Infinite Space: Hazards:Themes: The Outlaw Crew (SFRPG) PDF

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Life along the frontier attracts more than its share of adventurers and scoundrels. Living and working beyond the boundaries of the core systems, a ship’s crew often finds itself isolated from the comforts and security of society. Alone, cut off from outside help, these foolhardy souls rely on one another for survival. Over time, any crew worth its name starts to resemble a family—a dysfunctional one, but a family nonetheless.

Here are five new character themes for the Starfinder roleplaying game. These themes center around the concept of a starship crew exploring the edges of known space.

- Captain +1 Charisma
- Companion +1 Cha
- Doctor +1 Int
- Prodigy +1 DEX
- Scrounger +1 Wisdom

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Whoever wrote this has watched one too many episodes of Firefly. ;)

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