Starfinder society symbol: a round compass with a four pointed start at the center


Starfinder Society Scenarios are 4-5 hour adventures. Our scenarios are considered the main plotline for the campaign.

A starship on a blank transparent background


Starfinder Bounties are one-hour adventures. These bite-size adventures ask characters to take on a quick side job in return for credits.

If you want to jump right into Starfinder Society, you can download a level 1 pregenerated character for free at If you prefer to build your own character, you can do so using the options in the Starfinder Core Rulebook without owning the book! 

The Starfinder Society campaign generally lets players use as much content from our rulebooks as possible. However, we do review the options to be sure that they’re appropriate for public play, and occasionally restrict options due to balance or content concerns. See the Character Options page for more information. You can also check out the Character Creation Guide in the Guide to Organized Play for more details on customizing your character to the world of Starfinder.

A yellow glowing data pad

Experience (XP)

Typically a Scenario rewards 1 XP, while Bounties earn less. Every time your character earns 3 XP, they level up!

credit sticks


During adventures, you’ll often find treasure. At the end of the adventure, the Society rewards you with credits based on your character level.

a floating droid holding a serving tray with a champagne bottle and glasses


Your character earns Reputation with their chosen faction as they complete adventures. This is a measure of how well-regarded you are by the Society, and achieving certain tiers unlocks additional rewards.

different colored multi-sided gems with different symbols in the center

Achievement Points

Achievement Points are tracked online, and can be spent in our online boon store to unlock additional character options, such as new species or rare magical items. Additionally, they can be spent to heal conditions or even return your character to life.

A white icon that resembles the planet Earth
A white graphic that resembles a cash register

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White graphic shaped like a twenty sided die

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A white graphic that resembles a small group of three people

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Access: if your character has Access to a character option, it means they can take it during character creation or level up. See the Character Options page for more information.

Achievement Points: earned for every game you play, these points are tracked on They can be spent on boons to unlock character options, heal or resurrect your character, and more!

Adventure: An Adventure is any prewritten Starfinder adventure that can be played for Starfinder Society credit. Types of Adventures include Scenarios, Bounties or Adventure Paths.

Adventure Mode: Adventures that are not written for the Starfinder Society campaign, such as Adventure Paths and standalone Adventures, are sanctioned for play in Adventure Mode. Generally, this means that the rules of the campaign are relaxed, allowing GMs to set their own rules around character creation and variant rules. Typically after playing an adventure in Adventure Mode, you will be given a Chronicle Sheet which awards one level of credit to a Starfinder Society character of your choice within a certain level range.

Boon: A boon is a special reward that your character earns, or which you purchase from the online boon store. A boon typically unlocks access to new character options, though some boons give you other new abilities. Boons appear on Chronicle Sheets, and you should keep copies of all the boons your character has earned with their records.

Bounty: Starfinder Bounties are one-hour adventures for 2-6 characters. These bite-size adventures ask characters to take on a quick side job in return for gold. Typically they feature one combat and one skill challenge, making them quick and easy introductory adventures.

Faction: The Starfinder Society has a number of factions, which represent their members’ interests in the Society at large. During each scenario, your character picks a faction to champion, or represent, and will earn Reputation with that faction based on the outcome of the scenario. See the faction pages for more information.

Reputation: Your character earns Reputation with their chosen faction as they complete adventures, and sometimes factions will give you special missions to complete to earn bonus Reputation. This Reputation is a measure of how well-regarded you are by the Society, and achieving certain tiers unlocks additional rewards.

Scenario: Starfinder Society Scenarios are 4-5 hour adventures for 2-6 SFS characters. Our scenarios are considered the main plotline for the campaign, and outside of specific exceptions, each player can play each scenario once. In the course of these adventures, you’ll travel across the galaxy exploring new places, meeting colorful characters and discovering hidden secrets.

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