We Can Rebuild Them—We Have the Technology!

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide (PFRPG)

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New Pathfinder Campaign Setting release now available!

Tread where few have gone before and lived to tell the tale with the latest Pathfinder Campaign Setting!

Time to suit up and head out like never before with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide! Sorcery and super-science hold an uneasy peace within the borders of Numeria, and now you can take full advantage of the wonders that lie scattered across its plains! Covering dozens of new rules for technological items, from weapons like arc pistols to monowhips to nuclear resonators, to armor like chameleon suits and nanite ablative armor, the Technology Guide expands what's possible in your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! Add cybertech like cyberfiber muscles to your fighter to boost their Strength, give your rogue cybernetic eyes, or dermal plating for your wizard! Grenades, holograms, jetpacks, magboots, and motion trackers will give entirely new options to your game, but as with all things, there are downsides. Technological hazards like radiation, glitchy tech, and side effects of the skymetals that make up the new technology are the price for these new wonders, but new spells like antitech field and remove radioactivity abate some of it! In addition, the technomancer prestige class is for those wishing to fully pursue the study of the advanced technology that lies scattered across Numeria, and several new archetypes like the iron priest or techslinger will give your character a chance to take on the dangers that await in the Land of Fallen Stars!

Take full advantage of the Technology Guide with the Iron Gods Adventure Path, and learn more about Numeria in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars!

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Oddly the more I read the description of this book the more I kept flashing over to Shadowrun in my mind. All that is missing is a global Wi-Fi.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Me, I see Final Fantasy. Also bits of Blade Runner, Cyberpunk and, possibly, the Stalker.


Shadow Lodge

spectre3x3 wrote:
Oddly the more I read the description of this book the more I kept flashing over to Shadowrun in my mind. All that is missing is a global Wi-Fi.

Pretty much that especially on the gear / cybertech side. There's analogs for just about all the stuff from shadowrun; dermal plating, wired reflexes, skill wires, are now dermal plating, wirejack tendons, and skillchips.

I'm currently reading over the first book of the new AP, so I'm not sure at this point if everything feels shoehorned in, or if it fits. The new druid spells form the book definitely have a Luddite feel though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ruemere wrote:
Me, I see Final Fantasy.

Same, specifically 6 and up, maybe excepting 9.

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