Class Suggestions


So I have a new player who has been watching The Last Air Bender and wants to play monk of the four winds. Sadly our group already has a monk of the four winds and it wouldn't really fit the party composition for the world I am creating. I honestly didn't want any monks in my game.

Do you have any suggestions for other class archtypes which might fit what this player is looking for?

lostpike wrote:

So I have a new player who has been watching The Last Air Bender and wants to play monk of the four winds. Sadly our group already has a monk of the four winds and it wouldn't really fit the party composition for the world I am creating. I honestly didn't want any monks in my game.

Do you have any suggestions for other class archtypes which might fit what this player is looking for?


Druid- Has elemental spells and Domains or Companion. All avatars have a spirit Animal. Can forgo wild shape for Nature's Fang Archetype. Giving the druid better chance to hit. Could even look into a Crossclass build.

Hunter- Like druid with a companion. Can cross class 1-2 levels wild child brawler and have Unarmed strikes and Brawler's FLurry for unarmed fighting.

Bloodrager- Elemental Bloodlines (Elemental Bloodlines suck but he is choosing flavor over power.)

Kineticist- Don't know much about them but they are Elemental-ly. I tend to not like Occult classes as a personal dislike. But if you guys allow them into your game you should look the class over.

Psychic or Wizard- Make things go boom. Less about the physical aspect more about mastery of Elements.

Kineticist is the class that seems most bender to me.

When I read the kineticist literally the first thing I thought was this is how you make benders.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

3rding pretty much is a bender, except that you have the option to branch out into other elements (though you don't have to, necessarily). Sounds like the player would want to start off with aerokinesis if they want to be an airbender.

You also should figure in these concepts when building an avatar like character:

1: They have martial abilities. Each bending style is a martial arts as well. Wind= Bagua, Earth= Hung Gar (toph is special and completely Southern Mantis due to her training with the badger moles), Water= Tai Chi, Fire= Wushu

2: They could only learn one. Only the avatar himself could master the rest. Is the character full on Avatar (all 4 elements) or you focusing on a single element?

3: Most avatars had a Spirit Animal Companion. Roku had his dragon, Aang had Appa, and Korra had her Polar bear dog. Aang makes mention of this in the very first season.

How accurate does he want to be?

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