Masters & Minions: The Hookclaw Gang (PFRPG) PDFFat Goblin GamesWelcome to Masters & Minions, a product designed to provide you with a band of close-knit NPCs that act in concert to provide a new organization complete with leaders, chief henchmen and minions oozing with character to your Pathfinder Roleplaying Games. These have been designed to provide antagonists or rivals for your heroes, though some may act as allies or support for particularly unorthodox groups. Unlike a simple thieves’ guild or tribe of orcs, these groups draw much more heavily on influences from comic books and action movies, featuring over-the-top characters and outrageous environments. Each book will contain everything you need to add a colorful rogue’s gallery of villains to your game, including their stat blocks, a map of their lair and plot hooks. Any trademark items, uniforms, calling cards, techniques and styles will be laid out in detail. It is designed to make sure that you can easily and seamlessly include the new organization in your games, regardless of what setting you use. This volume features the Hookclaw Gang, a band of thieves and extortionists under the control of a clawed mobster called Lobster. Armed with meat hooks and mischief, these thugs and rogues are sure to cause problems in any city. They put the lean on the local docks, operating out of an abandoned abattoir, using the hooks as a calling card. What makes things worse is that their enigmatic leader is seen as something of a folk hero amongst the poor of the city, a reputation mostly undeserved but still hard to dispute. It comes from his tendency to draw his minions from the unluckiest of thieves—those that have had a hand taken for their larceny. Serving as Lobster’s chief agents are a brutal half-orc named Mr. Hook, a sadistic doctor known only as the Surgeon and a variety of one-handed thieves and brutal meat-hook wielding thugs. This volume includes all of the background, statistics (ranging from CR 2-7) and encounter maps you might need to add the Hookclaw Gang to your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game campaign today. Product Availability
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