The Luchador (PF2E) PDF

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Masked warrior, hero, actor, and villain. You will be all these things at some point in your career, and occasionally more. Specializing in maneuvers, holds, and unarmed attacks, you do not seek to kill your opponent, but rather to defeat them, basking in the glory of your victory and the shame of your opponent's defeat. Leaving a defeated foe alive is both just and proper; after all, how can you have the rematch of the century if you don't leave your opponent alive for a second bout?

The Luchador is a new class made for Pathfinder 2nd Edition.

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Scarab Sages Organized Play Developer

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Welcome to Pathfinder Second Edition my friend!

Verdant Wheel

Aerial Takedown can really ground creatures from any size ?

Scarab Sages Organized Play Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Draco Bahamut wrote:
Aerial Takedown can really ground creatures from any size ?

You have to successfully grapple them, which comes with inherent size limitations; one size category larger than the luchador by default, though options like Giant Frame and Titan Wrestler can raise that limit up. Aerial Takedown doesn't have a limit because the limit is already built into Grapple.

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