Gamer Life General Discussion

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The LGBT Gamer Community Thread.

Ramblin Man Part Deux: Game Edition

1001 Side Effects of Potions

Studded Plate: a blog about RPGs and LEGO

Gary Gygax & Tactical Mastery

Humble Bundle: Classic Pathfinder Mega Bundle (Kobold Press and Frog God Games)

Isometric map-making software in the works

Gary Gygax & Role Playing Mastery

Random GM Excuse Table

Paizo Blog: Fan Made: Miniatures

100 things the villain is doing when 'scrying' is cast on him

Kobold Press Issues the No AI Pledge

Best one-liner that made the whole table laugh?

Kickstarter for Deluxe Edition of Aching God

Fantasy or sci fi books you'd like to play on the table.


Time to Rock!!

Finding brand new people who want to try tabletop gaming

The RPG System Journey continues…

Pathfinder (1e) Remastered!

1001(+) Bestow Curse variants

Jim “Drawmij” Ward - R. I. P.

Ice Puns

Building A World

Found in an Alchemist's notebook;

Book of amazing campaign ideas

Organized Play in Portland Oregon

Which do you prefer? PF 1 or 2?

Must See if you are playing a bard with perform comedy!

Why I quit role-playing and tabletop

New video on preparing the game!

I made a video about cards as game aids

What's The Absolute Worst PC You've Ever Seen?

You fumbled that attack. Roll percentiles...

X Wing Starfighter Model For Sale

When is metagaming GOOD metagaming?

So your group kicked you out. Let's hear all about it.

What did that one annoying player do?

Questions For Space Gamers

Games that could use more Cthulhu

RPG systems are a journey, not the destination.

Greyhawk Experts Needed (County of Urnst)

who else gets really weird 'physics questions' regarding spells in their games?

Map Making on a Budget

Poll: Star Trek vs. Star Wars?

My Journey into Roleplaying Games blog

I created a thing for random tables!

Beer etc: Bottle, Can, or Plastic?

So I'm nervous about running a game

Who is your favorite character?

I question hare, but every subforum, indicate. Copy a infinite numdbers of pdf

AI Generated Adventures

GMing with anxiety or other mental health problems

How much would a population grow?

Life after removing someone from your game

A few questions regard the Pathfinder Infinite Authorized distribution sources...

An explanation of why media (including games) need to start showing diverse ability sets

Apocalypse Cthulhu

A genocidal Grimm is evil perspective?

My GM needs some advice on dealing with a problem player.

Any advice for restarting after Covid?

Troy, Michigan - Pathfinder 1E + Numenera looking for players

For Sale: Six Pathfinder 1e Adventure Path 6-volume sets

What does you dice jail look like?

Random Table: A Giant’s Poop Contents Chart

Empire Today Issue 4

Hero Forge!

Group Dynamics And When A Long Time Player Becomes The Problem

How do observatories work?

The people who just disappear

Adapting Someone Else's Campaign

Worldbuilding and lying to your players

Jim Roslof Dying from Cancer

Second-hand market. Abomination Vaults & Outlaws.

Are Half-Elves Boring?

Paizo buying Might & Magic(IP) or the reverse?

New Giantslayer Actual Play podcast!

1001 suggestions

RollVsEvil Charity Project LIVE!

Developing a setting with minecraftish physics

Game System Design and character pigeon-holing

Things a DM can put in a dungeon to totally mess with players

My thoughts on social justice warriors.

Moral Dilemma: Killing and Deaths in RPGs

Favorite Campaign Settings

Kobolds!!! Good!!!

Ian Livingstone knighted!

150 Reasons for a tavern brawl

Queerphobia in Fantasy Settings

Why is it so hard to find players? Face to face games

Pathfinder Confessional

Games in Gaming

Gotcha GMs

Holiday ornaments?

1001 Buildings you may find in a Fantasy Town

The Daily Kobold

Noob about D&D

Daily Free Halloween-type Pdfs from DriveThruRpg

Things you don't want to (but often do) hear the Dungeon Master say:

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