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Abandoned Arts presents...
Monster of the Week: The Mucoroth!

The Monster of the Week product line takes its inspiration from the television trope of the same name: a convention by which a weekly television production might introduce a new freak, villain, or beastie in every episode, allowing the episode’s themes and topics to revolve around the latest “big bad.” Monster of the Week aims to arm GMs with creatures and villains perfect for such a role. Whether you’re looking to populate a memorable encounter or a villainous story arc, our Monster of the Week is made for maximum creepfactor and memorable “wow” power!

Within this installment’s pages you will find the true and terrible description of the mucoroth—an alien visitor possessing a novel (and nauseating!) flavor of immortality. Perfect for horror-themed adventures or encounters, the mucoroth is an alien terror that caaame… from outer spaaace! Bizarre by its behavior and vile by its description, the mucoroth are sure to unsettle your players, who will not soon forget their first foray into a mucoroth colony, only to find themselves... utterly ignored by the indifferent natives? Take a seat by the fire and read on, my friends, and learn why the mysterious, murderous mucoroth have more important things to do than engage your intruding, intrepid band of bumblers…

Our Price: $2.95

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Welcome to Masters & Minions, a product designed to provide you with a band of close-knit NPCs that act in concert to provide a new organization complete with leaders, chief henchmen and minions oozing with character to your Pathfinder Roleplaying Games. These have been designed to provide antagonists or rivals for your heroes, though some may act as allies or support for particularly unorthodox groups.

Unlike a simple thieves’ guild or tribe of orcs, these groups draw much more heavily on influences from comic books and action movies, featuring over-the-top characters and outrageous environments.

Each book will contain everything you need to add a colorful rogue’s gallery of villains to your game, including their stat blocks, a map of their lair and plot hooks. Any trademark items, uniforms, calling cards, techniques and styles will be laid out in detail. It is designed to make sure that you can easily and seamlessly include the new organization in your games, regardless of what setting you use.

This volume features the Hookclaw Gang, a band of thieves and extortionists under the control of a clawed mobster called Lobster. Armed with meat hooks and mischief, these thugs and rogues are sure to cause problems in any city. They put the lean on the local docks, operating out of an abandoned abattoir, using the hooks as a calling card. What makes things worse is that their enigmatic leader is seen as something of a folk hero amongst the poor of the city, a reputation mostly undeserved but still hard to dispute. It comes from his tendency to draw his minions from the unluckiest of thieves—those that have had a hand taken for their larceny. Serving as Lobster’s chief agents are a brutal half-orc named Mr. Hook, a sadistic doctor known only as the Surgeon and a variety of one-handed thieves and brutal meat-hook wielding thugs.

This volume includes all of the background, statistics (ranging from CR 2-7) and encounter maps you might need to add the Hookclaw Gang to your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game campaign today.

Our Price: FREE

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Creaturedaily.com was created by the masterminds of Fat Goblin Games and Wolfgang Baur’s Open Design to bring a wealth of fantastical creatures for your gaming needs. In fact, we offer a new creature every weekday! That’s around 20 creatures a month with full stats, ecology, combat tactics, and colored original art. Each month will have a different theme, genre, or subject all the creatures will have in common, along with a sliding CR scale presenting a progressive increase in difficulty through out the month.

This free preview includes both the nysrogha and goblin naga for your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game!

Our Price: $1.00

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Welcome to MindBlast! Villains Augmented. This is the first in a series of psionic supplements de-signed to help you run games using the rules from Psionics Unleashed by Dreamscarred Press.

This product aims to give you a monsters with a psionic flair with a single, detailed nemesis for cheap. Everything you need to use these monsters is included here.

Presented here is a terrifying specimen of the aboleth species, Yth’Sevech the Deep Terror!

5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Our Price: $4.99

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Welcome to Mindblast! This is the first in a series of psionic supplements de- signed to help you run games using the rules from Psionics Unleashed by Dreamscarred Press.

This volume aims to give you monsters with a psionic flair that you can use in your everyday games. Everything you need to use these monsters is included here. These monsters are de- signed to serve as an excellent addition to your game, or as an introduction to psionics.

All of the monsters within should be familiar to any veteran of the game. They have been given a psionic twist, which lets them fit into any game that uses the psionics rules. Many of these creatures are more cerebral than their mundane versions, but they should still be run to their statistics. They have only the advantages listed, some are quite bright, but others are only somewhat more intelligent than the base species. Hope you enjoy!
Included within are the following:

Psionic barghest: These demonic goblin-kin have potent powers that make them stealthy predators, able to feed on a settlement for months undetected.

Buccaboos: Biggest and smartest of the goblinoids, these psionic cousins of bugbears use their powers of disguise and ambush in their pursuit of brutal murder.

Psionic cats: These gifted felines are surprisingly vicious predators, floating at eye level as they stalk their victims with eerie stealth.

Crystal eaters: These cousins to rust monsters have powerful mandibles that quickly chew through stone and gems.

Deutettin: Sharing the future sight of the Cyclopes and the dual minds of the ettin, these psionic giants are sure to make a lasting impact in the memories of your PCs.

Golden-eyed owlbears: These captivating beasts are sure to lure many a PC to a savage end in their desire to rid the world of non-magical creatures.

Mindspiders: Cousins to the deadly araneas, these malevolent spiders use their mental pow- ers to infiltrate humanoid settlements undetected.

Reds: These brutal hobgoblin cousins are even more capable of organizing entire goblinoid armies in their attempts to rule the world.

The creatures included within this volume are simply the tip of the iceberg as far psionic monsters are concerned. Hopefully these will inspire you to increase the psionic quotient in your games!

2.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

Our Price: $6.99

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This is a collection of all the creatures produced for creaturedaily.com in the month of April. Inside you will find 20 creatures of various CR's all featured in full spread format.

Creaturedaily.com was created by the masterminds of Fat Goblin Games and Wolfgang Baur’s Open Design to bring a wealth of fantastical creatures for your gaming needs. That’s around 20 creatures a month with full stats, ecology, combat tactics, and colored original art. Each month presents a different theme, genre, or subject all the creatures will have in common, along with a sliding CR scale presenting a progressive increase in difficulty through out the month.

In this issue you will find the following creatures:

  • Blood Shadow
  • Boglin
  • Frost Hag
  • Glacial Gaunt
  • Goblin Naga
  • Great Yeti
  • Hoarfrost Hound
  • Hoarfrost Ram
  • Horned Bear
  • Icewisp
  • Ighalan
  • Iron Swarm golem
  • Lightning Treant
  • Nysrogha
  • Rat Ogre
  • Stone Goblin
  • Storm Angel
  • Storm Phoenix
  • Storm Wraith
  • Winter Wight

Our Price: $1.00

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The Monster of the Week - Barang Beetles!

The Monster of the Week product line takes its inspiration from the television trope of the same name: a convention by which a weekly television production might introduce a new freak, villain, or beastie in every episode, allowing the episode’s themes and topics to revolve around the latest “big bad.” Monster of the Week aims to arm GMs with creatures and villains perfect for such a role. Whether you’re looking to populate a memorable encounter or a villainous story arc, our Monster of the Week is made for maximum creepfactor and memorable “wow” power!

Within this installment’s pages you will find the true and terrible description of the barang beetle swarm – a mass of bewitched vermin who crave to nest and lair inside of living flesh. Taken from real-life Visayan mythology and superstition, barang describes a kind of witchcraft by which evil spirits are bid to dwell within familiar vessels – typically beetles, specially prepared and cared for by a mambabarang: a practitioner of the dark arts. To that end, you will find more than baleful beetles below. Included here are insidious spells for a mambabarang villain of your own to cast (perhaps an alchemist, occultist, or witch). But be warned: dabbling in these abandoned arts is sure to take its toll…

Our Price: $1.00

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The Monster of the Week - The Mucoroth!

The Monster of the Week product line takes its inspiration from the television trope of the same name: a convention by which a weekly television production might introduce a new freak, villain, or beastie in every episode, allowing the episode’s themes and topics to revolve around the latest “big bad.” Monster of the Week aims to arm GMs with creatures and villains perfect for such a role. Whether you’re looking to populate a memorable encounter or a villainous story arc, our Monster of the Week is made for maximum creepfactor and memorable “wow” power!

Within this installment’s pages you will find the true and terrible description of the lump hag – a twisted crone with tragic origins. Disquieting and gruesome in the extreme, the lump hag makes an excellent choice for horror-themed adventures and encounters, as well as those designed to elicit feelings of uneasiness in your players. The lump hag might also serve well for certain sorts of mystery adventure, as each hag might incorporate elements of local history into the truth of her own origins. Take a seat by the fire and read on, my friends, and hear the tale of a once-lovely lass turned mindlessly-miserable, hunchbacked old crone; a tragic hag whose doom she inherited from her equally monstrous mother…

Our Price: $1.00

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The Monster of the Week - The Mahaha!

The Monster of the Week product line takes its inspiration from the television trope of the same name: a convention by which a weekly television production might introduce a new freak, villain, or beastie in every episode, allowing the episode’s themes and topics to revolve around the latest “big bad.” Monster of the Week aims to arm GMs with creatures and villains perfect for such a role. Whether you’re looking to populate a memorable encounter or a villainous story arc, our Monster of the Week is made for maximum creepfactor and memorable “wow” power!

Within this installment’s pages you will find the true and terrible description of the mahaha – a shaggy, mountain-dwelling creature not dissimilar to a yeti or sasquatch, and yet far more unnerving than either… for the mahaha leaves its victims with a macabre calling card: a signature smile, twisted and frozen upon the faces of those unfortunate enough to succumb to the monster’s claws. Called by names like “the tickler,” or “the smiling man,” few creatures make for more unsettling foes. Derived from real-world Inuit myth, these terrors of the tundra are presented within these pages in the spirit of the original aboriginal legends. Read on, but take care, lest you crack a smile or let slip a chuckle. You wouldn’t want to do that…

2.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Our Price: $3.99

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Faction: Tear Sworn

Fate can often be a cruel mistress, when fate directs your life into something more than it was; it is not always to your liking.

Beyond the duties of hunting down the undead, the Tear Sworn believe that putting to rest risen dead is only half of their duty. The other half is to help the grieving family(s) though the renewed healing process.

Faction: Tear Sworn brings you the history and details for joining the Tear Sworn, gaining prestige and rewards within the group, new feats and traits, and items and abilities associated with the group. Let your players join the faction or use them as adversaries against the PC's!

4.60/5 (based on 5 ratings)

Our Price: $15.99

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For every light, there is a darkness...
For every hero, there is a villain...
For every adventurer, there is a monster...

Forgotten Foes is a 183-page sourcebook featuring both classic and all-new monsters for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. You'll find old favorites like the crypt thing and grick alongside newer Third Edition mainstays like the nightshades.

We've also combed through 3E-compatible monster books to bring you new versions of the nefarious inphidians and dangerous sin dragons—just to name a few!

Each monster comes fully detailed and illustrated along with its own handy lore table for those knowledgeable adventurers who think they might be able to get an advantage before battle.

Over 100 monsters are waiting to see action in your campaign. Just open the cover, add plot, and allow Forgotten Foes to take your game to the next level!

3.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Our Price: $9.95

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Behind the Monsters: Omnibus takes the 10 issues of monster-featuring series and puts them in one convenient book! Updated to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules set (and given all-new art), the Omnibus gives you 10 creature histories (generating countless plot ideas), special tactics for PCs to use against these foes, and variant creatures/magics based on the titular monsters for each chapter!

The monster lineup includes: barghest, bulette, dark folk, gargoyle, owlbear, roper, skeleton, terror turkey, vegepygmy, and xorn!

Written by a cadre of all-star writing talent, the BtM: Omnibus is a great resource for players and GMs alike. Sometimes you don't need some new over-the-top monster; you need a surprising twist from old favorites. That's what this product delivers in spades.

Our Price: $1.99

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Abandoned Arts presents... ... Monster of the Week: The Mucoroth! ... The Monster of the Week product line takes its inspiration from the television trope of the same name: a convention by which a weekly television production might introduce a new freak, villain, or beastie in every episode,...

Our Price: $2.95

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Welcome to Masters & Minions, a product designed to provide you with a band of close-knit NPCs that act in concert to provide a new organization complete with leaders, chief henchmen and minions oozing with character to your Pathfinder Roleplaying Games. These have been designed to provide...

Our Price: FREE

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Creaturedaily.com was created by the masterminds of Fat Goblin Games and Wolfgang Baur’s Open Design to bring a wealth of fantastical creatures for your gaming needs. In fact, we offer a new creature every weekday! That’s around 20 creatures a month with full stats, ecology, combat tactics, and...

Our Price: $1.00

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Welcome to MindBlast! Villains Augmented. This is the first in a series of psionic supplements de-signed to help you run games using the rules from Psionics Unleashed by Dreamscarred Press. ... This product aims to give you a monsters with a psionic flair with a single, detailed nemesis for...

Our Price: $4.99

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5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Welcome to Mindblast! This is the first in a series of psionic supplements de- signed to help you run games using the rules from Psionics Unleashed by Dreamscarred Press. ... This volume aims to give you monsters with a psionic flair that you can use in your everyday games. Everything you need to...

Our Price: $6.99

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2.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

This is a collection of all the creatures produced for creaturedaily.com in the month of April. Inside you will find 20 creatures of various CR's all featured in full spread format. ... Creaturedaily.com was created by the masterminds of Fat Goblin Games and Wolfgang Baur’s Open Design to bring a...

Our Price: $1.00

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The Monster of the Week - Barang Beetles! ... The Monster of the Week product line takes its inspiration from the television trope of the same name: a convention by which a weekly television production might introduce a new freak, villain, or beastie in every episode, allowing the episode’s...

Our Price: $1.00

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The Monster of the Week - The Mucoroth! ... The Monster of the Week product line takes its inspiration from the television trope of the same name: a convention by which a weekly television production might introduce a new freak, villain, or beastie in every episode, allowing the episode’s themes...

Our Price: $1.00

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The Monster of the Week - The Mahaha! ... The Monster of the Week product line takes its inspiration from the television trope of the same name: a convention by which a weekly television production might introduce a new freak, villain, or beastie in every episode, allowing the episode’s themes...

Our Price: $3.99

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2.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Faction: Tear Sworn ... Fate can often be a cruel mistress, when fate directs your life into something more than it was; it is not always to your liking. ... Beyond the duties of hunting down the undead, the Tear Sworn believe that putting to rest risen dead is only half of their duty. The other...

Our Price: $15.99

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4.60/5 (based on 5 ratings)

For every light, there is a darkness... ... For every hero, there is a villain... ... For every adventurer, there is a monster... ... Forgotten Foes is a 183-page sourcebook featuring both classic and all-new monsters for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. You'll find old favorites like...

Our Price: $9.95

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3.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Behind the Monsters: Omnibus takes the 10 issues of monster-featuring series and puts them in one convenient book! Updated to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules set (and given all-new art), the Omnibus gives you 10 creature histories (generating countless plot ideas), special tactics for PCs...