Pathfinder Occult Spell Cards (Remastered)

Our Price: $32.99

Preorder expected November 2024

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Discover the mysteries of the occult with Pathfinder Occult Spell Cards!

Featuring all of the occult spells from Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder Player Core 2 on over 240 reference cards, this is a vital accessory for those who dabble in the esoteric arts. Open your mind to the unknown!

Players can easily arrange and plan their spells within moments, and a quick scan of the cards presents a caster's tactical options at a glance. The possibilities are endless, but Pathfinder Occult Spell Cards let you master the mysteries of magic!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-615-8

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Accessories Subscription.

Product Availability

Preorder, expected approximately 20 Nov 2024

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Announced for November! Product images and descriptions are not final and are subject to change. :)

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'll look at the advertized number of cards for each decks, and guesstimate the number of spells of that tradition in PC2, and compare to pre-remaster:

Deck: 240+
PC: 192. So...
PC2 should have... ~48~57 occult spell. Interesting.
CRB 216 + APG 42 = 258 spells.
So... Between ~8~18ish occult spells lost.

Note that I said "lost", but many were combined from multiple spell into a single one (Light/Dancing Light, as the easiest example.)

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I got my PC2 book PDF! So, here the results for my Guesstimates!

Deck: 240+ | PC: 192
PC2: Estimated ~48~57 | Actual: 54
For a total of: 192 + 54 = 246
Pretty comfortably inside my prediction! [+1]
CRB + APG = 258 spells, so we "lost" 12 spells. That's a lot, but in the middle of what I expected.

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