mongoose's Encyclopaedia Arcane and Slayer's Guides provide new prospectives.

Go full page and replace the "Coup de Grace" which is 0-2 in value.

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