Specific OGL question, bolstering my knowledge please

Community Use

Greetings. I've got a specific question that might seem obvious to some - in fact, I'm hoping it *is* obvious to some so that you can lend me your knowledge. :)

After poring over the OGL and Community Use guidelines with a trained eye (not a lawyer just yet but I do have the JD) I'm still not entirely comfortable I have a solid answer to the following example question.

Q: If I am writing a third-party supplement (adventure, campaign setting, etc.) and I have created an alternate Ancestry that is similar in concept to an Elf, can I literally lift the Ancestral Longevity Ancestry Feat, using the same title and description word-for-word?

I do believe the feat falls under the "mechanic" descriptor, which means that I can indeed do so, but I just want to confirm. If not, I'll need to add a brand new feat that has a different name and a slightly differing wording, which seems nonsensical.

Thank you for any help!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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It is a game mechanic, and it does not fit any of the categories of Product Identity listed in the book, so it's Open Game Content.

So, yes, you can use (technically, "use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of") it in your own OGL product.

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