Pathfinder Howl of the Wild Sketch CoverPaizo Inc.A Wild Adventure! A sound echoes across the world’s farthest wildernesses: the howl of countless animals and beasts! This all-new 224-page Pathfinder rulebook dives deep into the wilderness like never before! With new ancestries, character options, animal companions, wilderness foes and more, Howl of the Wild provides a traveler’s pack worth of value for players and Game Masters alike! This sketch cover edition features a beautiful image of the original pencil sketch of the Pathfinder Howl of the Wild cover by superstar artist Wayne Reynolds, and is offered exclusively to Paizo’s hobby retail partners for the first 120 days of release. Join a bumbling naturalist and an eccentric crew as they cross continents in their fantastic airship, searching for four legendary beasts. Along the expedition, you’ll find…
Written by: Kate Baker, Rigby Bendele, Chris Bissette, Jeremy Blum, Logan Bonner, Dan Cascone, James Case, Jessica Catalan, Brite Cheney, Rue Dickey, Caryn DiMarco, Matthew Fu, Leo Glass, Steven Hammond, Patrick Hurley, Michelle Y. Kim, Dustin Knight, Kendra Leigh Speedling, Christiana Lewis, Jessie "Aki" Lo, Luis Loza, Letterio Mammoliti, Jonathan "Ryomasa" Mendoza, Quinn Murphy, Dave Nelson, Mikhail Rekun, Kai Revius, Ember Rose, Simone D. Sallé, Michael Sayre, Shay Snow, Levi Steadman, Kyle Tam, Ruvaid Virk, and Andrew White. ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-586-1 Product Availability
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