The Thaumaturge (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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The Thaumaturge is a brand new class for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game—one who incorporates forbidden magic, occult orders, and the dire patrons who support these ancient orders. This PDF includes a new class, seven new magical orders to support the thaumaturge, as well as new Feats that are developed to expand the class.
If you are a fan of the kineticist or the older 3.5 warlock, you’re going to want to play with the thaumaturge!
Rhune—The Stormpunk Character Primer (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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Originally released under "Jaye's Games" in 2010, the Stormpunk Character Primer is the official character creation guide for gamers interested in exploring the campaign setting, Rhune: Dawn of Twilight.
Inside, players and GMs will find 6 chapters (53 pages) containing information on:
- Some of Rhune's unique races, including the Glitterfane and the Clockwork Elves.
- A look at the Æssinyr, Rhune's very own pantheon of gods
- A discussion about technology in the setting, with stats for firearms!
- A brief discussion about some of Rhune's more prominent factions.
- Beautifully illustrated by Darren Calvert, Nicole Cardiff, Julie Dillon, Jonathan Roberts and Hugo Solis!
The Ælven Agenda (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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"The Ælven Agenda" is an adventure for 1st level player characters set in the world of Rhune: Dawn of Twilight. Although this adventure is designed primarily for this campaign setting, it can easily be adapted to your favorite Pathfinder Roleplaying Game campaign setting!
Written and designed by Jaye Sonia and Brian Suskind, with additional development by Ben McFarland and Christopher Clark.
Bloodlines & Black Magic (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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The Worlds You Don’t Know
Hamlet had the right of it when he said, “There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
The scope of human knowledge and endeavor is woefully limited, compared to the incalculable vastness of the cosmos as it truly is. Worlds – metaphysically speaking – lay atop, beneath, beside, and even within the warp and weave of the one that people take for granted as the truest, and perhaps only, face of reality. These many worlds abut and overlap one another, and, for the most part, those within any given plane of existence only perceive and interact with their own immediate environment. The average spirit in the infernal realm knows as little about what’s taking place in an Addis Ababa apartment as the people living in that apartment know about that’s spirit’s goings-on.
The difference, of course, is that those existing firmly beyond the borders of mundanity are generally aware of the reality of the other worlds, and capable of interacting with the denizens of those places – though whether they can do so safely is another matter, entirely. The day-to-day world is a dangerous enough place, in many cases, and these realms beyond are even more so. It’s rare for entities originating in other planes of existence to visit the mundane world for what most humans would consider being benevolent purposes.
In truth, there are seven “worlds” that exist within reality, at least as we know it. These worlds are the mundane, the secret worlds, the invisible world, the ethereal plane, the astral plane, the celestial plane, and the infernal plane.
Playing an O7 Game
Occult 7 - shortened to O7 throughout this book - is a variant rules system based on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Like much of the core of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, O7 is a game of enigmatic heroes who rise up against terrible dangers and overcome powerful, diabolical and earth-shattering foes. However, instead of using Pathfinder’s usual 20 levels of character progression, O7 uses only the first seven levels. This keeps characters in the “sweet spot” of adventuring. They are tough enough to take on the darkness but are still manageable. Adapted from the Epic 6 rules variant (add footer here), O7 is designed specifically for Bloodlines & Black Magic and is intended to work with the classes presented in both Pathfinder Occult Adventures and the Pathfinder Advanced Class Guide, both of which are suggested for this setting.
Seven Secrets of Bloodlines & Black Magic.
1. Magic is real. For most of the world, magic is one of two things: a series of well-crafted illusions designed to entertain, or the unsubstantiated believe in loosely connected, human-driven events. While most people give magic little more than lip (or card) service, the truth is quite simple; magic exists.
2. There are global elites. Both the occult and conspiracy communities have long pointed to a nameless, global, ruling elite who they believe is holding them back. While most rational humans wave off such conjecture, the truth is stranger still – there are global elites and they have a vested interest in keeping the masses dumb, fat, and divided.
3. Monsters walk the night. Parents, the world over, tuck their children in with the same reassurances over and over. They open closet doors, look under beds, and click on night-lights to hold back the darkness, all of them repeating the same refrain; there are no monsters, go back to sleep. Those parents, like so much of the world, are wrong.
4. The Power is in the Blood. Beyond the glass towers and exotic retreats of the global elite, a stranger group of people – many of who occupy thrones in the Invisible – play an even more delicate game with the world; these blooded humans, collected into bloodlines families, are the secret lineages of those who truly rule. Although some have waxed in influence, many of these bloodline families still exercise considerable power in the mundane – making kings from fools, changing national borders, and even reorganizing societies to suit their own, personal agendas.
5. We are Legion. Made famous in the New Testament, the Goëtic Spirits have long been at odds with the Archons, taking on forms from a wide array of cultures and myths. Some of the spirits could easily be traditionally considered demons or devils, although they are clearly in the minority. The Goëtic Spirits comprise a much larger, more diverse group than those commonly identified by the various monotheistic faiths.
6. The Veil is real. Occultists, conspirators, refugees, activists, veterans, protestors, magicians, gamers, and weirdos – all of them have their own ideas of what is really going on in the world. Some of them actually have a clue, too. But the truth is, while some of those wild ideas might actually hold a little water, most of them are little more than hyped-up conjecture riding shotgun with a bunch of speculation. Which is exactly what the Archons want. The truth should make you sound crazy. Why? Because that’s how the Veil works...
7. The Archons have a mission. Most people have no idea who or what the Archons are, much less what sort of mission they might have. The truth is, whatever the Archons are trying to do, it’s a slow march toward completion and keeping humanity in the dark is a big part of that mission. The few magicians who have discovered them know little about them, although a single word does keep reoccurring in plenty of conversations – stability. What that word means to them, however, is still a mystery for most.
The Bloodlines
With over seven billion people dominating the Earth, there are countless bloodlines that cross time and space - all of them carrying specific strands of DNA - that many come to learn to hold their own secret potentials. Although those with extremely narrow understanding rely on exterior appearances and or one’s ethnicity to judge the true worth of an individual, the wise know this is the first step down the path to folly. Racism is a deplorable human trait, one that most rational people would be happy to see wiped from the planet, but those who have pierced the veil know it is an altogether dangerous trait, as well. With billions of humans all vying for power at every level of society, those with the capability to do a little more - to pierce the darkness and see reality for what it really is, are a rare lot.
For eons, these individuals grouped together, marrying into select families that could trace their roots to ancient peoples and, it is whispered, to the very entities that command the invisible realms beyond. Of course, these could be calculated fallacies - a longstanding fabrication used to justify everything from cronyism, nepotism, and in some of the darker corners of history, incest. Only those who have walked into the invisible know the stark, sobering truth….Some families hold power.
There are seven bloodlines. They are:
- The Fey Blooded - Delicate and lively, individuals who carry the blood of the fey display strange insights. Some claim to suffer from otherworldly visions of both the future and past. Prominent throughout the Old World, fey blooded individuals often display interests in nature, environmentalism, and history - especially history related to Ireland, Scotland, Gaul, and even some of the Nordic lands. Mischievous to a fault, these individuals often rally around pranks, their impish and coy demeanors betraying their better nature. Quite a few display connections to the natural world that, in the past, would have marked them as witches and saw them burnt at the stake.
Nearly eliminated during the Dark Ages, this bloodline has seen a resurgence in the modern world that some have suggested could only be the work of the Seelie court itself. Humans with this bloodline generally begin to display its traits during puberty.
Infernal Blooded - Cunning and strong, individuals with ties to this bloodline rarely discover the power of their blood until late into their teens, although some don’t manifest their abilities until their mid-twenties. Naturally intelligent, these individuals combine their wit with their strength, outwitting or strong-arming others into following their directions, regardless of their will.
Unlike many others, individuals with infernal blood have an almost unnatural understanding of the Infernal realm’s three most profane laws; might makes right, self-preservation trumps sacrifice, and stupidity is a sin. Born with deep, almost reddish complexions that often match their demeanor, these individuals frequently display small, physical imperfections that set them apart, be it a blemish, mismatched eyes, off-color strands of silver or golden hair, and other oddities that are clear deviations from the norm for their ethnicity.
Dragon Blooded - Born cold, calculating, and prone to dreams of conquest outsiders rarely understand the dragon-blooded are a confident line – some who whisper their heritage is as old as the serpent that encircles the cosmic egg.
Although many people chuckle at the idea of sleeping dragons, these individuals know all too well that the blood is as cold as it is ancient. Individuals from this bloodline often spend decades dedicated to self-mastery, tempering their spirits and directing their will in ways that, in the dawn of history, built entire empires. Although some dragon blooded humans claim their blood comes directly from dragons long lost to the modern world, nearly all humans from this bloodline can trace their ancestry back to the ancient empires of the world, both in the east and the west. Whether as royal emperors, peaceful philosophers, or modern dictators, the individuals who lay claim to the blood of dragons are not to be trifled with.
Dragon-blooded humans always manifest their natural gifts before puberty. These bright children, when others of their kind notice them, are groomed throughout their young lives, growing into adults that naturally command their lessers. For some, this means long lives sequestered away in mountaintop temples, while for others it might mean something far more public – like ruling a nation.
Jinn Blooded - As passionate and dedicated as any modern dervish, jinn blooded humans have ties that predate the modern Middle East, their heritage arising from the Assyrian, Sumerian, and Babylonian conquerors who, under a burning red sun, worked ancient magic in the earliest dawn of man. Wise and tenacious, these individuals display a resilience rarely found in the modern world, many choosing paths that are anything but easy. Naturally predisposed to conflict, these men and women often excel as diplomats, as well - luring their enemies into a false sense of security before ending them with a single swing of their sword or, worse, an uttered word of ancient, lost magic.
Although many jinn blooded humans can trace their heritage to the Fertile Crescent, not all of them hail from there. Natural explorers with a strong understanding of trade, many jinn blooded humans have settled throughout Europe, Australia, and the Americas - making them one of the most widespread bloodlines on the globe. Most humans that carry this bloodline begin to manifest its traits during puberty, although some late bloomers may not manifest their abilities until their early twenties.
Seraphic Blooded - Nearly as famous as their infernal siblings, seraphic blooded humans are wise and comely, many displaying a natural charisma that reveals their angelic roots, attracting others who simply want to bask in the presence. Attractive to a fault, these individuals display their bloodline in a number of physical ways; they have bright eyes, angular features, and silky hair that range from the dark of ravens’ feathers to the golden hues of the Valkyries themselves. A rare bloodline that has expanded to nearly every corner of the globe, seraphic blooded humans are incredibly uncommon, making up a part of the global population that is never recorded on any census – which is just how their families like it.
Claiming a heritage with ties to divine figures or, in some stories, the very angels themselves, this bloodline is sometimes mistakenly attributed to the prophets of the Abrahamic faiths, leading to all sorts of cults, secret societies, and conspiracies. Whether or not these hold any water, of course, is a secret these individuals are not want to discuss.
Shadow Blooded - Of all the bloodlines, those who carry shadow-touched blood are perhaps the strangest of all the bloodlines. These rare individuals openly display a love of the dark and many of them openly avoid the daylight, some of which suffer from minor medical conditions that discourage activities like sunbathing, hiking, and a host of other outdoor activities. While others are quick to write them off as weirdos with gothic sensibilities, most who carry shadow’s blood don’t mind. In fact, many shadow blooded individuals are clannish wanderers who are as distrustful of outsiders as they are of them, creating a sort of mutually-beneficial xenophobia that has left this bloodline precisely where it wants to remain – in the shadows.
Predisposed to the divinatory arts, many shadow blooded humans claim that their knowledge of the supernatural exceeds that of the most notable of the Old World’s hermetic houses; whether or not this is true is open to debate, but one thing remains true - their understanding of magic far exceeds that of many other bloodlines. Shadow blooded humans commonly manifest their abilities in their late teens.
Spirit Blooded - Attuned to a world visited almost exclusively by dreamers, spirit blooded humans claim a heritage older than that of any other bloodline, many claiming that their very bodies are the world’s ancient spirits made flesh. Others claim they are the children of the dreaming realms, readily pointing to the Astral Plane as their original home. Natural medicine men, healers, and wise women, these individuals enjoy a degree of diversity many other bloodlines cannot lay claim to, with many individuals tracing their family lines back to central North Africa, the steppes of northern Asia, Aboriginal Australia, and pre-colonial North America.
A bloodline with a strong connection to the Astral, spirit blooded humans excel as spiritualists and shamans, applying their innate understanding of the invisible world to modern problems, offering insights uncommon to our modern world. This connection, however, often haunts them, as many spirit-blooded humans have a hard time separating the two; the world of the spirit plaguing them in ways few grasp. Still, more and more of these individuals are stepping into the modern world; using their understanding of the spirits they court, this bloodline pushes back the darkness.
Spirit blooded individuals normally manifest their abilities during childhood, their invisible friends remaining by their sides throughout their adult lives.
Bloodlines & Black Magic: The Witch (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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The Worlds You Don’t Know
Hamlet had the right of it when he said, “There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
The scope of human knowledge and endeavor is woefully limited, compared to the incalculable vastness of the cosmos as it truly is. Worlds – metaphysically speaking – lay atop, beneath, beside, and even within the warp and weave of the one that people take for granted as the truest, and perhaps only, face of reality. These many worlds abut and overlap one another, and, for the most part, those within any given plane of existence only perceive and interact with their own immediate environment. The average spirit in the infernal realm knows as little about what’s taking place in an Addis Ababa apartment as the people living in that apartment know about that’s spirit’s goings-on.
The difference, of course, is that those existing firmly beyond the borders of mundanity are generally aware of the reality of the other worlds, and capable of interacting with the denizens of those places – though whether they can do so safely is another matter, entirely. The day-to-day world is a dangerous enough place, in many cases, and these realms beyond are even more so. It’s rare for entities originating in other planes of existence to visit the mundane world for what most humans would consider being benevolent purposes.
In truth, there are seven “worlds” that exist within reality, at least as we know it. These worlds are the mundane, the secret worlds, the invisible world, the ethereal plane, the astral plane, the celestial plane, and the infernal plane.
Playing an O7 Game
Occult 7 - shortened to O7 throughout this book - is a variant rules system based on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Like much of the core of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, O7 is a game of enigmatic heroes who rise up against terrible dangers and overcome powerful, diabolical and earth-shattering foes. However, instead of using Pathfinder’s usual 20 levels of character progression, O7 uses only the first seven levels. This keeps characters in the “sweet spot” of adventuring. They are tough enough to take on the darkness but are still manageable. Adapted from the Epic 6 rules variant (add footer here), O7 is designed specifically for Bloodlines & Black Magic and is intended to work with the classes presented in both Pathfinder Occult Adventures and the Pathfinder Advanced Class Guide, both of which are suggested for this setting.
Seven Secrets of Bloodlines & Black Magic.
1. Magic is real. For most of the world, magic is one of two things: a series of well-crafted illusions designed to entertain, or the unsubstantiated believe in loosely connected, human-driven events. While most people give magic little more than lip (or card) service, the truth is quite simple; magic exists.
2. There are global elites. Both the occult and conspiracy communities have long pointed to a nameless, global, ruling elite who they believe is holding them back. While most rational humans wave off such conjecture, the truth is stranger still – there are global elites and they have a vested interest in keeping the masses dumb, fat, and divided.
3. Monsters walk the night. Parents, the world over, tuck their children in with the same reassurances over and over. They open closet doors, look under beds, and click on night-lights to hold back the darkness, all of them repeating the same refrain; there are no monsters, go back to sleep. Those parents, like so much of the world, are wrong.
4. The Power is in the Blood. Beyond the glass towers and exotic retreats of the global elite, a stranger group of people – many of who occupy thrones in the Invisible – play an even more delicate game with the world; these blooded humans, collected into bloodlines families, are the secret lineages of those who truly rule. Although some have waxed in influence, many of these bloodline families still exercise considerable power in the mundane – making kings from fools, changing national borders, and even reorganizing societies to suit their own, personal agendas.
5. We are Legion. Made famous in the New Testament, the Goëtic Spirits have long been at odds with the Archons, taking on forms from a wide array of cultures and myths. Some of the spirits could easily be traditionally considered demons or devils, although they are clearly in the minority. The Goëtic Spirits comprise a much larger, more diverse group than those commonly identified by the various monotheistic faiths.
6. The Veil is real. Occultists, conspirators, refugees, activists, veterans, protestors, magicians, gamers, and weirdos – all of them have their own ideas of what is really going on in the world. Some of them actually have a clue, too. But the truth is, while some of those wild ideas might actually hold a little water, most of them are little more than hyped-up conjecture riding shotgun with a bunch of speculation. Which is exactly what the Archons want. The truth should make you sound crazy. Why? Because that’s how the Veil works...
7. The Archons have a mission. Most people have no idea who or what the Archons are, much less what sort of mission they might have. The truth is, whatever the Archons are trying to do, it’s a slow march toward completion and keeping humanity in the dark is a big part of that mission. The few magicians who have discovered them know little about them, although a single word does keep reoccurring in plenty of conversations – stability. What that word means to them, however, is still a mystery for most.
The Bloodlines
With over seven billion people dominating the Earth, there are countless bloodlines that cross time and space - all of them carrying specific strands of DNA - that many come to learn to hold their own secret potentials. Although those with extremely narrow understanding rely on exterior appearances and or one’s ethnicity to judge the true worth of an individual, the wise know this is the first step down the path to folly. Racism is a deplorable human trait, one that most rational people would be happy to see wiped from the planet, but those who have pierced the veil know it is an altogether dangerous trait, as well. With billions of humans all vying for power at every level of society, those with the capability to do a little more - to pierce the darkness and see reality for what it really is, are a rare lot.
For eons, these individuals grouped together, marrying into select families that could trace their roots to ancient peoples and, it is whispered, to the very entities that command the invisible realms beyond. Of course, these could be calculated fallacies - a longstanding fabrication used to justify everything from cronyism, nepotism, and in some of the darker corners of history, incest. Only those who have walked into the invisible know the stark, sobering truth….Some families hold power.
There are seven bloodlines. They are:
- The Fey Blooded - Delicate and lively, individuals who carry the blood of the fey display strange insights. Some claim to suffer from otherworldly visions of both the future and past. Prominent throughout the Old World, fey blooded individuals often display interests in nature, environmentalism, and history - especially history related to Ireland, Scotland, Gaul, and even some of the Nordic lands. Mischievous to a fault, these individuals often rally around pranks, their impish and coy demeanors betraying their better nature. Quite a few display connections to the natural world that, in the past, would have marked them as witches and saw them burnt at the stake.
Nearly eliminated during the Dark Ages, this bloodline has seen a resurgence in the modern world that some have suggested could only be the work of the Seelie court itself. Humans with this bloodline generally begin to display its traits during puberty.
Infernal Blooded - Cunning and strong, individuals with ties to this bloodline rarely discover the power of their blood until late into their teens, although some don’t manifest their abilities until their mid-twenties. Naturally intelligent, these individuals combine their wit with their strength, outwitting or strong-arming others into following their directions, regardless of their will.
Unlike many others, individuals with infernal blood have an almost unnatural understanding of the Infernal realm’s three most profane laws; might makes right, self-preservation trumps sacrifice, and stupidity is a sin. Born with deep, almost reddish complexions that often match their demeanor, these individuals frequently display small, physical imperfections that set them apart, be it a blemish, mismatched eyes, off-color strands of silver or golden hair, and other oddities that are clear deviations from the norm for their ethnicity.
Dragon Blooded - Born cold, calculating, and prone to dreams of conquest outsiders rarely understand the dragon-blooded are a confident line – some who whisper their heritage is as old as the serpent that encircles the cosmic egg.
Although many people chuckle at the idea of sleeping dragons, these individuals know all too well that the blood is as cold as it is ancient. Individuals from this bloodline often spend decades dedicated to self-mastery, tempering their spirits and directing their will in ways that, in the dawn of history, built entire empires. Although some dragon blooded humans claim their blood comes directly from dragons long lost to the modern world, nearly all humans from this bloodline can trace their ancestry back to the ancient empires of the world, both in the east and the west. Whether as royal emperors, peaceful philosophers, or modern dictators, the individuals who lay claim to the blood of dragons are not to be trifled with.
Dragon-blooded humans always manifest their natural gifts before puberty. These bright children, when others of their kind notice them, are groomed throughout their young lives, growing into adults that naturally command their lessers. For some, this means long lives sequestered away in mountaintop temples, while for others it might mean something far more public – like ruling a nation.
Jinn Blooded - As passionate and dedicated as any modern dervish, jinn blooded humans have ties that predate the modern Middle East, their heritage arising from the Assyrian, Sumerian, and Babylonian conquerors who, under a burning red sun, worked ancient magic in the earliest dawn of man. Wise and tenacious, these individuals display a resilience rarely found in the modern world, many choosing paths that are anything but easy. Naturally predisposed to conflict, these men and women often excel as diplomats, as well - luring their enemies into a false sense of security before ending them with a single swing of their sword or, worse, an uttered word of ancient, lost magic.
Although many jinn blooded humans can trace their heritage to the Fertile Crescent, not all of them hail from there. Natural explorers with a strong understanding of trade, many jinn blooded humans have settled throughout Europe, Australia, and the Americas - making them one of the most widespread bloodlines on the globe. Most humans that carry this bloodline begin to manifest its traits during puberty, although some late bloomers may not manifest their abilities until their early twenties.
Seraphic Blooded - Nearly as famous as their infernal siblings, seraphic blooded humans are wise and comely, many displaying a natural charisma that reveals their angelic roots, attracting others who simply want to bask in the presence. Attractive to a fault, these individuals display their bloodline in a number of physical ways; they have bright eyes, angular features, and silky hair that range from the dark of ravens’ feathers to the golden hues of the Valkyries themselves. A rare bloodline that has expanded to nearly every corner of the globe, seraphic blooded humans are incredibly uncommon, making up a part of the global population that is never recorded on any census – which is just how their families like it.
Claiming a heritage with ties to divine figures or, in some stories, the very angels themselves, this bloodline is sometimes mistakenly attributed to the prophets of the Abrahamic faiths, leading to all sorts of cults, secret societies, and conspiracies. Whether or not these hold any water, of course, is a secret these individuals are not want to discuss.
Shadow Blooded - Of all the bloodlines, those who carry shadow-touched blood are perhaps the strangest of all the bloodlines. These rare individuals openly display a love of the dark and many of them openly avoid the daylight, some of which suffer from minor medical conditions that discourage activities like sunbathing, hiking, and a host of other outdoor activities. While others are quick to write them off as weirdos with gothic sensibilities, most who carry shadow’s blood don’t mind. In fact, many shadow blooded individuals are clannish wanderers who are as distrustful of outsiders as they are of them, creating a sort of mutually-beneficial xenophobia that has left this bloodline precisely where it wants to remain – in the shadows.
Predisposed to the divinatory arts, many shadow blooded humans claim that their knowledge of the supernatural exceeds that of the most notable of the Old World’s hermetic houses; whether or not this is true is open to debate, but one thing remains true - their understanding of magic far exceeds that of many other bloodlines. Shadow blooded humans commonly manifest their abilities in their late teens.
Spirit Blooded - Attuned to a world visited almost exclusively by dreamers, spirit blooded humans claim a heritage older than that of any other bloodline, many claiming that their very bodies are the world’s ancient spirits made flesh. Others claim they are the children of the dreaming realms, readily pointing to the Astral Plane as their original home. Natural medicine men, healers, and wise women, these individuals enjoy a degree of diversity many other bloodlines cannot lay claim to, with many individuals tracing their family lines back to central North Africa, the steppes of northern Asia, Aboriginal Australia, and pre-colonial North America.
A bloodline with a strong connection to the Astral, spirit blooded humans excel as spiritualists and shamans, applying their innate understanding of the invisible world to modern problems, offering insights uncommon to our modern world. This connection, however, often haunts them, as many spirit-blooded humans have a hard time separating the two; the world of the spirit plaguing them in ways few grasp. Still, more and more of these individuals are stepping into the modern world; using their understanding of the spirits they court, this bloodline pushes back the darkness.
Spirit blooded individuals normally manifest their abilities during childhood, their invisible friends remaining by their sides throughout their adult lives.
Witches in Bloodlines & Black Magic align themselves with powerful goëtic spirits and their legions, using those powers to hunt down the Archon’s servants in the world, or just to safeguard their allies against even darker forces.
Bloodlines & Black Magic – The Witch has everything you need to play this class in the modern world and includes a host of new material for your game, including:
- The Witch: Learn how the witch uses fetishes, goëtic focus, hexes, and other powers to carve out a place of power in the modern world.
- Seven Unique Goëtic Spirits – Learn more about some of the spirits positioning themselves for power in the world. The Witch gives you details, pact feats, and powers for the spirits Astaroth, Bastet, Joro-Gumo, Kali-Ma, Melek Taus, Pazuzu, and Tirawa.
- New hexes for the witch including Archon’s Beacon, Blowout, Criminalize, Current Surge, Ghost in the Machine, Haunted Head, Hex Oddity, Hex the Threshold, Shatter the Veil, and Seducing Screen.
- Over 30 new feats for Bloodlines & Black Magic that remain compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
Bloodlines & Black Magic: The Crescent City (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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Bloodlines & Black Magic is a modern, occult-themed campaign setting compatible with the first edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Bloodlines & Black Magic: The Crescent City
With The Book of Faiyum
By Tim Hitchcock & George "Loki" Williams
This 52-page is divided into two parts.
The first section takes you on a tour of the Crescent City, specifically in the larger context of the world of Bloodlines & Black Magic.
The second part includes a Bloodlines & Black Magic episode called The Book of Faiyum, which takes 3-5, 1st-2nd level characters on an adventure deep into the bayous that surround the City of New Orleans.
Bloodlines & Black Magic: Whispers & Rumors (issue 1) (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
(based on 1 rating)
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Bloodlines & Black Magic is a modern, occult-themed campaign setting compatible with the first edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Bloodlines & Black Magic: Whispers & Rumors (issue 1)
By Clinton Boomer, Frank Gestu, Tim Hitchcock, and Jaye Sonia
This 13-page issue of Whispers & Rumors introduces gamers to a number of additional details, including:
- The Black-Eyed Ones by Tim Hitchcock.
- 20 New Oddities by Clinton Boomer.
- A Local Deep Dive by Jaye Sonia.
- Arcana Mundi by F. Gestu.
- Mission Church by Jaye Sonia.
- Dealing in Dosh by Tim Hitchcock.
This introductory issue gives gamers new content to add to their Bloodlines & Black Magic game, but can easily be exported to any game that uses the PF1 rules.
Bloodlines & Black Magic: Whispers & Rumors (issue 2) (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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Bloodlines & Black Magic is a modern, occult-themed campaign setting compatible with the first edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Bloodlines & Black Magic: Whispers & Rumors (issue 2)
By Blaine Bass, Brian Suskind, Tim Hitchcock, & Jaye Sonia
This 12-page issue of Whispers & Rumors introduces gamers to a number of additional details, including:
- Modern Locations: Las Vegas by Brian Suskind.
- The Exchange by Brian Suskind.
- Getting There: Staggered Advancement for O7 by Blaine Bass.
- Words of the Sovereign: Reflecting on the world by Jaye Sonia.
- Mr. No Face by Tim Hitchcock & Jaye Sonia.
This issue gives gamers new content to add to their Bloodlines & Black Magic game, but can easily be exported to any game that uses the PF1 rules.
Bloodlines & Black Magic: Whispers & Rumors (issue 3) (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
(based on 1 rating)
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Bloodlines & Black Magic is a modern, occult-themed campaign setting compatible with the first edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Bloodlines & Black Magic: Whispers & Rumors (issue 3)
By Clinton Boomer, Tim Hitchcock, Ben McFarland, Justin Sluder, & Jaye Sonia
This 21-page issue of Whispers & Rumors introduces gamers to a number of additional details, including:
- The Amaymonite by Tim Hitchcock.
- DJ Yannock by Justin Sluder & Jaye Sonia.
- Secrets From the Invisible by Jaye Sonia.
- The Curator: A Modern NPC by Clinton Boomer & Justin Sluder.
- Invisible Lore by Ben McFarland, Justin Sluder, & Jaye Sonia
This issue gives gamers new content to add to their Bloodlines & Black Magic game, but can easily be exported to any game that uses the PF1 rules.
Bloodlines & Black Magic: Whispers & Rumors (issue 4) (PFRPG) PDF
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Bloodlines & Black Magic is a modern, occult-themed campaign setting compatible with the first edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Bloodlines & Black Magic: Whispers & Rumors (issue 4)
By Clinton Boomer, Tim Hitchcock, Neal Litherland, Justin Sluder, Jaye Sonia, George "Loki" Williams
This 21-page issue of Whispers & Rumors introduces gamers to a number of additional details, including:
- Issue 4 Introduction by Jaye Sonia.
- Location: The Immigrant Statue by George "Loki" Williams.
- Monster: The Boo Hag by Tim Hitchcock.
- NPC: Eratosthenes the Eternal by Justin Sluder & Jaye Sonia.
- Development Lore: The Arcana by Jaye Sonia.
- NPC: Prince Anozie Babda by Justin Sluder.
- Setting Lore: The Medjay by Neal Litherland.
- Mechanical Options: Witch Feats by Clinton Boomer.
This issue gives gamers new content to add to their Bloodlines & Black Magic game, but can easily be exported to any game that uses the PF1 rules.
Bloodlines & Black Magic: The City of Hauberk (PFRPG) PDF
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Bloodlines & Black Magic is dark, modern, Pathfinder-compatible campaign setting that uses the “Occult 7” rule set, a modification of the basic Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Using modified classes exclusively from Occult Adventures and The Advanced Class Guide, Bloodlines & Black Magic gives both players and GMs a world shrouded in forgotten secrets, hidden mystery schools, political elites, and horrors best left unseen. Be it on the shores of the bleakest of realms, among the ruins of dead cities, in the halls of global power, or in small, remote towns in the Pacific Northwest - Bloodlines & Black Magic will unravel the world you know, revealing an invisible truth that most people are not ready to fully embrace.
Do you dare to pierce the veil?
This is a free preview of the Hidden City Hauberk, Mo.
Rhune—Children of the Hammer (PFRPG) PDF
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Children of the Hammer is about the other side of Rhune: Dawn of Twilight, the settled, occasionally civilized side of that world. It describes two of the foundation races—the clockwork elves and the dwarves—the principal races that fought, by hammer and gun, to tame the wild eastern hills and settle the Redwall Mountains. This book discusses their love of technology, their grim views on Ragnarök—the Great War to come—and their dire need to drive back the vile, barbaric gloom that threatens to sweep southward and envelop all. This book is their epic tale. And when the fields of battle run red under the smoke trails of alchemical fire—Ragnarök—criss-crossing the blackened, war-torn sky—this may be all that remains to tell those who survive just who, and what, these two nobles races were.
This guide includes:
- Five variant races
- The Spellshot (a new Magus archetype)
- The Forge Heart (a new Sorcerer Bloodline)
- The Oracle Forge Mystery
- Optional rules for firearms (including the 'Knock Em' Down' and 'The Deafing Thunder' options).
- A new ranger combat style
- Three new firearms (including the Damassian Gun-Glave)
- Four new factions for use in your Rhune: Dawn of Twilight campaign!
- Twelve new faction traits!
- Optional rules for gaining faction reputation!
- And plenty of flavor to round out your campaign!
Rhune—The Clockwork Primer (PFRPG) PDF
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This concise primer represents some of the many forthcoming options available to fans of Rhune: Dawn of Twilight. It can (and should) be used in tandem with existing products, but need not be. Enterprising Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GMs and players are welcome to cherry pick their favorite options from the pages within, of which there are many.
You’ll find a whole host of options packed into this PDF including an updated prestige class (the Clockwork Adept originally appeared in Kobold Quarterly #16), updates to the Craft (clockworks) skill, updated clockwork equipment (specific to Rhune: Dawn of Twilight), the Clockwork Domain, six new clockwork spells, four new clockwork magical items, and a new subtype for constructs. All of this is designed for Rhune, but easily fits into any setting you might play!
Rhune: Dawn of Twilight Campaign Guide (PFRPG) PDF
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Are you ready for Ragnarök?
In the snowy, icy fields of the North, entire tribes of barbarians—disease-bound servants of the Thrall Lords—amass, mustering for Ragnarök. Their ears tuned to whispers sane men cannot hear, these horrid foes wait only for the guttural command of their masters. Further south, the dead gather among the ruins of pulverized cities, growing stronger in shadows of the Ghoul Stone, the necromantic bridge between Midgard and Neinferth. All the while, the good people of the South stand divided against their aggressors: the City-States of Vallinar embracing technology as a means to win Ragnarök, while the ælves and their allies battle to eradicate every trace of it. All the while, the daily tick of the Ragnarök Clock marks the passing of another season, bringing every branch of Yggdrasil closer to Ragnarök: the final battle.
The long-awaited Rhune: Dawn of Twilight Campaign Guide contains:
- A detailed look at the world of Rhune, from the lands of the Middle Court to the various realms beyond, including information on:
- Briglæss, the Glimmering Lands
- Grimhæm, Realm of the Fel & Fallen
- Nachtland, the Shadow Realm
- Neinferth, the Yawning Gap
- Niflæheim, the Realm of All-Winter
- Sommerfæth, the Forest Unburning
- Thodheim, Realm of the Dishonored Dead
- Tieferhæm, the Underhall of Velash
- Important information on the technology of Rhune, including details on ambient power fields, dragon towers, as well as how storm tech impacts the various people—both on Midgard and on other branches of the Great Tree.
- Details on all of the races native to Rhune, including: the ælves, the aryandai, the automata, the clockwork elves, the dwarves, the glitterfane, the malaran, and the jötunfolk.
- Over 90 new unique traits for PCs to choose from.
- Rules for earning and spending both honor and wyrd points.
- Information for any PC that wants to learn to use the runes, even if they don’t have arcane or divine abilities.
- Six new classes for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game including: the Blood Skald, the Clockwork Adept, the Gjallarhorn, the Gun Priest, the Juggernaut (of Blind Fury), and the Plague Bringer.
- A greater look at the City-States of Vallinar and the various factions that operate within and beyond them.
- A detailed look at both the Æssinyr and the Thrall Lords: the gods who ready for the final battle over Yggdrasil, the Great Tree.
- New rules for extraordinary devices – items designed to merge magic and technology together.
- A bestiary filled with new monsters for your heroes to fight.
- New spells, incantations, gear, guns, alchemical recipes, and other options unique to the lands of Rhune.
Written and developed by Clinton Boomer, Will Cooper, Adam Daigle, Stephen Michael DiPesa, Joshua Kitchens, Ben McFarland, Mike Myler, and Jaye Sonia.
Bloodlines & Black Magic: The Unloved Ones (PFRPG) PDF
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Bloodlines & Black Magic is a modern, occult-themed campaign setting compatible with the first edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Bloodlines & Black Magic: The Unloved Ones (Episode 1)
By Jaye Sonia & Brian Suskind.
Episodes of Bloodlines & Black Magic are designed to be played in 3-4 hour sessions, but can easily be expanded or developed as needed.
In this episode, the PCs receive a mysterious package that ultimately summons them to Halifax, New Hampshire. There, they meet Jonathan Thatcher who has a simple, but a lucrative request — locate a missing wedding ring. Of course, learning the ring's location and recovering the ring isn't as easy as it sounds.
For 3-5 1st-2nd level O7 characters.
Bloodlines & Black Magic: The House of Hollows (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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Bloodlines & Black Magic is a modern, occult-themed campaign setting compatible with the first edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Bloodlines & Black Magic: The House of Hollows (Episode 2)
By Clinton Boomer & Jaye Sonia.
Episodes of Bloodlines & Black Magic are designed to be played in 3-4 hour sessions, but can easily be expanded or developed as needed.
This 33-page episode begins when six heroes (pre-generated characters provided) hear the House of Hollows has returned to a nearby town. Each hero — for reasons entirely her own — must gather their gear and dive into what everyone else assumes is a rather simple haunted house. But the House of Hollows is no normal house and what it has in store for the player characters is nothing short of terrible.
Fortunately, these individuals aren't attuned to the mundane world the way most folks are; no, these heroes possess psychic abilities, occult powers, and command spirits from a world most folks never see. Able to Pierce the Veil and see the world as it really is, these occult heroes must dive deep into the belly of the beast, steal its infernal treasures, and get out alive — lest they become one of the hollow ones.
Frigid Reflections (PFRPG) PDF
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The stunning conclusion to the Beyond the Glittering Fane adventure arc, Frigid Reflections takes the PCs north to the mining town of Utivkle to look in on an aging, Stone Touched dwarf. After arriving, they discover that the troubles plaguing Utvikle are far from singular, and if not dealt with, they could spread throughout all of Midgard. After saving Utvikle, the PCs are called on for a greater task, one that will take them into the heart of Niflæheim – the Realm of All Winter itself.
With hope fading and the nights freezing, the PCs must brave the dangers of the icy realm, facing some of its toughest denizens while working to free their new allies, the ælven clades of Niflæheim. After facing waves of foes and some of the harshest weather any of them have ever seen, the PCs must descend deep into the Temple of Isa – the Great Temple of the Ice Rune – to stop two of Mhamnoch’s own before they unleash their ancient agendas on the ice ælves, and after them, anyone else in their path.
Frigid Reflections is an adventure for 4-5 9th level characters set in the world of Rhune: Dawn of Twilight. Although this adventure is designed exclusively for this setting, it can easily be adapted for any of your favorite Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible campaign settings.
Rhune—The Gun Priest: The Blessed of Velash (PFRPG) PDF
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The Vested Sons of Velash, a unique sect of dwarven priests, created the very first gun, and with it, ordained Midgard's very first
gun priest. Since that day, their ways have spread beyond the
dwarven temples that originally birthed them. The men and
women who take up this path are a special breed, an elite
group that understands there is only one way to win Ragnarök—through superior firepower.
Gun priests are a devoted, militant lot whose
understanding of firearms is seconded only to their
knowledge of the Old Gods. They are committed to both
paths equally. seeking to master them before the inevitability
that is Ragnarök. While most gun priests are dwarves, the
occasional human or clockwork elf also takes up this calling.
Gun Priests combine their precision, their faith, and their cunning to change the very nature of the battlefield. A combination of gunslinger and cleric, these individuals focus their power on their vested gun—a weapon unique to each and every priest!
This PDF includes a new class, as well as eight new feats designed for both firearm wielding clerics or faithful gunslingers.
Written by Jaye Sonia
Rhune—The Jötunfolk: Descended from Death (PFRPG) PDF
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“These mysterious, ill-fated men and women began to appear long after the Ragnarök Clock began its momentous count. Jötunfolk are the unwanted, unintended children of the Thrall Lords; exposure to titanic jötunstones changed the first of these peoples in the womb, turning them into half-giants despised and distrusted across Rhune.
"In the Age of Myth, the blood of giants and their divine parents held enormous power, the energies so great that when left to sit in quantity, the deep crimson liquid formed into unbreakable rocks that came to be known as jötunstones. Impervious to steel and heavier than any man could move, they became odd fixtures of the landscape across Rhune—until the ælves activated the Ragnarök Clock….”
The jötunfolk, are the discarded, unwanted children of the Thrall Lords, a people whose tainted blood has long driven them to live on the outskirts of society. While some jötunfolk grow to be terrible, hulking monstrosities, many of these men and women spend their lives seeking redemption, becoming champions of the Old Gods.
This PDF details the jötunfolk, giving both GMs and players several new options for campaigns set in Rhune: Dawn of Twilight. This PDF includes:
- Details on the jötunfolk.
- Favored class options for the jötunfolk.
- Jötunblooded – a new sorcerous bloodline.
- Two new weapons, the chain sword and the giant’s mitt.
- Seven new Feats for jötunfolk.
- Four new magic items.
- Three new jötunfolk spells.
- Details on the dreyrugr stones—the cursed stones that change the lands around them.
By Mike Myler. Additional design by Clinton Boomer and Jaye Sonia
The Ice Ælves of Niflæheim (PFRPG) PDF
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On the high mountains and out on the most chilling, disparate plains, a lost race has just begun to appear on Midgard. Quiet, reserved, and resolute, they are quickly becoming popular as adventuring companions—survivors one and all. These frostbitten warriors and powerful mages are the children of the Endless Winter, souls long thought lost to Midgard—the ice ælves.
This product introduces fans of Rhune to the ice ælves, a race that has long dwelt - trapped - in the realms of the Long Winter. Now, a few of them are making their way to Midgard, and with those journeys, bringing tales of hardship and woe.
This PDF includes information on the ice ælves, including race specific Feats, spells, items, and more. Written by Mike Myler with additional design by Jaye Sonia, Clinton Boomer, Joshua Kitchens, and Will Cooper.
The Rune of Hope (PFRPG) PDF
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The siege around Northgard has reached its pinnacle and now, with the PCs racing to find a cure for rage fever, the Thrall Lords play their hand. Deep in Ælvenheim, the curse that eats at its trees continues to spread, while in Union City, the fires of distrust continue to burn brightly. With troops massing for a northern campaign, most of the City-States fear that winter may come early this year, and with it, an invasion none of them may survive...
In this second installment of the Beyond the Glittering Fane adventure arc, the PCs seek a cure to rage fever that takes them across Midgard, and after a dangerous journey into forgotten parts of the North, onto the very branches of Yggdrasil itself — all in the hope of saving their homes from the destruction and disease that the Thrall Lords promise to bring.
The Ghost of Ashenwood Road (PFRPG) PDF
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Storm Bunny Presents is a broad line of products suitable for any number of gaming systems and offers GMs and Storytellers a line of products aimed at simplifying game preparation.
It will include all manner of accessories, including evocative maps, memorable NPCs (non-player characters), impressive encounter locations, short stories intended to spark the imagination, and handouts that ease preparation time.
"The Ghost of Ashenwood Road" gives Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GMs a quick, engaging NPC and accompanying background story that can easily be adapted to fit a single session with minimal preparation. Conversely, this NPC can be used as the focus point of a multi-session adventure.
Blessed and Hunted: The Story of the Usa-Chan (PFRPG) PDF
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By Cleveland English & Jaye Sonia
Storm Bunny Presents is a broad line of products suitable for any number of gaming systems and offers GMs and Storytellers a line of products aimed at simplifying game preparation.
It will include all manner of accessories, including evocative maps, memorable NPCs (non-player characters), impressive encounter locations, short stories intended to spark the imagination, and handouts that ease preparation time.
Blessed and Hunted - The Story of the Usa-Chan opens a new playable race for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Intended for GMs and players alike, this simple PDF includes a brieft story of the Usa-Chan, a race based on Eastern myth. The Usa-Chan are a unique race designed to compliment (and possibly oppose) the Kitsune and are suitable for any setting that favors ninjas, monks, martial arts, or talking animals .This 4 page PDF includes: A complete playable race, a new subrace, several alternate racial traits, and favored class options for both. Illustrated by Hugo Solis.
Storm Bunny Presents: The Reaper (PFRPG) PDF
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Storm Bunny Presents is a broad line of products suitable for any number of gaming systems and offers GMs and Storytellers a line of products aimed at simplifying game preparation.
It will include all manner of accessories, including evocative maps, memorable NPCs (non-player characters), impressive encounter locations, short stories intended to spark the imagination, and handouts that ease preparation time.
The Reaper is a unique take on a CR 10 NPC. This simple PDF gives GMs an evocative NPC, rumors about the NPC, a series of skill checks for learning about the NPC, and its brief history. This NPC is built for the Rhune: Dawn of Twilight setting, but can easily be placed into any existing campaign setting. This PDF includes a new template, the Iron-Forged, as well as a new exotic weapon: the Slayer's Gauntlet.
Written by Jaye Sonia.
Illustrated by Hugo Solis
Beyond the Glittering Fane, Part 1: Into the Pale Tower (PFRPG) PDF
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When an attack on the Hanging Gardens of Hammerfall put the heroes into the very heart of chaos – they quickly discover just how dangerous the foes of the City-States of Vallinar can be!
After meeting with some of Union City’s more notable personalities, the heroes travel north to the frozen lands that surround Northgard, the last major military settlement to stand watch against the hordes of thrallbound barbarians that hunt the North. As the heroes explore the North and aid the people there, however, they soon discover a darker force is at work – and the only the bravest dare enter the infamous Pale Tower.
This adventure:
- Takes heroes from 1st to 4th level. When the heroes complete Into the Pale Tower, they’ll have a clear idea of just how dangerous the North is!
- Offers GMs “mythic” options for Rhune: Dawn of Twilight, adding even more challenge to those using those optional rules.
- Introduces several new monsters suitable for play in any Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
- Is the first chapter of the Beyond the Glittering Fane adventure arc.
Rhune—Of Stave, Stone, and Heart (PFRPG) PDF
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“May all of those who have sung night’s secret song smile while they read this…”
Designed for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, this guide is ideal for game masters who are running northern-based campaigns! Originally designed for us in the Rhune: Dawn of Twilight campaign setting, GMs from all D20 systems will find a use for it, especially if they have a love for prior editions of the worlds oldest RPG. This guide provides GMs with:
- Descriptions of the 24 elder runes, including skill and spell associations for both variants (lesser and greater versions).
- Information on The Grand Galdr and its place among the ælves, dwarves, and giants.
- A brief discussion about the runes, how to use them in a setting, and how they might impact your setting.
- Advice for using the runes within Rhune: Dawn of Twilight, the setting for which they were originally designed.
- Two alternative methods that allow any class to learn how to "read the runes," whether they normally have access to spells or not.
- A new spell!
- Seven new runestones that spellcasters can activate and use to control the field of battle!
- The Vitkarr, a runic prestige class!
- Evocative art by Rhune: Dawn of Twilight artist Terry Maranda!
Regardless of which d20 system you're using (and even if you're not), this guide is packed with 16 pages of pure content for GMs and storytellers alike!
Written by Jaye Sonia
Rhune—Children of the Wode (PFRPG) PDF
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Children of the Wode describes the harsh, darklands west of the City-States of Vallinar—lands tha tdominate most of southern Midgard. It describes the refined society lying in the heart of an otherwise wild and violent kingdom, one that the citizens of the City-States of Vallinar rightly fear. This volume describes, in detail, the unforgiving ælves and the reasons they strive against the East’sprogress. It also describes the Aryandai, one of the youngest and strangest of Rhune: Dawn of Twilight’s varied races—detailing what these wild, tribal alien spider-kin do and believe. This book includes: - Extensive information about both the ælves and the Aryandai, including new racial traits for both.
- The Nightspinner - A new ninja archetype.
- The True Night Augur - A new oracle archetype.
- Information on the Well of Wyrd, including Feats and traits unique to Rhune!
- The Weavlings, the holy guardians of Velluna-Akka's sacred web!
- The Shadow Stalker - a new ranger archetype.
- The Arachnomancer - a new summoner archetype.
- The Servant of Summer Night - a new prestige class for those who channel divine magic.
- Three new factions for GMs to challenge players with!
- A whole host of new magic, including new spells, new magic items, the Wyrd clerical domain, and the Moon oracle mystery!
- Evocative art by Rhune: Dawn of Twilight artists Terry Maranda and Hugo Solis!
Like Children of the Hammer, this book provides both players and GMs with a powerhouse of new options for their game! Anyone with an interest in building characters with ties to the mysterious moon or who have a love of spider magic will find this book invaluable, making it an ideal expansion for ANY campaign setting!
By Jaye Sonia and Will Cooper
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Rhune—Automata: Guide to the Awakened (PFRPG) PDF
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Automata: Guide to the Awakened offers steampunk fans four new construct races for use in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Set in the evocative Rhune: Dawn of Twilight campaign setting, this guide gives GMs and players alike extensive information on how to treat constructs in the setting, as well...
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The Thaumaturge (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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The Thaumaturge is a brand new class for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game—one who incorporates forbidden magic, occult orders, and the dire patrons who support these ancient orders. This PDF includes a new class, seven new magical orders to support the thaumaturge, as well as new Feats that are...
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Rhune—The City-States of Valinar (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
A regional map of the City-States of Vallinar, created by Jon Roberts exclusively for use in the Rhune: Dawn of Twilight campaign setting. Free for anyone to enjoy!
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Rhune—The Stormpunk Character Primer (PFRPG) PDF
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Originally released under Jaye's Games in 2010, the Stormpunk Character Primer is the official character creation guide for gamers interested in exploring the campaign setting, Rhune: Dawn of Twilight. ... Inside, players and GMs will find 6 chapters (53 pages) containing information on: Some of...
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The Ælven Agenda (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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The Ælven Agenda is an adventure for 1st level player characters set in the world of Rhune: Dawn of Twilight. Although this adventure is designed primarily for this campaign setting, it can easily be adapted to your favorite Pathfinder Roleplaying Game campaign setting! ... Written and designed...
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Bloodlines & Black Magic (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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The Worlds You Don’t Know ... Hamlet had the right of it when he said, “There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ... The scope of human knowledge and endeavor is woefully limited, compared to the incalculable vastness of the...
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Bloodlines & Black Magic: The Witch (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
The Worlds You Don’t Know ... Hamlet had the right of it when he said, “There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ... The scope of human knowledge and endeavor is woefully limited, compared to the incalculable vastness of the...
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Bloodlines & Black Magic: The Crescent City (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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Bloodlines & Black Magic is a modern, occult-themed campaign setting compatible with the first edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game ... Bloodlines & Black Magic: The Crescent CityWith The Book of Faiyum ... By Tim Hitchcock & George Loki Williams ... This 52-page is divided into...
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Bloodlines & Black Magic: Whispers & Rumors (issue 1) (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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Bloodlines & Black Magic is a modern, occult-themed campaign setting compatible with the first edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game ... Bloodlines & Black Magic: Whispers & Rumors (issue 1) ... By Clinton Boomer, Frank Gestu, Tim Hitchcock, and Jaye Sonia ... This 13-page issue...
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Bloodlines & Black Magic: Whispers & Rumors (issue 2) (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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Bloodlines & Black Magic is a modern, occult-themed campaign setting compatible with the first edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game ... Bloodlines & Black Magic: Whispers & Rumors (issue 2) ... By Blaine Bass, Brian Suskind, Tim Hitchcock, & Jaye Sonia ... This 12-page issue...
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Bloodlines & Black Magic: Whispers & Rumors (issue 3) (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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Bloodlines & Black Magic is a modern, occult-themed campaign setting compatible with the first edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game ... Bloodlines & Black Magic: Whispers & Rumors (issue 3) ... By Clinton Boomer, Tim Hitchcock, Ben McFarland, Justin Sluder, & Jaye Sonia ......
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Bloodlines & Black Magic: Whispers & Rumors (issue 4) (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
Bloodlines & Black Magic is a modern, occult-themed campaign setting compatible with the first edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game ... Bloodlines & Black Magic: Whispers & Rumors (issue 4) ... By Clinton Boomer, Tim Hitchcock, Neal Litherland, Justin Sluder, Jaye Sonia, George...
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Bloodlines & Black Magic: The City of Hauberk (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
Bloodlines & Black Magic is dark, modern, Pathfinder-compatible campaign setting that uses the “Occult 7” rule set, a modification of the basic Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Using modified classes exclusively from Occult Adventures and The Advanced Class Guide, Bloodlines & Black Magic gives both...
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Rhune—Children of the Hammer (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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Children of the Hammer is about the other side of Rhune: Dawn of Twilight, the settled, occasionally civilized side of that world. It describes two of the foundation races—the clockwork elves and the dwarves—the principal races that fought, by hammer and gun, to tame the wild eastern hills and...
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Rhune—The Clockwork Primer (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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This concise primer represents some of the many forthcoming options available to fans of Rhune: Dawn of Twilight. It can (and should) be used in tandem with existing products, but need not be. Enterprising Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GMs and players are welcome to cherry pick their favorite...
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Rhune: Dawn of Twilight Campaign Guide (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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Are you ready for Ragnarök? ... In the snowy, icy fields of the North, entire tribes of barbarians—disease-bound servants of the Thrall Lords—amass, mustering for Ragnarök. Their ears tuned to whispers sane men cannot hear, these horrid foes wait only for the guttural command of their masters....
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Bloodlines & Black Magic: The Unloved Ones (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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Bloodlines & Black Magic is a modern, occult-themed campaign setting compatible with the first edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game ... Bloodlines & Black Magic: The Unloved Ones (Episode 1) By Jaye Sonia & Brian Suskind. ... Episodes of Bloodlines & Black Magic are designed...
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Bloodlines & Black Magic: The House of Hollows (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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Bloodlines & Black Magic is a modern, occult-themed campaign setting compatible with the first edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game ... Bloodlines & Black Magic: The House of Hollows (Episode 2) ... By Clinton Boomer & Jaye Sonia. ... Episodes of Bloodlines & Black Magic are...
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Frigid Reflections (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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The stunning conclusion to the Beyond the Glittering Fane adventure arc, Frigid Reflections takes the PCs north to the mining town of Utivkle to look in on an aging, Stone Touched dwarf. After arriving, they discover that the troubles plaguing Utvikle are far from singular, and if not dealt with,...
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Rhune—The Gun Priest: The Blessed of Velash (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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The Vested Sons of Velash, a unique sect of dwarven priests, created the very first gun, and with it, ordained Midgard's very first gun priest. Since that day, their ways have spread beyond the dwarven temples that originally birthed them. The men and women who take up this path are a special...
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Rhune—The Jötunfolk: Descended from Death (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
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“These mysterious, ill-fated men and women began to appear long after the Ragnarök Clock began its momentous count. Jötunfolk are the unwanted, unintended children of the Thrall Lords; exposure to titanic jötunstones changed the first of these peoples in the womb, turning them into half-giants...
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The Ice Ælves of Niflæheim (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
(based on 1 rating)
On the high mountains and out on the most chilling, disparate plains, a lost race has just begun to appear on Midgard. Quiet, reserved, and resolute, they are quickly becoming popular as adventuring companions—survivors one and all. These frostbitten warriors and powerful mages are the children...
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The Rune of Hope (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
(based on 1 rating)
The siege around Northgard has reached its pinnacle and now, with the PCs racing to find a cure for rage fever, the Thrall Lords play their hand. Deep in Ælvenheim, the curse that eats at its trees continues to spread, while in Union City, the fires of distrust continue to burn brightly. With...
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The Ghost of Ashenwood Road (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
(based on 1 rating)
Storm Bunny Presents is a broad line of products suitable for any number of gaming systems and offers GMs and Storytellers a line of products aimed at simplifying game preparation. ... It will include all manner of accessories, including evocative maps, memorable NPCs (non-player characters),...
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Blessed and Hunted: The Story of the Usa-Chan (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
(based on 1 rating)
By Cleveland English & Jaye Sonia ... Storm Bunny Presents is a broad line of products suitable for any number of gaming systems and offers GMs and Storytellers a line of products aimed at simplifying game preparation. ... It will include all manner of accessories, including evocative maps,...
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Storm Bunny Presents: The Reaper (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
(based on 1 rating)
Storm Bunny Presents is a broad line of products suitable for any number of gaming systems and offers GMs and Storytellers a line of products aimed at simplifying game preparation. ... It will include all manner of accessories, including evocative maps, memorable NPCs (non-player characters),...
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Beyond the Glittering Fane, Part 1: Into the Pale Tower (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
(based on 1 rating)
When an attack on the Hanging Gardens of Hammerfall put the heroes into the very heart of chaos – they quickly discover just how dangerous the foes of the City-States of Vallinar can be! ... After meeting with some of Union City’s more notable personalities, the heroes travel north to the frozen...
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Rhune—Of Stave, Stone, and Heart (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
(based on 1 rating)
“May all of those who have sung night’s secret song smile while they read this…” ... Designed for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, this guide is ideal for game masters who are running northern-based campaigns! Originally designed for us in the Rhune: Dawn of Twilight campaign setting,...
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Rhune—Children of the Wode (PFRPG) PDF
Storm Bunny Studios
(based on 1 rating)
Children of the Wode describes the harsh, darklands west of the City-States of Vallinar—lands tha tdominate most of southern Midgard. It describes the refined society lying in the heart of an otherwise wild and violent kingdom, one that the citizens of the City-States of Vallinar rightly fear....