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Our Price: $4.99

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Tier 2 characters.

You and your crew sealed away a rift in reality, but before you could return home, a giant whirlpool appeared and dragged your ship underwater. Instead of drowning, however, you find yourself in a pocket realm that was designed to serve as a prison for dangerous creatures. Sail forth and gather allies among other unfortunate folks who have found themselves trapped here, but beware the monsters this realm was designed to seal away! If you're lucky, you just might find a way out of this planar prison.

This Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild scenario bundle contains five scenarios, an adventure card, the adventure path card for Season of Tapestry's Tides, and Chronicle sheets for players to keep track of their progress. These scenarios require the Skull and Shackles Base Set. Groups of 5 or 6 players also require the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Skull and Shackles Character Add-On Deck.

The scenarios included are:

  • The Devils and the Dragon
  • Secrets in Driftwood
  • The Devils' Sea
  • Iadut
  • Island of Whispers

Mechanical Design by Ron Lundeen and Keith Richmond, Story by Ron Lundeen.

Our Price: $4.99

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Tier 3 characters.

You've escaped from a secure prison within the Hao Jin Tapestry demiplane, but that doesn't mean it's all smooth sailing from here. When your trusty ship crashes headlong into the Valashmai jungle, you and your crew are left to pick up the pieces in one of the most infamously deadly regions on Golarion. Potential enemies lurk around every tree, and even the trees themselves may well be out to get you! If you can keep your wits about you, though, you might just emerge with fantastic ancient treasures, as well as a new mission of grave importance.

This Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild scenario bundle contains five scenarios, an adventure card, the adventure path card for Season of Tapestry's Tides, and Chronicle sheets for players to keep track of their progress. These scenarios require the Skull and Shackles Base Set as well as the Raiders of the Fever Sea and Tempest Rising Adventure Decks. Groups of 5 or 6 players also require the Skull and Shackles Character Add-On Deck.

The scenarios included are:

  • The Jigsaw Ship
  • Meeting the Locals
  • The Lure of Artifacts
  • Reunion in the Ruins
  • Outsmarting the Flora

Mechanical Design by Keith Richmond. Story by Katina Davis.

Our Price: $4.99

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Tier 4 characters.

After being betrayed in the middle of the deadly Valashmai Jungle and learning of a terrible plot, you're determined to gather a fleet of allies and stop the traitor's plans in their tracks. The Minatan archipelago is the perfect place to find stalwart sailors, as long as you don't mind dealing with a few pirates. Earn a name for yourself as a great hero, and you'll have plenty looking to flock to your banner. Of course, your rising fame is sure to make new enemies as well.

This Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild scenario bundle contains five scenarios, an adventure card, the adventure path card for Season of Tapestry's Tides, and Chronicle sheets for players to keep track of their progress. These scenarios require the Skull and Shackles Base Set as well as the Raiders of the Fever Sea, Tempest Rising, and Island of Empty Eyes Adventure Decks. Groups of 5 or 6 players also require the Skull and Shackles Character Add-On Deck.

The scenarios included are:

  • Sengati's Revenge
  • To Woo a Crew
  • Inahiyi's Nightmare
  • The City of Ships
  • Vitterande's Revenge

Mechanical Design by Keith Richmond. Story by Jen McTeague.

Our Price: $4.99

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Tier 5 characters.

With a sizable fleet of allies from Minata at your back, it's time to go on the offensive, picking up the trail of the oni mastermind who plans to unleash an army of evil spirits upon the world. While the trail passes over an underwater kingdom, following it won't be as simple as asking the people who live underwater if they've seen a passing boat. Dangers lurk within the sea depths, and recent events have inspired the terrors of the deep to kick their plots into high gear. Will you save the day and rally an amphibious army to your cause, or will you sink to a watery grave?

This Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild scenario bundle contains five scenarios, an adventure card, the adventure path card for Season of Tapestry's Tides, and Chronicle sheets for players to keep track of their progress. These scenarios require the Skull and Shackles Base Set as well as the Raiders of the Fever Sea, Tempest Rising, and Island of Empty Eyes Adventure Decks. Groups of 5 or 6 players also require the Skull and Shackles Character Add-On Deck.

The scenarios included are:

  • Air and Water
  • Battle at Sea
  • Beneath the Waves
  • A Royal Request
  • Get Kraken!

Mechanical Design by Keith Richmond. Story by Diego Valdez.

Our Price: $4.99

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Finally, the time has come to confront the oni Akinaru and stop his plot to unleash a flood of evil beings upon the world. The tyrannical nation of Chu Ye is a perilous place for anyone who isn't an oni, but you're not the type to let a little peril stop you. Your armada of ships and army of undersea fishfolk is ready to go toe to toe with Chu Ye's navy so you can storm the nation in search of your nemesis. Prepare for an epic showdown, complete with daring heists, flying ships, and a climactic final battle.

This adventure includes a challenging optional sixth adventure, for characters who wish to deliver an even more crushing defeat to Akinaru in a mystical realm.

This Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild scenario bundle contains six scenarios, an adventure card, the adventure path card for Season of Tapestry's Tides, and Chronicle sheets for players to keep track of their progress. These scenarios require the Skull and Shackles Base Set as well as the Raiders of the Fever Sea, Tempest Rising, Island of Empty Eyes, The Price of Infamy , and the From Hell's Heart Adventure Decks. Groups of 5 or 6 players also require the Skull and Shackles Character Add-On Deck.

The scenarios included are:

  • Battle of the Sapphire Strait
  • Withering Heist
  • Paths in the Sky
  • The Siege of Ushiojou
  • Akinaru's Last Chance
  • Dream Duel

Mechanical Design by Keith Richmond. Story by Mark Seifter.

Our Price: FREE

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After you escaped the perilous Valashmai Jungle on a makeshift vessel, you could have licked your wounds and continued to the nearest safe harbor. But you then noticed flashes of light sparking above the treetops of the jungle. Your curiosity won out over your caution, and you followed the light to a fascinating ancient ruin. Will your curiosity be the death of you when one of the jungle's legendary kaiju catches your scent?

This Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild scenario bundle contains a challenging bonus scenario for the Season of Tapestry's Tides and a Chronicle sheet for players to keep track of their progress. These scenarios require the Skull and Shackles Base Set as well as the Raiders of the Fever Sea and Tempest Rising Adventure Decks. Groups of 5 or 6 players also require the Skull and Shackles Character Add-On Deck.

Mechanical Design by Keith Richmond. Story by Linda Zayas-Palmer.

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Tier 5 characters.

One of the hosts of Heaven, the archon Zepha, has sent a vision to you asking for aid. One the mainland, Abyssal monstrosities rise in the cursed Kaimuko Wood. The Pathfinder Society has proven a stalwart ally against these vile creatures in the past, but a greater force stirs. Now, a tear in reality is allowing more of them to slip through. Team up with an elite tengu mercenary band to drive these horrors back to the pits they crawled out of and slam the door behind them!

This Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild scenario bundle contains a bonus scenario for the Season of Tapestry's Tides and a Chronicle sheet for players to keep track of their progress. These scenarios require the Skull and Shackles Base Set as well as the Raiders of the Fever Sea, Tempest Rising, Island of Empty Eyes, and The Price of Infamy Adventure Decks. Groups of 5 or 6 players also require the Skull and Shackles Character Add-On Deck.

Mechanical Design by Keith Richmond. Story by Linda Zayas-Palmer.

Our Price: $3.99

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A standalone Pathfinder Adventure Card Society adventure designed for Tier 1 characters.

In the deep Fangwood Forest, trouble is brewing for the small town of Oakheart. What begins as a mysterious string of thefts places the PCs on the trail of a horde of tiny, scaled menaces. Can the heroes save the town and escape the woods alive?

This adventure contains the following four scenarios.

  • Oakheart's Saviors
  • Going Back for More
  • Fangwood Depths
  • Snares, Scales, and Snarls

These scenarios require the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set.

Mechanical Design by Tyler Beck, David Jacobson, and Keith Richmond. Story by Tyler Beck and David Jacobson.

Our Price: $9.99

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Many centuries ago, the legendary sorceress Hao Jin crafted a museum demiplane, ripping locations from across Golarion to add to her personal collection. When she vanished without a trace, the demiplane began falling into disrepair. Ever since the Pathfinder Society gained access to this realm seven years ago, its agents have been gradually exploring the demiplane's wonders, meeting its people, and cataloging its preserved historical relics.

Former Pathfinder Master of Spells Aram Zey has just made a terrible discovery—the demiplane's deterioration has reached a critical stage. Unless the Pathfinder Society intervenes, the entire demiplane will rip apart violently, ejecting most of its contents into the Astral Plane and killing everyone inside. Yet it isn't as simple as sewing the demiplane back together with some metaphysical thread. Powerful forces from both within the tapestry and outside of it seek to hasten the destruction or profit off the chaos, and the impending apocalypse has thrown the tapestry's civilizations into turmoil.

Aboard their sturdy vessel, the Thresher, a team of brave Pathfinders prepares to sail headlong into the tapestry's perilous seas.

This Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild bundle includes five scenarios designed to be run in tandem with Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario #10-00: The Hao Jin Cataclysm. The scenarios use the Skull and Shackles box and its adventure decks and feature options for play at Tier 2 and Tier 5.

Mechanical Design by Ron Lundeen and Keith Richmond, Story by Ron Lundeen.

Release: The Hao Jin Cataclysm will be available for sale in August 2019.

Our Price: $4.99

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A Pathfinder Adventure Card Society competitive event designed for multiple tables of 4 pregenerated characters.

Delve into the deadly Ruins of Bonekeep, the hidden dungeon that the necromancer Volzaras used as his base in a failed attempt to conquer Absalom. Will you be the first to get your hands on his greatest treasures, or will this dungeon be your tomb?

Setup for the adventure requires the Mummy's Mask base set, including The Half-Dead City, Empty Graves, Shifting Sands, Secrets of the Sphinx, The Slave Trenches of Hakotep, and Pyramid of the Sky Pharaoh Adventure Decks.

Each player builds characters using one of the following: Valeros with the Fighter Class Deck and the Ultimate Combat Add-On Deck; Kyra with the Cleric Class Deck and the Ultimate Magic Add-On Deck; Lem with the Bard Class Deck and the Ultimate Intrigue Add-On Deck; Merisiel with the Rogue Class Deck and the Ultimate Equipment Add-On Deck; or Lini with the Druid Class Deck and the Ultimate Wilderness Add-On Deck.

The scenarios included are:

  • The Silent Grave
  • Maze of the Mind Slave
  • The Wakening Tomb

Mechanical Design by Jen McTeague and Keith Richmond. Story adapted from the Ruins of Bonekeep adventure series by Jason Bulmahn

Our Price: $4.99

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Tier 1 characters. ... Grab your spyglass and get ready to set sail! Your trusty crew of Pathfinder Society agents and sailors are the first to be called to action when top Pathfinder Society wizard Aram Zey makes a terrible discovery. A demiplane filled...

Our Price: $4.99

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Tier 2 characters. ... You and your crew sealed away a rift in reality, but before you could return home, a giant whirlpool appeared and dragged your ship underwater. Instead of drowning, however, you find yourself in a pocket realm that was designed to...

Our Price: $4.99

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Tier 3 characters. ... You've escaped from a secure prison within the Hao Jin Tapestry demiplane, but that doesn't mean it's all smooth sailing from here. When your trusty ship crashes headlong into the Valashmai jungle, you and your crew are left to...

Our Price: $4.99

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Tier 4 characters. ... After being betrayed in the middle of the deadly Valashmai Jungle and learning of a terrible plot, you're determined to gather a fleet of allies and stop the traitor's plans in their tracks. The Minatan archipelago is the perfect...

Our Price: $4.99

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Tier 5 characters. ... With a sizable fleet of allies from Minata at your back, it's time to go on the offensive, picking up the trail of the oni mastermind who plans to unleash an army of evil spirits upon the world. While the trail passes over an...

Our Price: $4.99

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Finally, the time has come to confront the oni Akinaru and stop his plot to unleash a flood of evil beings upon the world. The tyrannical nation of Chu Ye is a perilous place for anyone who isn't an oni, but you're not the type to let a little peril stop you. Your armada of ships and army of...

Our Price: FREE

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After you escaped the perilous Valashmai Jungle on a makeshift vessel, you could have licked your wounds and continued to the nearest safe harbor. But you then noticed flashes of light sparking above the treetops of the jungle. Your curiosity won out over your caution, and you followed the light...

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Tier 5 characters. ... One of the hosts of Heaven, the archon Zepha, has sent a vision to you asking for aid. One the mainland, Abyssal monstrosities rise in the cursed Kaimuko Wood. The Pathfinder Society has proven a stalwart ally against these vile...

Our Price: $3.99

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A standalone Pathfinder Adventure Card Society adventure designed for Tier 1 characters. ... In the deep Fangwood Forest, trouble is brewing for the small town of Oakheart. What begins as a mysterious string of thefts places the PCs on the trail of a horde of tiny, scaled menaces. Can the heroes...

Our Price: $9.99

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Many centuries ago, the legendary sorceress Hao Jin crafted a museum demiplane, ripping locations from across Golarion to add to her personal collection. When she vanished without a trace, the demiplane began falling into disrepair. Ever since the Pathfinder Society gained access to this realm...

Our Price: $4.99

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A Pathfinder Adventure Card Society competitive event designed for multiple tables of 4 pregenerated characters. ... Delve into the deadly Ruins of Bonekeep, the hidden dungeon that the necromancer Volzaras used as his base in a failed attempt to conquer Absalom. Will you be the first to get your...