Psionics Augmented: Occult (PFRPG) PDFDreamscarred PressWith Psionics Augmented: Occult, Dreamscarred Press brings to your table a plethora of ways to integrate psychic magic with the psionics system from Ultimate Psionics. Within these pages, you’ll find new ways to use both occult and psionic material in your game, including psionic takes on psychic classes, psychic takes on psionic classes, and everything in-between. Psionics Augmented: Occult is a 90-page PDF that includes: An expansive introduction detailing the differences and similarities between magic and psionics
Unlock the secrets of the occult with Psionics Augmented: Occult! Written by Forrest Heck, Kevin Ryan, Doug Haworth, and Adam Boucher. Product Availability
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