Cultures of Celmae: Oyapok (PFRPG) PDF

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These small marsupial humanoids live and hunt the stagnant swamps of their homeland. Displaced by the cruel black dragon Dessuterrix, the Oyapok are only now emerging from the the shadows of their dark age to join the rest of the civilized world. Will they be accepted?

Written by the talented Simon Peter Munoz.
Featuring Original art by Brett Nuefeld and Naiche Washburn.

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This installment of the Cultures of Celmae-series clocks in at 12 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial/ToC, 2 pages of SRD, 1 page back cover, leaving us with 7 pages of content, so let's take a look!

So, what are the oyapok? They, as a race, are relative newcomers to the world of Celmae, a marsupial humanoid species that hails from the swamps and only rather recently has made their way to interacting with the other folk of the world. While their first sojourn towards integration was thwarted by a rather nasty dragon named Dessuterrix, they are industrious and pretty optimistic folk with a generally positive outlook on life. The race comes with proper age, height and weight information, though it is not presented in the standardized table format - still, as far as I'm concerned, that's just cosmetic.

The race, as should be no surprise, values family and employs a nomenclature derived from French, with "mamere" and "papere" being titles, thus, in general, evoking a resonance with the tropes of e.g. Cajun culture that extends to cooking habits. Animism ad the importance of respecting one's environment and a generally good outlook on life conspire to make their fully depicted deity, The traveler, a nice fit for the race, even though the deity's symbol is dangerously close to that of a particular Faerûnian deity...

Nomenclature etc. is provided and racial stat-wise, they are Small humanoids that gain +2 Dex and Wis, -2 Str, have a slow speed (not properly bolded) and gain +4 to AC versus reptilian threats. They gain halfling luck (which should have been renamed "Oyapok luck", +2 to Survival, +1 to attacks versus giants and reptilian foes, low-light vision and both Hold Breath and a massive swim speed of 50 feet as well as a prehensile tail. The race, generally, ranks as one of the stronger races and, depending on the campaign, can be rather potent or on par with the core races - this hinges foremost on how much aquatic environments will feature in the campaign.

The race comes with favored class options for alchemist, bard, brawler, cleric, druid, fighter, hunter, oracle, ranger, rogue, shaman, sorceror, summoner, swashbuckler and witch. The favored class options generally are well-made and provide no balance-concerns.

The pdf also sports two racial archetypes, the first of which would be the traiteur cleric, who replaces domains with river's blessings - which is unique: It makes touch spells behave as though they have a range of 5 ft. per class level, but this range is predicated on traiteur and target being within the same body of water. While the wording for ranged touch spells is a bit wonky, it still functions. Touch spells thus cast gain +2 CL for the purpose of overcoming SR. This is VERY powerful, but situationally so - and it kills off one of THE most defining cleric abilities. Traiteurs also learn to scoop up water, imbuing it with positive energy, and pouring it over wounds. This has a range of 10 ft. and heals 1d8, +1d8 for every 2 levels thereafter. Starting at 7th level, you may replace one of these healing die to remove a negative level and at 15th level, as a full-round action, you can submerge a creature completely under water, maximizing the healing effect. This can be used 3 + Charisma modifier times per day and channel energy modifications may affect this. Speaking of which: It is pretty evident that this is supposed to replace channel energy, which it does not explicitly state. Otherwise, it should probably be a variant channeling effect and draw on the same resource.

The second archetype herein would be the foudre warpriest, who replaces aura with a whopping +3 CL for determining spell duration when summoning elementals. The blessings class feature is replaced with lacerations of the elements: At first level, choose one of the standard 4 energy types. As a standard action, a single creature in a 30 ft. radius takes sacred weapon damage + Charisma bonus damage of the chosen energy. To nitpick: energy=/= element and attributes are capitalized, as are saves: With a scaling Will-save, this may be negated. Fervor can be used in conjunction here. Starting at 7th level, replacing sacred armor, the foudre gains elemental wisps, granting SR equal to 10 + 1/2 class level, rounded down. As an immediate action, expend a fervor when attacking to hit as though using a sacred weapon.


Editing and formatting are decent, certainly better than in most Wayward Rogues Publishing books - while some rules-language should be clearer and while some cosmetic formatting glitches can be found, the material is generally functional. Layout adheres to a two-column full-color standard and is pretty nice, with nice, comic-style artwork for the oyapok. The pdf, annoyingly, is not properly bookmarked. Worse, the pdf does NOT allow for the copying and highlighting of text, which means you'll have a sucky time when extracting text from this pdf.

Simon Peter Munoz and Jarett Sigler (quoted as Jerret Sigler in the editorial) provide a nice, inexpensive culture-file. The oyapok are an interesting race that should fit well within most settings and contexts. While the archetypes have a couple of rough edges regarding the rules-language and would have needed some capable dev to make them work properly, the prose and flavor make this potentially worthwhile if the cultural tidbits are what you're looking for.

If you're looking for mechanics, I suggest going elsewhere; however, if flavor and concept are what you're looking for, then this may provide some enjoyment for you. My final verdict will clock in at 3.5 stars, and I'd usually round up due to in dubio pro reo, also because I really wanted this to be a win for Wayward Rogues Publishing, but compared to other files and the harsh standards I apply to comparable files, that would frankly be unfair. Hence, I have to round down, though, if you're looking primarily for flavor, this is well worth checking out.

Endzeitgeist out.

Sovereign Court

Hi all! Would you like a free copy of Simon's amazing new book? Just leave a comment below about your favorite thing playing small sized characters!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Because it's the perfect size when your a munchkin.

*puts on sunglasses*


Sovereign Court

Right on! 4 free copies left and they go to the next 4 commentators.What about small characters do you like?

The Exchange

The size modifier and the general potential for mischief

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I really like the +1 to attack rolls. Feel like it's kind of underestimated. Much like the small races themselves...

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Nate Z, if you like that kind of shenanigans. You should definitely check out this book.

There's a lot of... "Understated awesome" to these little guys. Besides the fact that they look adorable.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Well, now that I have a free copy, I totally WILL check them out! Thanks so much guys! :D

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Or I will once I can download it. Seem to be having the same issues as the Librarian folks...

Sovereign Court

CHALLENGE: Oyapok PC Build

Do you want a free book? Our upcoming Hybrid Classes Vol. 2: Horror Heroes is coming out July 29 and here's a chance to win a free copy!

Simply design an Oyapok PC and the coolest/toughest one will receive a free copy of our next product. The deadline for PC's is July 26th. Coolest background will be decided by me and toughest build will be decided by Tothric.

Anyone accept the challenge?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I will try!
...if i don't forget.

Dark Archive

Small sized characters with oversized weapons(and some feats that affect larger enemies) utterly destroying enemies is always fun. Small characters are usually more stealthy and can squeeze through places medium characters don't even consider moving through.

I might give it a try, just for fun. But not before the 22nd though.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So should entries just be posted here in this thread or what?

Sovereign Court

post here so all can enjoy/

I was afraid I'd miss the deadline, but was glad to see I've made it on the 11th hour:

Loic was built using a 20 point built, WBL and randomly rolled HP.

Loic Deeprooter CR 6
Male Oyapok Medium (Storyteller archetype) 6
NG Small humanoid (Oyapok)
Init: +2; Senses: Low-light vision, Perception +6

AC: 19, touch: 15, flat footed: 14 (+4 armour, +2 dexterity, +1 size bonus, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of protection)
HP: 33 (6d8- +6)
Fort: +3, Ref: +5, Will: +7

Spd: 15 ft.
Melee: +2 Sickle +10 (1d4+2/x2)
Ranged: light Crossbow +9 (1d6/ (19-20/x2)) or (1d6+1/(19-20/x2))
Special Attacks: Sickle: Trip
Spells Known: (CL 6th)
0 level (Unlimited/day) - Daze, Detect psychic significance, Grave word, Light, Prestidigitation (DC 13)
1st (2/day) - Comprehend language, Object Reading, Summon Monster I, Ventriloquism (DC 14)

Str 11 , Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk: +4, CMB: 5, CMD: 15
Feats: Agile Manoeuver, Dodge, Weapon Finesse
Skills: Appraise +2, Bluff +7, Climb +1, Diplomacy +7, Knowledge (History) +7, Knowledge (Local) +7, Knowledge (Nature) +4, Linguistics +5, Perception +6, Perform (Oratory) +9, Perform (Sing) +9, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +7, Survival +4, Swim +5
Languages: Common, Oyapok, Grippli, Aquan
Special ability: Knacks, Diminished Spirit (2 influence), Knowledge of Tales, Spirit power (Lesser/Intermediate), Versatile Surge (1d6), Storyteller Performance (Inspire Courage), Storyteller Performance (Inspire Competence), Location Channel,

Combat Gear: +2 Sickle, mwk Light crossbow (10 bolt & 10 +1bolt), +1 ring of protection, Bag of holding (Type 1), Darkleaf cloth Hide armour (Spell failure -10%, +2 dex, -3 armor penalty), 3 Cure Light Wound potion (CL5), 1 Everburning torch, 1 Tanglefoot bag, 33 gp.

Sense: low light Vision
Other: Prehensile Tail

Vital Statistics:
Age: 49 years old
Height: 3’5”
Weight: 46Lb

Loic was born and raised in the small outpost of Fourche-Rouge (Red Fork) located at the edge of the Bayou Rouge. Loic’s birth was quite the talk of the as he was born completely black (Melanism) which was seen as an omen…although there was a lot of debate goingon about what type of Omen it was. Loic’s family didn’t pay much attention to those talks and Loic had a mostly normal childhood.

From an early age, Loic was interested with storytelling, legends and ballads. He would either learn known one or make up his own. In his early teens it was noticed that his voice or demeanor would change and he would recites stories that he couldn’t know about. Worried, the family went to see the Traiteur, who after a few rituals informed that that Loic was channeling Spirits who would be telling their own stories.

In a desire to nurture Loic’s gift, his Paw-Paw inquired around and eventually made arrangement with Anafa Silverbell, a Halfling Storyteller, to train Loic in his gift. For several years, she worked with the young Oyapok, helping him, teaching him what she knew and finding way to keep the fidgety youth interested. She would often go into the Bayou with him, find a new location and ask Loic what was the story of this area which would allow him to either create his own story or come in touch with the local Spirit and learn the story from them.

Meanwhile, Loic was also very popular at most festivals and gathering, entertaining guest and family with varied stories…usually adapting them to his public. He was always very popular with his younger siblings and cousins who thoroughly enjoy the epic yards he would spin for them.

About 6 years ago, Loic has finally finished his training and has gone out into the world, travelling primarily to various Oyapok settlements to share stories and pass along news. This wandering has made it that he sometimes has to leave the Bayou to go to other wetlands and had made contact with a few non-Oyapok settlements. He has recently teamed up with Odol Stonecutter a very odd –as in very cheerful and friendly- Dwarven Bard whose musical and bardic skills complete Loic’s Storyteller skills quite well.

Oh and I've noticed that we do have a table of starting age, of height and weight, but we do not have indication of an Oyapok longevity, nor when they become Mature, Old or Venerable.

Sovereign Court

Andre Roy, you are the winner of our Oyapok contest! I will be contacting consignments so that you get a free copy of our new book added to your downloads Friday. Congratulations!

Sovereign Court

Loic is pretty awesome by the way.

Malikjoker wrote:

Loic is pretty awesome by the way.

Thanks, I wanted to try something abit fidderent, thus the Occult class, but try to keep the Oyapok flavor to him Storyteller seems to be the best fit. Then it was building him as "organicly" as I could for the skills and feat progression.

At one point I'll work on Odol Stonecutter and post him here too.

As promised here is Odol Stonecutter, Loic's partner "in-crime" so to speak.

2 things though before starting:

1) I forgot to factor in Loic's Favored class bonus. Raise his hit point by 3 (so 36 total) and his climb by 3 (+4 total).

2) Ihave no problem if anyone to make use of this duo howver:
I) please give me, my creditbue and;
II) feedback on how well or how poorly is provided (as a private message here works too).

Odol Stonecutter CR 6
Male Surface Dwarf Bard (Silver Balladeer archetype (Occult Adventures)) 6
NG Medium humanoid (Dwarf)
Init +1; Senses Darkvision, Perception +6

AC 17, touch 13, flat footed 14 (+4 armour +1 dex, +2 ring of Protection)
DR 1/-
hp 50 (6d8 +12)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6
Defensive Abilities

Spd 20 ft
Melee Silvered Short sword +6 (1d6+1 / 19-20/x2); +1 Short Sword +6 (1d6+2 / 19-20/x2);
Ranged +6
Special Attacks
Spells Known (CL 6th)
0 (Unlimited/day) – Detect Magic, Know Direction, Light, Lulluby, Read Magic, Summon Musical Instrument (DC 12)
1st (5/day) – Charm person, Cure Light Wound, Grease, Remove Fear (DC 13)
2nd (4/day) – Calm Emotion, Glitterdust, Mirror image, Silence (DC 14)

Str 12, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 15
Base Atk +4, CMB 5, CMD 17
Feats Spellsong(Ultimate Magic), Combat Casting, Extra performance
Skills (7): Appraise +6, Bluff +7, Craft (String instrument) +7, Diplomacy +8, Knowledge (Arcane) +7, Knowledge (History) +7, Linguistics +8, Perception +6, Perform (Sing) +10, Perform (String Instrument) +10, Perform (Oratory) +10, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +5, Steath +6, Use Magic Device +6
Languages Common, Dwarven, Gnome, Aklo, Terran, Oyapok, Undercommon
Special ability Slow and Steady, Greed (+2 Appraise, non-magical good (precious metal/gemstone)), Hardy (+2 Save vs poison, spell and spell-like ability), Sky Sentinel (Negates enemy bonus for higher ground. Also +1 bonus to hit, +2 dodge bonus to AC, +2 perception bonus vs flying creatures), Stability (+4 CMD, vs Bull Rush and Trip), Weapon familiarity (Proficient : battleaxe, heavy pick, warhammer. Any weapon with « Dawrven » are Martial)
All simple weapons, plus the longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, and whip. Bards are also proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields).
Cantrips/Spells, Bardic Knowledge +4, Bardic Performance (22 rounds/day) : Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +2, Inspire Competence +2, Break Curse, Pure Heart, Silver Mastery, Lore Master 1/day.
Favored Class : -6% to Arcane Spell failure while in Medium Armour. (Reduce arcane spell failure chance for casting bard spells when wearing medium armor by +1%. Once the total reaches 10%, the bard also receives Medium Armor Proficiency, if he does not already possess it).
Combat Gear Silvered Masterworked Short sword; +1 Short Sword; Silver-stringed masterworked mandoline; Osmosium Chain shirt, +2 Ring of Protection, Bag of Holding (Type 1), 3 vial of antitoxin, 2 vials of rusting powder, 100GP

Warsong Warden (+1 bonus to Perform skill check and Bardic Knowledge check (Amazing Race: Dwarves; Fat Goblin Game) )
Clearheaded (+1 bonus on opposed check against Bluff and Disguise skill. +1 bonus on saving throws vs illusion (Dwarves of Golarion)).

Vital Statistics:
Age: 55 years old
Height: 4’ 1”
Weight: 178Lb

Odol was born and raised in various mining outpost. His parents were both miners and they would go where work was available. This lack of “root” was unusal, but Odel took to it naturally, even as a kid he was charming and was always able to make friends easily.

Growing up, it was also pretty obvious to his parents that Odol was more inclined towards scholarly pursuit. He wasn’t really interested in learning the family trait, but excelled in in history and always loved to hear or recites great dwarven sagas. Resolved to give their son a chance, his parents did all they could for him to get a better education and with the help of the colonies educators, they were able to get him accepted at a Bardic school.

It wasn’t a big or well-known school, but the instructors were competent and they had a fairly solid curriculum. And for the years to come, he was taught the bardic lore. In his last two years, the remaining students were able to specialize some of their study and this is where he specialized in combating lycanthropes, as wererats were often a problem in mining colonies.

Once his study completed he left and start wandering from one dwarven settlement to the other, learning what he could, performing and sometimes teaching youths and helping with any werecreatures’ problem. He has recently teamed up with Loic Deeprooter an Oyapok Storyteller whose wandering habit and skills completes his own.

Reviewed first on, then submitted to Nerdtrek and GMS magazine and posted here, on OBS, etc.

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