Starfinder Society Scenario #2-20: Shades of Spite

3.80/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 7-10 (subtiers 7-8 & 9-10).

There's no time to lose when a mysterious servant of the goddess known as Grandmother Rat offers the Society a glimpse into the history of its current foe. Following the novice assassin through a previously secured portal to the Plane of Shadow, the Starfinder agents must contend with the most devoted servants of the goddess of rats and assassins, Lao Shu Po, as they make their way to the only person who knows the history of the mysterious ysoki known as Datch.

Written by: Vanessa Hoskins

Scenario tags: Faction (Second Seekers [Luwazi Elsebo])

Maps: None.

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop

Note: This product is part of the Starfinder Society Scenario Subscription.

Product Availability

Fulfilled immediately.

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Average product rating:

3.80/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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Rouge Paradise.


It is what you expect of a high level rouge mod. Curse, Ambush, Puzzles, deadly traps. If you are a theif you will love it. Other classes not so much. You got some really nice and strong combat situations so you can go full out. Yet it is pretty brutal against casters so be prepared to have a lot of your abilities shut down unless you specialize in the shadow plane.

If you LARP or do escape rooms you will really enjoy certain aspects of the mod. Its got a lot of charm.

A fine scenario, but for one of only two scenarios developing the metaplot...


I mean this meta-plot has taken an ice age to go anywhere. Every scenario has seen Datch up to some dastardly thing or another and this was our first chance to dig into why or find out what was going on and we got basically nothing. The "big reveal" is something we already know more or less.

That aside this scenario does have a lot of really cool content - the assassin's proving ground is great conceptually and the execution was competent and awesome. But it did nothing to develop a meta-plot that I had much grander hopes for at one point.

a decent scenario getting dragged down by some mechanical problems

3/5 ate the last review, so to keep this one brief, it was okay, but that one condition that is inflicted early made it quite annoying and after the fact cost 5 fame to remove. There is a longer version of this, and my opinion might change if I ever GM this one it, but the scenario really wants to have a particular kind of player character. I did not bring that kind of character.

Without that condition and some other things, this would be an average scenario, but my opinion is somewhat colored by how I experienced this.

Some of my problems with this one are Starfinder core systems, but yeah, it is not a bad scenario if the premise appeal to you. Updated my review to 3 stars, while I stand behind my complaints, it does have significant redeeming features.

Amazing story and mechanics integration


I absolutely love the idea of "grandmas" grandkids running people through a playground of death to see if they're worthy. The juxtaposition of the two is truly frightening: it's like hearing a childrens nursery rhyme in a horror movie, you know its going to get bad...

You really see and interact with the flavor of grandma rat and her family here through the mechanics in a way that few adventures manage to capture. All too often the flavor fades to the background or winds up as a footnote on the DMs screen...nope. The characters are going to be fully immersed one way or another.

Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Announced for March!

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This will be my second deadliest family reunion...

Grand Lodge Contributor

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Jessica Norveg wrote:
This will be my second deadliest family reunion...

...You have no idea...

Scarab Sages

Is the

actually legal now?


The item Nemesor is referencing is listed on the loot earned. We were under the impression this item was not allowed in society play but appears on the loot list. Seeking clarification for this as games have been played and chronicles earned.

Grand Lodge Contributor

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Items listed on the chronicle sheet are legal for purchase and play, but only by characters who have earned that chronicle.

Chronicle sheets are a GREAT place to offer limited availability to specific characters.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Associate

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Confirming Vanessa's post above, the item listed on the chronicle is available to purchase and use as any other chronicle-listed item.

I didn't see feats listed for the NPCs at the end. How does

NPC Stats:
Breeze make her combat maneuver?Is it just basic, improved? Also, I don't see Sleight of Hand listed under her skills, so what is she using for trick attack?

Grand Lodge Contributor

LomeHiril wrote:
I didn't see feats listed for the NPCs at the end. How does ** spoiler omitted **

Ah, good questions and good catch:

NPC Stats:

Breeze should absolutely have Sleight of Hand at her highest skill modifier: +22 in subtier 7–8; +25 in subtier 9–10.

Because she doesn't have the feat Improved Dirty Trick (as NPCs rarely have feats) she uses her normal melee attack bonuses. However, she does gain the +2 insight bonus to dirty trick and disarm combat maneuvers due to her Sticky Fingers ability.

The SFS OP crew may have additional insight to add, but the above are my original intentions.

What I was assuming but wanted to be sure. Thanks!

Media Specialist, SmiteWorks USA (Fantasy Grounds)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello everyone! This is now available for purchase from Fantasy Grounds or on Steam.

Starfinder Society Scenario #2-20: Shades of Spite
Publisher: Paizo Inc.
System: Starfinder RPG
Type: Starfinder Society Scenario
Get it on Steam

Grand Lodge Contributor

Jen Page wrote:

Hello everyone! This is now available for purchase from Fantasy Grounds or on Steam.

Starfinder Society Scenario #2-20: Shades of Spite
Publisher: Paizo Inc.
System: Starfinder RPG
Type: Starfinder Society Scenario
Get it on Steam

Did you include the secret encrypted message hidden in the text?

Asking for a friend...

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