For centuries, the idea of summoning otherworldly creatures and binding them to our will, or using them to perform powerful magic, has fascinated people of every culture. From fantasy games and movies, to famous plays, like Goethe’s Faust, and even documents such as the infamous Key of Solomon said to provide instructions on the real means by which to summon such creatures. In the past, roleplaying games like Pathfinder have dabbled in providing support for such things, but such things have always been limited, and left those with a desire to explore the rich fiction of fiendish bargains wanting more…until now.
The Deluxe Guide to Fiend Summoning and Faustian Bargains gives you everything you could ever want to handle the research, summoning, binding, and bargaining with fiends of every type. With in-depth rules for each step of the process, providing mechanical support and flavorful information that not only provides a solid framework for performing such summoning rituals, but actually makes them dynamic, challenging, and, if done properly, very rewarding.
While the fiend summoning rules work with all kind of evil outsiders (and, in fact, specific information is provided for using them in conjunction with every type of evil outsider from all three Pathfinder bestiaries), they truly shine in conjunction with fiends made specifically to take advantage of them, such as the seventy-two new unique fiendish lords found in this book. Each of these storied evil outsiders was inspired by one of the demons listed in the famous Key of Solomon, but have been greatly expanded, not only with a detailed statistics entry (each and every one of which has at least one unique ability not seen anywhere else), a flavorful background section, and details on the hellish realm over which they rule, but also with special, unique boons that they can grant in conjunction with the summoning rules found in this book.
With over 72 new monsters (or potential allies), and detailed rules on how to call, bind, and bargain with fiends (as well as information on what happens when such things go wrong), The Deluxe Guide to Fiend Summoning and Faustian Bargains is the ultimate authority on all things fiendish, and a handy tool for GMs and players alike. Whether you want a huge selection of great villains or a path to quick power—for a price—this is the book for you!
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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Eric, well I listed two example boons in the review (though I just noted that mistyped those as "books." D'oh!).
The fiendish boons granted are all specific unto themselves, rather than being set by some sort of table. For example, a sorcerer that bargains for the Magic 2 book "Spell Knowledge" can add six levels' worth of spells to their Spells Known list...but then he'll have to pay 3 pact points' worth of things to the fiend in exchange.
Also, each of the six dozen new creatures in the book offers unique boons that "normal" fiends don't offer. For example, you can summon the fiend Zepar to render someone permanently infertile (not all of the boons are combat related, which is nice).