Infinite Space: Hazards: Stellar & Xenobiological (SFRPG) PDF

5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Our Price: $1.49

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Stellar and xenobiological hazards were designed as a vehicle for subjecting characters and creatures to the dangers of various dangers that exist when traveling in space. Included in this PDF are such add ons as:

- Corrosive Cloud
- Corrosive Membrane
- Dark Matter Cloud
- Deep Space Wave
- Drift Storm
- Gene Mold
- Gravitational Fog
- Magnetic Slime
- Solar Flares
- Warp Rust

Plus another additional 6 more interesting and unique stellar & xenobiological hazards to use on starships.

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Average product rating:

5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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Worth buying - inspiring


I came away with from reading it with enough inspiration that I wrote three sessions worth of material. I also have plenty of situational plot devices that I could see being useful. All of them felt like a very good fit in the starfinder universe.

I wish that in a couple of cases more lore/mechanics were provided though I found everything perfectly usable and inspiring in their current form.

100% worth a purchase ESPECIALLY if you have players who want space travel but not spaceship combat. It's good stuff regardless but it's priceless for my party.

Scarab Sages Webstore Coordinator

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