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I like blended settings, I play Shadowrun (and pathfinder), liked eberon, spelljammer, heck even BESM and Call of Cthulhu blended magic and tech fairly well. As of this very instant, I'm leery of the numeria stuff. I've read the tech guide, and the first book of Iron gods. Some of the minuses are, some of the items give the impression that they were pulled directly from Shadowrun like the skill chips. The stuff from it that has the potential to be good has the potential to be really good. In the first book (the only one I've read so far) it has started touching on what actually makes divinity in the Pathfinder world/universe, there's a lot of good potential there. It could even touch on some of the whys and wherefores of the starstone, and the mechanisms of deities. I'll pick up the rest of the AP and see where it goes, but druids are definitely giving off a heavy antitech feel in the new stuff. ![]()
spectre3x3 wrote: Oddly the more I read the description of this book the more I kept flashing over to Shadowrun in my mind. All that is missing is a global Wi-Fi. Pretty much that especially on the gear / cybertech side. There's analogs for just about all the stuff from shadowrun; dermal plating, wired reflexes, skill wires, are now dermal plating, wirejack tendons, and skillchips. I'm currently reading over the first book of the new AP, so I'm not sure at this point if everything feels shoehorned in, or if it fits. The new druid spells form the book definitely have a Luddite feel though. ![]()
TheRedArmy wrote:
Personally I would say that they would have to buy the arm pieces and not just the gauntlets to get the penalty. (It lets it jive with the piece mail armor optional rules) Since it's not voluntary, I would probably just apply the arcane spell failure chance from the piece mail chart, and not allow any druid shape shifting / special powers while the item is worn. Since it's not voluntary I don't think they should get tagged for the full 24 hours personally Since it's a home game though I don't really think it's a RAI issue. Go with what's going to work in your game for your group. ![]()
Kthulhu wrote: The Holy Roman Empire was not Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire. Discuss. Meh, the ruler was crowned by a roman pope, thus the name. It was a German empire, but it is generally agreed that it was a political move by the church to gain access the the military power of the German empire.It was done by the church, so it's holy.
So when Otto (the german king) married the widowed Italian queen (Adelaide) he qualified for the title. Though I will admit it's not much of a discussion, and fairly cut and dried. ![]()
How did you know the choker was dead already? Choker's have an int of 4, it may have been playing dead.
On top of that stat wise there's also a +13 to stealth. The GM may have made a steal roll and used it as a play dead roll. Plus if you're going it should just be rules as written, the scorching ray would have never gone off, it has verbal components, and rules as written for the strangle are 'A creature that is grappled by a choker cannot speak or cast spells with verbal components.' All of that really means nothing though. To get an actual useful answer I would recommend going to the GM and asking them what was up with the encounter. ![]()
Chaotic Neutral role models James Bond: - He does everything to protect Queen and Country, including ignoring any inconvenient laws, and is kind of an egomaniac and a womanizer (Bond, James Bond). In most of the movie portrayals anyway. V: - from V for Vendetta. That character might actually be the best cut and dried example of the alignment. ![]()
Deadmanwalking wrote:
Most times it falls under evil because it's desecrating a body and that's why the taboo only applies to sentients. As a corner case (it applied in a game I was playing in) this also applies to familiars, and companion animals that get boosted intelligence (at least according to the GM). ![]()
There's two main approaches to handle it, one is at the table, the other is taking the player aside: One, talk to the player, and go over with them why what their doing is jacked up. Even how going around using the evil-dar on every NPC can be kind of off putting. They're kind of going around glaring at everyone. Two, and this can be the more fun way, depending on the player. Leader of the town, the savior of the townsfolk, lawful evil. You could even make the guy as lawful evil as the day is long, but the townsfolk are his. He's good to them, so they love him. Possibly to the point that, The adviser to the king, casts misdirection on them self so they show up as evil instead of the leader, if the Paladin has a reputation for always detecting evil. The other consideration would be a bit of catering to the players. Having a Paladin in the group gives you an opportunity to hit some of the morality stuff that is normally glossed over, if the group can handle it. It comes down to the kind of Paladin that the player wants to play. Is it the 'I am the shining example of my god's ideals , and I live this every day, or the 'I am the wrath of my god made flesh' kind of Paladin They both work and they're both kosher, so the constant detect evil may e because the player doesn't feel like they're contributing any other way. ![]()
I would suggest is there anything that the players keyed on that wasn't expanded in the initial sessions / plot arc you can develop those. One of the ones I saw kind of sticking out a little would be the rest of the kobold clan shows up, looking for their clerics then begin harassing the people that killed their spiritual leaders. If you got character back stories from the PCs pillage them shamelessly for plot hooks. If you really feel cornered framing one of the PCs for murder can buy you some breathing space. Though if you're feeling overwhelmed with prep, this book is kind of one of the best ones I've found for going over how to approach prep and break it up so it's manageable.
You may kind of be falling into a bit of a trap of thinking a zombie is a zombie is a zombie. There's the monster the Zombie, which can be tweaked in various ways that other people mentioned like using a zombie lord. Then there's what people think of as zombies, mindless squishy (usually because of the rotting flesh) undead. So there is the opportunity to mix it up by applying the undead (or the zombie) subtypes to other things then a medium humanoid base. The other thing you can use to kind of put the respect of the ol' zombie back into high level players can be considered slightly (or very) evil and old school. Some arbitrary number of the zombies, are infested with rot grubs. The details for them are in Bestiary 3 but any undead can be a carrier for them and not be harmed. Or there's the host zombies from classic horrors. Some of it can simply be how you want to put the respect for the mob back into the group. One of the big things for zombies, can be sure they're easy to take out, but if you're not careful you may never feel clean again, or can still get pretty messed up. ![]()
RJGrady wrote:
You're wrong. this is all Racial heritage does'Choose another humanoid race. You count as both human and that race for any effects related to race. For example, if you choose dwarf, you are considered both a human and a dwarf for the purpose of taking traits, feats, how spells and magic items affect you, and so on.' Unfortunately If just this existed then I would say sure. But here's the rules as written counterpoint.
Someone in the thread (I forget who) already mentioned that that is covered in Mythic Racial heritage. Prerequisite(s): Racial Heritage. Benefit: You gain a single racial trait of your choice from the race you picked when you took non-mythic Racial Heritage. That racial trait can't modify your size or ability scores. You also gain the racial language of the race (if any) if you don't already know it. For races with multiple racial languages, you gain all of them. A tail is a physical trait. So if you want it with the orc you would have to pick up racial heritage, then do your time and pick up the mythic feat. Except the description of the monster outlines the traits, and no tail is listed, so Rules as written it won't happen unless you come up with another way to sprout a tail, in a home game I think most GM's would lump the tail in. Though going standard level would give for example a kitsune, or a catfolk a tail slap. All kobolds have the following racial traits. –4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, –2 Constitution: Kobolds are fast but weak. Small: Kobolds are Small and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks. Normal Speed: Kobolds have a base speed of 30 feet. Darkvision: Kobolds can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Armor: Kobolds have a +1 natural armor bonus. Crafty: Kobolds gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (trapmaking), Perception, and Profession (miner) checks. Craft (trapmaking) and Stealth are always class skills for a kobold. Weakness: Light sensitivity. Languages: Kobolds begin play speaking only Draconic. Kobolds who have high Intelligence scores can choose any of the following bonus languages: Dwarven, Gnome, and Undercommon. ![]()
First Paizocon, but not my first con. The big one was I had a great time and enjoyed the con.
The musters before the games were a bit disorganized, I found you had to be pretty aggressive about tracking the people with the muster sheets to make sure you got your ticketed spot, or got on a table. The big factor for this I think was the hallway setup and that the volunteers probably blew out their voices wrangling people on Friday. Food: It was an airport hotel, I took the hit. Though there was a Denny's 4 or 5 blocks away. Games: Played the Gencon special, it was fun but it seemed like the feedback from the players doing stuff flat out ignored the tier(4-5) my table was playing in. The Washington ballroom was packed full of tables which was nice, but was fairly hard / impossible to navigate to get to and from tables if your game took a break, or you had the bad luck to be inside a group of tables that were already seated before you got into the room. My only disappointment was I didn't get drawn for the lotteried event I wanted to get into, but into every life some rain must fall. All in all I really liked the con and plan to make it back next year. ![]()
buddahcjcc wrote:
I would say no, every class tends to have the possibility for the miracle shot. If the sleep hex was always going to hit, sure it's over powered, but you had the same odds of rolling a 20 and clearing the check. As for the spells, if I remember right for the ever level one spell the witch would have to multi class because they are excluded from some of the spells. They class isn't really better or worse then any others, it comes down to what's an acceptable trade off for your play style etc, etc. Any class / character can come off as way unbalancing if you commit to a single thing in the build. Some of it's on the GM to adapt to it, but if it was a society session then the gm's hands are tied a little bit because of the constraints there. |