Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Kingmaker Adventure Path Noble Manor Multi-Pack

Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Kingmaker Adventure Path Noble Manor Multi-Pack
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Be it an aristocrat’s manor or a sovereign's throne hall, all nobles and rulers need places to live and to hold court. This Flip-Mat Multi-Pack features two wings of a sprawling mansion fit for nobility as well as two versions of a throne room—rustic wood and elegant stone—to represent two different variations on the same ruler’s grand hall. Designed specifically to work with Pathfinder’s Kingmaker Adventure Path, these high-utility maps also make an ideal resource for any fantasy RPG campaign!

Each Flip-Mat measures 24" by 30" unfolded and 8" by 10" folded. A Flip-Mat’s coated surface can handle any dry-erase, wet-erase, or even permanent marker. Usable by experienced GMs and novices alike, Pathfinder Flip-Mats fit perfectly into any Game Master’s arsenal!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-417-8

Note: Flip-Mat: Kingmaker Adventure Path Noble Manor Multi-Pack is not included in the Pathfinder Maps subscription.

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