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A Matter of Knives

The citizen looked down his nose at her, dubiously. It was unusual in splendid and sprawling Canorate to see a slave openly armed, but this one had daggers that looked like they'd serve her as swords strapped to her arms and legs.

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Tags: Ed Greenwood Eric Belisle Pathfinder Tales Web Fiction

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A Matter of Knives

Tantaerra hastily transferred her hands to just the bottom edge of the crate-lid as she backed away—and the first slashing blows fell on it, numbingly hard.

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Tags: Ed Greenwood Mariana Gomez Pathfinder Tales Web Fiction
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A Matter of Knives

Boots went, hastily.

From her hiding place behind a stack of shipping crates, Tantaerra leaned forward, trying to get as close to the conversation as possible without being seen. Bendrar was Loryn Garldrake's son, and the woman giving orders had to be Semdeira Sarpent.

More Web Fiction.
Tags: Ed Greenwood Mariana Gomez Pathfinder Tales Web Fiction

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