GM Olmek's Way of the Wicked
Game Master
Male Human Mastermind 1 | HP: 7/7 | AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 11 | Fort/Ref/Will: +0/+4/+2 | Init: +4 | Perception: +7 | Sense Motive: +4
Yeah, I'm sorry. I've just been edgy lately. Real life problems. I apologize for being rude.
Female Human Fighter 1 | HP 13/13 (2 NL) | AC 19/12/17 | F +4 R +2 W +1 (+3 vs non-Asmodean divine) | Init +4 | Perc +2
Accepted! Sorry for being kind of aggressive. These things tend to die in extensive planning phases like this, so I try to push through them.
And I should know to include information like that immediately, instead of waiting for players to ask.
Aww, you guys. We're learning together.
Female Gnome Bard (Song Healer, Sound Striker) hp: 9/9 | AC 12 ff 9 t 12 | F+1/R+3/W+1 | Init +1 | Perc. +5 |
Two cases that I expected to be pleas of guilty over the next two weeks are now apparently going to be trials. I will try and sneak a post in every now and then but am likely to be very unavailable for the next couple weeks.
My apologies for having fallen off the grid for the last few days. My work has moving from one building to another and has been having us help with the moving of everything we will need in our new location.
Suffice to say, I have been unable to post while at work and have been coming home late in the evening, tired and fried. I hope to be able to catch up on what has been happening in my games this weekend. If not I will update my status to reflect it.
Feel free to bot me if necessary, I do not want to hold up progress. I really am sorry for both my not being here and me taking this long to even post a generic message.
-The Emerald Duke
Female Tiefling Cleric (Fiendish Vessel) 1
Just as a head's up, I'll be out of town and travelling in a "not getting online to check on games" sort of way for about a week, December 12-20.
I know, I know, it's a week away -- just trying to give a little advanced notice. ;)
I'll post another reminder before I go (if only to make clear when Maena's mind can be switched to auto-pilot mode for a while...)
Sorry for the slow down, guys. I was lucky enough to catch the flu over on Thursday and it seriously impacted my motivation. But now I'm hale and healthy and ready to get back to it.
Don't worry about missing some time, guys. Let me know and I'll just put you on auto-pilot until your return.
Female Tiefling Cleric (Fiendish Vessel) 1
So, yes, one fiendish vessel will need to be automated for the next 9 days.
If we can acid our way out, then snazzy -- if not, she'll either command or channel to mess with the guards. [Also, I'm really hoping she can use the divine focus in the veil when the time comes]
Thanks for the heads up, Maena. It seems like we've really slowed down. I'm hoping it's just the time of year.
Female Gnome Bard (Song Healer, Sound Striker) hp: 9/9 | AC 12 ff 9 t 12 | F+1/R+3/W+1 | Init +1 | Perc. +5 |
I need to bow out of this game... I've just got too much going on. I think you all can make it without me, especially as face skills seem plentiful enough in the party.
Good luck!
Male Human Mastermind 1 | HP: 7/7 | AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 11 | Fort/Ref/Will: +0/+4/+2 | Init: +4 | Perception: +7 | Sense Motive: +4
:( sorry to see you go.
fare well with real life.
Sorry to see you go, Nemenia!
Happy holidays, everybody!
-Posted with Wayfinder
Female Tiefling Cleric (Fiendish Vessel) 1
Happy holidays, peace on Earth, goodwill to mankind...
Female Human Fighter 1 | HP 13/13 (2 NL) | AC 19/12/17 | F +4 R +2 W +1 (+3 vs non-Asmodean divine) | Init +4 | Perc +2
Male Human Infernal blooded Sorcerer / 1 HP:7/7 AC: 12 Fort:+1 Ref +2 Will +3 CMD: 11 Init: +2
Happy Holidays! I hope everyone was/is able to enjoy the New Year. I have a good type of busy for the holidays be ready to dive back into it when everyone else is.
I hope everybody had a happy holidays. It looks like they killed the posting though. Not that they're over, I'm ready to get this show back on the road. :)
Female Tiefling Cleric (Fiendish Vessel) 1
Female Human Fighter 1 | HP 13/13 (2 NL) | AC 19/12/17 | F +4 R +2 W +1 (+3 vs non-Asmodean divine) | Init +4 | Perc +2
Male Human Infernal blooded Sorcerer / 1 HP:7/7 AC: 12 Fort:+1 Ref +2 Will +3 CMD: 11 Init: +2
I am ready to keep going as well. I am just drawing a blank on how to get BOTH guards within range where out group can have an effect (ie. cell door open and guard with the horn within range of my spells at the least).
I sent messages to Ivy and Moriarti. Hopefully I hear back soon.
Male Human Mastermind 1 | HP: 7/7 | AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 11 | Fort/Ref/Will: +0/+4/+2 | Init: +4 | Perception: +7 | Sense Motive: +4
yeah, i've been checking. i'm just also at a loss for how to get the guards close enough.
Female Tiefling Cleric (Fiendish Vessel) 1
Might be easier if only one comes, if we can kill him quickly and quietly. Also, have we all been acid-splashed to freedom?
Male Human Mastermind 1 | HP: 7/7 | AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 11 | Fort/Ref/Will: +0/+4/+2 | Init: +4 | Perception: +7 | Sense Motive: +4
right, i was just typing a quick message to say i was here. really i think we only need to get one in here to get the cell door open. after that some readied actions could get that one charmed and you in range of the other to at least command him to drop his horn... or something more subtle if we can get the charm off unnoticed. i have some ideas if we can pull that off.
Female Human Fighter 1 | HP 13/13 (2 NL) | AC 19/12/17 | F +4 R +2 W +1 (+3 vs non-Asmodean divine) | Init +4 | Perc +2
Ivy (Emerald Duke) is in another of my games, and hasn't posted since Dec 6th. She gave warning they were switching buildings, or something, then I haven't heard anything since.
Male Human Mastermind 1 | HP: 7/7 | AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 11 | Fort/Ref/Will: +0/+4/+2 | Init: +4 | Perception: +7 | Sense Motive: +4
so... i was waiting for one of the ladies to try their charms on the guards, but were we going to replace Ivy?
Female Human Fighter 1 | HP 13/13 (2 NL) | AC 19/12/17 | F +4 R +2 W +1 (+3 vs non-Asmodean divine) | Init +4 | Perc +2
It might be wise to pick up a skill based character who covers the holes in our party skill set. I think in-game we might be waiting on DM feedback.
Do we want to re-open recruitment? I figured we'd be set with four, but I suppose more players is always better in a PbP.
As far as feedback goes, what questions do you have?
Female Tiefling Cleric (Fiendish Vessel) 1
I wouldn't mind adding a skill character dice we seem to have lost ours. (Then again, I also tend to like parties of 5)
Female Human Fighter 1 | HP 13/13 (2 NL) | AC 19/12/17 | F +4 R +2 W +1 (+3 vs non-Asmodean divine) | Init +4 | Perc +2
Works either way for me. If we decide to recruit, I second Maena's request for a skill-based character.
Olmek...maybe I'm a bit confused or possibly jumping to conclusions, but I believe we're going to wait for a guard to come in to check on us, then magic him up.
Oh, I see. Sorry, guys. I was waiting for one of you to do something to bring a guard in. >.>
What sort of class are we talking about when we say "skill-based"? Bard? Rogue?
I feel like Moriarti is pretty skill-based.
Female Human Fighter 1 | HP 13/13 (2 NL) | AC 19/12/17 | F +4 R +2 W +1 (+3 vs non-Asmodean divine) | Init +4 | Perc +2
We have enough face characters, I'm thinking. Probably more of a nitty-gritty trapfinder, door opener type. Rogue or possibly a ranger.
Male Human Mastermind 1 | HP: 7/7 | AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 11 | Fort/Ref/Will: +0/+4/+2 | Init: +4 | Perception: +7 | Sense Motive: +4
Other than the current lack of Disable Device, I think we're pretty set skill-wise. If we pick up another skill monkey we'll have a bunch more redundancies and rogues just... aren't that great. It's too bad they don't get a bunch of free skill focuses and that more skills don't have really high level uses so rogues and other exceptionally skillful characters could feel, you know... exceptional.
Also, I like parties of four, so I don't think we necessarily need a fifth, but I don't have strong objections either.
Male Human Mastermind 1 | HP: 7/7 | AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 11 | Fort/Ref/Will: +0/+4/+2 | Init: +4 | Perception: +7 | Sense Motive: +4
And yeah, I was also waiting for someone to do something to lure the guards in. I just thought we'd agreed the ladies would try to entice them both in with temptations of the flesh and, failing that, complaining about the smell until one comes to shut us up or something.
Female Human Fighter 1 | HP 13/13 (2 NL) | AC 19/12/17 | F +4 R +2 W +1 (+3 vs non-Asmodean divine) | Init +4 | Perc +2
Shrug. Party of four works for me. I think the enticing will need to come from Maena, if we want it to work.
Female Tiefling Cleric (Fiendish Vessel) 1
Was thinking we could do worse than a trapper or urban ranger..
I don't much like the thought of being killed by traps later, and having someone who can help with that (and locks) would be very helpful.. However, I totally don't want to step too heavily on Moriarty's toes either, so I might say ranger (trapper or urban) or bard could work.
However, in terms of the ic stuff.... I'll go post there. I, like Alicia, was waiting.
Male Human Mastermind 1 | HP: 7/7 | AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 11 | Fort/Ref/Will: +0/+4/+2 | Init: +4 | Perception: +7 | Sense Motive: +4
Am I not going to be able to roll Perception for traps like everyone else? And I was pretty sure we keep getting skills points every level. :p Our current lack of Disable Device is hardly permanent. :D We will have to actually avoid magical traps unless we want to just summon something to trigger them, but other than that I don't see the additional benefit of a rogue.
And yeah, I figured we were all waiting for something, so I spoke up.
Female Human Fighter 1 | HP 13/13 (2 NL) | AC 19/12/17 | F +4 R +2 W +1 (+3 vs non-Asmodean divine) | Init +4 | Perc +2
Kind of waiting to see if someone else chimes in before I go for it. I think just about everyone else is more persuasive than Alicia.
I left an opening for that reason. :)
If anybody is uncomfortable with the cursing, let me know and I'll tone it down in the future. I think a more mature game is appropriate for this setting, so I'm trying to put that forward. :)
Female Human Fighter 1 | HP 13/13 (2 NL) | AC 19/12/17 | F +4 R +2 W +1 (+3 vs non-Asmodean divine) | Init +4 | Perc +2
So I just noticed that we haven't heard from Lukasz since the 7th. I sent him a message to be sure, but we may really need to recruit somebody in the near future.
Female Human Fighter 1 | HP 13/13 (2 NL) | AC 19/12/17 | F +4 R +2 W +1 (+3 vs non-Asmodean divine) | Init +4 | Perc +2
Also, i believe round 1 actions are still pending from Maena and Moriarty.
Excellent point. You guys get that action and then a full round action after. The guard isn't dead also.
Male Human Mastermind 1 | HP: 7/7 | AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 11 | Fort/Ref/Will: +0/+4/+2 | Init: +4 | Perception: +7 | Sense Motive: +4
I was counting retrieving the hidden weapon as a standard action since that's what slight of hand said to do, but I will gladly attack him again and tell Maena to stop the other guard from sounding an alarm.
Or maybe go after the other guard myself since Maena already posted.
Female Tiefling Cleric (Fiendish Vessel) 1
Now (well, soon) would be a relatively good time to bring someone in, as we'll have keys to the cells.
Considering we're down 3, adding 2 might be a good call?
Female Human Fighter 1 | HP 13/13 (2 NL) | AC 19/12/17 | F +4 R +2 W +1 (+3 vs non-Asmodean divine) | Init +4 | Perc +2
Adding 2 seems like a good call.
Female Tiefling Cleric (Fiendish Vessel) 1
Ideally, a full arcane and either a ranged combatant or maybe a bard or skald (to buff us) would work, since Moriarty apparently intends to be our skulker, scout and trapfinder.
Okay. I'll start a recruitment thread.