Don't Eat the Faerie Food!


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New Pathfinder RPG supplements from Super Genius Games!

There are a lot of rules when dealing with the fey—these dwellers of fen and dell are full of quirks, and with the latest offering from Super Genius Games, you'll be able to add them without fear to your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game!

In Mythic Menagerie: Faeries of the Fringe, the Geniuses deal with the fey that are even further off the beaten path than the commonly known dryads, pixies, satyrs, and sprites! Charnel-kin from rural graveyards, the cat fey known as cait sith, black swans, and river mothers are some of the new creatures that you'll find in this PDF, along with feats that grants new bonuses or give the ability to grant blessings to those that leave a proper offering (milk and bread, for those that are curious).

Urban fantasy games are fun, exciting changes from typical dungeon-crawling affairs, but not all character classes are created equal when solving crimes! Anachronistic Adventurers: The Investigator takes a bite out of crime with its all-new base class, and with such talents like canny maneuvers and canny strikes, you'll be able to use your wits to defeat foes and use obscure knowledge to solve mysteries! Included are archetypes like medical examiner and inventor to give you even more options for the investigator class.

Last, we have two Bullet Point PDFs! Short and sweet, these PDFs give you an appetizer-sized addition to your game that takes a simple concept and giving you more options for your game! 7 Time Thief & Time Warden Feats presents new choices for these popular classes, while the FREE 8 Dragonrider Feats give you more alternatives when sailing through the sky on your draconic ally!

Check out all of Super Genius Games' Pathfinder Roleplaying Game supplements here!

More Blog.

With the blog title being "Don't Eat the Faerie Food," a quick glance at the cover of the book makes it look like the title is "Faeries of the Fridge."

Okay, time for my breakfast!

Are you sure that's your HUNGER the cover is arousing?

(Sorry. I couldn't resist.)

Grand Lodge

There's a reference I hadn't expected to see.

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