Life and Death in the City of Strangers!


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New Pathfinder Comic Releases!

The latest Pathfinder Comic series begins! Pathfinder—Spiral of Bones #1—written by Crystal Frasier—is now available!

As the Pathfinders plunge into the history and mysteries below Kaer Maga—the no-holds-barred "City of Strangers"—Valeros plunges far deeper into the great beyond, defending his immortal soul in the courts of the dead! From Pathfinder author Crystal Frasier comes this scintillating tale of life, death, and what lingers when we're gone.

As an added bonus, Spiral of Bones #1 includes a Starfinder backup story By Paizo Starfinder Creative Director Robert G. McCreary. Thousands of years in Pathfinder's future, the Starfinder Society spreads adventure across the solar system!

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This sounds awesome.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Dude, Valeros coming to grips with his mortality (in a small way) was one of the BEST things about the last PF comic story, so I'm all-in for what comes next...

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