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500 of the world's greatest traps!

For any role-playing game!

Five classic Traps books collected in one volume, giving you over 500 engines of destruction, delver dicers and player character crushers. Now remastered and with new art by original Traps artist Steven S. Crompton. This collection also includes an entirely new section of never-before-seen traps from Grimtooth's archives, along with behind the scenes articles on the origins of Grimtooth and the Traps phenomenon. Plus rare art, Grimtooth comics, Trap puzzles, and more!

Bonus: The PDF edition includes the Kickstarter stretch goals of Dungeon of Doom and Traps Bazaar!

Pages: 627

Our Price: $11.99

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System-Neutral Tools for Every Game Master!

GM Gems: A Tome of Game Master Inspiration is filled with a wealth of information and ideas to empower every aspect of the game. Never run a dull and dreary game, and never be caught flat-footed! This 80-page collection of tricks and tips is systems-neutral, so it works with any role playing game of choice.

GM Gems includes:
Alchemical Mishaps
Empty Rooms Worth Describing
Extraordinary Campsites
Familiar Creatures with Unfamiliar Faces
Short Encounters for Short Attention Spans
Unique Taverns and Inns
Unusual Holidays
100 Unique Treasures
And much, much more!

Includes the original 64-page systems-neutral edition and the expanded 80-page second printing, updated for the DCC RPG rules system.

Writers: Lou Agresta, Rone Barton, Russell Brown, B. Matthew Conklin III, Elizabeth Courts, Adam Daigle, Ashavan Doyon, Tom Ganz, Stephen S. Greer, David Hall, Stefan Happ, Ed Healy, Tim Hitchcock, Phillip Larwood, John E. Ling, Jr., Hal Maclean, Rob Manning, Greg Oppedisano, Greg Ragland, Craig Shackleton, and Patrick Smith
Editor: Aeryn “Blackdirge” Rudel
Cover Artist: William O’Connor
Interior Artist: William McAusland
DCC RPG rules conversion: Daniel J. Bishop

Our Price: $6.99

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PC Pearls: Because no PC should ever be a meat-shield.

Bring your characters to life… and keep them that way!

PC Pearls is an indispensable tool for both players and Game Masters seeking to give their characters personality, depth, motivation, and drive. Included are tables and treatises addressing every facet of a character’s history designed to spark imagination and bring a character to life!

This inspiration is presented alongside the adventuring wisdom of Lord Bedlam Havok, survivor par excellence, who was once heard to remark, "I don’t have to be faster than the dragon, just faster than you."

Writers: Lou Agresta, Rone Barton, Clinton Boomer, Russell Brown, Liz Courts, Adam Daigle, Ashavan Doyon, Jonathan Drain, Scott Gable, Tom Ganz, Stephen Greer, Dave Hall, Stefan Happ, Ed Healy, Tim Hitchcock, Michael Kortes, Phil
Larwood, John Ling, Hal Maclean, James MacKenzie, Rob Manning, Greg Oppedisano, Edward Reed, Dave Schwarz, Craig Shackleton, Willie Walsh
Cover Art: Scott Purdy
Interior Art: William McAusland

Our Price: $12.99

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The Adventurers Almanac

365 days of adventure and plot hooks, plus so much more!

Set a date for adventure with The Adventurer's Almanac! An entire year's worth of adventure awaits you inside its pages, complete with magical items, interesting personalities, strange festivals, and dangerous sites to explore, all presented in a system-neutral format suitable for any fantasy campaign.

The Adventurer's Almanac also includes a fantastical calendar to bring structure to your game seasons loaded with more than 300 adventure seeds and a complete astrological system that gives characters personality traits, interesting benefits, and troublesome disadvantages to contend with.

Don't let time run out on your campaign. Get the Adventurer's Almanac today!

Author's Note: It can be argued that time is both our greatest gift and worst enemy. The passage of the seasons not only—hopefully—brings us wisdom, but reminds us that our span of days is finite. This is true for both ourselves as gamers and for our imaginary counterparts who dwell in the fantastic lands of the campaign world. Nevertheless, despite the importance of time, it is something often overlooked in roleplaying campaigns, aside from the calculations of how long a spell will last or the length of a journey from one adventuring locale to another. At their very worst, fantasy campaigns become static places were nothing outside the adventurers' scope ever seems to occur.

The Adventurers' Almanac attempts to correct this oversight by presenting the game master with not only a wondrous calendar useable in most fantasy games, but by also providing him or her with an entire year's worth of adventure seeds, new monsters, unique magic items, interesting NPCs, and momentous occasions. With this book as part of your gaming library, you have access to a simple, yet evocative, way to count the days and a go-to source for adventure ideas when your imagination needs a kick-start.

Written in the similar vein of The Dungeon Alphabet, The Adventurers' Almanac is not a hard and fast "this is how things should be done" gaming supplement, but a spring-board for your own creativity. With a little mental elbow grease, it's possible to turn the hundreds of adventure ideas waiting inside its pages into full-blown, epic campaigns that will keep your players entertained and waiting to see what happens next.

Suitable for any fantasy roleplaying game, The Adventurers' Almanac is the perfect resource for any game master lacking in that most precious of commodities—Time, itself. So make you sure your dues are paid to the "Order of Adventurers, Explorers, and Treasure-Seekers," stop by your local chapterhouse for your copy of The Adventurers' Almanac, and get ready for a year of unforgettable adventure!

Writer: Michael Curtis
Cover Art: William McAusland

Our Price: $12.99

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A year’s worth, 365 days, of adventure, plot hooks, and so much more!

Set a date for adventure with The Adventurer’s Almanac! An entire year’s worth of adventure awaits you inside its pages, complete with magical items, interesting personalities, strange festivals, and dangerous sites to explore, all presented in a system-neutral format suitable for any fantasy campaign.

The Adventurer’s Almanac also includes a fantastical calendar to bring structure to your game. This reference is loaded with more than 300 adventure seeds and a complete astrological system that gives characters personality traits, interesting benefits, and troublesome disadvantages to contend with.

Don’t let time run out on your campaign. Get The Adventurer’s Almanac today!

Writer: Michael Curtis
Cover Art: William McAusland

4.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

Our Price: $7.99

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Looking to instill a little fear in your game? Then look no further!

Nothing brings the thrill—and terror—of discovery to a game like new monsters. Faced with the unknown, mighty-thewed heroes tremble in their hauberks, wizened wizards fumble with their spell books, and even the most audacious of rogues hesitate before plunging into battle.

Nevermore worry that your players have memorized every monster’s stat, power and weakness. Nevermore resort to tired fantasy clichés, and worn out monsters fought a thousand times before. The Random Esoteric Creature Generator ensures that each monster your PCs cross is unique, unexpected, and best of all, unknown. With an unlimited number of horrific combinations, this is the last monster book you will ever need.

Bring terror back to the table with the Random Esoteric Creature Generator!

Systems-neutral, designed to be used with any RPG

Dragonsfoot Review: "In the end, TRECG accomplishes the goal of providing a vehicle for creating creatures never seen by your players. It is much more than Appendix D on steroids, as I am sure some will consider it. At a minimum, the material is a laundry list of attributes that can be added to existing creatures for more flavor. At its best, you can use it to create brand-new creatures, to inspire you to expand your game world."

Writer: James Edward Raggi IV
Developer: Harley Stroh
Cover Art: Doug Kovacs
Graphic Designer: Peter Bradley
Editor: Ken Hart
32 pages

Our Price: $7.99

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Looking to instill a little fear in your game? Then look no further!

Nothing brings the thrill—and terror—of discovery to a game like new monsters. Faced with the unknown, mighty-thewed heroes tremble in their hauberks, wizened wizards fumble with their spell books, and even the most audacious of rogues hesitate before plunging into battle.
Never again worry that your players have memorized every monster’s stat, power, and weakness. Never again resort to tired fantasy clichés, and worn out monsters fought a thousand times before. The Random Esoteric Creature Generator ensures that each monster your PCs cross is unique, unexpected, and best of all—unknown. With an unlimited number of horrific combinations, this is the last monster book you will ever need.

Bring terror back to the table with the Random Esoteric Creature Generator!

Writer: James Edward Raggi IV
Developer: Harley Stroh
Cover Art: Doug Kovacs
Graphic Designer: Peter Bradley
Editor: Ken Hart

Our Price: $15.00

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How to Write Adventure Modules That Don’t Suck

Over the last 15 years, Goodman Games has established a reputation for publishing some of the best adventure modules in the industry. Now we present our advice on how you can write great adventures! This compilation of articles is authored by two dozen of the industry’s best-known adventure writers. Each article gives a different perspective on how to write adventure modules that don’t suck, written by authors with decades of experience and prominent published credits. By the time you’re done reading this book, you’ll be on the path to designing great adventure modules on your own.

Whether you’re an experienced writer or an aspiring novice, you’ll find something of value in this book!

Writers: Jobe Bittman, Mike Breault, Anne K. Brown, Timithy Brown, Stephen Chenault, Casey Christofferson, Chris Clark, Michael Curtis, Chris Doyle, Joseph Goodman, Allen Hammack, Jon Hook, Kevin Melka, Brendan J. LaSalle, Lloyd Metcalf, Bill Olmesdahl, Steve Peek, Jean Rabe, Merle M. Rasmussen, Lester Smith, Harley Stroh, Jim Wampler, James M. Ward, Skip Williams, Steve Winter

Cartoon Illustrations: Chuck Whelon

GMG4378, 160 pages

Our Price: $15.00

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For over 15 years, Goodman Games has established a reputation for publishing some of the best adventure modules in the industry. Now we present our advice on how to write great adventures! This compilation of articles is authored by two dozen of the industry’s best-known adventure writers with decades of experience and prominent published credits. Each article gives a different perspective on how to write adventure modules that don’t suck. By the end of the book, you’ll be on the path to designing great adventure modules on your own.

Whether you’re an experienced writer or an aspiring novice, you’ll find something of value in this book!

Bonus: This PDF also includes a digital copy of the original How To Write Adventures Modules That Don’t Suck released in 2007.

Writers: Jobe Bittman, Mike Breault, Anne K. Brown, Timithy Brown, Stephen Chenault, Casey Christofferson, Chris Clark, Michael Curtis, Chris Doyle, Joseph Goodman, Allen Hammack, Jon Hook, Kevin Melka, Brendan J. LaSalle, Lloyd Metcalf, Bill Olmesdahl, Steve Peek, Jean Rabe, Merle M. Rasmussen, Lester Smith, Harley Stroh, Jim Wampler, James M. Ward, Skip Williams, Steve Winter
Cartoon Illustrations: Chuck Whelon

Our Price: $9.99

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For years, legendary gaming icon Colonel Lou Zocchi sold the esoteric 50-sided die at his convention booth. Now Goodman Games brings you Fifty Fantastic Functions for the D50! This entertaining book contains more than 50 entries describing how to use the fifty-sided die. Ranging from randomized tables to customized game mechanics, this book will ensure everyone at your table can’t wait to use their own d50!

Even if no d50 is at hand, this book gives ideas on how to use other dice instead. But after glancing through this tome, you may be inspired to get a d50 of your own!

Our Price: $9.99

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Points of Light II: The Sunrise Sea continues the Points of Light series with four new settings, each extensively detailed and mapped. Each new setting is ideal for novices launching their first campaign, or veteran GMs looking to challenge their players with the exploration of a new world.

  • The Golden Shores: A land in the midst of being colonized, where adventurers can encounter unknown cultures, old enemies, and battle a darkness that has haunted the land for millennia.
  • Amacui: A frontier land with only a single trading post representing the civilized world, but there are many ruins to explore and new civilizations to discover.
  • The Misty Isle: The greatest threat to exploration is not the natives or ‘things man is not meant to know,’ but enemies from the old world. Here in the Misty Isles, enemies from different realms and factions fight amid the jungles and islands.
  • Mazatl, the Realm of the Bat God: Rising from the vast Jungles of Zaracar is a massive shield volcano. Here the blood god, Azartac, lives in the city of Mazatl in the volcano’s caldera.

Four new worlds await exploration by the brave and the resourceful. Do your characters have the skill and fortitude to adventure in these undiscovered lands?

Rules Set: Systems-neutral, designed to be used with any RPG
Writer: Rob Conley
Cover Art: Craig Maher
Graphic Design: Jim Pinto
64 pages

Dungeon Alphabet compiles inspirational tables on classic dungeon design elements to assist the game master in creating subterranean challenges. This third printing adds eight new topics to the existing twenty-six for thirty-four tables of inspirational materials.

A is for Altar, B is for Books, and C is for Caves: the Dungeon Alphabet has advice, hints, and randomized tables that bring new life to your adventures.

The entries are accompanied by outstanding art from classic fantasy illustrators and are compatible with all fantasy role playing games. This third printing adds Russ Nicholson to the artist lineup, and also features new illustrations by Jeff Easley, Jim Holloway, Peter Mullen, Michael Wilson, and Brad McDevitt, including brand new endsheets.

The Limited Edition gold foil cover features a beautiful, thematic cover design by fan favorite Stefan Poag! The interior content includes all the improvements of the expanded third printing of the Dungeon Alphabet, including the addition of Russ Nicholson to the artist lineup, and new illustrations by Jeff Easley, Jim Holloway, Peter Mullen, Michael Wilson, and Brad McDevitt, including brand new endsheets.

Writer: Michael Curtis
Foreword: David “Zeb” Cook
Cover Artist: Erol Otus
Interior Artists: Brad McDevitt, Jeff Easley, Jim Holloway, Doug Kovacs, William McAusland, Jesse Mohn, Peter Mullen, Russ Nicholson, Erol Otus, Stefan Poag, Jim Roslof, Chad Sergesketter, Chuck Whelon, Mike Wilson

Our Price: $7.99

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Designing dungeons is as easy as A, B, C!

The Dungeon Alphabet compiles inspirational tables on classic dungeon design elements to assist the Game Master in creating subterranean challenges. This fifth printing adds a new topic for a total of forty-four tables of inspirational materials.

A is for Altar, B is for Books, and C is for Caves: the Dungeon Alphabet has advice, hints, and randomized tables that bring new life to your adventures.

Suitable for any rules system, the entries are accompanied by outstanding art from classic fantasy illustrators.

Writer: Michael Curtis
Cover Artist: Erol Otus
Interior Artists: Jeff Easley, Jim Holloway, Doug Kovacs, William McAusland, Brad McDevitt, Jesse Mohn, Peter Mullen, Russ Nicholson, Erol Otus, Stefan Poag, Jim Roslof, Chad Sergesketter, Chuck Whelon, Mike Wilson, and Lutz Winter

Our Price: $11.99

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The Monster Alphabet

Designing monsters is as easy as A, B, C!

What foul beasts slosh and gibber in the furthest reaches of your skull? Unleash your demons with the Monster Alphabet, a compilation of monster design elements keyed to letters of the alphabet.

A is for Android, B is for Breath Weapon, C is for Crossbreed! Game masters of any rule system will find inspiration for creating strange, new abominations: random tables of traits, powers, and lore; awe-inspiring illustrations by your favorite fantasy artists old and new; and rolling handfuls of dice directly on monster generation diagrams.

The entries are accompanied by fantastic art from classic fantasy illustrators and are compatible with all fantasy role playing games.

Featuring a foreword by noted designer Frank Mentzer!

GMG3486, 80 pages, hardcover, $11.99

Our Price: $11.99

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An A-to-Z Reference for Classic Monster Design

What foul beasts slosh and gibber in the furthest reaches of mortal skulls? Unleash those demons with the Monster Alphabet, a compilation of monster design elements keyed to letters of the alphabet.

A is for Android, B is for Breath Weapon, C is for Crossbreed! Game Masters of any rule system will find inspiration for creating strange, new abominations: random tables of traits, powers, and lore; awe-inspiring illustrations by your favorite fantasy artists old and new; and rolling handfuls of dice directly on monster generation diagrams.

The entries are accompanied by fantastic art from classic fantasy illustrators and are compatible with all fantasy role-playing games. It also features a foreword by noted designer Frank Mentzer!

Writers: Jobe Bittman with Michael Curtis
Foreword: Frank Mentzer
Cover Artist: Jim Holloway
Interior Artists:  Easley, Fritz Haas, Jim Holloway, Doug Kovacs, Diesel LaForce, William McAusland, Brad McDevitt, Peter Mullen, Russ Nicholson, Erol Otus, Stefan Poag, Chad Sergesketter, Chuck Whelon, Michael Wilson

Our Price: $12.99

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The Cthulhu Alphabet is a prolifically illustrated tabletop RPG supplement. It is a collection of random tables to boost any role-playing game, structured on an abecedarian theme. Whether players are navigating an uncaring universe, a haunted setting, or a horror-filled dungeon, this book provides new ideas for characters and adventures. Especially made for the Game Master who has scenarios set in the Cthulhu Mythos—or any fantasy-horror world. Every page bursts with energy and inspiration, whether players roll randomly or follow the tables in order.

The Cthulhu Alphabet follows the format first popularized by Goodman Games in The Dungeon Alphabet. The entries are in alphabetical order, and pertain to an aspect of the Cthulhu mythos. Each entry has a mix of inspirational text and one or more random tables.

Looking to make the next monster encounter more interesting? Try rolling on S is for Serpentfolk, Z is for Zombies, or D is for Deep Ones.

Creating a mythos-styled location for your next scenario? Try rolling on K is for Kingsport or M is for Miskatonic University.

Figuring out the antediluvian horror central to your next plot? Try rolling on O is for Outer Gods, U is for Unnamable, or E is for Elder Thing.

Building out the dark history of a lost book, mysterious grandfather, or odd old house? Try rolling on L is for Legacy, M is for Madness, B is for Books, or J is for Journal.

Tweaking the nuances of a historically accurate literary adventure but need a little bit of inspiration or added mystery? Roll on V is for Voorish Sign, P is for Pnakotic, U is for Ubbo-Sathla, H is for Hastur, or I is for Ithaqua.

Just need something gross for the characters to fight? Look up C is for Cultists, T is for Tentacles, or S is for Shoggoth.

The Cthulhu Alphabet is systems-neutral and will work with any rules set: 5E, DCC RPG, or any other favorite system.

Writers: Michael Curtis, Jon Hook, Rick Maffei, and Brad McDevitt
Introduction: Sandy Petersen
Foreword: Brad McDevitt
Additional Material: Brian Courtemanche, Mike Ferguson, and Brendan LaSalle
Cover Artist: Erol Otus
Interior Artists: Brad McDevitt, Stefan Poag, Peter Mullen, Doug Kovacs, Russ Nicholson, William McAusland, Jesse Mohn, Cliff Kurowski, Tom Galambos, and Chris Arneson

Our Price: $6.99

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This 64-page rulebook includes everything needed to play this fun, fast-paced tabletop game.

Author and Illustrator: Bradley K. McDevitt

Our Price: $13.99

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Goodman Games closes the book on another year with our annual yearbook release.

This annual release from Goodman Games is one part new gaming material, one part retrospective, and one party celebration of all the cool things Goodman Games and its fans accomplished during past year. The 2022 Yearbook contains a bevy of information both entertaining and useful. Within its pages, you’ll find interviews, art galleries, new monsters for both Dungeon Crawl Classics and 5e campaigns, two new adventures for 5e and DCC RPG, photographs, random tables, and more! No matter if you like your dice traditional or funky, the Goodman Games 2022 Yearbook makes a handy addition to any gaming library. Don’t let time pass you by. Pick up your copy today!

Celebrate the great year of gaming that was 2022 with this terrific compilation of all-new material.

• New level 1 DCC RPG adventure "When Tolls the Bell of Ruin" by Marzio Muscedere
• New level 12 5E adventure "Secret of the Slayer’s Sword" by Alex Kurowski
• Tables for using a d11 in both DCC and 5E
• Rules for Doom Beard and the GG Joe Wizard Vandroid!
• Four Foul Foes for DCC — new monsters.

Plus! Interviews, tons of photos, art, The Wizard Van, reflections on the year from the Goodman Gang, and more!

Much, much more!

Our Price: $29.99

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Grimtooth’s Ultimate Traps Collection contains exact reprints of all five Grimtooth’s Traps books. This is an homage to an important piece of gaming history. This 460-page tome details more than 500 traps in a systems-neutral format, suitable for any fantasy RPG. They are presented in their original, classic form. No updates, no rules revisions, no changes, and nothing to disrupt the entertaining formula that has led the Grimtooth’s line to sell more than 250,000 copies since 1981.

Exact reproductions of Grimtooth’s Traps, Grimtooth’s Traps Too, Grimtooth’s Traps Fore, Grimtooth’s Traps Ate, and Grimtooth’s Traps Lite
A foreword by noted dungeon designer Harley Stroh
An extensive interview with the original Grimtooth’s creative team
A cover gallery showcasing 30 years of editions in English and many non-English languages
A look behind the submissions process, including the legendary "Grimtooth’s Submissions Box" that sits on a shelf in the Flying Buffalo offices

For the first time in over a decade, the Grimtooth’s submissions box opened again, and more great entries have been selected! We’ve added more than a dozen new traps created specifically for this volume.

Produced in cooperation with Flying Buffalo.

Writer: Grimtooth the Troll, Harley Stroh, Jim Wampler, Rick Loomis, Paul Ryan O’Connor, Bear Peters, Joseph Goodman
Cover Art: S.S. Crompton
Interior Art: Steven S. Crompton, Liz Danforth, Michael Von Glahn, Steve Jackson, Jim Wampler, Jeff Dee

Our Price: $6.99

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At Gen Con 2007, Goodman Games ran its first seminar titled, “How to Write Adventure Modules That Don’t Suck.” The seminar was accompanied by a 32-page booklet available for sale only at Gen Con 2007. Written in the transition between D&D 3E and 4E, that booklet contained sage advice for aspiring adventure authors. Printed in a short run and sold only at Gen Con 2007, that booklet of advice has since become a rare artifact of die-hard collectors. As Goodman Games has once again offered their “How to Write Adventure Modules That Don’t Suck” seminar at recent Gary Cons and Gen Cons, we are making the original booklet of advice available digitally for the first time ever!

This 28-page book of short articles is presented as originally published at Gen Con 2007. Although some of the technical advice is specific to editions of D&D that are no longer published, the core messages will apply to most adventure scenarios. With articles by Joseph Goodman, Chris Doyle, Brendan LaSalle, Adrian Pommier, Rick Maffei, Mike Ferguson, Jeremy Simmons, Ken Hart, and Andrew Hind, this manuscript should contain something that all aspiring adventure authors can learn from.

Our Price: $6.99

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A Game Designer’s Notebook

Writers are desperate and dangerous souls, seldom allowed out in pleasant company. Best left alone in their garrets and fed a steady diet of red meat and whiskey, these mad architects create horrible works of written art; works they unleash on the unwitting public! Only the brave efforts of editors and publishers can keep these maniacs restrained.

But every once in a while, those gatekeepers of public safety slip up and the raw scribblings of writers escape into the wild, stalking their prey without mercy. This book is one such breakout. This is a collection of the works of Michael Curtis, game designer and all-around fiend. Inside are writings too perilous to ever be published: alternate versions of his popular adventures, abandoned scenarios deemed too dangerous to behold, and photographic evidence likely to be displayed in a future court of justice.

Are you brave enough to visit this mental madhouse and emerge unscathed? We dare you to go inside!

Writer: Michael Curtis
Cover Art: Jeff Easley
Interior Art: Doug Kovacs, Stefan Poag

Our Price: $6.99

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A Game Designer’s Notebook

Harley has been writing Goodman Games adventures since DCC #17: Doom of the Savage Kings. As a writer, he is… methodical, unfettered by the constraints of time and limitation. Now, everyone can reap the benefits of his writing style. In this collection, Harley shares the bits and pieces of wisdom that distracted him from meeting his deadlines.

Writer: Harley Stroh
Cover Art: Jeff Easley
Interior Art: Doug Kovacs

4.60/5 (based on 12 ratings)

Our Price: $11.99

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System-Neutral Tools for Every Game Master

GM Gems: A Tome of Game Master Inspiration is filled with a wealth of information and ideas to empower every aspect of your game. Never run boring, vanilla games and never be caught flat-footed!

Inspiration and Perspiration
This 80-page collection of tricks and tips is systems-neutral, so you can play it with any role playing game you choose. GM Gems is written by veteran Game Masters and some of today’s best known RPG designers, and includes:

  • Alchemical Mishaps
  • Empty Rooms Worth Describing
  • Extraordinary Campsites
  • Familiar Creatures with Unfamiliar Faces
  • Short Encounters for Short Attention Spans
  • Unique Taverns and Inns
  • Unusual Holidays
  • 100 Unique Treasures
And much, much more!

Includes the original 64-page systems-neutral edition and the expanded 80-page second printing that is updated for DCC RPG rules!

Project Manager: Stephen S. Greer
Project Developers: Lou Agresta, Rone Barton, B. Matthew Conklin III, Ashavan Doyon
Writers: Lou Agresta, Rone Barton, Russell Brown, B. Matthew Conklin III, Elizabeth Courts, Adam Daigle, Ashavan Doyon, Tom Ganz, Stephen S. Greer, David Hall, Stefan Happ, Ed Healy, Tim Hitchcock, Phillip Larwood, John E. Ling, Jr., Hal Maclean, Rob Manning, Greg Oppedisano, Greg Ragland, Craig Shackleton, Patrick Smith
Editor: Aeryn "Blackdirge" Rudel
Art Director and Graphic Designer: jim pinto
Cover Artist: William O’Connor
Interior Artist: William McAusland
Publisher: Joseph Goodman
Pages: 80

5.00/5 (based on 4 ratings)

Our Price: $6.99

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Bring your characters alive...
...then keep them that way!

PC Pearls is an indispensable tool for players and GMs seeking to invest their characters with personality, depth, motivations, and drives. Included herein are tables and treatises addressing every facet of a character's history, each designed to spark the imagination and bring your character to life! This inspiration is presented alongside the adventuring wisdom of Lord Bedlam Havok, survivor par excellence, who was once heard to remark: "I don't have to be faster than the dragon, just faster than you."

Filled with a wealth of information and ideas to transform your characters into memorable, intriguing heroes, this systems-neutral sourcebook introduces an assortment of colorful places of origin, unique mounts and pets, interesting ways to describe mundane equipment, organizations for archetypes, personality quirks, and much more.

PC Pearls: Because no PC should ever be a meat-shield.

Writers: Lou Agresta, Rone Barton, Clinton Boomer, Russell Brown, Elizabeth Courts, Adam Daigle, Ashavan Doyon, Scott Gable, Tom Ganz, Stephen S. Greer, Stefan Happ, Ed Healy, Tim Hitchcock, Phillip Larwood, John E. Ling, Jr., James MacKenzie, Hal Maclean, Rob Manning, Greg Oppedisano, Ted Reed, David Schwartz, Craig Shackleton, Willie Walsh

Systems-neutral, designed to be used with any RPG
48 pages

4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Our Price: $7.99

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Four Realms, Four Evils.

War horns wail and perilous realms cry out for heroes! Four settings, each detailed and mapped, ideal for novices launching their first campaign, or veteran GMs looking to challenge their players with terrible foes and foreign lands...

  • Wildland:The fall of the Bright Empire left warring factions in its wake. As savage barbarians and wicked humanoids roam the land, the last bastions of civilization cower behind their crumbling city walls. A dark age has come, and none may live to tell the tale.
  • Southland: On the frontiers of the Great Kingdom, the nations of men, elves and dwarves join together against the wicked elves of Nighportal Keep and the Orcs of the Bloody Fist. A realm is yours for the taking, if you can carve it from the wilderness.
  • Borderland: Two factions clash over war-torn fields, battling for dominance in a civil war that that has torn a once-mighty empire in two. When brother strives against brother, and blood runs in the streets, who will emerge to unify the broken land—and at what cost, peace?
  • The Swamps of Acheron: In the Outer Planes, amid fetid swamplands and ice-choked mountains, the fell god Sarrath holds court. In a realm where gods stalk the earth, will you dare to take a stand, or will you succumb to evil's siren song and take up the Serpent Banner?

The tide of evil must be turned back, and heroes are few. Do your characters have the courage to rise against the coming darkness?

Rules System: Systems-neutral
48 pages

List Price: $19.99

Our Price: $7.99

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An A-to-Z Reference for Classic Dungeon Design

Designing dungeons is as easy as A, B, C! The Dungeon Alphabet compiles twenty-six classic dungeon design elements in one place to assist the game master in creating subterranean challenges. A is for Altar, B is for Books, and C is for Caves: the Dungeon Alphabet has advice, hints, and randomized tables that bring new life to your adventures. Suitable for any rules system, the entries are accompanied by outstanding art from classic fantasy illustrators, with a foreword by noted game designer Zeb Cook.

  • Lamentations of the Flame Princess: "Forget OSRIC, Labyrinth Lord, and Swords & Wizardry. Forget Castle Zagyg, Carcosa, and Fight On! If you're looking for the monumental and important release of the OSR, you haven't yet found it. The Dungeon Alphabet by Michael Curtis is it."
  • Bat in the Attic: "Now that I have seen it I think this product is a outstanding achievement in both content and art. At its price it is a great value."
  • Prime Requisite Games: "From the wondrous to the disturbing, The Dungeon Alphabet is teaming with ideas that would prove valuable at the fingertips of any dungeon designer."
  • Carter's Cartopia: "The DA indeed deserves to be singled out as an exemplary old-school product: technically system-free, it introduces the OSR "rules light" vibe to any gamer who might pick it up, and I assume that it would be a useful resource for almost any referee, regardless of system. And very well produced with absolutely top-notch art. Kick ass!"
  • Jeff's Gameblog: "This book is very nearly perfect."
  • Spell Card: "I'd pre-ordered Michael Curtis' wild and woolly Dungeon Alphabet from Goodman Games back in December and it arrived this morning. I can't tell you how un-be-liev-ably cool it is--so I'll just show you!"

Rules Set: Systems-neutral, designed to be used with any RPG

Writer: Michael Curtis
Foreword: David “Zeb” Cook
Cover Artist: Erol Otus
Interior Artists: Brad McDevitt, Jeff Easley, Jim Holloway, Doug Kovacs, William McAusland, Jesse Mohn, Peter Mullen, Erol Otus, Stefan Poag, Jim Roslof, Chad Sergesketter, Chuck Whelon, Mike Wilson
48 pages

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For over 15 years, Goodman Games has established a reputation for publishing some of the best adventure modules in the industry. Now we present our advice on how to write great adventures! This compilation of articles is authored by two dozen of the industry’s best-known adventure writers with...

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For years, legendary gaming icon Colonel Lou Zocchi sold the esoteric 50-sided die at his convention booth. Now Goodman Games brings you Fifty Fantastic Functions for the D50! This entertaining book contains more than 50 entries describing how to use the fifty-sided die. Ranging from randomized...

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Designing dungeons is as easy as A, B, C! ... The Dungeon Alphabet compiles inspirational tables on classic dungeon design elements to assist the Game Master in creating subterranean challenges. This fifth printing adds a new topic for a total of forty-four tables of inspirational materials. ......

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System-Neutral Tools for Every Game Master ... GM Gems: A Tome of Game Master Inspiration is filled with a wealth of information and ideas to empower every aspect of your game. Never run boring, vanilla games and never be caught flat-footed! ... Inspiration and Perspiration ... This 80-page...

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Bring your characters alive... ... ...then keep them that way! PC Pearls is an indispensable tool for players and GMs seeking to invest their characters with personality, depth, motivations, and drives. Included herein are tables and treatises addressing every facet of a character's history, each...

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Four Realms, Four Evils. ... War horns wail and perilous realms cry out for heroes! Four settings, each detailed and mapped, ideal for novices launching their first campaign, or veteran GMs looking to challenge their players with terrible foes and foreign lands... Wildland:The fall of the Bright...

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An A-to-Z Reference for Classic Dungeon Design ... Designing dungeons is as easy as A, B, C! The Dungeon Alphabet compiles twenty-six classic dungeon design elements in one place to assist the game master in creating subterranean challenges. A is for Altar, B is for Books, and C is for Caves: the...