Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path (Foundry VTT) BUNDLE

4.90/5 (based on 12 ratings)

Our Price: $120.00

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Pathfinder’s most-popular campaign ever returns in this massive new compilation updated for Pathfinder Second Edition on Foundry Virtual Tabletop!

The Stolen Lands have long been the domain of bandits and monsters, but no longer! Your party has been granted a charter to explore these wilds, defeat its dangers, and build a brand new nation. Yet not everyone will welcome you as new neighbors, and powerful supernatural forces have their own plans for the region. Can you defeat your kingdom’s enemies and become leaders of one of the greatest new nations in the world? The Kingmaker Adventure Path presents a full-length campaign that chronicles the rise of a new nation—a kingdom built and ruled by your player characters! Face off against bands of bloodthirsty bandits, deadly and dangerous monsters, and mysterious menaces from other realities as you fight to claim the Stolen Lands as your own. Will you rule with justice and mercy, or will you become the very monsters you fought to oppose? In the Kingmaker Adventure Path, the destiny of the world’s newest nation is yours to decide!


Pathfinder: Kingmaker for Foundry Virtual Tabletop contains all content from the Kingmaker adventure path, including:

  • All adventure text organised into hundreds of pages of hand-formatted and interlinked journal pages
  • All scenes fully configured with walls, lighting, sounds, and notes as appropriate, including support for overhead tiles.
  • An all new, high-resolution map of the Stolen Lands, beautifully reimagined by Damien Mammoliti! (Available only for Foundry Virtual Tabletop)
  • Exclusive, highly detailed and immersive adventure maps for every battlemap included in the Kingmaker: Adventure Path book. Each lovingly re-created by Narchy Maps and Alaustin using assets from Forgotten Adventures.
  • The battlemaps from the Kingmaker Companion guide, digitally optimised for VTT use
  • 57 gorgeous 'strategy-scale' maps intended for use with the Warfare and Settlements subsystems
  • Custom timesaving macros and scripts to underscore setpiece moments and streamline the gameplay experience
  • Integration with the Pathfinder 2E system's Kingdom and Army actor sheets
  • Custom Hex Exploration tools for GMs and players, allowing GMs the ability to edit and track the features of hexes as their party explore the Stolen Lands
  • Portraits and token art for more than 500 creatures and NPCs to fill all your combat and story needs!
  • An additional 55 tokens (each available in a further six different colours) for tracking armies and the party on the region map
  • Nearly 10 hours of music, ambient sounds, and sound effects carefully organized into over three hundred playlists, hand-curated and mixed to provide an optimum soundscape for your adventures in the Stolen Lands. Featuring audio provided courtesy of the very generous Owlcat Games.

Installation and Activation

This purchase will grant you an activation code which can be activated through your Foundry VTT account page at and access to the PDF version of the same content (both downloadable from your My Downloads page on Afterwards you will be able to install the "Pathfinder Adventure Path: Kingmaker (Foundry VTT)" module on the Foundry Virtual Tabletop setup screen. To learn more about activating and installing premium content in Foundry Virtual Tabletop, visit

Note: If you already own the Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path PDF, you may follow this link to purchase just the module at a discount equal to the price of the PDF. If you do not own the PDF, it will be automatically added to your digital library when you purchase this Foundry module at its regular price.

Additional Product Images

(click to enlarge)
FVTT2020-1 FVTT2020-2 FVTT2020-3 FVTT2020-4

Product Availability

Will be available for purchase approximately 27 Sep 2023

Fulfilled immediately.

Are there errors or omissions in this product information? Got corrections? Let us know at


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Average product rating:

4.90/5 (based on 12 ratings)

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Worth It


This module has been in development for a long time, and you can tell that the team labored over this module with lots of passion. If you want to play Kingmaker using a VTT this is the way to go.

Pathfinder: Kingmaker Module


Flawless maps, really wonderful automation and a lovely team that regularly responds to criticism and questions on the discord. A job well done.

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Cori Marie wrote:
Then don't buy it. For me the value is there because of the amount of time similar prep takes me. If you don't need or want that level of prep nobody is twisting your arm to buy this.

Why do ppl think this is a valid argument when discussing price is beyond me. That I’m not buying and you are is already established, stating that has no bearing on the fairness of the product price tough.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
DakonBlackblade wrote:
That I’m not buying and you are is already established, stating that has no bearing on the fairness of the product price tough.

Oh, if you want to talk about fairness, then lets talk about the people who worked on this product making a living wage, and being paid fairly for their time and creativity!

The fact that other companies exploit their freelancers and their employees has no bearing on whether Paizo and their licensees pay fair wages.

If you aren't willing to to buy things that you think aren't worth the price to you, then that's fine.

But the value of a product is based on what people are willing to pay for it. There is nothing unfair about other people being willing to pay more than you are for this product.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Looking at the other major VTT platforms offering this for sale, it doesn't seem exorbitantly priced for Foundry.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

And the quality of the product is a LOT better on Foundry, just comparing the Foundry module versus all the AP modules I've bought on Fantasy Grounds

Grand Archive

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
DakonBlackblade wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
Then don't buy it. For me the value is there because of the amount of time similar prep takes me. If you don't need or want that level of prep nobody is twisting your arm to buy this.
Why do ppl think this is a valid argument when discussing price is beyond me. That I’m not buying and you are is already established, stating that has no bearing on the fairness of the product price tough.

To note, looking at napkin math based on previous modules, this is actually cheaper than their previous pricings.

Bloodlords, the last 6-part AP we got, also got modules.
Each "bundles" (PDF + Module) is priced at 34.99$, for a total of 209.94$.
If you own the PDF already, you can buy the modules only for 14.99$, or 89.94$ total.
Here we have Kingmaker, that have a bit more content that were in the old 6 books (more quests, more NPCs, more foes, more side stories) and its full price is 120$ for PDF + Module, 70$ if you already have the 50$ PDF.
That's already cheaper, but they currently have a special ON TOP OF THAT that makes the full price half the price of the previous 6 parter, and the "module-only" price only 5$ more than half price of the corresponding Bloodlords products.

If you don't own the PDFs of any of them, it's currently cheaper to buy this than all the parts of Sky King's Tomb! (And it's a 3 parter!)

I know it hasn't been brought up yet, but what if you reply with: "But Roll20 is cheaper!"
Then I have actually TWO answers for you.
1: The quality of the work they do is of MUCH lower quality. They also have a weird policy of not updating stuff, and there's a lot of errata missing from even the core rules you can buy from them right now. (Not even counting bugs that have been on the character sheet for at least a year now.) On the other hand, the FoundryVTT people are known to very swiftly correct bugs and errors when they are reported to them.
2: I have heard things about the people doing that work for them and how much of that money they saw... I won't repeat them as I have not kept receipts, and it might have changed since, BUT it was not good.

But yeah. A company offer a product, and set the prices.
It's an optional product for entertainements. It's, by definition, a luxury product. IMHO, the only way we can decide if that price is "fair" or not, is by looking at how much of that money will go toward the people that made them.

Do you think the prices of luxury cars are "unfair" cause there are cheaper cars around? (TBF, if you reply yes, then at least you're consistent. I would give that to you, that's something I respect.)

For a more "apple to apple" comparison, we could also talk about the "platinum boxed sets" that Beadle and Grimm releases for different TTRPG campaigns, at deluxe prices. That's the exact same kind of things. Pre-prepared high quality props they offer for GMs to give players a more "deluxe" experience while reducing the GM's prep work at the same time.
So do you think their boxed set for Curse of Strahd at around 400$ is unfair? (BTW, they don't offer a smaller price for a bundle without the adventure, if you already own it.)

It's perfectly ok to mention that you would only buy that product at a lower price. That's perfectly ok.
It becomes really rude to the people that worked on that product though when you decide that it's worth arguing over it for DAYS on a forum.
And specifically calling it "unfair", when it's a purely optional and "luxury" product? That just sound weird to me. :X Unfair to whom? To you? Why? You don't want it at that price, and you don't need it. Where's the problem? Why is it "unfair"? Becasue someone that has more money than you can buy it and use it? That's true of a LOT more things in life, and that's actually a problem with the capitalism system. But that enter politics, and it's not the place to talk about it here.

Anyway. I spent way too much time on that post. I'll now take my leave, have a good day/night (choose the one that apply for your specific context).

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DakonBlackblade wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
Then don't buy it. For me the value is there because of the amount of time similar prep takes me. If you don't need or want that level of prep nobody is twisting your arm to buy this.
Why do ppl think this is a valid argument when discussing price is beyond me. That I’m not buying and you are is already established, stating that has no bearing on the fairness of the product price tough.

If you could post a link to the extensive analysis on cost/hours invested in making it/hours of use a purchaser is expected to get that you did to ascertain the price point is both not only unfair but also poor value compared to AAA video games it would really help us see your point, unless y’know, you’re just basing it off your feelings.

Cause if so then the only real feedback with respect to value is from those who’ve posted their hours taken to create similar content and how much that would have cost them, by which metric this is pretty great value for money.

Is there an end date on this? I would very much like to get it on discount ($157 AUD) but I just want to do some research on running it as I am still new to GMing PF2e and dont want to jump in if its out of my league lol

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

They have said the sale end date is likely going to be after the second part is released so that people waiting for that can take advantage of the sale.

Cori Marie wrote:
They have said the sale end date is likely going to be after the second part is released so that people waiting for that can take advantage of the sale.

Awesome. Thanks

Is there any word as to when the second part is released? What's here already looks amazing, can't wait to play this as my next campaign. Having GM'd the original 1e AP, this is going to be interesting.

Sovereign Court

diogenes84 wrote:
Is there any word as to when the second part is released? What's here already looks amazing, can't wait to play this as my next campaign. Having GM'd the original 1e AP, this is going to be interesting.

Only info we have so far is from the initial post

"The remaining content will release before the end of 2023 as a free update, and will include all remaining Kingmaker content at no additional expense."

Yep, so far the only word is "before the end of 2023", so that's a commitment to having it out before 11:59PM Pacific Time, Dec. 31st, 2023.

Which suits my group just fine, since we're just starting tomorrow and there's no way on God's green earth we'll be getting past Varnhold by December, but different groups do go at different paces.

That said, unless your group plays a *lot*, I can't imagine you'll hit a content wall ahead of Dec. 31st.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I completely agree with the camp defending the price here, considering I get the PDF and the whole thing all prepped in Foundry the price is well worth it to me. This is a beautifully prepared adventure path with hundreds of hours of play time. I've purchased the Beginner Box, Abomination Vaults, and Kingmaker so far for Foundry and don't regret a single one of the purchases for even one second.

Especially if you take a minute to realize that all of the assets in these modules are reusable for other games if you want to use them that way.

No I am not one of the module developers :).

Thanks for all the hard work put in to this!

desverendi wrote:

I completely agree with the camp defending the price here, considering I get the PDF and the whole thing all prepped in Foundry the price is well worth it to me. This is a beautifully prepared adventure path with hundreds of hours of play time. I've purchased the Beginner Box, Abomination Vaults, and Kingmaker so far for Foundry and don't regret a single one of the purchases for even one second.

Especially if you take a minute to realize that all of the assets in these modules are reusable for other games if you want to use them that way.

No I am not one of the module developers :).

Thanks for all the hard work put in to this!

I should also add that I've purchased the Bestiaries token pack and it is absolutely amazing too. So much time and effort put in to these products.

I'm a little reluctant to start the campaign before the 2nd part is released, because I'm a little afraid that the update will overwrite modifications that I have made to characters or maps.

In addition, do we know what the impacts of the changes to the Pathfinder system will be on the Kingmaker module?

I play in French and it's a bit of chaos in terms of the translations of these changes so for the moment my version of the Pathfinder module is blocked but I hope that this will not prevent updates to the Kingmaker module .

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Breaking news! Part 2 of the module comes out on the 14th! HERE'S the trailer showing off some of the new maps and sheets for the module!

And remember, the discount for the module ends after the 2nd part comes out!

Hi, question: besides the redefining stat blocks and stuff, is this module system agnostic enough as to run it without conflict in other systems? I'm running Kingmaker in 1e, so I'd like to know if I'll have to convert anything else beside stat blocks or I'd have a conflict with the PF1e system module.

Thanks :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just shouting it everywhere I can;

Thursday the 14th at approximately 9PM PST will be the last opportunity for the discount!

The release of part two will follow shortly afterward.

Is it out already or will it come later today?

Grand Lodge

oxio wrote:

Hi, question: besides the redefining stat blocks and stuff, is this module system agnostic enough as to run it without conflict in other systems? I'm running Kingmaker in 1e, so I'd like to know if I'll have to convert anything else beside stat blocks or I'd have a conflict with the PF1e system module.

Thanks :D

Module isn't system agnostic, but with a little bit of script editing you can get the maps, playlists, and journals to import over with only minor issues. NPCs won't function correctly, as they were originally built for 2e, and neither will hex exploration and kingdom building.

Do we need to reimport the adventure after the 2.0 update?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

They recommend reimporting, but be sure to back up first

Is it possible to get some clarity on what will actually be released with "part 2"?

For context, the only automation I am seeing with "part 1" seems to revolve around hex exploring (and the setup wizard); which do look cool, to be fair.

However, as I have run this campaign multiple times ... imho that is just small potatoes compared to the over head of managing the nation meta data, all the settlements, upgrades to every hex and that is without even mentioning ARMIES.

Sadly, none of the comments about "part 2" mention ANY of these things. Can anyone share details on WHAT is in the roadmap?

Will the completed product include any automation around kingdom management and/or tracking each kingdom turn?

How about support for Armies? Creating, upgrading and fighting with said armies?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Armies are in part two. I haven't dug into the kingdom management very far but I think that's in part two as well.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The update for part 2 isn't showing up on the Forge. Does someone need to upload it there so we who use it can update? It's 2.0 when I download to my PC but still 1.0.1 on the Forge.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Its there for me on Forge? I updated on Thursday when it released.

Does anyone know how to import content without overwriting my current campaign? eg notes on the main map, character edits, etc? I really just want to import all the new chapters. Is there not a way to do that?

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Cori Marie wrote:
Its there for me on Forge? I updated on Thursday when it released.

It is. Oddly, it only shows 1.0.1 as my version. I'll send them a note and see if they can help me sort this out. Thanks.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

I think my group will be running this AP at the start of the new year. Is this AP fully released now? (I see some recent posts talking about the second part coming out- is that part 2/2?)


Envoy's Alliance

Terry Mixon wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
Its there for me on Forge? I updated on Thursday when it released.
It is. Oddly, it only shows 1.0.1 as my version. I'll send them a note and see if they can help me sort this out. Thanks.

Make sure that you’re on a relatively recent version of Foundry (.311 should be far enough) so that you can update to the latest release for PF2e. It’s needed as it adds the army actors to Kingmaker-flagged worlds.

Forge doesn’t always keep you up to date with the latest releases because that’s how they decided to do things.

Just a quick note for those following this thread, today marks the third part in our two part release! (haha)

We decided to go the extra mile and add special support for settlement building so you can visually represent your players' settlements!

In Foundry, my Kingmaker only goes up to chapter 6b, Vordakai's Tomb. What do I have to do to get the rest of it?

Dlw wrote:
In Foundry, my Kingmaker only goes up to chapter 6b, Vordakai's Tomb. What do I have to do to get the rest of it?

After updating the module (from the setup menu), you will likely need to reimport to add content. BACK UP YOUR WORLD BEFORE DOING SO!

Changes you have made to existing scenes may be replaced. Please review the kingmaker changelog which has advice on whether you should reimport, it's visible by typing 'changelog' into the search of the compendium menu.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
AnathemaMask wrote:
Dlw wrote:
In Foundry, my Kingmaker only goes up to chapter 6b, Vordakai's Tomb. What do I have to do to get the rest of it?

After updating the module (from the setup menu), you will likely need to reimport to add content. BACK UP YOUR WORLD BEFORE DOING SO!

Changes you have made to existing scenes may be replaced. Please review the kingmaker changelog which has advice on whether you should reimport, it's visible by typing 'changelog' into the search of the compendium menu.

I assumed the same for Part 3. However, I didn't get the structure browser macro. Is there something different to do in this case?

Will this be getting updated for v12.x?
FWIW, it's definitely worth the price. Excellent product.

Also wondering ETA for Kingmaker working with Foundry 12.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I mean at the *very* least it will be after the PF2 *system* is ready for v12, which will be next week at the earliest.

I tried to update from 2.0.0 to 2.1.1. This latest iteration is inconceivably large; so large, in fact, that it‘s impossible to install on Forge VTT. I‘ve been wondering at the reasoning behind the bloat and whether there will be a more reasonably sized update in the future.

The quest for "Howl of the North Wind" (TW7) is not listed in the quests journal, also the link to the quest is broken on the TW4 journal page.

I'm completly new to foundry and as it seems by far the most complete and higher quality, I think I'll give it a try...

Before doing so I have a question regarding what's needed to make sure I miss nothing.

-A licence of fondry VTT 50USD
-The Kingmaker bundle 120USD (I don't have the pdf, only HC)

What I'm not sure is that the bundle include tokens, is it only for specific Kingmaker monsters/npc, or the generic troll or orc that may appears in encounters of random encounters are also included? Also will this content be usable in other game I run that are not Kingmaker?

Do I need to buy rulebook core or other (like Herolab) to add players options?

Anything I missed?

Thank you, ready to jump, but want to be sure I jump in what..

DanyRay wrote:

I'm completly new to foundry and as it seems by far the most complete and higher quality, I think I'll give it a try...

Before doing so I have a question regarding what's needed to make sure I miss nothing.

-A licence of fondry VTT 50USD
-The Kingmaker bundle 120USD (I don't have the pdf, only HC)

What I'm not sure is that the bundle include tokens, is it only for specific Kingmaker monsters/npc, or the generic troll or orc that may appears in encounters of random encounters are also included? Also will this content be usable in other game I run that are not Kingmaker?

Do I need to buy rulebook core or other (like Herolab) to add players options?

Anything I missed?

Thank you, ready to jump, but want to be sure I jump in what..

All the rules sources are pretty much in Foundry (I think there are still a few things being updated such as the Remastered Alchemist, but by and large it all pretty much is built into the system. No need to buy Herolab or any other rulebooks for use in Foundry.

You will get the PDF for Kingmaker when you buy the premium module, no way around that.

Most if not all of the encounters from Kingmaker will already have token art. If you add monsters from the Foundry compendium, they won't have art. It may be worth buying the the Monster Core or Bestiary token packs, but there aren't strictly necessary.

Thanks, will give it a try!

This is a MUST-BUY if you run KM.

Do these modules work well with homebrew content or supplementary kingdom rules?

Could we get an update to the vtt module so that the areas of the map are listed for the GM (Greenbelt, Rostland Hinterlands, etc.) also for the points of interest to have their corresponding location number visible along with the location title?

Is there a community to help a newb setup the Hexploration? Just installed it, but for some reasong, my players view doesn't remove the Fog of war Image when their token move around the map. What am I missing?

how easy is it too use this for Pathfinder 1E

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