Community Use Package: Starfinder Religious Symbols

4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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This package contains various religious symbols used in Starfinder for use under the Community Use Policy.

The package consists both PNG and JPG versions of each of the following symbols:

  • Abadar
  • Besmara
  • Damoritosh
  • Desna
  • Devourer
  • Eloritu
  • Hylax
  • Ibra
  • Iomedae
  • Lao Shu Po
  • Nyarlathotep
  • Oraz
  • Pharasma
  • Sarenrae
  • Talavet
  • Triune
  • Urgathoa
  • Weydan
  • Yaraesa
  • Zon-Kuthon

Last updated: December 12, 2017

Product Availability

an unknown time frame.

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Average product rating:

4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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If you wonder what the holy symbols of the 20 Starfinder Core Gods look like!


7.3 MB large.

Most are less than 500 x 500 large.

This is mostly for Mystics (the equivalent of the Pathfinder/D&D Cleric character class), as the twenty image files depict what the holy symbols of the mainly worshipped gods in the "Pact Worlds" system look like.

Thank you for making these freely available Paizo!

Web Production Manager

Now available!

Dark Archive

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Now available!

The jpeg image of "Eloritu" is broken, the rest are fine.

Thank you Chris!

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