Twenty Foot Radius of Fiery Fun!


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New Pathfinder Comic now available!

Splitting the party leads to bad times with the latest Pathfinder Comic!

Things get a little heated in City of Secrets #3, the newest issue of Pathfinder Comics! While the wizard Ezren meets up with a contact to find out more information about Magnimar's troubles, Valeros, Seoni, Harsk, and Kyra run smack dab into the midst of lethal danger in the Dockway district! A planned ambush goes awry, and their target flees into the night, whisked away by a new threat to the City of Secrets! Meanwhile, Merisiel struggles with her past and her future, and friendships start to pull apart at the seams... City of Secrets #3 also contains a new site for use in your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game—Serpent's Run! This arena (which is portrayed on the pull-out battlemap included in this issue) is run by the friendly dwarf Jorston "Axetongue" Droaeb and the rewards for winning are nothing to turn your nose up at! Unfortunately, to get to the good stuff, you'll have to face off against the champion, a fearsome Shoanti with the moniker of "Bonecrusher"—a title that's not just clever marketing for Serpent's Run!

Check out the rest of the Pathfinder Comics right here, and don't miss out on the exclusive cover variants by subscribing today!

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Scarab Sages

I like the covers combining into one picture. Very effective when done right.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Snorter wrote:
I like the covers combining into one picture. Very effective when done right.

I did not see that... damn that is awesome.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Anyone know who the Hero of Magnimar winner was for this one?

Webstore Gninja Minion

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Aeldren the Sword (N male half-elf fighter 2/rogue (spy) 2) from Michael Brothers of Ann Arbor, MI.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Thanks Liz!

Dark Archive

Liz Courts wrote:
Aeldren the Sword (N male half-elf fighter 2/rogue (spy) 2) from Michael Brothers of Ann Arbor, MI.

So... it's probably super late that I'm arriving to this particular party... but I had no idea that my character had been selected until this morning when a friend asked me if something I'd done had gotten published in a Pathfinder Comic. I was all like "Well, maybe. Let me do a quick search."

Then BLAM!

I find this post.

I'm beyond words. I have the City of Secrets comics held for me at my local comic store, but I hadn't picked them up yet (I like reading them all at once, basically). Thank you so much for considering me and thank you so much for including Aeldren in your world! I'm going to rush out and nab these from the comic shop ASAP.

Thank you so much!

`Michael Brothers

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